The real DaVinci Code theory...



  • Reply 101 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by sammi jo


    Although I'm sure Bush knew that something was about to go down that morning, I'm quite convinced he wasn't completely in the loop;

    You might be dead on. How do secret societies work, how do they operate? Most people never advance beyond the first few levels where it's all a big mens club with nice dinners and good times, the perfect front for what goes on above in the upper levels which lower members don't even know exits.

    While we look at the president as the commander in chief, he would be no such thing if we take into our circle of reality what Times magazine told us a few years ago, he is doing at the Bohimean Groove. Then he would in fact just be a pawn, with the queen being someone above him in a invisible power structure.

    So in short, you might be dean on, because it would mean that he is useful for being the president, while certain members at the Pentagon, the intelligence community and the media would be useful for other things... all revolved around the 11'th. hour operation. "The Work Of Ages".

    Not telling anyone to agree, or what to think.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 102 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by meelash

    The big question: WHY?

    For better or worse Zab the Fab is the only one who's been clear on this point- or rather his sources are. No one else seems to have taken a stab at it.

    When looking for the criminal behind the crime, the cop looks for motives. Who stood to gain? Where has 911 been used as a "reason to do" this or that?

    Civil Liberties taken away?

    State Power increased?

    Military and intelligence budget tripled?

    Wars which meant increased ratings for an unpopular president, SElected by supreme court following a less than convincing democratic election.

    So the state grows mighty, the people smaller and smaller.

    ...reality Cop (authority) shows that portray the authority as the american hero with dignity, honor, moral etc.

    ...reality Big Brother (!!!!) (civil) shows that put average people in situations where they are forced to sacrifice (!!!!) other roommates and backstab each other, portraying the civil person in society as the lowest lifeform withOUT dignity, honor, moral etc.

    Brainwash and mindcontrol or coincidences? Well like I always say: "it must be coincidences... since there are so many of them.....right?"

    But seriously, the thoughts I'm feeding you are so far outside the circle that my nickname inhere should be Neo and not Zab the Fab.

    Paranoid? I'll let you be the judge, but first I'll draw your attention to the double speak:

    If you are afraid of the government, you are sick, you need treatment and medicine, you are paranoid

    If you are afraid of Al Queda to the point where you'll gladly accept survaillance, a chip embedded population, police state, "Patriot Act" 1,2,3 taking away your rights, etc etc... your not sick, you don't need treatment or medicine, you are not paranoid....

    oh, and never mind we don't give you any evidence for our fear-speak.

    "Propaganda is not designt to fool the critical thinker, but rather to give the moral coward a reason not to think at all".


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 103 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    Originally posted by meelash

    The big question: WHY? For better or worse Zab the Fab is the only one who's been clear on this point- or rather his sources are. No one else seems to have taken a stab at it.

    I haven't looked at Zab the Fab's stuff. Honestly, I don't want to, I might find it too disturbing.

    I would never blame you for not wanting to deal with such truely disturbing subjects as these.

    At the same time they are counting on just that human trait. In fact it's absolutely nessesary for their planes to succeed. I'm just a less clever and a lot more rebel kind of stuborn citizen who just won't let them take us all to the slaughter house without at least giving you all the chance to consider those data the media won't report to you. We may be on the way to the slaughter house, and it may be a more pleasant ride if we just fight for the best seats in the truck, but then again, I never claimed to be a practical person.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 104 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    I also believe this century a major metropolitan area will be hit with a nuclear device (dirty bomb or major blowup) by terrorists. It would suck ass that this could happen, but I believe it will. This century. I have no proof, no numbers to run, and to be honest it came out of a New Age book I read. But whatever it is, it's just what I believe.

    What we can believe is that they will turn the heat up to what ever temperature is takes, to get us frighten enough so that we will need their protection. "The Work Of ages" is being advanced all over the globe, these guys are not americans or russian, they are already global and they always were. One of the first steps taken to make sure we'll never connect the dots.

    If you had asked me 1 year ago, before I started researching this subject which I FIRMLY believed was nonsence to the point I had no comment if YOU had brought it up, I would have said... well.... no comment.

    I never realized the trick was on me, that I had been deliberately put so far inside a circle of concensus that in it's total form had been removed so far from reality, that if someone told me the truth, I would dismiss it as "far out" (...far outside the circle of concensus).

    Once the earth was flat inside that concensus, and today, Bin Laden is the bad kid on the block, whom we better fear and feel we need protection from, even tho "they" funded and trained him back in the 70's, don't go there, you would sound paranoid, you would sound "far out".

    Manipulating the masses is easy, unless we start to become a lot more critical and sceptical, and start to consider that it may all be true, and that we therefore need to stand together and go look for the truth no matter what truth we find.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 105 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    It was rumored that Boston was, but that never materialized.

    Here's where I don't quite understand Zab:

    I agree that it's entirely possible that 9/11 was caused by negligence or even deliberate planning in the White House. Heck, some new World Order might even be involved. But honestly, where do numers come in?

    I keep avoiding telling anyone what to think. But ARE the numbers there beyond chance? IF they are there who put them there? Who uses numerology? Bin Laden?


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 106 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by meelash

    I agree. In fact long before 9/11 "conspiracy theories" gained the more mainstream position they are now pushing-for I was discussing with close friends many of the discrepancies, etc. involved. I believe that dragging numerology into the discussion really only serves to cloud the issue and turn off people who might otherwise honestly consider what you have to say.

    I would have been the first the agree with you a few years ago, but since I have discovered that we can all stand together on what we don't believe is true (those of us who don't believe the official story on 911 - others in here may believe it and their opinion is welcome too).

    So don't aim for total agreement on "what happened" or "was numerology involved", instead aim for total agreement on the fact that we need a new investigation. Everyone would be better off, both those who believe the official conspiracytheory and those who believe the alternative conspiracytheory.

    It's the war forward for a safe society.


    As someone else has already pointed out, you could choose almost any number and "discover" statistics and relevant numbers related to 911 that could be manipulated to add up to that. Get 4 or 5 of them and *gasp* it must be connected, it couldn't possibly be a coincidence.

    I could probably work out a whole list of places where the number 8 appeared in those attacks, but I might have to find the lenght of one passengers shoe, the number of members in another passengers family, the number of wheels on the airplane etc.

    The sharp observer will not only notice the NUMBER of coincidences on the list, but also in what way those numbers were involved. The date, the flight number, the sum and division of other flight numbers, time of impact on the towers, number of crewmembers, total sum of passengers etc.

    Try and evaluate not only how many times 11 appears, but also in what way. Your gonna have to make up your own mind, I'm not here to manipulate your thinking, but to present you with information you perhaps have not been given a chance to look at before. With all due respect.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 107 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member
    ya' all having "black outs" too? (just showing you all I have humor too)


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 108 of 133
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    I keep avoiding telling anyone what to think.

    What's tripping up the 9-11 truth movement is the irresponsible position taken by a few within the community who make "authoritative pronoucements" without adequate proof. For example, there is Phil Jayhan's website which focusses on an anomalous "feature" on the underside of "Flight 175", captured on video as it is about to slam into the South Tower. So what? Without hard forensic evidence, is is impossible to determine if this is a 'light and shade' illusion, or something more solid which shouldn't be there. But Mr. Jayhan has not only decided the case, but then he shoots himself in the foot by calling this feature a "pod"! Seriously, to do something like that is either a deliberate disinformation stunt, or he is naive beyond all description and asking to be a laughing stock. Even if he is correct in his analysis, he trashed his own case with aplomb! Calling all pod-people!

    The only way to deal with the 9-11 stuff is to analyse the government storyline and methodically take it apart, piece by piece. It's easy, not only can a 10 year old figure out that much of the explanation is fake, but so many of the mainstream weasel-media accounts don't tally with the official story. All that is required is to ask the top officials the tough questions, on camera. But the media, as of yet, remain appeasers: cowardly, mute, limp-wristed appeasers.


    But ARE the numbers there beyond chance? IF they are there who put them there? Who uses numerology? Bin Laden?

    The new age numerology stuff is irrelevant in that its neither going to solve the problems nor bring anyone to justice. It is excess baggage, at best.
  • Reply 109 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    One of the first steps taken to make sure we'll never connect the dots.

    And yet they leave behind numerical clues like Marvel supervillains.

    Alright, you've contradicted yourself. Until you can provide a reason for dragging numerology into 9/11 conspiracy theory, or rather, dragging 9/11 conspiracy theory into a completely unrelated thread, you have no credibility.
  • Reply 110 of 133
    bwhalerbwhaler Posts: 260member

    Originally posted by European guy



    BTW: Everyone knows Apple Computers name came from the same myth. The fruit that falled on Isaac's head.

    BTW 2: Isn't it odd that the movie premiers one day before Apple new Glass Cube Apple Store. Did you see how the inverted Pyramid in The Louvre ressembles the Apple 5th Avenue Entrance.

    And underground too ???

    1. Not true.

    2. You think Apple coordinated their store opening around the movie?

    And remember, it was in the book written years ago.
  • Reply 111 of 133
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    C'mon, the cube, the opening date, the pyramid, the louvre, the underground, the secret tomb beneath the louvre, the secret apple goodies beneat the apple store floor (like deep down there's the Mac Pro prototype there..!) Believe the mystery. Live the rumors. The glass elevator. The glass elevator getting stuck. (Robert Langdon is claustrophobic!!) It's all connected man, it's all connected. wooooo

    Blatant repost (you forced me to drag it out again !!!!)

  • Reply 112 of 133

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    What's tripping up the 9-11 truth movement is the irresponsible position taken by a few within the community who make "authoritative pronoucements" without adequate proof. For example, there is Phil Jayhan's website which focusses on an anomalous "feature" on the underside of "Flight 175", captured on video as it is about to slam into the South Tower. So what? Without hard forensic evidence, is is impossible to determine if this is a 'light and shade' illusion, or something more solid which shouldn't be there.

    That argument has been made yes. What I find interesting is that the media refuses to release the high resolution footage of these events so this hypothesis could be proved or disproved. Look, divide and conquer. Make us argue amongst ourselves about what WE think happened, make us attack each other..... so we won't attack those who put forward the official story.


    But Mr. Jayhan has not only decided the case, but then he shoots himself in the foot by calling this feature a "pod"! Seriously, to do something like that is either a deliberate disinformation stunt, or he is naive beyond all description and asking to be a laughing stock. Even if he is correct in his analysis, he trashed his own case with aplomb! Calling all pod-people!

    I don't wanna get caught up in trying to pretend WE are the intelligence community or the media who SHOULD have investigated this with all the money the public pay them through "taxes". The public pays the salary and the "worker" do not preform the job, yet no responsible party get's fired in this "firm", only the lower ranks.


    The only way to deal with the 9-11 stuff is to analyse the government storyline and methodically take it apart, piece by piece. It's easy, not only can a 10 year old figure out that much of the explanation is fake, but so many of the mainstream weasel-media accounts don't tally with the official story. All that is required is to ask the top officials the tough questions, on camera. But the media, as of yet, remain appeasers: cowardly, mute, limp-wristed appeasers.

    I couldn't agree more. I think you just hit the nail on it's head. Bingo !


    The new age numerology stuff is irrelevant in that its neither going to solve the problems nor bring anyone to justice. It is excess baggage, at best.

    Well, I used to argue that all the strange stuff out there was simply there to mislead the truthmovement. Now that I have looked at the abundant research out there on secret societies and the pegan worshiping of atrology, numerology etc. anything that doesn't have a supreme being that's above them, NOW I see perhaps it could also server the purpose of us not realizing the blatant obvious, the actual footprint of the criminal.

    I always try to simply observe with my own mind and make the obvious conclusion, EVEN THOUGH it's way outside the circle of concensus. I respect my fellow beings in this world enough to also respect the fact that they may not agree, this definately includes those who has realized that the truth on 911 is FAR outside this circle.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 113 of 133

    Originally posted by Placebo

    And yet they leave behind numerical clues like Marvel supervillains.

    Alright, you've contradicted yourself.

    You should read my points again, not implying you are "slow" but that they perhaps are easily misunderstood. With all due respect, what I argued was that they put this footprint because they worship this kind of thing, and because they don't have to keep it out of the media (it's "out there" remember) so only few will EVER know, and like I argued earlier, even when we are confronted with the facts, we dismiss it as New Age mombo jumbo, even tho' it's starring at us in the face. It's simply too far outside our circle of concensus.


    Until you can provide a reason for dragging numerology into 9/11 conspiracy theory, or rather, dragging 9/11 conspiracy theory into a completely unrelated thread, you have no credibility.

    Good. I don't want ANY credibility. I'm not looking for anyones approval or thumbs up. It's NOT about who says what, it's about what is being said!

    You can disredit me if you want, but that won't do much to change the numbers, which I might observe still now 3 pages into this thread STILL is being dismissed due to personal feelings on new age. I submit to you that these guys are masters of group think psychology. They know anyone raising this issue like I am doing here, will get exactly the respons I'm getting here.

    I don't matter in this equation. Decide for yourself if the numbers are there by chance, or if they went into the planning and are footprints of secret societies. My credibility should never be what determines your individual conclusion. Think for yourself.

    I didn't drag numerology into the 911 truthmovement. I'm not claiming anything. Not saying it's proof of anything, but I'm asking you all to think about it and perhaps start searching for those who stay in the shaddows. As for taking the thread off topic I am guilty as charged, I appologize. Should I start a new thread?

    I fully realize how difficult it will be to make ordinary people think on this like a cop would think on investigating a serial killer, but I have high hopes... you are after all.... Mac users like me ! :wink:

    With all due respect

    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 114 of 133

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    [B]C'mon, the cube, the opening date, the pyramid, the louvre, the underground, the secret tomb beneath the louvre, the secret apple goodies beneat the apple store floor (like deep down there's the Mac Pro prototype there..!) Believe the mystery. Live the rumors. The glass elevator. The glass elevator getting stuck. (Robert Langdon is claustrophobic!!) It's all connected man, it's all connected. wooooo

    Blatant repost (you forced me to drag it out again !!!!)

    Hello Sunilraman

    I appreciate humor just as much as you, and you are funny, but is there any way we could get you to make a serious statement on the numbers I've listed in relation to the 911 attacks? Not that you have to, just asking politely.

    Hoping for a serious respond.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 115 of 133
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Hi Zab, I've listed my beliefs in this thread of what I see to be the conspiracy elements of 9/11 and also my belief in a nuclear strike (dirty bomb/ explosion) sometime this century.

    I honestly have not been following your numerology stuff, I am not taking a position one way or another.

    My understanding is that you are saying that the secret societies that have manipulated the conspiracy of 9/11 have left numerogical clues along the way and studying that can give us some insight. Probably an oversimplification of what you are really trying to say.

    Honestly I don't mind you talking about what you're talking on this thread (although a moderator should move it to AppleOutsider rather than GeneralDiscussion) but I do not currently have the time or enough interest (too much to digest I am on my own separate New Age studies at the moment..!!) to explore further the numerogical aspects of your arguments.

    At the moment I'm not following conspiracy theories too much as my belief is that it's all (reality) a illusion of the mind anyway and quantum physics tells us of this illusion having infinite possibilities interweaving with each other and operating outside of the past, present and future.

    Again, yeah, I was just having some fun but here is my serious reply
  • Reply 116 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    Hi Zab, I've listed my beliefs in this thread of what I see to be the conspiracy elements of 9/11 and also my belief in a nuclear strike (dirty bomb/ explosion) sometime this century.

    I honestly have not been following your numerology stuff, I am not taking a position one way or another.

    My understanding is that you are saying that the secret societies that have manipulated the conspiracy of 9/11 have left numerogical clues along the way and studying that can give us some insight. Probably an oversimplification of what you are really trying to say.

    Honestly I don't mind you talking about what you're talking on this thread (although a moderator should move it to AppleOutsider rather than GeneralDiscussion) but I do not currently have the time or enough interest (too much to digest I am on my own separate New Age studies at the moment..!!) to explore further the numerogical aspects of your arguments.

    At the moment I'm not following conspiracy theories too much as my belief is that it's all (reality) a illusion of the mind anyway and quantum physics tells us of this illusion having infinite possibilities interweaving with each other and operating outside of the past, present and future.

    Again, yeah, I was just having some fun but here is my serious reply

    Hey Sunilraman

    I totally forgot your post on the dirty bomb, sorry. Still nice to read your post above. I believe the one thing they are counting on is that....

    ...we won't catch on

    ...if we do we won't rebel (they wanna keep their power)

    and I'm just the kinda guy who likes to "surprise" people (if you know what I mean).

    I wouldn't mind at all if we all pulled together and "surprised" this elite, wouldn't mind it at all.

    Good luck on the new age study (wonder what it is?). I also wish we had a numeroly expert in here, you all may think I know something about the subject, but really I don't. I only know how to add numbers up, and I know how to observe and conclude the obvious even if it's outside the circle of concensus.

    Other than that I have no knowledge on numerology what so ever... can anyone help with some further insight?


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 117 of 133
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    ...I believe the one thing they are counting on is that....

    ...we won't catch on

    ...if we do we won't rebel (they wanna keep their power)

    ....I wouldn't mind at all if we all pulled together and "surprised" this elite, wouldn't mind it at all.

    I'd love to fight the power too mate (I worked at Greenpeace for a year) but right now the elite could buy me off with a couple of nice g5s and MacBooks.

    Just not my fight for now, and the numerology thing, fair enough if you or someone else provides more details on how that is related to the conspiracy theory.

    I will have to keep quiet for now on my own New Age studies. Think of it as studying the Cosmic Conspiracies
  • Reply 118 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member


    I didn't drag numerology into the 911 truthmovement.[/B]

    Well, I'll be darned how you dragged the "911 truthmovement" into this thread.
  • Reply 119 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    I didn't drag numerology into the 911 truthmovement.

    Well, I'll be darned how you dragged the "911 truthmovement" into this thread.
  • Reply 120 of 133
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Well, I used to argue that all the strange stuff out there was simply there to mislead the truthmovement. Now that I have looked at the abundant research out there on secret societies and the pegan worshiping of atrology, numerology etc. anything that doesn't have a supreme being that's above them, NOW I see perhaps it could also server the purpose of us not realizing the blatant obvious, the actual footprint of the criminal.

    I always try to simply observe with my own mind and make the obvious conclusion, EVEN THOUGH it's way outside the circle of concensus. I respect my fellow beings in this world enough to also respect the fact that they may not agree, this definately includes those who has realized that the truth on 911 is FAR outside this circle.


    Zab the Fab

    The people who aren't getting the facts are regular people who read the headlines and sports pages, go to church on sundays (or whenever), they are working a job (or two or three), and don't even have the time for the fun stuff in life, let alone getting into new age esoterica, which may at a very large pinch, or may not, have a passing connection with the 9-11 events. Down-to-earth people are the enormous majority. People just want to be presented with material that they can relate to. The government presented its case re. 9-11 in an unassailable media sponsored barrage, and people found that was easy to assimilate, because there was a story and it did seem plausible on first reading, (which, most importantly, that first rendering is only what the majority of people have the time for). Present an easy, encapsulated, digestible story: 19 Arab suicide hijackers sponsored by "America's most wanted" terrorist, OBL. Job done. I'm not suggesting for a minute that people are by nature "stupid"... it's just very easy to pull the wool by endlessly repeating a lie and relying on the fact that the huge majority are disinclined to look any further because, amongst other factors, they just don't have the time. Period!

    Because of this blanket pre-conditioning, the 9-11 truth movement is having the hardest time putting their case across even when hard science is used to demonstrate that large parts of the US Government story are impossible (in this universe anyway). So, bearing that in mind, how in hell's name does numerology and other new age "disciplines", widely regarded as "loony-tunes' by mainstream society, have a chance of getting to the bottom of 9-11 and initiating what needs to be done, namely exposing the perps, and bringing them to justice? The only effect of bringing esoterica like numerology into the picture helping the government's postition by discrediting those in opposition.

    If only all the skeptics could concentrate on the huge smorgasbord of practical, tangible aspects of the 9-11 government story that don't tally up. There's enough material there to keep your average researcher busy for 2 consecutive lifetimes without bringing in the the "exotic" stuff which makes the majority of folk out there "roll eyes". Let's leave all that stuff alone until after the perps are locked up.
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