When will your Core Duo 2 iMac be delivered?



  • Reply 81 of 131
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    It is in Indianapolis. They say Tuesday but I have a feeling it will be here Monday!!
  • Reply 82 of 131
    Originally Posted by DotComCTO

    Wooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!!!!1111!!!!!111!!one!!!!eleventy !!!!111!1!!!

    I just love that New Mac Feeling?. Congrats!
  • Reply 83 of 131
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by rfc13

    Got an email today saying mine has shipped. iMac due on 27th and nano and printer due on 26th (hopefully will come sooner).

    Does anyone know what merge in transit means? My iMac has that for how it was sent, while other two are through UPS.

    Can only track UPS ones at moment and they are coming up with cannot display page

    Hopefully everything will become clearer on Monday

    "Merge in transit" means all the parts of your order will be merged on the way to you and delivered in one delivery. So your delivery will depend on the slowest item. This is normal practice to save on shipping costs if you ordered all the items at the same time.

  • Reply 84 of 131
    oh right, thanks for explaining that. I can't wait to get my mac now, although i I could have to wait a while as I'm off to uni on tuesday and then parents are going on hol on 23rd so unless by some miracle it arrives before 22nd I will have to wait till they get back which will be about the 3rd October
  • Reply 85 of 131
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by rfc13

    oh right, thanks for explaining that. I can't wait to get my mac now, although i I could have to wait a while as I'm off to uni on tuesday and then parents are going on hol on 23rd so unless by some miracle it arrives before 22nd I will have to wait till they get back which will be about the 3rd October

    Will someone be home to get it from FedEx? They only keep it for three days before returning it to sender...
  • Reply 86 of 131
    err prob not. hmmm S**t. Now they have shipped it would it be too late to change shipment address. if not suppose there must be a way to say dont deliver it until xth October.
  • Reply 87 of 131
    Originally Posted by rfc13

    err prob not. hmmm S**t. Now they have shipped it would it be too late to change shipment address. if not suppose there must be a way to say dont deliver it until xth October.

    Have a neighbor sign for and store it... if you trust the neighbor.
  • Reply 88 of 131
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by rfc13

    err prob not. hmmm S**t. Now they have shipped it would it be too late to change shipment address. if not suppose there must be a way to say dont deliver it until xth October.

    I agree with jdcfsu. Since it "has" to be signed for, maybe you could have a trusted neighbor, Friend or relative receive and hold it for you? That would be a lot better than having FedEx or the shipper return it to Apple ?
  • Reply 89 of 131
    When you say have a friend/relative receive it for me are you saying to change the shipping address, because if that is possible now, I can change it to my uni address, but not sure if I will be able to change it now that it has shipped and probably has my home address written on it and the accompanying documents.

    Does anyone know if i can change the shipping address or not now its shipped?

    I do have neighbours I can trust, if i cant change the address can I say that i would like a note to be put on to leave it with a certain neighbour rather than take it back to fedex?

    Sorry for all the questions, but as I am sure you guys understand I am anxious about getting my iMac as quickly and easily as possible
  • Reply 90 of 131
    No, it just means have them look for the FedEx man and when he comes, sign for the package.

    Also, see if you can call FedEx and just have a delivery comment added to the box to say "If you're not home, knock on the neighbors door."
  • Reply 91 of 131
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    They will work with you, if you communicate with them? I don't know where you are, but here in Southern California, it's 3:15 P.M. and FedEx is open till 5 P.M. Go to Fedex and get the 800 or toll free number and call them as soon as you can.
  • Reply 92 of 131
    I am actually in the UK. Apple is saying it is going to be sent via UPS, but after looking at their website extensively can't see how long they hold packages for after 1st delivery attempt, so am going to assume for now that it is 3 days like FedEx. Am planning to ring Apple first thing on Monday to try and sort something out, hopefully be able to get it delivered to my university address. Thanks for all your help people!
  • Reply 93 of 131
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    I have no idea what "I" would do in your situation, but it isn't pretty \. Best of Luck to you and hope it all works out well for you 8).
  • Reply 94 of 131
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Don't know about UPS and in the UK but with FedEx, if the package is in their system, just a call and explanation of the situation should solve the problem. You can specify if you want it left with a neighbor, you can have them hold it until a certain date, or you might be able to have the shipping address changed, although that may only be possible if you contact Apple.
  • Reply 95 of 131
    My stock 20" iMac(which says ships in 24 hours) isn't going to be shipped until the 25th. I ordered mine on the 6th, so thats 19 days. Apple is starting to piss me off.
  • Reply 96 of 131
    "Dear Jan Staunton,

    Thank you for shopping at the Apple Store.

    The demand for the product you ordered has been higher than anticipated. We are shipping as quickly

    as possible, but cannot meet the dispatch date we previously estimated for you. We now expect to dispatch

    your order by 21.09.2006."

    That is REALLY annoying. If it doesn't come before I go back to uni, I am screwed :/ Can I ring them up and blag some free stuff yet?

  • Reply 97 of 131
    I ordered my 24" iMac today, nearly maxed it, should have it before the end of the month...which is too long to wait lol
  • Reply 98 of 131
    I also ordered my BTO 20" imac on the 6th. The original ship date was the 15th. This got bumped to the 25th, due to an 'unexpected delay'... add me to the ticked off list.
  • Reply 99 of 131
    Originally Posted by PB

    Looks like DotComCTO is too busy with his new toy . By the way, thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us and enjoy your new iMac.

    Sorry about not getting back on here sooner! You're right, I've been spending a ton of time "working" on the new iMac. It's really a great machine. The screen is fantastic. In another thread, someone asked whether the corners were dimmer than the rest of the screen. As I'm sitting in front of the screen now - using whatever the default brightness is - I would say that there is some very, very, slight dimming in the corners, but it's really not noticible to me. I say this because sitting at a normal distance from the screen while typing, you don't really have the corners in your direct field of vision. You can see it peripherally, but it's really not enough to notice.

    In any case, I've been configuring a ton of things - plus installing Parallels and Win XP (for apps I just can't get in Mac OS X). It's all good! So far, I really don't have a single complaint about the machine. It is completely outperforming my expectations and has been well worth the extended wait.

    So...there's my update as of Sunday evening here in NY.

  • Reply 100 of 131
    Originally Posted by chris v

    I just love that New Mac Feeling?. Congrats!

    Thanks, Chris. Yes. This is the first Mac I have personally owned. Waaaay back in the day (1984), I took a break from writing batch COBOL on punch cards, so I worked as an Apple salesman (and I even got training out at an Apple facility in Secaucus, I think). I sold the original Mac and was buying back the original Lisa; I was also selling lots of Apple IIe and IIc equipment. So, I always loved the Macs...I just never bought one...until now!

    So, yes. This is definitely the Mac honeymoon!

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