Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2081 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Exoptron Limited Announces Blu-ray Exclusivity


    Exoptron Limited has announced that they will begin releasing titles exclusively for Blu-ray. The company has available three HD Documentary titles ready to be released during the last quarter of 2007. The titles are 'The Valley of Roses', 'Bacchanals in Modern Times' and 'Spirulina the Astronauts Nutrition'. An Additional title - 'Olive Oil & Med Diet' a 3 hour HD documentary will be released by the end of February 2008.

  • Reply 2082 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    On a side note, does the PS3 still have an issue with doing 720P (was there ever an issue, I forget now)? And how does the HD DVD players handle 720P. I currently have a 360 HD DVD player (thanks to my roommate), but we are parting ways in a month. So I am looking to get my own, but I want the best 720P capable player out there. HD DVD still has more of the movies I like currently, but it is getting pretty balanced.

    Not all video scaler would perform the same. I'd think the REON HQV is the best performer at the price point under $2000. I'm not sure how anal you are with PQ, but I would stay away from PS3 even with scaling option enabled. For both SD & HD playback on HD-DVD side, HD-XA2 is best option even at the the price point. The best Blu-Ray player on the market right now is Samsung BDP-1200 as a PQ champion for both SD and HiDef playback. Only trade off is that BD-J and HiDef Audio decoding option which I'm not well aware of which Blu-Ray players are compliant amoung the Standalone players. I'm sure you can find some of the specs of the players from the AVS forum as well.

    Of course, there's always a cheaper option if PQ isn't the highest priority.
  • Reply 2083 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Exoptron Limited Announces Blu-ray Exclusivity

    lol. The War is Over!
  • Reply 2084 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    lol. The War is Over!

    Haha.... Ain't it like crying wolf?.... Last few days remind me of CES 2007 where Sony crying the same thing...... for about month then.......... and now..... and soon we'll hear them cry again.....

    I really wish Iraq war was over, too!
  • Reply 2085 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Only trade off is that BD-J and HiDef Audio decoding option which I'm not well aware of which Blu-Ray players are compliant amoung the Standalone players. I'm sure you can find some of the specs of the players from the AVS forum as well.

    BluRay's been out for a year now and there is STILL no word on an interactivity or advanced features that were promised with the introduction of HD formats. HD-DVD blows Blu-Ray out of the water with their extra features and interactivity.

    And when Blu Ray finally enables these features will I have to buy a NEW player or will they be upgradeable?
  • Reply 2086 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I really wish Iraq war was over, too!

    Don't well all brother. Don't we all.
  • Reply 2087 of 4650
    I meant to post yesterday but was busy. Still haven't received the HDMI cable, perhaps this afternoon but definitely tomorrow.

    Monday I put the 10a player in place and hooked up the analog cable to the older Sony receiver so it'd be ready to go when the HDMI cable arrived. SWMBO had a meeting that night and I had planned to watch a DVD on the DVD player but thought, what the heck and changed the HDMI cable from the DVD to the B-r player. I didn't do any set up other than turning off HDMI sound output.

    SWMBO doesn't care much for action pictures so I watched The Transporter, a kind-of dumb movie with a couple of good car chase scene and a truck scene that seemed to be derived from Raiders of the Lost Ark. The sound was great once I figured out the multiplex setting on the receiver. I do need to go into the sound and adjust the bass for more punch.

    The Transporter is supposed to be average for a Blu-ray transfer. The picture was good with nice sharpness. Rather than a huge step up from DVD it was more an incremental one, but still better than on a good upconverting DVD player. One of the discs in the 5-disc set, PotC: Dead Man's Chest is supposed to be reference quality, so I'll have a better idea after I watch that.

    I was going to watch Bridge to Terabitha last night but got sidetracked and will do it tonight. The Netflix distribution center in Tacoma seems to have an adequate stock of available B-r disks, so rental seems to be the way to go for now.

    From my limited experience with the format I'm satisfied with the purchase but do wish the whole format war would go away quickly. I don't plan on going format nuetral by buying an HD-DVD player. The real test will be when SWMBO watches her first B-r movie. Maybe if goes over big and she sees it as a big improvement over SD-DVD I can catch her in another good mood and upgrade the reciever.

    Bite mentioned attach rates, which I assume is how many discs a person buys. From my perspective, given the titles available and laserdisc rather than DVD pricing, renting seems the way to go. If a must-have title comes out then I may reconsider. I also don't plan on replacing titles in my DVD collection with B-r, although I might with some of my all time favorites that I only have on laserdisc.
  • Reply 2088 of 4650
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    lol. The War is Over!

    Every little bit helps - and there are lots of news items about how studios and manufacturers are dropping HD-DVD in favor of blu-ray, and I haven't seen anyone dropping blu-ray in favor of hd-dvd...
  • Reply 2089 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    Every little bit helps - and there are lots of news items about how studios and manufacturers are dropping HD-DVD in favor of blu-ray, and I haven't seen anyone dropping blu-ray in favor of hd-dvd...

    Universal Studio dropped Blu-Ray in favor of HD-DVD.......?

    Actually, no company has announced discontinuing support for HD-DVD. Blockbuster(BB) would still offer online services for HD-DVD rental and has claim to add new titles as available. Also, the current BB retail stores with HD-DVD support would continue to carry HD-DVD's, but just the new expension stores would not. But how soon would all the BB stores carry NextGen format movies?..... Most stores will not, since NextGen format will remain as niche throughout 2007 for sure.

    This was indeed very clever marketing punch by Sony dicated BB PR, but it would stop there and the format war would continue as usual.
  • Reply 2090 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    BluRay's been out for a year now and there is STILL no word on an interactivity or advanced features that were promised with the introduction of HD formats. HD-DVD blows Blu-Ray out of the water with their extra features and interactivity.

    And when Blu Ray finally enables these features will I have to buy a NEW player or will they be upgradeable?

    There are three features lacking from Blu-Ray players currently available or new models to come to the market:

    1) internet connectivity

    2) BD-J (1.1/2.0)

    3) HiDef Audio Decoding

    Even the newest Blu-Ray players are not equipped with all of these features. However, #3 can be fixed when you buy a new AVR with TrueHD or DTSHD decoding capability via HDMI 1.3.
  • Reply 2091 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Folks ...we can go home now. Panasonic just had an exec say the War's over. Phew...glad he is here to give me the scoop. I guess they can stop manufacturing their HD DVD wait.
  • Reply 2092 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    lol. The War is Over!

    I'm simply posting this for one good was people such as yourself (although it might not have been you directly) that were stating that small studios would be going HD DVD due to costs...hmmm, that doesn't seem to be the case does it. LOL.

    You HD DVD proponents may all try to downplay the many and various announcements that favor Blu-ray, but now amount of ignoring the facts will change the outcome of the market--which is being dominated by Blu-ray this year 70%:30%. Blockbuster reiterated this as well, and thus their decision. My question is, what makes you guys still think all the various market analysts, Nielsen rankings, and even your beloved Amazon sales rankings are wrong about the Blu-ray trend, and that somehow you are right?...
  • Reply 2093 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Folks ...we can go home now. Panasonic just had an exec say the War's over. Phew...glad he is here to give me the scoop. I guess they can stop manufacturing their HD DVD wait.

    It's just not Panasonic...

    Blu-ray vs HD DVD: game over


    Blu-ray won

    The sturm und drang over the Blu-ray vs HD DVD battle has come to naught. After a bit of jostling Blu-ray has taken an unassailable lead over HD DVD. Blockbuster?s Matthew Smith, SVP of merchandising, says ?The consumers are sending us a message. I can?t ignore what I?m seeing.? This is what he?s seen:

    Blockbuster has been renting both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year and found that consumers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.

    Ghost of Betamax laid to rest

    Sony has played this game well. They own a movie studio, and got all but one of the major studios to release on Blu-ray. They put a Blu-ray player in every PS3. And they benefit by the rapid growth of HDTV sales.

    Despite the disappointing sales of the PS3, the fact that it includes a Blu-ray player also tilted the playing field. A leading indicator: Toshiba recently reduced its US sales goal for HD DVD players by 40%. The rapid uptake of HDTV in the US completes the content-player-display triumvirate.

    It is safe to buy that Blu-ray disk player now

    The biggest loser in this is Toshiba. They?ve put a lot of time and money behind HD DVD. Microsoft is also a loser, partly as a supporter and partly because their add-on Xbox HD DVD player sales will tank. The folks who bought one can?t be feeling too good about Microsoft?s judgement.

    Intel, another backer, loses too, but they seem to have had the least skin in the game. They probably just went along because of Microsoft.

    The Storage Bits take

    It is all over but the shouting. Expect to see some closeout sales on HD DVD players and burners, but I wouldn?t buy one. Now that the market has shifted you can expect to see Blu-ray burner prices drop faster. I expect that Apple will be adding on on their next gen Mac Pro, and after that, the MacBook Pro.

    In time this may also boost Firewire, which is substantially faster than USB. In fact, USB 2.0 probably can?t handle 18x DVD writers at full speed, and 20x DVD writers are starting to make it to market. Once Blu-ray writers get up to 6x speed, Firewire will be the way to go.

    The biggest winners though, are us, the consumers. 50 GB optical storage is good for all digital junkies. Now that we don?t have to worry about the format war, we can get back to rip, mix, burn!

  • Reply 2094 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blockbuster Blu-ray Exclusivity Impacts HD-DVD Sales


    With the recent announcement of Blockbuster supporting Blu-ray only in 1,450 stores nationwide, HD-DVD sales appear to have slumped, according to Retailers are reporting that they are having more people cancel their orders for HD-DVD players than ever before. The reasoning behind the majority of the cancellations is due to the Blockbuster deal, claim several high street stores. Along with falling HD-DVD sales, retailers are also reporting new orders are now non-existent while Blu-ray is hard to keep on shelves.

    Blockbuster has given a major blow to HD-DVD, it being the largest company in the rental department. With the decision of sticking with Blu-ray exclusively they have persuaded many consumers to do the same. Blockbuster already has Blu-ray available in 250 ?test? stores and employees are reporting 70 percent of HD rentals are in Blu-ray format from both the test stores and online rentals.

    Netflix and Blockbuster currently still support both HD formats through online rental, but in store rentals are still in high demand.

    We'll have more on the Blu-ray vs HD-DVD saga soon.

    Hmm, that was quick. I'd like to see some more substantial statistical data, but I don't doubt that this very well may be the case. I know if I owned a HD DVD player, I'd be kickin it to the curb...and I sure as heck wouldn't be purchasing one right now given the announcement.

    So, I pose this question, do you all see HD DVD sales being negatively impacted from the Blockbuster announcement as this article alludes to. I do, and time will be the proving factor.
  • Reply 2095 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Blockbuster Blu-ray Exclusivity Impacts HD-DVD Sales

    Hmm, that was quick. I'd like to see some more substantial statistical data, but I don't doubt that this very well may be the case. I know if I owned a HD DVD player, I'd be kickin it to the curb...and I sure as heck wouldn't be purchasing one right now given the announcement.

    So, I pose this question, do you all see HD DVD sales being negatively impacted from the Blockbuster announcement as this article alludes to. I do, and time will be the proving factor.

    The niche market hobbies aren't for the faint hearted ones. This is why it's called the enthusiast market and most of them buy movies..... and stores like Blockbuster would not matter to the enthusiasts. If the NextGen movie format enters into the mass, then the story may have different meaning..... but we're not there yet......
  • Reply 2096 of 4650
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    he biggest winners though, are us, the consumers. 50 GB optical storage is good for all digital junkies. Now that we don’t have to worry about the format war, we can get back to rip, mix, burn!

    50 GB eh... going back a few years that seemed like quite a bit... Now? Hell I'm not even sure that'll hold the entire collection of MAME ROM & CHD files, in fact I'm almost certain it wont.

  • Reply 2097 of 4650
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    The niche market hobbies aren't for the faint hearted ones. This is why it's called the enthusiast market and most of them buy movies..... and stores like Blockbuster would not matter to the enthusiasts. If the NextGen movie format enters into the mass, then the story may have different meaning..... but we're not there yet......

    Yea but what will it say to the (quite large) segment of people who still rent rather than purchase? What will they think when they see the Blu-ray movie selection grow larger and larger and the HD-DVD shelves stagnate?

    It'll sure have an impact....

  • Reply 2098 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Yea but what will it say to the (quite large) segment of people who still rent rather than purchase? What will they think when they see the Blu-ray movie selection grow larger and larger and the HD-DVD shelves stagnate?

    It'll sure have an impact....


    Of course, if that was true the Mac would be dead.

    I just came back from Costco and there isn't a Mac title in sight. And the Mac is doing just fine.
  • Reply 2099 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    50 GB eh... going back a few years that seemed like quite a bit... Now? Hell I'm not even sure that'll hold the entire collection of MAME ROM & CHD files, in fact I'm almost certain it wont.


    Well, then ya always have the 200 GB whoppers coming to Blu-ray...

    TDK also has one.
  • Reply 2100 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Blockbuster Blu-ray Exclusivity Impacts HD-DVD Sales

    Hmm, that was quick. I'd like to see some more substantial statistical data, but I don't doubt that this very well may be the case. I know if I owned a HD DVD player, I'd be kickin it to the curb...and I sure as heck wouldn't be purchasing one right now given the announcement.

    So, I pose this question, do you all see HD DVD sales being negatively impacted from the Blockbuster announcement as this article alludes to. I do, and time will be the proving factor.

    I'd like to see ANY legitimate statistical data from a source that's at the least pretending to be unbiased. I mean come on a Playstation site is going to give me good HD DVD scoop?

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    50 GB eh... going back a few years that seemed like quite a bit... Now? Hell I'm not even sure that'll hold the entire collection of MAME ROM & CHD files, in fact I'm almost certain it wont.


    Considering that it's the rare consumer that can create 50GB of data to backup it's a bit of a paradox here. Disney and Fox love the DRM but 50 GB discs are going to hold so many DVD rips it's not funny.

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Yea but what will it say to the (quite large) segment of people who still rent rather than purchase? What will they think when they see the Blu-ray movie selection grow larger and larger and the HD-DVD shelves stagnate?

    It'll sure have an impact....


    Blockbuster online still rents HD DVD movies. I think the concept of using online rental in conjunction with driving to the store to be dubious. I use netflix because I DON'T want to drive to the local rental place.

    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Of course, if that was true the Mac would be dead.

    I just came back from Costco and there isn't a Mac title in sight. And the Mac is doing just fine.

    Good point
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