Official WWDC 2006 Countdown Thread..!!



  • Reply 41 of 231
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    9 Dizzle yadda yadda yadda minutes
  • Reply 42 of 231
    9 days, 22 hours.
  • Reply 43 of 231
    sthiedesthiede Posts: 307member
    I'm so excited!!
  • Reply 44 of 231

    Originally posted by sthiede

    I'm so excited!!

    I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.
  • Reply 45 of 231

    Originally posted by sthiede

    I'm so excited!!

  • Reply 46 of 231
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member
    Woohoo! Just obtained (well, borrowed) a large sum of cash.

    WWDC here I come!
  • Reply 47 of 231
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I've got my bank account up to $2476 and should be getting $600 from a website and maybe a few more little lumps of cash from other things. I am READY!
  • Reply 48 of 231
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Okay, peoples, keep the energy and the countdown and the mad rush for last-minute WWDC tickets going...! w000t!!! I'll be off on a plane this evening to Australia. So see y'all on the flipside.
  • Reply 49 of 231
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Placebo

    I've got my bank account up to $2476 and should be getting $600 from a website and maybe a few more little lumps of cash from other things. I am READY!

    Oh no. Placebo at a die-hard Apple event. I'm scared for the other attendees. And for Stevie J. Hope Steve has some good security around him.
  • Reply 50 of 231
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Associated Press: Monday, August 7, San Francisco. Today a man was arrested while attempting to get close to Steve Jobs, the charismatic CEO of Apple Computer. Identifying himself only as "Placebo of AppleInsider", security personnel at Moscone Center in the downtown city area handed him over to police officers after a brief struggle. Despite the incident, the much-admired Apple Computer CEO was able to deliver his keynote speech to attendees of a major Apple event running all this week. The suspected assailant has been charged with aggravated assault, despite claims from "Placebo" that he only "wanted to tell Steve Jobs what a great guy he was" and that he "wanted to be the first to see the [rumored] new products to be announced". After incessantly repeating the words "Mac Pro... Mac Pro" while in his holding cell, the man has been sent for psychiatric evaluation.
  • Reply 51 of 231
    ^ Hilarious!
  • Reply 52 of 231
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I meant saved for the Mac Pro, not for entering the conference. I'll be preordering as soon as the store comes back up though.
  • Reply 53 of 231

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I meant saved for the Mac Pro, not for entering the conference. I'll be preordering as soon as the store comes back up though.

    If I can get the money together, I'm going to buy that week. I go back to college sometime between August 11th and 16th. I have $1400 and am getting a $540 paycheck on August 4th. I plan to beg my parents to use some of the $35,000 in my education fund for it. But they don't want me getting it in the first place.
  • Reply 54 of 231
    8 days, 22 hours, 40 minutes.
  • Reply 55 of 231
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Placebo

    I meant saved for the Mac Pro, not for entering the conference. I'll be preordering as soon as the store comes back up though.

    Cool. Hope you didn't mind my "press excerpt" up there.

    Yeah it will be a good fun time of "Store is Down, no it's Up! Nothing... Wait! It's Down again, now it's up! Arghghgh..." Let's not forget that "Store is Down" threads will be harshly looked upon by the admins because of the frenzy a few days/ hours before WWDC. (Yes I know I violated the rulz once but that was a few weeks ago in the "off-peak" season). I'll be careful, I promise.
  • Reply 56 of 231
    erbiumerbium Posts: 354member
    7 days 17 hours 33 minutes
  • Reply 57 of 231
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    I had a dream about Steve Jobs and the Keynote last night. Can't remember the details. Was kinda weird because he was totally chilled and the Keynote seemed really badly organised. There was no stage, it was more like a room of 30-50 people. I remember him walking around, then asking me, where's your notebook? (as in laptop) Then he saw I had like a lecture-pad taking notes, and he was like, okay, that's cool. WTF
  • Reply 58 of 231
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    Apple will most likely not stream the keynote speech live so which web site(s) will automatically refresh every three minutes with updates:

    9:00 - Steve walks on the stage and says "Good morning..."

    9:03 - Update on iPod sales and iTMS downloads/content. Mentions Microsoft's Zune and has a chart showing sales of Zunes/iPods and number of downloads from each music store. iPod is clearly the winner.

    9:09 - OS X history and usage numbers

    9:12 - Apple FTFF!

    9:15 - If you are using PathFinder then you will feel right at home.


    10:47 - Leopard will be out Q1 of 2007.

    10:50 - Just one more thing. Movie rentals on iTMS.

    10:55 - musical guest

    <Come down from high/>

    "I just place my order..."

    "UK Store is still down"

    "Where is the second drive bay?/Second drive bay. Way to go Apple!"

    "No true video iPod, and no wireless. Screw Apple, I'm getting a Zune!"

    "Still not Q2DE? Vista is going to walk all over OS X!.

    "I guess we will have to wait for MWSF2007."

    "Come on MWSF!
  • Reply 59 of 231
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    I had a dream about Steve Jobs and the Keynote last night. Can't remember the details. Was kinda weird because he was totally chilled and the Keynote seemed really badly organised. There was no stage, it was more like a room of 30-50 people. I remember him walking around, then asking me, where's your notebook? (as in laptop) Then he saw I had like a lecture-pad taking notes, and he was like, okay, that's cool. WTF

    You need to get out more.
  • Reply 60 of 231
    6 days, 22 hours, 18 minutes
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