Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3541 of 4650
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Or neither format survive other than as a very small niche market like SACD and MDAT do today.

    Actually Marz, nobody is winning. Those sales figures look good for HD-DVD as they've gone from a 30% market share to 40%. With 40% I can't see HD-DVD going away anytime soon. Of course, taken in context with SD-DVD sales even BD's 60% of HDM sales has to be miniscule.

    I watched A Few Good Men on BD last night and was really pleased with the IQ. Sony did a good job on that transfer. This bodes well for older films in studios' catalog, whether it be BD or HD, if the studios are willing to make the effort to do it right. Apparently, some studios haven't made that effort in the past.

    The 4Q release of films looks promising. It will be really interesting to see how the sales percentages shake out at the end the Christmas buying season.

    Nobody is winning? C'mon, the statistics are quite clear...

    Whether HD DVD will be capable of winning an actual week in 2007 is the real question. As I've said their best shot is when Transformers is released. If they can't do it that week, HD DVD is done.

    Remember too, that Blu-ray has sustained this lead as shown above throughout the entire year WITHOUT Fox and MGM and without the WB blockbusters of BB, V, and Matrix. Fox's addition will only increase the lead Blu-ray already has, so when some of you state the "no one is winning," all I can ask is how are you coming to such a conclusion given the blatant data showing the contrary?

    Furthermore, I think the whole Steven Spielberg fiasco with Paramount might potentially negate some of the Paramount defection to HD DVD via the bribe. Q4 will be interesting indeed.
  • Reply 3542 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Whether HD DVD will be capable of winning an actual week in 2007 is the real question. As I've said their best shot is when Transformers is released.

    I predict that IF Transformers helps HD-DVD to win ONE week, Murch will start posting again and claim all sorts of wild and wonderwul things, Bite will have multiple organisms and might just answer a direct question, and Frank? well Frank will just be delighted to post something just to piss people off.
  • Reply 3543 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I predict that IF Transformers helps HD-DVD to win ONE week, Murch will start posting again and claim all sorts of wild and wonderwul things, Bite will have multiple organisms and might just answer a direct question, and Frank? well Frank will just be delighted to post something just to piss people off.

    Too funny...
  • Reply 3544 of 4650
    What's funny is that you guys think you're different than Murch.
  • Reply 3545 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    What's funny is that you guys think you're different than Murch.

    BWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH so so true...
  • Reply 3546 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    What's funny is that you guys think you're different than Murch.

    Actually, they are. Murch is an early adopter and owns more than 5 HDM. Which places him on the official HiDef format supporter list, but not just a fanboy.
  • Reply 3547 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Actually, they are. Murch is an early adopter and owns more than 5 HDM. Which places him on the official HiDef format supporter list, but not just a fanboy.

    I know you are trying to take a dig at me, which I don't mind, sometimes,...well most of the time, you guys have to go here as you have nothing else to back up your proofless claims and FUD.

    However, once again, get your facts straight as I know Walter owns a PS3 with many movies, once again, your wrong...but at the very least you're consistently wrong.
  • Reply 3548 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    What's funny is that you guys think you're different than Murch.

    What's funny is that you are trying to think for us, when nothing had been stated about me being any different than Murch.

    In fact, I take this as a compliment, as Murch is a fine debater, backs up his claims...well most of the time , stubborn as hell like me, and quite eloquent. The only hiccup is, is that he is backing the wrong format. (poke,poke,poke)

    Anyhow, can we get back on task?
  • Reply 3549 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    This is the first time in CE Media history where the 2 competing media are so similar they can be played in dual format players.

    Ahem. As others have mentioned, SACD and DVD-A. DIVX and DVD. Memory a little short?


    HD-DVD is selling WELL OVER 1/3 of the HD media today. That is a pretty big chunk of media being leaked into the market.

    And yet one would think with its much-touted price advantage, HD DVD would be doing better.
  • Reply 3550 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Ahem. As others have mentioned, SACD and DVD-A. DIVX and DVD. Memory a little short?

    I hardly consider DIVX and DVD competing formats. And SACD vs DVD-A, they just didn't offer enough over CD to be adopted in widespread. I should have rephrased and said "popular media"


    And yet one would think with its much-touted price advantage, HD DVD would be doing better.

    Perhaps, but it's still hanging in there... over 1/3 of total HDM sales isn't something to write off.

    Heh if that was the case, apple would have been writen off completely in the early 90s (close but no cigar)
  • Reply 3551 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Just to tick off Marz and SDW...

 or no flies in the face of all history. It's not going to happen.

    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Or neither format survive other than as a very small niche market like SACD and MDAT do today.

    Quite possible.


    Actually Marz, nobody is winning.



    Those sales figures look good for HD-DVD as they've gone from a 30% market share to 40%. With 40% I can't see HD-DVD going away anytime soon

    You're fucking deluded!!! They are losing 60 to 40 AT BEST, despite a $200-300 price difference in the players. Please.


    Of course, taken in context with SD-DVD sales even BD's 60% of HDM sales has to be miniscule.

    And HD-DVD's 40% (again, at best) is even more miniscule. But point taken there.


    I watched A Few Good Men on BD last night and was really pleased with the IQ. Sony did a good job on that transfer. This bodes well for older films in studios' catalog, whether it be BD or HD, if the studios are willing to make the effort to do it right. Apparently, some studios haven't made that effort in the past.

    The 4Q release of films looks promising. It will be really interesting to see how the sales percentages shake out at the end the Christmas buying season.

    I've seen great older films in HD, and more recent ones that blow. It's all the transfer, apparently.
  • Reply 3552 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    ...and Frank? well Frank will just be delighted to post something just to piss people off.

    That's funny.

    Remember, Frank is in this race primarily to see Sony humbled. If Apple had introduced Blu-Ray instead of Sony, I might well have been on the other side.

    Sony doesn't care for its own customers, and won't even give up on media wars it's clearly lost.

    (I saw Sony cams with Memory Stick readers just today in Best Buy! )

    They blithely assumed their products were so good that they could throw out a ridiculously expensive, hard-to-develop-for gaming console, and we'd all run to the cash registers. Praise the Lord for Nintendo.
  • Reply 3553 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    That's funny.

    Remember, Frank is in this race primarily to see Sony humbled. If Apple had introduced Blu-Ray instead of Sony, I might well have been on the other side.

    Sony doesn't care for its own customers, and won't even give up on media wars it's clearly lost.

    (I saw Sony cams with Memory Stick readers just today in Best Buy! )

    They blithely assumed their products were so good that they could throw out a ridiculously expensive, hard-to-develop-for gaming console, and we'd all run to the cash registers. Praise the Lord for Nintendo.

    LOL, like Sony selling Beta-max players until 2002?
  • Reply 3554 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    They blithely assumed their products were so good that they could throw out a ridiculously expensive, hard-to-develop-for gaming console, and we'd all run to the cash registers. Praise the Lord for Nintendo.

    Yeah, you talking about the PS2? it was lamented about as being hard to develop for as well, or does your memory (Shtick) not go back that far? likely not I know, but there was a Ton of stuff written and complained about with the PS2 and it still somehow managed to "only" sell 120 million units - admittedly thats "only" SO FAR.

    If Sony had released the DS or Wii I would be in no doubt that you would be shovelling shit on them as being underpowered pieces of crap.

    and YES I own a DS with a ton of games.

    You are just blinded by your wish to hate a company, save yourself the heartburn and just ignore them. because you come across like some sort of Ballmer-esqe character.
  • Reply 3555 of 4650
    I find it amazing that even with everybody knowing about RRoD the Xbox 360 is still outselling the PS3. I talked to many Xbox 360 owners trying to decide between consoles and RRoD is common knowledge with the older models and everybody still goes out and buys more Xbox 360s. I've known about it for a while and thought to myself that Microsoft would be losing the console wars because of it when I first heard about it. Well... It didn't happen. There are changes being made to the Elites (and now the newer Halo editions I think) to make sure there are less heat issues. SUPPOSEDLY these changes will help RRoD issues. I personally purchased my Elite 360 at Best Buy after people telling me about the RRoD issues just so i could purchase the Best Buy warranty. Best Buy's warranty replaces your Xbox 360 with RRoD whereas Microsoft makes you ship it to them and you have to wait for the repair. The Best Buy warranty is 2 years and Microsoft just extended their warranty to 3 but I went for convenience over longer coverage. I think after extending that warranty Microsoft has an even bigger incentive to tweak the newer models to be more reliable. But again, the fact that the Xbox 360 sales are so healthy despite this amazes me.

    In my opinion, the combination of the most popular and biggest game selection plus the best online gaming community will keep XBox 360 sales on top no matter what. Plus if you do a search on interviews with gaming developers you will find interviews where they have said that the Xbox 360 is simply easier to code for. The PS3 has more potential but is trickier to work with. This is yet another reason why a lot of games look so darn good on the Xbox 360. An interesting recent development is that Microsoft apparently discouraged developers to use hard drive space (since some Xbox 360) owners do not have one) but has now given them the okay to use it. A sticker that will state that hard drive space will be required will be placed on these games. With the sales of the 120 gb Elite systems and hard drive add-ons doing so well, the owners of Xbox 360s that do not have a hard drive is now estimated to be around only 20% or less. Most have converted. So with all that space to work with developers can now have as much code as they want downloaded through Xbox Live for their games. So the Blu Ray disc space advantage is pretty much a non issue now in that regard. For gaming the Xbox 360 is the way to go UNLESS you really like the PS3 exclusives.

    The current generation of gaming consoles already has a winner. The PS3 will not win in that regard. Can Sony sell just enough to make a push towards more Blu Ray tendencies...who knows? It's been stated that Microsoft created the original Xbox and stays in the console market to simply stem the popularity of the Playstation 2 which was starting to threaten PC gaming sales. And that because of this they do not care if they are losing money selling Xboxes as long as they put a dent in Sony sales.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    They're losing a metric ton of money. I doubt they want to drop prices any faster than they have to. Arguably they have to but its not Holloween yet so I haven't seen any XMas displays. They still have a month

    The good news for them is they picked up two studios. Gamers will live with higher prices if there are games they gotta have. That doesn't sound like giving up as much as doing what they shoulda done a year ago.

    RRoD I hope goes away soon. It was dissapointing the MS didn't go 65nm for everything instead of just the CPU...overheat from the GPU might still be an issue.

    I'm getting one when I can be sure to get the falcon model.

  • Reply 3556 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    You are just blinded by your wish to hate a company, save yourself the heartburn and just ignore them. because you come across like some sort of Ballmer-esqe character.

    I don't think anybody labels Sony or Microsoft as "loveable". They both have pissed many people off for various reasons.
  • Reply 3557 of 4650
    Cut and paste from article...

    "So, I say, a Cold War with no end. They're going to slog it out until someone's says uncle--or not. And yeah, if they keep at it long enough, people will just start to ignore them both."

    I couldn't agree more. If there is no clear winner I certainly won't invest in either.

    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Just to tick off Marz and SDW...

  • Reply 3558 of 4650
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    I find it amazing that even with everybody knowing about RRoD the Xbox 360 is still outselling the PS3. I talked to many Xbox 360 owners trying to decide between consoles and RRoD is common knowledge with the older models and everybody still goes out and buys more Xbox 360s. I've known about it for a while and thought to myself that Microsoft would be losing the console wars because of it when I first heard about it. Well... It didn't happen. There are changes being made to the Elites (and now the newer Halo editions I think) to make sure there are less heat issues. SUPPOSEDLY these changes will help RRoD issues. I personally purchased my Elite 360 at Best Buy after people telling me about the RRoD issues just so i could purchase the Best Buy warranty. Best Buy's warranty replaces your Xbox 360 with RRoD whereas Microsoft makes you ship it to them and you have to wait for the repair. The Best Buy warranty is 2 years and Microsoft just extended their warranty to 3 but I went for convenience over longer coverage. I think after extending that warranty Microsoft has an even bigger incentive to tweak the newer models to be more reliable. But again, the fact that the Xbox 360 sales are so healthy despite this amazes me.

    What I find amazing is our total disregard of time. Of course the 360 is going to have sold more so far, it has been on the market for a year longer, and has been selling at $100 to $200 cheaper.

    The simple fact here is that the PS3 is selling AT THE SAME RATE the 360 did, albeit being more expensive and not having as many games.

    Amazing, when you take into account that old measure of time.


    In my opinion, the combination of the most popular and biggest game selection plus the best online gaming community will keep XBox 360 sales on top no matter what. Plus if you do a search on interviews with gaming developers you will find interviews where they have said that the Xbox 360 is simply easier to code for. The PS3 has more potential but is trickier to work with. This is yet another reason why a lot of games look so darn good on the Xbox 360. An interesting recent development is that Microsoft apparently discouraged developers to use hard drive space (since some Xbox 360) owners do not have one) but has now given them the okay to use it. A sticker that will state that hard drive space will be required will be placed on these games. With the sales of the 120 gb Elite systems and hard drive add-ons doing so well, the owners of Xbox 360s that do not have a hard drive is now estimated to be around only 20% or less. Most have converted. So with all that space to work with developers can now have as much code as they want downloaded through Xbox Live for their games. So the Blu Ray disc space advantage is pretty much a non issue now in that regard. For gaming the Xbox 360 is the way to go UNLESS you really like the PS3 exclusives.

    This is great that you are sharing your love of your O-face with the 360 here, but remind us how from a gaming perspective, this is related to the Blu-ray HD DVD wars? Because, the only context that I can think of is the add-on...which of course is widely recognized as a failure, unless of course, you're Microsoft.


    The current generation of gaming consoles already has a winner. The PS3 will not win in that regard. Can Sony sell just enough to make a push towards more Blu Ray tendencies...who knows? It's been stated that Microsoft created the original Xbox and stays in the console market to simply stem the popularity of the Playstation 2 which was starting to threaten PC gaming sales. And that because of this they do not care if they are losing money selling Xboxes as long as they put a dent in Sony sales.

    Pretty bold know, with the PS3 not being even out for a full year, and yet your claiming there is a winner here? Who is it? Because its not the 360, it is clearly the this stage of the game, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that it is the permanent winner of all the consoles. Regardless, the only aspect of the consoles that deal with the topic at hand is the Blu-ray drive in the PS3, and the 360 add-on, neither of which you are discussing at this point.
  • Reply 3559 of 4650
    For Marz and SDW, I stand by by contention that neither side is winning. Using a football analogy, the game is in the second quarter and BD is ahead by a healthy margin but the game isn't over yet. One can start talking about a BD victory when Universal lives up to its name, Paramount goes back to producing BD and HD-DVD's share shrinks to 10-20%. Until then, anything can still happen.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a BD supporter and would like nothing better than to see HD-DVD disappear so we can get on with one format and a better chance that HDM will make it other than as a niche market. But I'm also a realist and know that the odds of that happening in the near future is pretty remote.

    In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the HDM of my choice. I'm looking forward to watching Kingdom of Heaven again this weekend.
  • Reply 3560 of 4650
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    For Marz and SDW, I stand by by contention that neither side is winning. Using a football analogy, the game is in the second quarter and BD is ahead by a healthy margin but the game isn't over yet. One can start talking about a BD victory when Universal lives up to its name, Paramount goes back to producing BD and HD-DVD's share shrinks to 10-20%. Until then, anything can still happen.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a BD supporter and would like nothing better than to see HD-DVD disappear so we can get on with one format and a better chance that HDM will make it other than as a niche market. But I'm also a realist and know that the odds of that happening in the near future is pretty remote.

    In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the HDM of my choice. I'm looking forward to watching Kingdom of Heaven again this weekend.

    Great post!....

    BTW, the paramount merely started releasing HD-DVD exclusives, the only one to date being, Blades of Glory. Starting from coming week, we'll see Next, Top Gun, Transformers, Face Off, and etc... The second quarter has just begun for the HDM optical media dispute.

    Well... better go watch my matrix box set in HD-DVD and see what all the fuzz is about this red pill.
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