OK. WTF Here be Official MacWorld SF2007 Countdown Thread



  • Reply 341 of 499
    Originally Posted by G_Warren View Post

    I can't handle this! I've got a bloody assessment at uni from 4.30pm til 5.45pm tomorrow - the keynote starts at 5! Then I need to go to a friend's for dinner. Help!

    FFS you can STARVE CANT YOU!!

    unless your friend is a she and you have designs on her and then sod macworld.... OMG i just said sod mac world... aaghaaaghh thats twice now!!

    >my vision is impaired i cannot see< >my vision is impaired i cannot see<

  • Reply 342 of 499
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    I heard that...!

    damn it!!

    now i need to have steve announce an apple branded bug sniffer!

    how many hours now?
  • Reply 343 of 499

    Don't you have the widget?
  • Reply 344 of 499
    i can't wait !!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 345 of 499

    Look how suave Steve looks next to Billy there.

  • Reply 346 of 499
    Originally Posted by maimezvous View Post


    Don't you have the widget?

    i removed the dashboard so "no" i dont
  • Reply 347 of 499
    paprochypaprochy Posts: 129member
    I know this is probably not funny to you guys but I am sitting here reading the thread at my PC, and I push F12 to check the countdown widget. And alas, nothing. For a second there I was like, what...the...F.... Then I realized, I'm not at my MBP. I've only had the thing for like 1 month now, amazing how quick I got used to OSX and it's luxuries.
  • Reply 348 of 499
    durandaldurandal Posts: 277member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    i removed the dashboard so "no" i dont

    Well, by now it's 16 Hours and 42 Minutes - and just 4 Hours and 27 minutes before I have to get up again... so happy insanity to all of you, "see" you tomorrow evening. gn8
  • Reply 349 of 499
    Originally Posted by maimezvous View Post

    Look how suave Steve looks next to Billy there.

    Emphasis on "the 80's" in the headline up there
  • Reply 350 of 499
    Originally Posted by durandal View Post

    Well, by now it's 16 Hours and 42 Minutes - and just 4 Hours and 27 minutes before I have to get up again... so happy insanity to all of you, "see" you tomorrow evening. gn8

    cheers mate!

    get some sleep
  • Reply 351 of 499
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    I am gonna take early dinner, few rounds of Bacardi and sleep ...

    hopefully will NOT woke up so early,

    reach office sharp 9 AM

    office leased line is slow ... but can manageable

    See you tomorrow - loser
  • Reply 352 of 499
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Emphasis on "the 80's" in the headline up there

    And your point is...? That picture just proves that Steve has always been the cooler one.

    16 hours 28 minutes 53 seconds
  • Reply 353 of 499
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    double post
  • Reply 354 of 499
    Originally Posted by maimezvous View Post

    And your point is...? That picture just proves that Steve has always been the cooler one.

    16 hours 28 minutes 53 seconds

    How ridiculous both of them look. Look at Steve's haircut!

    Steve is still way cooler there, though. Bill looks like that guy from The Office.
  • Reply 355 of 499
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    How ridiculous both of them look. Look at Steve's haircut!

    Steve is still way cooler there, though. Bill looks like that guy from The Office.

    Hahaha. Yeah they are both pretty ridiculous. You are right Bill does look like Dwight.
  • Reply 356 of 499
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    i removed the dashboard so "no" i dont

    Why would you do that?
  • Reply 357 of 499
    so anyone pokeing fun willing to post pics of themselves from the 80s?

    thought not
  • Reply 358 of 499
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    so anyone pokeing fun willing to post pics of themselves from the 80s?

    thought not

    I would but.........I was born in '88. I don't have any of my baby pictures.
  • Reply 359 of 499
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    so anyone pokeing fun willing to post pics of themselves from the 80s?

    thought not

  • Reply 360 of 499
    ^ Awesome!
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