Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2061 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    If that's true, where would Blu-Ray be w/out Sony and or just PS3 alone?

    What if? What if Panasonic, Pioneer, Sharp, Philips, Samusung, Dell, HP and LG weren't with Blu-ray? Then where would Blu-ray be? Not very far. Granted Sony is leading the way, but they're not the Blu-ray format by themselves. I think this is the case--Sony leading the way--because they have the most to lose if their format fails.


    I actually love few Sony products in general (especially their LCD TV, Bravia Line), I just don't like the way they cheat and mislead consumers. Sony had been misleading everyone with Blu-Ray since the day one. Anyway, it's not just what Sony did alone but what Sony would do if Blu-Ray does win. As much as I would love to have either Hidef format to succeed the SD-DVD's in home theater market, I'd much prefer not to give Sony any control over a media format.

    I can't help but think that your hatred of Sony is blinding you to the format that is supported from the overall majority of the industry. And you want Microsoft, with their plethora of intuitive software to be the alternative? And Toshiba? All you have to do is take a look at Vista now, and see it is indeed Microsoft that we need far, far away from people's home theaters. Unless crashing, freezing, delays, and non-intuitive gui's are your thing.


    I guess you wouldn't know what you've been cheated regards to the Hidef (Blu-Ray)format. I guess you'll find out once you get a Blu-Ray Player to play Blu-Ray movies sometime in the future.

    Why would one be cheated in buying Blu-ray? They have the most content available, they have excellent PQ, that now on average is better than HD DVD, they have superior audio on their discs with losless PCM tracks, have great durability with their hard coatings, and have much more storage space to hold games, extras, etc. The one thing I can think of in being "cheated" as you claim is maybe the PIP with BD-J. And that, IMO, is hardly being cheated and when they begin releasing discs with this feature, what other factor will you find to complain about then?


    BTW, congrats on your new auto purchase. I hate SUV's and still drive one, but I hate Mini Vans even more.....

    Hahahaha. LOL. I'm of identical mindset. I'm anti-Minivan. I loathe them. That's why I went with a nice 8 passenger SUV with good gas mileage. And thanks for the congratulatory comments. It's just good to see we can all debate and keep it relatively civil in this thread. Sure we all get heated at times, but that is to be expected. Regardless, this thread keeps things interesting and we all benefit from the different points of view.
  • Reply 2062 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Actually, we did have two competing formats back in the day. Luckily, Divx, the technologically inferior format, died out within months of introduction, due partially to its support only by mainly only one company.

    The died out within months bit sort of gives it away did anyone actually ever think divx would amount to anything?
  • Reply 2063 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    All I'm saying is that you and any individual in particular does not count as everyone. For some folks, newbies count for even less and I can see why, but that's just what some folks would say even few posts back...

    I really dont understand the whole "newbie" thing, I like to learn from any source, IF it proves to enlighten me.

    If people wish to infer from my post count that I have less to offer than someone with a larger post count, then I think that is their problem and speaks to me of penis envy or some other lack of mental growth

    Size is not everything

    Nor is ownership of a format
  • Reply 2064 of 4650
    Thanks for the replys to Kupans question RE Projectors, good advice that benefits more than just Kupan (ie. me as well )

    I've always seen home projectors as some kind of lavish extravagance and so discounted them, but I went to see POTC:AWE last night, and as I sat there I totaled up the cost of tickets travel and goodies (popcorn sweets, whatever) it came to (£45) $90 for me and a friend. now for that sort of money I can get the DVD to rip to Apple TV (if and when I get round to gettign it) AND get the BD version as well, plus still save some money!

    All this and watch it on a 50" screen. the thorn in the ointment!

    I was dreaming of a 100" plus screen, I'm not sure I could get that size screen in my room as its a bit on the small size to get enough throw, and I havent bothered to ever do the math, but with the recent price hike at the ONE multiplex in my area, it sudenly seems like there is no goood reason NOT to have a screen at home.

    The disc format is up to it resolution wise (either one - OK!! )

    The local movie house prices are no longer competitive to owning/renting

    I get to OWN the movie once I have paid for it!

    And I LOVE movies!

    Even factoring in bulbs I think there is something to be said for me to now SERIOUSLY consider it.

    Oh yeah, and can I just say again the whole POTC series of films are AMAZING! Ive been truly blown away by the films (not the hype) roll on number 4!
  • Reply 2065 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I really dont understand the whole "newbie" thing, I like to learn from any source, IF it proves to enlighten me.

    If people wish to infer from my post count that I have less to offer than someone with a larger post count, then I think that is their problem and speaks to me of penis envy or some other lack of mental growth

    Size is not everything

    Nor is ownership of a format

    thanks for sharing your confidence with the size of your body part, but this is something you can keep to yourself.

    Anyway, I wouldn't envy anyone in regards to mental growth or what not, since we're all littles kids with the niche market hobbies... Unless you've got designated home theather with red carpet and $200k worth of goodies.... In the home theather market, size does matter.... Just go ask all the projector owners....
  • Reply 2066 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I was dreaming of a 100" plus screen, I'm not sure I could get that size screen in my room as its a bit on the small size to get enough throw, and I havent bothered to ever do the math, but with the recent price hike at the ONE multiplex in my area, it sudenly seems like there is no goood reason NOT to have a screen at home.

    ProjectorCentral isn't worth much for the reviews but it does have a fairly comprehensive list of projectors and a calculator for each projector. In your case look for Japanese brand projectors as they tend to be made for the asian markets with less space. There is also an option where you can search for projectors based on throw and size (ie I want 100" at 9').

    The Eiki EIP-1500T (who?) is the only 720p DLP that does 100" dia in 9' (8' 6" actually...not bad) according to their calculators. Ah...its a rebadged Sharp DT-400...which evidently has been discontinued by Sharp which is why the DT-400 didn't show up in the search. MSRP 2,495, streets for $1,449. Two year old projector design though...used to be a $4K machine.

  • Reply 2067 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    thanks for sharing your confidence with the size of your body part, but this is something you can keep to yourself.

    Anyway, I wouldn't envy anyone in regards to mental growth or what not, since we're all littles kids with the niche market hobbies... Unless you've got designated home theather with red carpet and $200k worth of goodies.... In the home theather market, size does matter.... Just go ask all the projector owners....

    Your attitude is worrying, but if you feel you are a little kid then I suppose I cant argue with that, I think I will use that information to filter what you say from now on. Thanks for that warning/information.

    Have a nice day.
  • Reply 2068 of 4650
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    ProjectorCentral isn't worth much for the reviews but it does have a fairly comprehensive list of projectors and a calculator for each projector. In your case look for Japanese brand projectors as they tend to be made for the asian markets with less space. There is also an option where you can search for projectors based on throw and size (ie I want 100" at 9').

    Great advice! and makes perfect sense thanks

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    The Eiki EIP-1500T (who?) is the only 720p DLP that does 100" dia in 9' (8' 6" actually...not bad) according to their calculators. Ah...its a rebadged Sharp DT-400...which evidently has been discontinued by Sharp which is why the DT-400 didn't show up in the search. MSRP 2,495, streets for $1,449. Two year old projector design though...used to be a $4K machine.


    I'm going to look at the site now, but I've sort of promised myself IF I ever went for a projector it would be 1080 or nothing wich of course adds tot he price but $1500 (or £750) is do-able as an experiment MAAAAYBE. All new territory to be honest, I've always been a "TV Screen is a TV screen" sorta guy, but going Projector(s) can be potentially rather costly if you manage to make a bad purchase, so I have tended to leave it alone. It will take a fair bit of thought I think

    but thanks for the link, always better to have options that ARNT AVforums
  • Reply 2069 of 4650
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Quick question...

    I am considering purcahsing a projector for my front room to use for watching HD and SD movies, and the ocasional HDTV shows in the evening. I am looking for some suggestions on what to buy (brands and what not). I don't know a whole lot about projectors (lumens, contrast ratios, etc), so any and all help is apriciated. I figure I would be willing to spend up to the same amount as I would on a similar HDTV (so like $1500 for a DLP 720p set).

    Also, are projectors still pretty cruddy to use during the day, or if there is light on in the room?

    Do you want full HD? if not:

    The projector most people are giving rave reviews to is the Panasonic PT-AX100E, its not the cheapest but then I an a firm believer you get what you pay for.
  • Reply 2070 of 4650
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    I've never understood why blu-ray vs. hd-dvd has been such a captivating issue... for example... at this forum.

    *cough* 52 pages *cough*

    Really, I don't give a damn as long as one of them wins so the price can go down, I can buy one, and get on with my life.
  • Reply 2071 of 4650
    Can't believe no-ones been pumping the news that Toshiba are putting HD-DVD drives in its lower end laptops Linky rather than just the high end ones.

    Agreed its not much news to Mac users, but its still something of nore surely? It does have the potential to put a LOT of HD-DVD drives into consumers hands... or are Toshibas not that great in terms of market penetration ?? I dont know what its like in the US.

    A good move on their part, and about time the used a bit more of their leverage, interesting to see if it works out for them.
  • Reply 2072 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by Jules View Post

    Do you want full HD? if not:

    The projector most people are giving rave reviews to is the Panasonic PT-AX100E, its not the cheapest but then I an a firm believer you get what you pay for.

    What do you mean by "full HD"? Thats one of those damn marketing quotes I see on 1080p TV sets now. As if 720P isn't full HD. Half the brodcast TV networks are using 720P. But if you mean to say at least 1280x720, then yes that is a requirement.

    I have looked over at AVS, and a lot of people are clamoring about the Mitsubishi HD1000U. It is $850, and everyone says it is great. Cheapest in the lot of 720P projectors, but still packs a solid punch in low ambient light settings. The PT-AX100E looks interesting, and runs about $1100. The thing is it is an LCD, and I have heard to go with DLP over LCD. Is there any reason one is that much better than the other?

    On a side note, does the PS3 still have an issue with doing 720P (was there ever an issue, I forget now)? And how does the HD DVD players handle 720P. I currently have a 360 HD DVD player (thanks to my roommate), but we are parting ways in a month. So I am looking to get my own, but I want the best 720P capable player out there. HD DVD still has more of the movies I like currently, but it is getting pretty balanced.
  • Reply 2073 of 4650
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    On a side note, does the PS3 still have an issue with doing 720P (was there ever an issue, I forget now)?


    Well I have had zero problems with it doing 720p
  • Reply 2074 of 4650
    BD+ is now going live according to

    //The BD+ Technologies, LLC is now issuing specifications for use by movie studios to begin using the BD Plus (BD+) content protection system. Essentially, BD+ is now ready for studio use on new releases. BD+ is a very fluid content protection system which allows many levels of protection from piracy, ensuring that studio content isn't copied for financial gain.

    Most will note that Fox/MGM has been silent for the past few months while waiting for this technology to mature, so we should be seeing an announcement from them shortly in regards to new releases. Other studios, including those who currently don't support Blu-ray, have shown some interest as well, though it is unknown if any other studio besides Fox will make use of this technology at this time.//

    Interesting times.
  • Reply 2075 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    What do you mean by "full HD"? Thats one of those damn marketing quotes I see on 1080p TV sets now. As if 720P isn't full HD. Half the brodcast TV networks are using 720P. But if you mean to say at least 1280x720, then yes that is a requirement.

    While 720p is part of the HDTV spec it doesn't have enough resolution to meet the original objectives for HD which was to replicate the movie theater in the home (sufficient resolution with sufficient viewing angle to mimic a back row seat in a theater).

    Some folks refer to 720 as half HD and 576 (1024x576 WSVGA) as quarter HD although other than one InFocus projector I don't recall too many 576 projectors.

  • Reply 2076 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    When will Blu Ray have all the interactive features currently available on HD-DVD?
  • Reply 2077 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Panasonic: Blu-ray has Won the HD Disc Format Battle


    Panasonic's Taylor Outlines Views On Blu-ray, Flat Panel

    By Steve Smith -- TWICE, 6/20/2007 8:00:00 AM

    UPDATE! Secaucus, N.J. ? Joseph Taylor, executive VP/COO of Panasonic Corporation of North America, said Blu-ray has won the HD disc format battle and indicated while the company is still solidly behind plasma, LCD may get more attention.

    Those were just two of the issues Taylor discussed in an exclusive one-on-one interview with TWICE, the first since the 25-year Panasonic Industrial Company veteran took on his new job earlier this year.

    Concerning Blu-ray and HD DVD, Taylor commented, "I'm giving a very politically incorrect answer. I think the battle is over. I think Blu-ray has won."

    He said there are two "determining factor[s] ... Who did the content providers select? At the moment, overwhelmingly, the content providers have selected Blu-ray. What are consumers buying? Since the beginning of the year content [sales have been] almost two to one for Blu-ray."

    Taylor added, "There may be some noise for a little while, but in the end I think Blu-ray will be the technology that wins the battle."

    With so much of Panasonic's emphasis on plasma in the last few years, when asked if the company is comfortable being the leading plasma TV market share leader, while surveys show a trend towards LCD in flat-panels, Taylor remarked, "We are never comfortable and hope we never become comfortable (with the status quo). Really the marketplace will decide which flat panel they prefer."

    He noted, "We are in a unique position because we just don't just provide plasma but LCD. In this unique position we can do what our customers need us to do."

    In discussing Panasonic's emphasis on plasma in recent years, Taylor said plasma is the centerpiece of the company?s strategy to drive sales of high definition devices but, "We are not just pushing plasma ... We are saying 'flat panel' because we are also a major manufacturer of LCD products as well."

    For more from Joe Taylor in coming days check TWICE Spotlight for an edited video of the interview. And on July 2 check the print issue of TWICE and/or for a full report.

    Sharing with you all for what it is worth.
  • Reply 2078 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    BD+ is now going live according to

    //The BD+ Technologies, LLC is now issuing specifications for use by movie studios to begin using the BD Plus (BD+) content protection system. Essentially, BD+ is now ready for studio use on new releases. BD+ is a very fluid content protection system which allows many levels of protection from piracy, ensuring that studio content isn't copied for financial gain.

    Most will note that Fox/MGM has been silent for the past few months while waiting for this technology to mature, so we should be seeing an announcement from them shortly in regards to new releases. Other studios, including those who currently don't support Blu-ray, have shown some interest as well, though it is unknown if any other studio besides Fox will make use of this technology at this time.//

    Interesting times.

    Indeed quite interesting, and with Blu-ray's 1 year anniversary upon us, it seems there is a lot of good news out of the BDA.
  • Reply 2079 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Sleeping Beauty for 2008


    Disney has revealed that they are planning to re-release 'Sleeping Beauty' on DVD, and will also be putting the animated classic on Blu-ray at the same time. Its way too early to be thinking about specs, but it is nice to see Disney willing to bring their classics to Blu-ray. Hopefully, we will get some additional Disney classics between now and then.

  • Reply 2080 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Starz (Anchor Bay) Joins Blu-ray Exclusively


    In a surprise announcement (we have had a few of those so far this week) Starz Home Entertainment has announced that they will begin releasing titles exclusively for Blu-ray. Most people know Starz Home Entertainment by their former name, Anchor Bay, who own rights to over 600 movies and TV shows, including many horror classics like 'Evil Dead' and the 'Hellraiser' and 'Halloween' series.

    Starz has announced that they will be releasing the 'Master's of Horror' collection on Blu-ray during the latter part of the year, with the hopes of bringing their entire catalog to the format when the format war nears an end. Starz has partnered with 20th Century Home Entertainment in the past, so it would not be unlikely that the partnership will continue with Blu-ray, though nothing has been confirmed at this time.

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