OK. WTF Here be Official MacWorld SF2007 Countdown Thread



  • Reply 301 of 499
    Where is everybody? At work? At school?

    Take the day off for Apple's sake!

    23 hours and 26 minutes
  • Reply 302 of 499
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Where is everybody? At work? At school?

    Take the day off for Apple's sake!

    In front of my 12", Dude. LOL

    Temporary Signature

    Wake up, 50min. left, swap thong move gogogo.

  • Reply 303 of 499
    Did we have countdown threads before Sunil? How long have these been going on for? I don't remember people EVER being THIS excited

    Maybe it's just because I just woke up and any expenditure of energy baffles me right now.
  • Reply 304 of 499
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Did we have countdown threads before Sunil? How long have these been going on for? I don't remember people EVER being THIS excited

    Maybe it's just because I just woke up and any expenditure of energy baffles me right now.

    Welcome to 2007.

    Oh, and good morning.
  • Reply 305 of 499
    final 24 hours FOLY HUCK!!
  • Reply 306 of 499
    Exactly 23 hours to go
  • Reply 307 of 499
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    I will be sad

    there's enough to comment about from the news articles, most of the time.
  • Reply 308 of 499
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Less than one day left folks.

    More accurately:



    iPod Phone,


    AAPL = $85.05TeddyBearslegillion

    (supermarkado openino!)

    /New Apple keyboard design with iPod dock? ..new Cinema displays with IR & iSight's? ..octo Mac Pro's? ..updated Mac Mini, who cares?

    Heart rate 99.9, blood pressure 99.9/1, brain repssure 99.9.

    Now where's my Apple Plasma TV?
  • Reply 309 of 499
    42" will do!

    with iTV and keyboard
  • Reply 310 of 499
    22 hours 30 minutes

    I really gotta get some sleep, and a life.

  • Reply 311 of 499
    You mean iLife ?
  • Reply 312 of 499

    21 hours 51 minutes
  • Reply 313 of 499
    whats a life?

    OMG OMG OMG O M F G!!!!!
  • Reply 314 of 499
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Less than one day left folks.

    More accurately:

    i make it starting about 5pm here {our local time} is that about what you got? so by 8pm the keynote should be up on the apple site?

  • Reply 315 of 499
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer

    I make it starting about 5pm here {our local time} is that about what you got?

    That's exactly right.

    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer

    So by 8pm the keynote should be up on the apple site?CONFIRM THIS!!

    Judging for past experience it'll be at least 8pm here before we'll see it, and when you're watching it I wouldn't encourage pausing the stream. So get your food, beers and tea ready before you push play so you wont want to miss a thing.

    Here's the URL it'll be on; http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/mwsf07 Check this now and then after 7pm if you don't want any spoilers.
  • Reply 316 of 499
    0 days 19 hours 52 minutes 55 seconds
  • Reply 317 of 499
    This is getting exciting! I figured that the Keynote is going to be at noon my time. I'll only have to wait three hours to see it! I hate school.
  • Reply 318 of 499
    Wow. I'm impatient.
  • Reply 319 of 499
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous View Post

    This is getting exciting! I figured that the Keynote is going to be at noon my time. I'll only have to wait three hours to see it! I hate school.

    At least it does something to pass the time!
  • Reply 320 of 499
    durandaldurandal Posts: 277member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous View Post

    This is getting exciting! I figured that the Keynote is going to be at noon my time. I'll only have to wait three hours to see it! I hate school.

    Lucke me It'll start at 6pm for me, which is *exactly* the time that I'm usually coming home...
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