I can't get this video podcast out of my mind's eye:
Yoko Ono sweeps out of the sky on her broom, cackling madly. Her claws extended, she makes ready to grab the innocent baby iTunes/iPod cradled in Steve Jobs' left arm for her dinner. Steve Jobs stands proud and fearless. His right arm is raised on high, a shining sword in his hand, waiting for the perfectly timed moment, prepared to strike maniac evil from the sky.
Just my opinion, not the literal truth... for the sake of any Apple Corpse solicitors trolling these boards. That's an intentional spelling, by the way.
As British law courts are usually quite sensible I'm sure this case will be resolved properly. British media in the past has predicted this law suit will result in an exclusive deal for The Beatles to sell it's music through iTunes Music Store - we'll see!
That's pretty well known. Jobs said that from the beginning, when Apple first started. It's been in the press a lot lately.
That's the ironic part, isn't it?
Too bad it's false. From German Wikipedia, a quote from Jobs on exactly that subject:
I was actually a fruitarian at that point in time. I ate only fruit. Now I'm a garbage can like everyone else. And we were about three months late in filing a fictitious business name so I threatened to call the company Apple Computer unless someone suggested a more interesting name by five o'clock that day. Hoping to stimulate creativity. And it stuck. And that's why we're called Apple.
Too bad it's false. From German Wikipedia, a quote from Jobs on exactly that subject:
So the Beatles had nothing to do with it.
Well, assuming that it's true! It's the first time that I've seen that anywhere. There have been quotes from Jobs saying otherwise, over the years. Perhaps this thing about fruit was, let us say, tongue in cheek?
Well, assuming that it's true! It's the first time that I've seen that anywhere. There have been quotes from Jobs saying otherwise, over the years. Perhaps this thing about fruit was, let us say, tongue in cheek?
In what I've read about Apple, I seem to recall the "fruitarian" connection more than the Beatles connection.
mel, care to give some sources on those quotes? I keep running into people who *SWEAR* its true, but not a single one has ever been able to come up with a source.
Wozniak: Steve said he had an idea for a name - Apple Computer. He doesn't always let on where ideas come from, or how they come into his head. That was constantly true all the time. We both tried to think of names that were more suggestive or technological words for the name of the company.
The more we thought, the more they all sounded boring compared to Apple. You didn't have to have a real specific reason for choosing a name when you were a little tiny company of two people; you choose any name you want.
Wolfson: I had read somewhere that Steve had just come back from vacation in Washington or something and had been in some apple orchards. Any truth to that?
Wozniak: He did work in an orchard up in the state of Oregon. Maybe it was Washington; I think it was Oregon. It was just my opinion that maybe they had apple trees in their orchards, you know? Maybe that's where the idea popped in. Maybe it was just listening to a Beatles' song.
That's pretty well known. Jobs said that from the beginning, when Apple first started. It's been in the press a lot lately.
That's the ironic part, isn't it?
But money comes first.
I find it sad.
Have Apple Corps. signed any artists lately?
Have they actually had anything to do with the music industry in the last 20 years at all?
Reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Lisa writes the speech on America, and then she sees all the pigs running around outside parliament.. Only the pigs are British this time..
I'd imagine that Apple v Apple will turn out in a calculation of the value of ITMS halo effect, multiplied by a negotiated percentage, to result in a one time payment. It may be 'unfair', but it's contractual.
Product personality of the word Apple in relation to music is at the heart of it. Corps want to keep it's image as a bunch of aging long-haired hippies, and not be sullied by modern metrosexual computer hardware.
mel, care to give some sources on those quotes? I keep running into people who *SWEAR* its true, but not a single one has ever been able to come up with a source.
Not one.
So... I trust in your abilities.
Finding these things is tough. I'll put whatever I can find down. It may take several posts over time, though.
Er, the quote I posted *was* from Jobs. I'm sorry, but I don't see where it's 50:50... a multitude of sources all claiming a false story doesn't make it true. I notice they don't provide a reference.
Seriously, until someone can find an actual attributed quote to refute the one attributed quote we *do* have... \
Er, the quote I posted *was* from Jobs. I'm sorry, but I don't see where it's 50:50... a multitude of sources all claiming a false story doesn't make it true. I notice they don't provide a reference.
Seriously, until someone can find an actual attributed quote to refute the one attributed quote we *do* have... \
I'm not so sure that the "quote" is real. Where did they get it from. That site is tough to pin down ? even with the translator. Did it say where they got the quote from?
Yoko Ono sweeps out of the sky on her broom, cackling madly. Her claws extended, she makes ready to grab the innocent baby iTunes/iPod cradled in Steve Jobs' left arm for her dinner. Steve Jobs stands proud and fearless. His right arm is raised on high, a shining sword in his hand, waiting for the perfectly timed moment, prepared to strike maniac evil from the sky.
Just my opinion, not the literal truth... for the sake of any Apple Corpse solicitors trolling these boards. That's an intentional spelling, by the way.
Aries 1B
PS: My 775th Post
Originally posted by mike12309
uhh i flatly have to agree with the apple lawyer. i definately know the difference between apple comps/itunes and apple corps.
heres the difference i know,
i know what apple computers is,
i dont know (or care) what apple corps is.
therefore their business is not hurt. Go home and take your petty squabble with you.
Well, it's settled then!
What are you doing here? You could be a key witness for the defense.
Originally posted by melgross
That's pretty well known. Jobs said that from the beginning, when Apple first started. It's been in the press a lot lately.
That's the ironic part, isn't it?
Too bad it's false. From German Wikipedia, a quote from Jobs on exactly that subject:
I was actually a fruitarian at that point in time. I ate only fruit. Now I'm a garbage can like everyone else. And we were about three months late in filing a fictitious business name so I threatened to call the company Apple Computer unless someone suggested a more interesting name by five o'clock that day. Hoping to stimulate creativity. And it stuck. And that's why we're called Apple.
So the Beatles had nothing to do with it.
Originally posted by Kickaha
Too bad it's false. From German Wikipedia, a quote from Jobs on exactly that subject:
So the Beatles had nothing to do with it.
Well, assuming that it's true! It's the first time that I've seen that anywhere. There have been quotes from Jobs saying otherwise, over the years. Perhaps this thing about fruit was, let us say, tongue in cheek?
Originally posted by melgross
Well, assuming that it's true! It's the first time that I've seen that anywhere. There have been quotes from Jobs saying otherwise, over the years. Perhaps this thing about fruit was, let us say, tongue in cheek?
In what I've read about Apple, I seem to recall the "fruitarian" connection more than the Beatles connection.
Not one.
So... I trust in your abilities.
Leyba: How did the Apple name come about?
Wozniak: Steve said he had an idea for a name - Apple Computer. He doesn't always let on where ideas come from, or how they come into his head. That was constantly true all the time. We both tried to think of names that were more suggestive or technological words for the name of the company.
The more we thought, the more they all sounded boring compared to Apple. You didn't have to have a real specific reason for choosing a name when you were a little tiny company of two people; you choose any name you want.
Wolfson: I had read somewhere that Steve had just come back from vacation in Washington or something and had been in some apple orchards. Any truth to that?
Wozniak: He did work in an orchard up in the state of Oregon. Maybe it was Washington; I think it was Oregon. It was just my opinion that maybe they had apple trees in their orchards, you know? Maybe that's where the idea popped in. Maybe it was just listening to a Beatles' song.
Originally posted by melgross
That's pretty well known. Jobs said that from the beginning, when Apple first started. It's been in the press a lot lately.
That's the ironic part, isn't it?
But money comes first.
I find it sad.
Have Apple Corps. signed any artists lately?
Have they actually had anything to do with the music industry in the last 20 years at all?
Reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Lisa writes the speech on America, and then she sees all the pigs running around outside parliament.. Only the pigs are British this time..
Originally posted by audiopollution
Maybe that's where the idea popped in. Maybe it was just listening to a Beatles' song.
Okay, so in one corner we have an assertion from Jobs, and in the other, speculation from Woz.
Gonna have to go with the assertion on this one.
Product personality of the word Apple in relation to music is at the heart of it. Corps want to keep it's image as a bunch of aging long-haired hippies, and not be sullied by modern metrosexual computer hardware.
Originally posted by Kickaha
mel, care to give some sources on those quotes? I keep running into people who *SWEAR* its true, but not a single one has ever been able to come up with a source.
Not one.
So... I trust in your abilities.
Finding these things is tough. I'll put whatever I can find down. It may take several posts over time, though.
Another one. They seem to have the same reference.
I've found a lot of stuff, but none of it is definite.
we mostly have the driving in the car.
So, opinions aside. It's either named after the fruit, or the Beatles company. 50 50.
I wonder if anyone has it on record as to what Jobs ever said.
Seriously, until someone can find an actual attributed quote to refute the one attributed quote we *do* have...
Originally posted by Kickaha
Er, the quote I posted *was* from Jobs. I'm sorry, but I don't see where it's 50:50... a multitude of sources all claiming a false story doesn't make it true. I notice they don't provide a reference.
Seriously, until someone can find an actual attributed quote to refute the one attributed quote we *do* have...
I'm not so sure that the "quote" is real. Where did they get it from. That site is tough to pin down ? even with the translator. Did it say where they got the quote from?
This page however, states that the quote comes from a transcript of an audio clip on their CD-ROM... Anyone want to order it to confirm?
Originally posted by Kickaha
Nope, it sure didn't.
This page however, states that the quote comes from a transcript of an audio clip on their CD-ROM... Anyone want to order it to confirm?
Maybe. Jobs seems to have said different things at different times.
I see that we'll have to try to do more work on this.
Originally posted by Kickaha
Woot! You take that half of the internet, and I'll take this half, and...
Maybe we could split it up between all of our other loyal readers.