The real DaVinci Code theory...



  • Reply 61 of 133

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Why can't the riddler just tell us and let us enjoy the sunshine and cherry blossoms instead of wasting our time.

    Because.... the riddle is the cherry blossom for some people :-)
  • Reply 62 of 133

    Originally posted by e1618978

    No, the whole idea of "a bloodline" is misleading - we don't have bloodlines, we have a connection lattice. Think about how many ancestors you have.

    Look at a child ("X") born in 2000 - and lets suppose that a generation is 20 years (which is an over estimate once you get past 200 years ago).

    year 1800 - X has 1000 ancestors (2^10, 1024 - I rounded down)

    year 1600 - X has 1,000,000 ancestors

    year 1400 - X has 1,000,000,000 ancestors

    year 1200 - X has 1,000,000,000,000 ancestors

    year 1000 - X has 1,000,000,000,000,000 ancestors

    year 800 - X has 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ancestors

    etc. At the same time, the population of the world goes dramatically down as you go back in time - you don't have that many people to fill into those ancestors slots.

    A very elegant proof of the degree of mixing of "bloodlines". If I could be bothered hunting down the population at 1 AD, I could even give the probability of any one "bloodline" being in my ancestry.

    Anyway, it's all meaningless. Half of my genes come from my father, half from my mother. After 100 generations only 1 in 2^100 genes that came from my great grandfather of year 1 AD, or in other words, the probability of ANY of my genes coming from that person in a direct line is about 1 in 10^25.

    In other words, once you get back about 10 generations, you'll share more genes with your neighbour than with your great great grandparents....
  • Reply 63 of 133
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,461member

    Originally posted by demallien

    In other words, once you get back about 10 generations, you'll share more genes with your neighbour than with your great great grandparents....

    Not to mention that >98% of all our genes are shared anyhow -- the differences between individuals is remarkably small to begin with. Heck we share a huge majority of those with chimps too. Entirely too much emphasis is placed on bloodlines, and more blood has been spilt on it over the centuries than anything except possibly religion.

    BTW: wasn't the "apple" keyword in the book/movie also a reference to the apple that fell on Newton's head and led him to his theory of gravity?
  • Reply 64 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member
    well at least this proves my point. They don't have to be careful about leaving traces behind in their attacks, cause even when presented with them, there's no chance of us chatching on, we turn the coin twice and toss it away.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 65 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    well at least this proves my point. They don't have to be careful about leaving traces behind in their attacks, cause even when presented with them, there's no chance of us chatching on, we turn the coin twice and toss it away.


    Zab the Fab

  • Reply 66 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by e1618978


    Hello Mr. e1618978

    I'm tempted to simply respond: EXACTLY!

    or: read the thread from the beginning please.

    I argued earlier how we all respond when being confronted with uncompertable information outside the circle of concensus, and it didn't take long before the subject turned away from it.

    Point: nobody wants to contemplate the thought that a small group of our own leaders are behind the terror attacks, simply to gain more power like it has happened before in history also without the public ever catching on before years later.

    I don't blame anyone, it is utterly dreadful, but we forget how resourceful and powerful we can become, when we stand together and how I would love to see everyone join a respectful debate where everyones opinion is listened to.

    The doubt amongst the public is growing, 70% now supports a new investigation according to a Zogby poll a lot of those have taken the time to look at the evidence that speaks to the chilling notion that the official story on 911 is the greatest conspiracytheory of them all, with no actual proof (despite widespread notion to the opposite) and that the real perpatraitors have been clever enough to both plan and carry out the attacks while at the same time set up the investigation.

    The policeman investigating the murder, is the murderer.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 67 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    The numbers, whether tehy're coincidence or some kind of polished addition to the crime, aren't going to help us in any way. They're purely superficial.
  • Reply 68 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by segovius

    It's not as simple as that though.

    The policeman/murderers in this case also happen to be weak pathetic liars with no integrity.

    They in no way posses the self-respect and dignity of, say, a Hitler or a Goebbels (or even a Saddam)who can stand up and say "this is what we believe right or wrong and we are going to do it and we are going to take you with us....".

    No - they cannot do that because they don't believe in anything. Except money and more money. And they are scared.

    So they lie. And lie. And lie. And cheat.

    When they want to do a 'terrorist attack' they don't do it themselves like a Reichstag fire. They cheat and lie to some lame and hapless radicals (who have no idea who is doing the 'suggesting') and get them to do it.

    This has been the history of the US in every country they have messed up since day one. Get someone else to do the dirty work and then point them out as 'evil'.

    Of course it means the brainwashed sheep will never suspect they are living in a dictatorship with every aspect of their lives controlled - and they can never get caught because they never did it.

    Osama did it.

    Zarqawi did it.

    Saddam did it.

    And on....

    But behind them all are the same old faces. Same old liars. Same old fascists.

    Check out Jordan Maxwell and his teachings, perhaps there indeed is a very well organized society behind the confusion. Those who spread the confusion are perhaps not confused themselves, but are merely using it as a tool to keep the public passive. A confused mind takes no action.

    If the other passengers on this ship of fools are not alerted to the imminent threat to our own survival, we'll all go down with the ship.

    You and I must understand that to many people, we appear to be crazy conspiracy nuts with no lives. In order to give them a chance to free themselves from the brainwash we must present them with an opportunity to take a look at the evidence a 911 coverup, so they can make up their own mind.

    Ofcause we are frustrated that so many believe the official conspiracytheory (especially when in reality they have not seen any evidence, they just feel they have) the fact remains, if they are ever to open their eyes they must be treated with respect and simply given a fair chance to make up their own minds, this time how ever, by looking at both sides of the story, and not just ONLY the official explanation.

    People, if you believe in a free country with free speech, civil liberties and if you believe that in a democratic society there should be room for debate, then take a look at the videos below, and simply ask yourself if there is something there that is being kept out of the media, which means away from you.

    If you want to know, whan some don't want you to know, then watch below. Us that already know, desperately understand the importance in blowing the whistle on this one.

    it's up to you.

    With all due respect

    Zab the Fab

    David Ray Griffin A speech by a published writer and professor of theology and philosofy. Serious and factual.

    Steven E. JonesA lecture given at a university by a Professor in Physics. Serious and factual.


    A dramatized documentary made by 3 university students (on a Mac actually)

    "Loose Change is a terrifying, masterful, well paced 9/11 conspiracy documentary that puts Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 to absolute shame."

    --R.L. Shaffer, DVDFuture

    find more on the internet...


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 69 of 133
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
  • Reply 70 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by segovius

    While I agree with most if not all of what you say I cannot go along with this quote above.

    People have had all the opportunities they need. Those who are free are free - all others merely love the whip and choose their serfdom.

    They are hopeless cases. Forget about them. Imo it's just a question of preparing oneself for the crunch (however one sees that).

    I fully understand how you could arrive at this conclusion, and I also believe that preparing for the black ops epidemic, the "chip" vaccine, the NWO orwellian 4'th reich state, is very wise. An intelligent man would any day rather be prepared for the dissaster that didn't materialize, than facing the discaster he didn't prepare for.

    It's comming, but they do not have complete control...unless they convince us that they do!


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 71 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    I fully understand how you could arrive at this conclusion, and I also believe that preparing for the black ops epidemic, the "chip" vaccine, the NWO orwellian 4'th reich state, is very wise. An intelligent man would any day rather be prepared for the dissaster that didn't materialize, than facing the discaster he didn't prepare for.

    It's comming, but they do not have complete control...unless they convince us that they do!


    Zab the Fab

    And beware the underwear gnomes!
  • Reply 72 of 133

    Originally posted by e1618978

    And beware the underwear gnomes!

    (Sorry. Had to laugh at that.)
  • Reply 73 of 133

    Originally posted by e1618978

    And beware the underwear gnomes!

    You may be unaware that you are proving my point made in my first post in this thread.

    With all due respect

    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 74 of 133
    All those who has the heart to care for our common world, and the maturity to deal with the information provided in these links, please form an opinion on the subject. If you like so many of us feel that there is good reason to demand a new investigation, please join the truth movement (seeking the truth not claiming to have found the one and only truth).

    3 university students has made a great documentary (dramatized) that is being screened all over USA ( ...a Mac can be used for many things...

    David Ray Griffin A speech by a published writer and professor of theology and philosofy. Serious and factual.

    Steven E. JonesA lecture given at a university by a Professor in Physics. Serious and factual.


    A dramatized documentary made by 3 university students (on a Mac actually)

    "Loose Change is a terrifying, masterful, well paced 9/11 conspiracy documentary that puts Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 to absolute shame."

    --R.L. Shaffer, DVDFuture

    find more on the internet...
  • Reply 75 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
  • Reply 76 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by Placebo


    Hello Mr. Placebo

    With all due respect, your the 3'rd to prove the point I made in my first post in this thread, every bit as unaware as the rest.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 77 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    your the 3'rd

    That's preposterous! I have no "the 3'rd" in my possession whatsoever!

    Your ignorance aside, could you enlighten us on what your belief is without linking us to lengthy video of run-down professors not making sense?

    Okay, here's my logical bifecta regarding you:

    If you're saying that numbers had any part in causing 9/11, you're full of shit.

    If you're not, then why are you even posting material relevant to the 9/11 conspiracy theory?

    Overall, the only decision I'm having trouble making about you is whether you're a gullible middle-schooler or a batshit insane liberal-arts professor.
  • Reply 78 of 133

    Originally posted by Placebo

    That's preposterous! I have no "the 3'rd" in my possession whatsoever!

    Again, with all due respect, I don't know why you would be so eager to illustrate my point with such enthusiasm?

    I'll respect any opinion you may have, I even respect you can't take any of this seriously, but that doesn't change the fact that you are proving my hypothesis made in my first post in this thread.

    You have a right to mock the subject, but it will also at the same time prevent yourself from getting educated on it's content. Your choice.

    With all due respect.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 79 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    Again, with all due respect, I don't know why you would be so eager to illustrate my point with such enthusiasm?

    Perhaps if you told us what you believed in rational terms I wouldn't have to wage this semantic argument with you.
  • Reply 80 of 133
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Perhaps if you told us what you believed in rational terms I wouldn't have to wage this semantic argument with you.

    I believe he pretty much did in an earlier post????
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