Intel unleashes Mac-bound "Woodcrest" server chip



  • Reply 101 of 565
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    So this is just great then. In 2007 I'll have to get an AthlonX2 or Intel Core-something, plus a high-7series nVidia card, plus another 1GB, plus set up RAID 0. Nice.

    Looks like Half Life 2 (Episode 1 ++) will be the last major game I'll be able to enjoy smooth fun gameplay, and a few other major titles for the next year.

    Once UT2007-engine driven games come out, yeah, 2007 looks like me switching to console gaming. UT2007 looks great, but the demands on hardware will be high. Vista can kiss my a$$, I'll stick to XP2 as long as possible. But gaming wise, *sigh*. Can't keep fuxxing constantly upgrading my PC. Just for one or two decent titles every few months*.

    *Like Myst V I thought it would be great but -- WTF was going on with that? I could get past the first 10 minutes when you go to the beach and then there is some ladder you can't reach and weird writing on tablet stuff. WTF ??!!

    It's an Epic-made engine. Which means it kicks ass and, for its visual quality, runs better on low-end hardware than anything else. You can turn down the details all you want and dumb it down to look like Half-Life 2, and it'll most likely run like Half-Life 2, if not better. But you can also go for dual 7950s and look at this sort of deal:

  • Reply 102 of 565
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Cool. Anyways just finished Half Life 2 : Episode 1. Runs nice on 2xAA, full details and 16xAF. HDR is nice. All at 1280x1024. Yeah, maybe 2007 won't be too bad, I'll run games at the lower settings which, like you say, would mean about Half Life 2 quality or faster given smarter 3D engines and all that.

    Half Life 2 : Episode 1 and LOTR: BattleforMiddleEarth 2 has been good these past two months. Haven't played UT2004 for a while, I think I've played it too much past few years.

    Next up I think I'll give CallOfDuty 2 a shot. Singleplayer missions should be interesting on that, and a change of genre from Fantasy/Sci-Fi to WW2.

    Half Life 2 observation: Why are the same people that caused the "problem" in the first place by opening up the dimensional rift STILL in charge of the resistance? Isn't it Black Mesa's fault for the Combine coming into the normal dimension and taking over?? I didn't finish Half Life 1 so maybe I am missing something....
  • Reply 103 of 565
    Have you played Oblivion yet? If not, run to your nearest retailer. It is quite simply one of the best PC games I have EVER played...a true classic.
  • Reply 104 of 565
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    Cool. Anyways just finished Half Life 2 : Episode 1. Runs nice on 2xAA, full details and 16xAF. HDR is nice. All at 1280x1024. Yeah, maybe 2007 won't be too bad, I'll run games at the lower settings which, like you say, would mean about Half Life 2 quality or faster given smarter 3D engines and all that.

    Half Life 2 : Episode 1 and LOTR: BattleforMiddleEarth 2 has been good these past two months. Haven't played UT2004 for a while, I think I've played it too much past few years.

    Next up I think I'll give CallOfDuty 2 a shot. Singleplayer missions should be interesting on that, and a change of genre from Fantasy/Sci-Fi to WW2.

    Half Life 2 observation: Why are the same people that caused the "problem" in the first place by opening up the dimensional rift STILL in charge of the resistance? Isn't it Black Mesa's fault for the Combine coming into the normal dimension and taking over?? I didn't finish Half Life 1 so maybe I am missing something....

    One thing that most people don't think about, is that, at some point, not too far away in the future, we will have finally reached realism. At that point, what more will we need?

    When we can have a computer generated game, or real time movie at 1920 x 1200p that can't be distinguished from a hi def movie, then we will have reached pretty much "The End". I suppose some wags will want to go to 2560 x 1600, or even further, but we won't see large screen displays in that rez for a while, and by the time we do, the boards will do that as well.

    We need a proper Ray Trace for scenes. Correct luminosity for materials, etc.

    The last thing needed is a "proper" physics model. The Ageia's PhysX doesn't cut it, as it only models effects, without any play interaction. When the physics model allows something like a player to be blinded in an eye momentarily because (s)he gets water from a splash in it,thus missing a shot, or something equivalent, it won't be ready.

    But, when it is ready, everything will have fallen in place.

    What is there after that, really?

    How long will this take? No less than five years, but possibly, no longer than ten.

    And then it will get cheap enough for everyone.
  • Reply 105 of 565
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member

    Originally posted by melgross

    One thing that most people don't think about, is that, at some point, not too far away in the future, we will have finally reached realism. At that point, what more will we need?


    IMHO, many of today's FPS games show a distinct lack of it.
  • Reply 106 of 565
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member

    Originally posted by aegisdesign


    IMHO, many of today's FPS games show a distinct lack of it.


    Sometimes I think that engineers have more imagination than the game designers themselves. How much is really new in games? Other than graphics, sound, etc, not much.

    I argue with my daughter about that, but what does she know, she won't be 15 until September. Even if she can beat the pants off anyone.
  • Reply 107 of 565
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I think Crysis is getting pretty close to photorealism. Its developers have even said that it's close enough for them and now they're going to focus on videorealism, ie, animation quality, AI behavior, and the overall believability of the scene.

    Honestly, that would be acceptable in Spiderman 3.
  • Reply 108 of 565
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by aegisdesign


    IMHO, many of today's FPS games show a distinct lack of it.

    I think there's a problem right there, there are so many "FPS" type games that it has pretty much exhausted the various potential scenarios that might require running around and shooting things, what we get now are generally refinements on the game play. Eventually someone will have to come up with something that is interesting, though I wish more developers would get out of that type of game because it is saturated.
  • Reply 109 of 565
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    You see. It's stuff like this that makes me think that SLI is still a damn good idea to have for windows switchers, and Mac users if they chose to use it as a gaming machine as well. Not to mention Pro 3D.
  • Reply 110 of 565
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I think Crysis is getting pretty close to photorealism. Its developers have even said that it's close enough for them and now they're going to focus on videorealism, ie, animation quality, AI behavior, and the overall believability of the scene.

    Honestly, that would be acceptable in Spiderman 3.

    The images in this thread are very nice, and if that's rendered in real time, very impressive, but I don't think theyt would work so well on a larger screen as a linear movie.

    As you seem to suggest, there are diminishing returns, and one should focus their efforts on where they get the best improvement for the effort.
  • Reply 111 of 565
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    You see. It's stuff like this that makes me think that SLI is still a damn good idea to have for windows switchers, and Mac users if they chose to use it as a gaming machine as well. Not to mention Pro 3D.

    What if we don't get SLI this time around though??!?

    Maybe best BTO options might be:

    nVidia GeForce 7950 GX2 for gamers & nVidia Quadro FX 4500 X2 for pros?

    That might be acceptable, but just barely?

    And only if Apple has the common sense to allow enough space between the main slot & it's neighbor?


  • Reply 112 of 565
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    What if we don't get SLI this time around though??!?

    Maybe best BTO options might be:

    nVidia GeForce 7950 GX2 for gamers & nVidia Quadro FX 4500 X2 for pros?

    That might be acceptable, but just barely?

    And only if Apple has the common sense to allow enough space between the main slot & it's neighbor?



    When it's the only alternative what else can you do? It's pretty pathetic to have to say that about your computer. This is the high end Mac for Chris-sake. Why should you be forced to settle like that? I think it's an image Apple shouldn't be proud of. This is old technology now. If it's not available it's way past just falling behind. It's inexcusable IMO.
  • Reply 113 of 565
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    When it's the only alternative what else can you do? It's pretty pathetic to have to say that about your computer. This is the high end Mac for Chris-sake. Why should you be forced to settle like that? I think it's an image Apple shouldn't be proud of. This is old technology now. If it's not available it's way past just falling behind. It's inexcusable IMO.

    I think that Crossfire is slated for the next revision of the 975. I read somewhere the other day that the only reason why they didn't have it now, was because of power regulation issues. I'm still not too positive about SLI though.
  • Reply 114 of 565
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by melgross

    One thing that most people don't think about, is that, at some point, not too far away in the future, we will have finally reached realism. At that point, what more will we need?.....When we can have a computer generated game, or real time movie at 1920 x 1200p that can't be distinguished from a hi def movie, then we will have reached pretty much "The End". I suppose some wags will want to go to 2560 x 1600, or even further, but we won't see large screen displays in that rez for a while, and by the time we do, the boards will do that as well.........

    Nope, you're thinking old skool, mel, establishing a film-print photorealistic visual effect as the endpoint for video game experience.

    Next stage, let's not forget my friends (as geeks we must keep it in mind..!) Do not be fooled by getting 100,000fps @ 2560x1600 with a 128-core nVidia GPU @ 100ghz and all that...!

    Immersive Virtual Reality. THAT, my friends, is the next stage. Star Trek Next Gen's "Holodeck" as the high benchmark. THAT, is what comes next.
  • Reply 115 of 565
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    In my lifetime there has been great strides in computing technology. But this century needs the next big revolutions in energy and matter manipulation. I'd say we'd run the risk of completely annihlating our world in the process. But this area of energy and matter manipulation would be needed to make a real "holodeck". Or virtual reality by "plugging into the matrix", actually, that would work too. Think BIG, peoples
  • Reply 116 of 565
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Placebo

    I think Crysis is getting pretty close to photorealism. Its developers have even said that it's close enough for them and now they're going to focus on videorealism, ie, animation quality, AI behavior, and the overall believability of the scene.... Honestly, that would be acceptable in Spiderman 3.

    That's very cool. However, any VFX person will immediately point out the jaggies in the foreground (especially left-front) objects. It won't be acceptable for Spiderman 3
  • Reply 117 of 565
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Foo Fighter

    Have you played Oblivion yet? If not, run to your nearest retailer. It is quite simply one of the best PC games I have EVER played...a true classic.

    Is it RPG? Does it have a good single-player mode??
  • Reply 118 of 565
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by onlooker

    When it's the only alternative what else can you do? It's pretty pathetic to have to say that about your computer. This is the high end Mac for Chris-sake. Why should you be forced to settle like that? I think it's an image Apple shouldn't be proud of. This is old technology now. If it's not available it's way past just falling behind. It's inexcusable IMO.

    Huh? WTF are you talking about? The highest-end gaming GPU is the 7900GTX. SLI'ed 7900GTX generally edges out the 7950GX2 at higher resolutions and settings.

    Then on the Quadro side there's the Quadro FX 5500 and Quadro FX 4500 X2.

    You sound like even these if offered in a Mac Pro would not be good enough???? In the older days I would say go get a Silicon Graphics machine and be happy but these days I don't know what other super-duper-high-end workstation you would use???

    Anyway my guess for the Mac Pro is 7600GT standard, 7900GTX as option, and Quadro FX 4500 X2 as option. The Mac Pros I predict will NOT have SLI capabilities.

    I guess your complain which would be valid then is lack of SLI-7900GTX as option and lack of Quadro FX 5500 as option, which would be fair enough. \
  • Reply 119 of 565
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Your last sentence is what I said. If SLI on a single card is your only option what else can you do? But why should you be forced to settle? I never liked the SLI on a card idea. The only thing I I think is neat about SLI on a Card is having dual SLI on a card. Not that I'd do it because it's far too expensive, but I have been saving for a pair of Quadro FX 5500's for when the new PM is announced. I'm starting to doubt that I will be able to use them though. We'll see. I may just end up putting a pair of them in my Alienware, and waiting. Again. \ Time will tell.
  • Reply 120 of 565
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sunilraman


    That's very cool. However, any VFX person will immediately point out the jaggies in the foreground (especially left-front) objects. It won't be acceptable for Spiderman 3

    In motion, it's virtually unnoticeable, and you could just slap some 16x FSAA on, and it would fix itself.
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