Time to make things fun..



  • Reply 401 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    I miss snow like that. It snows here in Indiana, but we don't get the real stuff. Just ice rain and a thin powder. I used to live in the foothills of the Rockies. That was some good snow.

    I'm from the North, and I've lived in Florida for 13 years. I miss snow desperately.
  • Reply 402 of 622
    Yeah I love it up here, meaning Calgary Alberta Canada. I'm 45 mins from the rockie and even less than that to go to some of the best mountain biking in the world.

    We ahd a fairly good winter as far as snow goes this year but I fear that powder days are getting more and more rare.

    Mac_Doll, go get that hour glass back

    do you folks Ski, board or bike?

  • Reply 403 of 622
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    a_greer, I'm well aware of those things. I like my curves. I

    I wasnt speaking of you; I was making a general statment about a lot of girls who seem caught up in in superficial... It is something I see the evidence of every day (hell, just walk a mall, you cant miss it.) Back pain not withstanding; I have yet to run into a girl who doesnt mention that they "need to lose weight" no matter what size they are...

    With all of this obsession with "loosing weight" it seems like the only folks not (at least outwardly) concerned about their health and looks are the ones who really should be...the ones who litterally have fat rolls dripping off of the sides of a chair when they sit down...

    Society is so odd in some respects...
  • Reply 404 of 622
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by maimezvous

    I miss snow like that. It snows here in Indiana, but we don't get the real stuff. Just ice rain and a thin powder. I used to live in the foothills of the Rockies. That was some good snow.

    Obviously a newcomer to our "fine" state...last 2 winters have been reallllly tame...this winter will be a doozy, 2 mild winters...really mild summer...If, at some point, this coming winter, there isnt two or more feet of snow on the grownd for the better part of a week, 3-4 times...I will eat my figurative hat.
  • Reply 405 of 622
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Flick Justice

    do you folks Ski, board or bike?

    I drive...
  • Reply 406 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    I want to lose weight for health reasons as well; it'll be less stress on my body frame and feet. My family history also puts me at risk of diabetes and heart disease. If I can lose some weight, the risk will be greatly lowered.

    Flick: I like to bike, and I'd love to rollerblade; haven't done it in years.
  • Reply 407 of 622
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    anyone seen the new Suoperman movie yet? thooughts, opinions?
  • Reply 408 of 622

    Originally posted by a_greer

    anyone seen the new Suoperman movie yet? thooughts, opinions?

    Did you mean Souperman? No, I haven't seen it yet. I might go tonight.

    Flick, I used to do all of those things, but now I live in Indiana and there are only corn and soybean fields here. My mountain bike is almost useless.
  • Reply 409 of 622
    I'm likely going to wait till the theaters arn't packed before I go see the great one soar acroos the silver screen.

    a_greer: Driving is fun too!

    Mac_doll: I own a t-shirt that says "Friends don't let friends roller blade". I'm not a huge fan

    Why on earth would you move to indiana? I ask because I don't know the place at all.

  • Reply 410 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Speaking of hourglass...

    I saw THIS beauty the other day and made her my desktop picture. Too bad it is a little blurry or I could have really zoomed in.

    (Yes, that IS a spider reference for those with phobias. You have been warned. )
  • Reply 411 of 622
    Name (first only if you wish): patty

    Birthday: dec 8th 1977

    Zodiac Sign: sag

    What Mac(s) do you own? 12' powerbook g4 1.5 ghz and imac g5 20' 2.1 ghz

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? (Pogue, Woz, folks like that):

    More than one: Jobs i'm not picky

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? If so, what are they? sometimes they are called by their first name sometimes they are just my bitches

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? my laptop.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? heck yes

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? If so, which one? the new powermac, imac g4 (sunflower) new imac, g4 powerbooks

    Favorite food: spanish, thai, greek

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Your Mac Life! Love them.

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? 5th gen black ipod 30 gig
  • Reply 412 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Hello, Patty! Nice to see a new face.

    Flick: But... I had so much fun rollerblading...
  • Reply 413 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    I'd like to take a moment to wish my good friend, CosmoNut, a wonderful birthday! Make it count and eat some cake, buddy!
  • Reply 414 of 622
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Flick Justice

    Why on earth would you move to indiana? I ask because I don't know the place at all.

    The ONLY cool thing about living here is the Indy Motor Speedway, I have been to one Nascar race and would have been going to the F1 US Grand Prix this weekend if I could have secured a decent job in the last month and a half...Living about 45 minutes away is kinda cool, except I have never acctually watched an Indy 500, the Indy ABC is requiered to black it out, so they show it live from tape at 7PM, opposite the Coke 600...I already know the outcome by then and lets face it, Nascar crashes are just plain cool...

    For the record: I was born into this craphole; FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DONT COME HERE!!!
  • Reply 415 of 622
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    I'd like to take a moment to wish my good friend, CosmoNut, a wonderful birthday! Make it count and eat some cake, buddy!

    Aw, gee, thanks Mac_Doll! And thanks for the iTunes gift. That was a nice thing to wake up to. It IS a cool song! Very rich and beautiful.
  • Reply 416 of 622
    maimezvousmaimezvous Posts: 802member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    The ONLY cool thing about living here is the Indy Motor Speedway, I have been to one Nascar race and would have been going to the F1 US Grand Prix this weekend if I could have secured a decent job in the last month and a half...Living about 45 minutes away is kinda cool, except I have never acctually watched an Indy 500, the Indy ABC is requiered to black it out, so they show it live from tape at 7PM, opposite the Coke 600...I already know the outcome by then and lets face it, Nascar crashes are just plain cool...

    For the record: I was born into this craphole; FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DONT COME HERE!!!

    Haha. Yeah, Indiana isn't that interesting. I ended up moving here because my grandparents live here, and my mother wanted to live near family, and she was also able to get a job on Purdue campus. I don't mind Indiana for now. I think as soon as I can, I will move to Washington state. I love it there.

    As for the Indy 500, it definitly is one of the greatest reasons to live here. I have gone for the past four years. It is amazing. I've never watched a Nascar race before. I'll probably do that sometime.

    Happy Birthday CosmoNut.
  • Reply 417 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Aw, gee, thanks Mac_Doll! And thanks for the iTunes gift. That was a nice thing to wake up to. It IS a cool song! Very rich and beautiful.

    I am so happy to hear you like the song! It's my favorite NIN song of all time. Hope you get your card in the mail today.
  • Reply 418 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Honestly, I'm just bumping this thread at this point. Where my boys at?
  • Reply 419 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I've been spending every ounce of free time on a PHP project.

    That and caring for an ailing cat, planning a trip to LA in a few days, signing up for summer school (blah), and general around-the-houseries.

    I check in now and then, but there was a time I had to log out of AI to keep from getting distracted.
  • Reply 420 of 622
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    Honestly, I'm just bumping this thread at this point. Where my boys at?

    still here...took a couple days off...Cant beat cookouts with beer brauts...yummy!
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