Merom MBP - If I have to Wait So Does Apple!!

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I'm pulling my hair out waiting on this damn thing. The way I see it if I have to keep waiting I may as well wait for MWSF in Jan, '07 to give Apple my $$. By then who knows what additional improvements they may make or even what bugs they work out from 1'st gen Merom MBP's. For my current portable, I've been living with a Pismo for 6+ years, I'm sure a couple more months won't hurt. I'm just po'd and frustrated waiting on Apple to stop their foot dragging. Does anyone else feel this way?


  • Reply 1 of 89
    cool11cool11 Posts: 73member
    Most of us feel angry with the eternal waiting...
  • Reply 2 of 89
    There are probably a hundred reasons why Apple hasn't released it yet. We don't even know if they have control over it. So before you go do something rash, remember Apple doesn't run on your schedule. And it's not like it's only you waiting. Be paitent...

    And if you can't wait, Apple's current offerings aren't bad by any means.
  • Reply 3 of 89
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    I've been with Apple since the Mac Plus and can't recall being so flustered waiting on a release. I even found myself sinning the other day when I went on to Dell's site to see what they had to offer, of course I came running back, but for a moment there...
  • Reply 4 of 89
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member

    No biggy, I can wait, I really have no choice. I just bouncing between the write off this year and the most up to date machine to get my $$ worth. Rash would be crossing the line to Dell or Sony, btw. I didn't like even visiting those guys, fealt dark and evil. I even think "I smelled sulfur".
  • Reply 5 of 89
    LOL... I know the feeling... I went to Alienware's page yesterday. But came running back also.

    My own Powerbook G4 died the other day so I'm stuck using a windows machine until I can get a MacBook Pro... So I don't even have a Mac at the moment. If they don't come out with the Core 2 soon, I'm getting a Core Duo.
  • Reply 6 of 89
    felinfelin Posts: 18member
    I highly doubt any of you need this MBP more than I do. I am going to college with a Computer Science degree and my home computer, my ONLY computer, died on me a week ago. That means that any work that needs to be done on a computer MUST be done at school since I have NO computer access at home. I've been waiting on this thing for nearly 6 months and was hoping my computer would hold out until it came, if it isn't released next Tuesday I'm afraid my buisness will have to go elsewhere. And I was really hoping I would make the switch to Mac.
  • Reply 7 of 89
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by Felin

    I highly doubt any of you need this MBP more than I do. I am going to college with a Computer Science degree and my home computer, my ONLY computer, died on me a week ago. That means that any work that needs to be done on a computer MUST be done at school since I have NO computer access at home. I've been waiting on this thing for nearly 6 months and was hoping my computer would hold out until it came, if it isn't released next Tuesday I'm afraid my buisness will have to go elsewhere. And I was really hoping I would make the switch to Mac.

    Wow, drag. If your "work" depends solely on having a Merom chip, then ya gotta do what ya gotta do, but if it would be your first Mac, you have to understand, there's a heck of a lot more to a Mac than a chip. Me, if I were in your shoes, I'd get the MBP you need right now and get some work done. The differences aren't going to be so great, and the 64ness of it will take awhile to filter down.

    It amazes me how people are crying ruin and doom about this. Either get what you need now, or wait till end of November (at the latest) and quit bemoaning the fates. My work is always more imporant than what I'm working on. Besides, you can always buy another computer at a later date, and Mac's hold their value much better than other machines so you can sell this one on eBay.
  • Reply 8 of 89
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    i have no reason to wait for the merom, the current MBP is fine for me. i just bought a refurb from the apple store last night for 1699, knowing that I'll be buying another in mid 2007 that will be extremely nice.

    i have a core 2 duo windows does not perform better than my standard macbook (non pro) for a windows development machine, if anything, it is slower, go figure. must be the dell curse.
  • Reply 9 of 89
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by Felin

    I highly doubt any of you need this MBP more than I do. I am going to college with a Computer Science degree and my home computer, my ONLY computer, died on me a week ago. That means that any work that needs to be done on a computer MUST be done at school since I have NO computer access at home. I've been waiting on this thing for nearly 6 months and was hoping my computer would hold out until it came, if it isn't released next Tuesday I'm afraid my buisness will have to go elsewhere. And I was really hoping I would make the switch to Mac.

    Why in the world didn't you buy 6 months ago? Or why don't you buy now? By all accounts, this new chip isn't much better than the current one anyway.

    My guess is that Apple will just change the store in a couple weeks, noting that the MacBook Pros are now ~100 mhz faster for the same price. You'll never even notice the difference in speed.
  • Reply 10 of 89
    With all the talk about how the portable core2 (merom) is only marginally quicker and more efficient than yonah, I'd pick up a white macbook now... except for one thing...

    With iTV shipping next year, doubtless with lots of 802.11n goodies, I'd feel a bit daft if I bought a mac with 802.11G, a few weeks before they started shipping with hidden 802.11n kit, like the iMac core2s allegedly do. And after all, it would make sense for Apple to do that, as bringing out a whole range of "n" airport stations in Jan would mean nothing if all the clients were all still "g".

    I get the feeling that while a bit more power would be good, being able to stream hi-def over wireless might be more of a pull for me... the sooner some bootcamp jockey spots 802.11n kit in a macbook, yonah or merom based, the sooner I'll stick my money down.
  • Reply 11 of 89
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by sandau

    i have no reason to wait for the merom, the current MBP is fine for me. i just bought a refurb from the apple store last night for 1699, knowing that I'll be buying another in mid 2007 that will be extremely nice.

    i have a core 2 duo windows does not perform better than my standard macbook (non pro) for a windows development machine, if anything, it is slower, go figure. must be the dell curse.

    Rock on! That's what I'm talkin' about. Get what you need now and look forward to Xmas in mid-2007, as well. Plenty fast, great looking, OS X, etc., etc., etc.
  • Reply 12 of 89
    It's not so much the speed increase that we're looking forward to with Merom MBP, it's the ironing out of all the well-documented problems: the heat, the moos, etc. I'm waiting for a Merom MBP simply because I have high hopes that all the problems will be ironed out, possibly a redesign, and hopefully a slight boost in battery life. I'm curious to know, how has your experiences with battery life on the MB and MBP been so far? Does anyone notice themselves tethered to the power cable too much?
  • Reply 13 of 89
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by mzaslove

    Wow, drag. If your "work" depends solely on having a Merom chip, then ya gotta do what ya gotta do, but if it would be your first Mac, you have to understand, there's a heck of a lot more to a Mac than a chip. Me, if I were in your shoes, I'd get the MBP you need right now and get some work done. The differences aren't going to be so great, and the 64ness of it will take awhile to filter down.

    It amazes me how people are crying ruin and doom about this. Either get what you need now, or wait till end of November (at the latest) and quit bemoaning the fates. My work is always more imporant than what I'm working on. Besides, you can always buy another computer at a later date, and Mac's hold their value much better than other machines so you can sell this one on eBay.

    Got to agree with you on this one. Get a refurb, that way you won't feel as ripped off if Apple comes out with new MBPs a week later.
  • Reply 14 of 89
    felinfelin Posts: 18member
    I would buy a MBP now if I knew that the only change to the new one would be the slightly faster chip. I want to keep this computer for 2-3 years which means that the 64 bit chip WILL be helpful for me down the road. I am also hoping that there is a redesign with things such as a more flexible screen, bigger HD, dent proof case, magnetic latch, and hopefully other corrections with complaints that the MBP was getting before. Trust me, if this was just a slightly better 32-bit processor I wouldn't think twice about buying a current MBP. .

    EDIT: BTW, if it isn't released next Tuesday and I order a new MBP how long do I have from order date to return it for a full refund? Is it 14 days after order or 14 days after recieving it or what?
  • Reply 15 of 89
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Felin

    I would buy a MBP now if I knew that the only change to the new one would be the slightly faster chip. I want to keep this computer for 2-3 years which means that the 64 bit chip WILL be helpful for me down the road. I am also hoping that there is a redesign with things such as a more flexible screen, bigger HD, dent proof case, magnetic latch, and hopefully other corrections with complaints that the MBP was getting before. Trust me, if this was just a slightly better 32-bit processor I wouldn't think twice about buying a current MBP. .

    EDIT: BTW, if it isn't released next Tuesday and I order a new MBP how long do I have from order date to return it for a full refund? Is it 14 days after order or 14 days after recieving it or what?

    There is no guarantee that new MBPs will have any of those features except a Merom chip. Like you I'm waiting for Merom MBPs but I'm not in nearly as dire straits as you are. I will wait maybe another week and see if new MBPs come out. If not I'll get a refurb and never look back.
  • Reply 16 of 89
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by Felin

    I would buy a MBP now if I knew that the only change to the new one would be the slightly faster chip. I want to keep this computer for 2-3 years which means that the 64 bit chip WILL be helpful for me down the road. I am also hoping that there is a redesign with things such as a more flexible screen, bigger HD, dent proof case, magnetic latch, and hopefully other corrections with complaints that the MBP was getting before. Trust me, if this was just a slightly better 32-bit processor I wouldn't think twice about buying a current MBP. .

    EDIT: BTW, if it isn't released next Tuesday and I order a new MBP how long do I have from order date to return it for a full refund? Is it 14 days after order or 14 days after recieving it or what?

    Seems like you have it under control -- but don't discount the refurb now, resell it in 6 months, and get a new one. Might be the best of all possible worlds (especially if you really, really want to switch to a Mac anyway).
  • Reply 17 of 89
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    Originally Posted by Felin

    I would buy a MBP now if I knew that the only change to the new one would be the slightly faster chip. I want to keep this computer for 2-3 years which means that the 64 bit chip WILL be helpful for me down the road. I am also hoping that there is a redesign with things such as a more flexible screen, bigger HD, dent proof case, magnetic latch, and hopefully other corrections with complaints that the MBP was getting before. Trust me, if this was just a slightly better 32-bit processor I wouldn't think twice about buying a current MBP. .

    I've said exactly those words in the past and agree. Those in addition to a Black case and Sprint offering support for the ExpressCard slot (EVDO), this is really slowing down my decision with both the current and future rev's.

    My point is this, since MWSF '07 is just around the corner I may just wait. The only thing that will change my mind is if the above upgrades are met coming up here, until then I'll hold my $ hostage. I do have the luxury of time, unlike a few others here, yet what can I say I want my cake and eat it NOW. 8)
  • Reply 18 of 89
    nakneknaknek Posts: 13member
    Now that my 12" powerbook is approaching its 3-year birthday and my free hard drive space is less than 1 GB, I'm definitely looking forward to an upgrade. I have been planning to wait for all the 2007 software updates (Adobe CS3 and MS office native versions, not to mention Leopard). But if Apple releases the new MBP anytime soon, I think I'll have to break down and buy one. The main improvement I'd like to see at this point is support for 4GB of memory.
  • Reply 19 of 89
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I detect a general anger and frustration in this thread. Apple, are you listening!!

    /yeah that was rhetorical.
  • Reply 20 of 89
    hehe.... it's good to know I'm not the only one frustrated with the waiting game..... I just hope the merom MBPs become available before my current computer dies on me.... it crashed twice today.... fingers crossed...

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