Intel may launch Merom alongside Conroe



  • Reply 21 of 151

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Talking about Meroms and Yonahs with Isreal raging war ridiculously is a bit...odd.

    Don't wait for Meroms...wait for's sure to be a real blast.

    Are you kidding?

    "Israel raging war ridiculously"???

    Terrorists kidnap a soldier...and kill another...then kidnap two more...AND fire rockets all over the place.

    Israel waits...warns...waits more...and then retaliates, and they are waging war ridiculously?

    You either didn't mean what you said or you are an idiot. I dont care if you have a half million posts THAT POST was "ridiculous".
  • Reply 22 of 151
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    I wonder if this is true. Merom was supposed to be coming out in the 4th quarter, according to Intel's own roadmap.

    If it is true, I wonder why?

    The rumors about Apple demand... er, requesting, that Intel move the chip introductions forwards might be true, if it is happening.

    This is suspiciously timed for the Dev Conf.
  • Reply 23 of 151
    revsrevs Posts: 93member
    NO NO NO!

    Dont you get my hopes up, damn AI!

    I'm waiting on the Merom MacBook Pro, I am ready to wait till mid September, so don't you go getting my hopes up, now i'll be expecting a Merom MBP really soon...
  • Reply 24 of 151
    sirromsirrom Posts: 32member
    melgross stated:

    "This is suspiciously timed for the Dev Conf."

    Even more interesting when you consider how long ago Apple changed the date of the conference. Personally, I think AMD is "pushing" Intel more than Apple is at the moment, although I'm sure Intel enjoys having a high profile set of machines to develop for again...
  • Reply 25 of 151
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by SirROM

    melgross stated:

    "This is suspiciously timed for the Dev Conf."

    Even more interesting when you consider how long ago Apple changed the date of the conference. Personally, I think AMD is "pushing" Intel more than Apple is at the moment, although I'm sure Intel enjoys having a high profile set of machines to develop for again...

    It's just interesting, because if it's true, then it might show that Apple does have some influence with Intel. After all, Ottelini said that Apple would push them to make more interesting products.
  • Reply 26 of 151
    kerrumkerrum Posts: 9member

    Originally posted by webmail

    Why hold off? Technically if your good with a soldering iron you could replace the chip in the current macbook pro with a merom chip if you wanted (I know that's crazy)

    But that aside, why not buy a macbook now, and sell it on ebay when the new ones come out? I always do this, or just keep both.

    That way I always have the most up to date computer :-)

    A.) I am fresh out of under graduate school, and I really don't have the income to be spending away like that.

    B.) I have a one time 20% off student developer discount which I intend to use for this purchase. Consider it is a graduation gift from myself. Also by using this discount I am under contract to not resell it for at least twelve months.

  • Reply 27 of 151
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member

    Originally posted by shanmugam


    That's not my definition of a "True Mobile processor". But then, why don't we drop a POWER5 CPU into a laptop?
  • Reply 28 of 151

    Originally posted by wealjays

    Are you kidding?

    "Israel raging war ridiculously"???

    Terrorists kidnap a soldier...and kill another...then kidnap two more...AND fire rockets all over the place.

    Israel waits...warns...waits more...and then retaliates, and they are waging war ridiculously?

    You either didn't mean what you said or you are an idiot. I dont care if you have a half million posts THAT POST was "ridiculous".

    I know we arent supposed to talk about stuff like this but you can not leave a post so blindly ignorant like this.

    Im sorry but this post is ridiculos, you clearly do not know what is going on in the middle east. The american news loves to put the terrorist spin on everything to make your president justified for raging illegal wars.

    The real terrorists out there is the Israli government. I would stop reading and believeing everything the american press has to say. Appleinsider excluded of course.
  • Reply 29 of 151
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Just a friendly suggestion to all involved: please keep/move the political discussions in PoliticalOutsider and let this thread run smoothly. Thanks.
  • Reply 30 of 151
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by wealjays

    ......You either didn't mean what you said or you are an idiot. I dont care if you have a half million posts THAT POST was "ridiculous".

    Dude, Kim Kap Sol only has 2039 posts. He simply put in Posts: 473822 after the location. He does not have half a million posts.
  • Reply 31 of 151
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    Dude, Kim Kap Sol only has 2039 posts. He simply put in Posts: 473822 after the location. He does not have half a million posts.

    It is at least the second time he fools newbies this way.
  • Reply 32 of 151
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by melgross

    I wonder if this is true. Merom was supposed to be coming out in the 4th quarter, according to Intel's own roadmap....If it is true, I wonder why?...The rumors about Apple demand... er, requesting, that Intel move the chip introductions forwards might be true, if it is happening....This is suspiciously timed for the Dev Conf.

    Hate to burst your bubble, Apple fans, but Intel is not on a steamroller and a screaming schedule because Steve Jobs is whispering in Paul Ottelini's ear.

    Intel has put in a lot of work to get it's 65nm fabs in full swing. It has launched a barrage (bad language to use in these times I know) of Core architecture CPUs that are kicking ass. These CPUs are getting out and early to the public and hardware enthusiast sites. Conroe is a clear AMD-Athlon killer and Intel has published a raft of benchmarks already with the Xeon Woodcrests, taking on the Opterons hard and fast. Yonah was a great debut, and Merom looks solid and Meroms have sneaked out to some people already.

    What we are looking at is a rejuvenated Intel that is focused on three things:

    1. 65nm fab process that kicks ass.

    2. A new microarchitecture that delivers performance-per-watt above all competitors. Note that in the review the Conroe was generally beating the Athlons while consuming less overall system power at idle, mid, and full loads.

    3. Competing on price. They've slashed the Netbursts down heavily. The Pentium D 805 at about $100+ overclocks to 3ghz easily. Not bad for a dual core that say at worst is equivalent to an Athlon X2 @ 2ghz. A hundred-buck CPU. Retail.

    I don't think Apple is influencing Intel. Apple is riding high on the tradewinds, surfing the best that any Apple CPU-vendor has delivered in several years.

    The best part of this is the product cycles and marketing of Apple computers, compared with Intel. On one hand, you have Intel churning out faster, cheaper, better processors. On the other, you have Apple which makes measured introductions of products which are updated usually twice or at most three times a year.

    It's great for Apple, because they can continue to sell Apple products at similar prices for longer while their cpu costs keep dropping. Read: Profit Margin Bonuses.

    Remember that Apple marketing and it's target market is not generally obsessed by having the latest and greatest out of Intel. Consumers want something reliable and fun and easy to use. Pros want something yes, beefy, gets the job done, and lasts a while until their next budget review gives them upgrades.

    Again, this is a scenario where Apple can make measured introductions and updates of products, with the latest and best CPUs, and inbetween intros and updates, have their profit margins look very healthy as Intel throws more and more chips at them for less and less money.

    Waiting for Apple products to be updated with this level of change and improvement out of Intel gets a bit crazy. It's back to PC land, my friends, where it's obsolete the moment you buy it, specwhore-wise. Get what you need, when you need, and feel good about what you can do with it for the time you want to keep it. (hmm... this line is going in my sig)
  • Reply 33 of 151
    xflarexflare Posts: 199member

    Since Merom appears to be arriving at relatively the same price points as Yonah, its expected that Intel in September will slash the price of its Yonah processor lineup.

    That bit sounds particularly good... especially if youre after a mac Mini or MacBook - they'll have to get rid of that core solo mini now.
  • Reply 34 of 151
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Agree with Suni. These aggressive Intel product releases have less to do with Apple and more to do with AMD. Intel looks tired of being bitch slapped by AMD performance wise and are finally doing something about it. The loss of market share may have a little something to do about it as well.
  • Reply 35 of 151
    lustlust Posts: 83member

    Originally posted by xUKHCx

    I know we arent supposed to talk about stuff like this but you can not leave a post so blindly ignorant like this.

    Im sorry but this post is ridiculos, you clearly do not know what is going on in the middle east. The american news loves to put the terrorist spin on everything to make your president justified for raging illegal wars.

    The real terrorists out there is the Israli government. I would stop reading and believeing everything the american press has to say. Appleinsider excluded of course.

    First off, why does everyone act like the media in the US is so bad? Trust me, no matter where you are, yours isn't any better. Secondly, since when did the US have anything to do with the war with Israel?
  • Reply 36 of 151
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    So, with these rocket attacks coming from the terrorist guerillas in Lebanon, how are those wonderful Intel people doing in Haifa? Intel Under Fire?Literally

    That's one of the design facilities, there are others. If it slows down design, that may be a problem for some future products not so close to release, but the ability to produce the actual chips is elsewhere.
  • Reply 37 of 151
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    When Apple originally announced the move to Intel my first thought was that Mac users were going to have to adjust to a different release cycle. After years of waiting for a new (and/or faster) PPC the Mac world was about to change.

    Now that Apple is just about fully Intel we are going to start seeing more rapid upgrades to the Mac line. The "Intel Big Boys" jump on new products as soon as they are available and Apple is now an Intel Big Boy. If Meron is released I have no doubt that Apple will be ready to put it into the MBP. Same with Conroe - if it's ready for the iMac then use it. Only the lower lines (mini, MB and education iMac) might see some delay in upgrades.
  • Reply 38 of 151
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    That's one of the design facilities, there are others. If it slows down design, that may be a problem for some future products not so close to release, but the ability to produce the actual chips is elsewhere.

    Since this thread is about Merom and Conroe, I think it is worth mentioning that the Merom was designed in Haifa and that Haifa has been under attack for the past 3 days.

    It occurs to me that is the Merom works in a modified Napa chipset, the next MBP might not see a case change. Maybe that'll happen with Santa Rosa next spring. Hard to tell.
  • Reply 39 of 151
    karnackarnac Posts: 7member

    Originally posted by xUKHCx

    I know we arent supposed to talk about stuff like this but you can not leave a post so blindly ignorant like this.

    Im sorry but this post is ridiculos, you clearly do not know what is going on in the middle east. The american news loves to put the terrorist spin on everything to make your president justified for raging illegal wars.

    The real terrorists out there is the Israli government. I would stop reading and believeing everything the american press has to say. Appleinsider excluded of course.

    No - YOU have shown how ignorant you are. Take your terrorist propoganda to another blog. Lie and confuse people elsewhere.
  • Reply 40 of 151
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    Since this thread is about Merom and Conroe, I think it is worth mentioning that the Merom was designed in Haifa and that Haifa has been under attack for the past 3 days.

    It occurs to me that is the Merom works in a modified Napa chipset, the next MBP might not see a case change. Maybe that'll happen with Santa Rosa next spring. Hard to tell.

    I would imagine that most of the design work is done, and that Intel can get all the "data" for that design work out to another facility electronically to finish up any last minute work easier than they can get their staff out. In fact I would be surprised, given the location, that if they didn't have contingency plans for just such an problem and if they did not regularly back up their data for the designs to other locations.
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