Mossberg: Apple working on cellphone, media hub



  • Reply 41 of 104
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member

    Originally posted by JCG

    But from what I have read, rumor of course, is that they are reluctant to sign over too much power to Apple in the deal. Apple already has a lot of power in the online distribution of music to dictate price to the content owners, and have recently exercised that power in the continuation of 99¢ price per song.

    Quite true...but that "power" comes from the fact that Apple is...well...selling stuff for them and making a profit for them.

    Surely the movie industry will be more cautious, but if they view Apple as the only viable channel to deliver downloadable movie content, they'll step in line.
  • Reply 42 of 104
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Mossberg is the source of all Apple rumors.
  • Reply 43 of 104
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member

    Originally posted by palegolas

    Mossberg is the source of all Apple rumors.

    Which gives him a "batting average" of only about 0.100. Not good.
  • Reply 44 of 104
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Better than most Mac rumor sites...
  • Reply 45 of 104
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by gugy

    Wow Ireland,

    You became a Senior member in a very short period of time.

    632 posts in less than 4 months.

    I remember your first post.

    Man you are spending too much time in front of the computer.

    To put it sligthly different, get a life soon
  • Reply 46 of 104
    lhvidelhvide Posts: 68member
    Great design concept for the iphone.....
  • Reply 47 of 104
    lhvidelhvide Posts: 68member

    Originally posted by TednDi

    With any luck the thing will come unlocked and carrier agnostic.

    My guess is that it will come unlocked and carrier agnostic (can't make the same mistakes twice, which is why iPod's have accepted mp3 and wma files and why mac's now come "unlocked and carrier agnostic" read: you can officially install windows).

    My bet is that Apple will also offer its own mobile service, just like iTunes. Simpler. Better. More user friendly. Maybe even WiFi when in range?

    But not mandatory.
  • Reply 48 of 104
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member

    Originally posted by palegolas

    Mossberg is the source of all Apple rumors.

    Actually Mossberg often doesn't talk outside of school. He had Intel-based MBPs and iMacs up and running in his office for at least a week before they were announced by Jobs, all the while testing them vigorously, a process that surely involved more people at the WSJ directly.

    Despite that, we were all surprised when Steve informed us that the Intels were shipping that day, and were available for play on the floor of the show.

    If Mossberg asserts something about Apple, rather than offering speculation, then you can bet it is the truth. I am sure what was published was written and printed with Jobs' blessing as well.
  • Reply 49 of 104
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by lhvide

    Great design concept for the iphone.....

    Gorgeous. Yeah i second that. If this rumored iPhone ever will be

    released than it will pick up the most successful feature of he iPod.

    --> click wheel

    The click wheel is the most important invention since

    spoon and fork. IMHO
  • Reply 50 of 104
    jamiljamil Posts: 210member
    If mobile phone functionality can be added with a chip or two, don't you think the phone could be an accessory product just like the FM radio. It would be integrated with the headphone or as a part into which the headphone can be plugged into. This way you don't lose the basic functionality or design of the ipod and you can still use it as a phone. just use the address book to lookup the number to call.

    Apple can turn all 5th gen or so ipods into a phone with just a software update. Just like they did with the FM radio.
  • Reply 51 of 104
    lhvidelhvide Posts: 68member

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    Gorgeous. Yeah i second that. If this rumored iPhone ever will be

    released than it will pick up the most successful feature of he iPod.

    --> click wheel

    The click wheel is the most important invention since

    spoon and fork. IMHO

    Amen to that!
  • Reply 52 of 104
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    I agreed.

    Click wheel is a amazing feature for the Ipod. When I hear about a virtual click wheel, that scares me. One of the great things is to control the ipod without looking at it. A virtual wheel would lose the touch feeling and I think it would be a disgrace for the ipod IMHO.
  • Reply 53 of 104
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member

    Originally posted by JCG

    But from what I have read, rumor of course, is that they are reluctant to sign over too much power to Apple in the deal. Apple already has a lot of power in the online distribution of music to dictate price to the content owners, and have recently exercised that power in the continuation of 99¢ price per song.

    Another sticking point (again, rumors) is whether movies should have an a la carte, pay-per-view model, or be a subscription model.

    The article by Mossberg is interesting. It does seem likely that Apple may have sanctioned this tidbit of information. I'm not precisely sure how that serves their interest, though. Maybe -- since they've been quiet for a little while now -- just to quell fears that they're not planning anything in those areas.
  • Reply 54 of 104
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by netdog

    If Mossberg asserts something about Apple, rather than offering speculation, then you can bet it is the truth. I am sure what was published was written and printed with Jobs' blessing as well.

    Do you ever get the feeling that Mossberg is a bit too cozy with Apple Computer?
  • Reply 55 of 104
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Do you ever get the feeling that Mossberg is a bit too cozy with Apple Computer?

  • Reply 56 of 104
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Do you ever get the feeling that Mossberg is a bit too cozy with Apple Computer?

    Unauthorized leaks are leaks.

    Authorized leaks are PR.
  • Reply 57 of 104
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Unauthorized leaks are leaks.

    Authorized leaks are PR.

    My concern is that Mr. Mossberg really doesn't appear to be unbiased, his reviews seem a bit too glowing for a journalist.
  • Reply 58 of 104
    michaelbmichaelb Posts: 242member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    My concern is that Mr. Mossberg really doesn't appear to be unbiased, his reviews seem a bit too glowing for a journalist.

    He likes Apple stuff when it is done right, but I don't think he is biased. Did you read what he wrote about the Mighty Mouse?

    He absolutely panned it:
  • Reply 59 of 104
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    I hope this is an 'official' leak coz it's about time Apple released a media centre. Steve said most people would be buying $1000 BD players and I'm sure they can knock out a Mac mini + BD for about that. BD playback would be the killer app that justifies the product for me.

    I think it will be timed with BD release and we'll see HD TV Shows (more than movies) on the iTMS as that solution would be everything the Media Centre/PVRs are trying to be (slicing up broadcast is too messy when you can subscribe to a whole series with one click). iTMS would need to produce it's own 'showcase' for the shows & free HD video podcasts for intros & padding - broadcast TV is the only reason we know about the shows in the first place. The real challenge is packaging up 'iTV' subscriptions (US$8 per show per month is too high).

    All this aside, I don't think the products were the main point of Walt's article (well done Ireland for sending us off track). The point (I think) was the product model and how people are starting to trade the pseudo-choice of Windows for the usefulness of Apple, at last.

    He's right about one thing though, it won't last, the children of democracy are educated to respond to pseudo-choice which breaks down all structures (except the one they can't/won't see) hence the comments about opening the iPod/iTMS model and, of course, the success of Windows.

    There are anomalies in our social model - that'll be us - and I'm sure we'll go down fighting. McD
  • Reply 60 of 104
    jwdsailjwdsail Posts: 11member
    I hope any iPhone is Quad-band GSM, EDGE, unlocked, unbranded to any carrier, and will play nice with Salling Clicker and Front Row over BlueTooth. Wifi/VOIP would be a bonus, but not required...

    If so, I will get one for myself (hell maybe 2 ! ), and my mother will inherit my Moto V635.


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