Prudential: iPhone to sport Click-Wheel; video iPod by Q2

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple Computer's much anticipated iPod cell phone will look like an iPod with a small screen and a click-wheel interface, according to one Wall Street analyst.

In an extensive research note released to clients earlier this week, Prudential analyst Jesse Tortora said the first and slimmer of Apple's initial two cell phone models will look like an iPod with a small screen and a click wheel interface.

"Apple has mentioned several times that music experience is its top priority and that it would not do anything to compromise that," the analyst wrote. "We believe that the music phone will be true to these statements and should be considered a music player that has phone capabilities rather than a phone with a built-in music player."

Tortora said the iPhone device, which he calls a "slim music phone," will pack camera functionality and be GSM/GPRS network compatible. Meanwhile, he said Apple is also working on a smart phone device with a larger OLED-based display and a sliding keyboard that will be WCDMA compatible to allow for higher bandwidth.

"The smart phone will contain camera functionality along with additional features that the slim phone does not have such as wi-fi and video capabilities," he told clients. He added that those additional features put pressure on battery life, which Apple is still working to address.

"Since the phones will be GSM/GPRS and WCDMA compatible, the choice of carriers will be limited to

Cingular and T-Mobile," he wrote. "While there has been some speculation that Apple may take the MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) route, we don?t believe it is a serious option for Apple as the risks outweigh the advantages."

According to the analyst's checks, manufacturing ramp has already begun for the slim phone, which is likely to be available for sale late in the first quarter of 2007 or early in the second quarter. He expects the smart phone to be released about 1 to 2 quarters thereafter.

Tortora also told clients he expects volume production of a widescreen iPod to begin in the first quarter of 2007 with availability shortly thereafter. "This device will have a larger screen than the current version, specifically designed for viewing downloaded movies and video clips," he wrote.

The analyst's description of the slim music phone -- largely dubbed "iPhone" by analysts and industry insiders -- appears to be similar to an artist's rendition recently published over at MacRumors.


  • Reply 1 of 63
    Now the Wall Street Analysts are getting in... Walter Mossberg by any chance?
  • Reply 2 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    "From this day forward December the 5th will be known as iPhone day!!"
  • Reply 3 of 63
    My Razr's time with me is slowly comming to an end....
  • Reply 4 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by nascarnate326

    My Razr's time with me is slowly comming to an end....

    I nearly threw my Razr against the wall a few times.. close shave!
  • Reply 5 of 63
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    What he's saying sounds reasonable.
  • Reply 6 of 63
    Boo to people who make Razr puns that have to do with shaving or sharpness or "edginess."

    Ok, the rumors on this phone are getting completely out of hand. I will be perfectly happy (thrilled, even!) if this phone is small, looks cool, plays music well, isn't too expensive, and works as a good phone.

    Some people, though, want video chatting and dual batteries and a roll-out keyboard and a touch screen and wireless capabilities and streaming video from iTV and some sort of flip-out module for sexual stimulation. And it's going to be those people who wind up disappointed. I'll never understand why some hypothesize wild, crazy, probably impossible features out of potential Apple products. Apple is just another electronics company and they're restricted by the same design, cost, and energetic constraints that EVERY OTHER electronics company has.
  • Reply 7 of 63
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    Originally Posted by texas_is_dynamite

    Apple is just another electronics company and they're restricted by the same design, cost, and energetic constraints that EVERY OTHER electronics company has.

    Well, I don't know. I think that Apple is MUCH more energetic than other electronics companies.
  • Reply 8 of 63
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    "From this day forward December the 5th will be known as iPhone day!!"

    It also marks the repeal of prohibition!
  • Reply 9 of 63
    Originally Posted by texas_is_dynamite

    Boo to people who make Razr puns that have to do with shaving or sharpness or "edginess."

    Ok, the rumors on this phone are getting completely out of hand. I will be perfectly happy (thrilled, even!) if this phone is small, looks cool, plays music well, isn't too expensive, and works as a good phone.

    Some people, though, want video chatting and dual batteries and a roll-out keyboard and a touch screen and wireless capabilities and streaming video from iTV and some sort of flip-out module for sexual stimulation. And it's going to be those people who wind up disappointed. I'll never understand why some hypothesize wild, crazy, probably impossible features out of potential Apple products. Apple is just another electronics company and they're restricted by the same design, cost, and energetic constraints that EVERY OTHER electronics company has.

    ok mr. one post, i suppose i should take you opinion over everyone elses.

    and by the way, yay to people with razr puns. before the iphone they were the ones on the cutting edge
  • Reply 10 of 63
    It took Blackberry years to perfect their smartphone. MS is just getting the hang of it. If Apple think they can just jump in the market and make a phone that's better than BB or MS smartphones, they are wrong. I guess they got to start somewhere though.
  • Reply 11 of 63
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight

    It took Blackberry years to perfect their smartphone. MS is just getting the hang of it. If Apple think they can just jump in the market and make a phone that's better than BB or MS smartphones, they are wrong. I guess they got to start somewhere though.

    I guess that people said the same thing about the first iPod.

    When a company sits back and evaluates what has been coming out for several years, and is smart about it, they can get a good idea of what does and doesn't work.

    Their first product doesn't have to be perfect. But, if it's better than what it's competing with, they will have a winner.
  • Reply 12 of 63
    Originally Posted by kcdstudios

    and by the way, yay to people with razr puns. before the iphone they were the ones on the cutting edge

    Good One!
  • Reply 13 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by kcdstudios

    yay to people with razr puns. before the iphone they were the ones on the cutting edge

    The Razr is about as cutting edge as a spud.
  • Reply 14 of 63
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight

    It took Blackberry years to perfect their smartphone.

    You think they are finished?

    I hate mine. It's the biggest case of Buyer's Remorse I've had since Spray-On Hair.
  • Reply 15 of 63
    Sleek black design with a click-wheel interface? Hmmm, that seems familiar.

    Ah, yes! Here it is:

    I can't wait!
  • Reply 16 of 63
    Originally Posted by macFanDave

    Sleek black design with a click-wheel interface? Hmmm, that seems familiar.

    Ah, yes! Here it is:

    I can't wait!

    the true iPhone!
  • Reply 17 of 63
    if the slim iPhone will be primarily an mp3 player with phone capabilities (instead of a phone with an mp3 player) then i think it will end up looking pretty much like a nano. you'll press the center button on the clickwheel, scroll down to "talk" (or "calls", "phone" etc) and you'll select from a list of contacts previously synched with iSync. you could have "playlists" with phone numbers/contacts organized in groups such as "family", "work", "friends", "emergency numbers", "bank", etc.

    if you ever need to use a keypad, it will slide from under, or the clickwheel will open to reveal some kind of keypad. but it has to be arranged in the current layout of touch tone phones because that's standard and the easiest to use, unless apple thinks of something better.

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9

    * 0 #

    ah it will be beautiful, i can't wait to see it. </daydream>
  • Reply 18 of 63
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight

    It took Blackberry years to perfect their smartphone. MS is just getting the hang of it. If Apple think they can just jump in the market and make a phone that's better than BB or MS smartphones, they are wrong. I guess they got to start somewhere though.

    Blackberry was kind of a pioneer of smart phones, so they had no one else's errors to help them out. They had to make their own. On the other hand, Apple has been watching the cell phone market for quite some time, hence the 'rokr.' They have been watching others fail, so they can address the issues and features that people want.

    With respect, your comment would be like saying, "It took "______" several years to perfect their MP3 player, if Apple wants to jump in and make their iPod better than everyone else's they are wrong."
  • Reply 19 of 63
    Addressing the original issue:

    This guy is a moron. He has no clue what he is talking about. What he is saying is simply a collaboration of all the other rumors, with a few of his own thrown in. Everyone is throwing out random crap, to see if they can hit the target. When the real iPhone comes out, someone is going to rise up and say, "see, I told you, I know all." This is simply another pawn trying to get in on the hype.
  • Reply 20 of 63
    fooeyfooey Posts: 52member
    i cant wait till microsoft adds there own cell phone to the Xbox line.

    They could call it Xcell

    oh crap... never mind

    or perhaps to break into the market the will give them away for free.

    Here have a freecell

    badoom PSSH

    ok im over it..
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