Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3921 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Oh yeah??


    So, when is V for Vendetta coming to Blu-Ray? Perhaps, when profile 1.1 Blu-Ray players are available?

    It's been awhile since I watched my HD-DVD copy of V for Vendetta, but I believe it came with IME interactivity feature and IME feature on Blu-Ray maybe causing the delay on the Blu-Ray release? If Face Off HD-DVD isn't delivered tomorrow, then I'll probably give V4Vendetta an another viewing instead.
  • Reply 3922 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    What's with you and fire sale?... Please do refresh my memory and pull out my prior quotes that claim fire sale is bad for blu-ray but good for HD-DVD.

    I actually love taking advantage of fire sale and would love to get my hands on 60GB PS3 at a fire sale price at $149 or lower.

    As I said before, I would love to take advantage of the B1G1 blu-ray HDM deals.

    Its not ME its YOU..

    Is this actually worth my time and effort to explain to someone who can never admit when they are wrong?

    Probably not.

    The term "Fire sale" has negative connotations, it implys desperation to get of the last remaining stock. You know this and continually use it in reference to BD hardware and software. Using the negative implication to subtly show your distaste for BD, so that you can make and score some kind of points in this thread, that at times is more outright argument than discussion.

    You haven't used the term "Fire sale" in regard to HD-DVD because of its negative connotations as you don't want to admit to any possibility of the company behind HD-DVD showing any kind of weakness. you would rather promote Toshibas desperate price slashing as "planned"

    THAT is why I seek to clarify what you consider a "Fire sale" on the HD-DVD side of things, its taken a while, but finally you have made statment that HD-DVD IS capable of having a "Fire sale"

    you see, you CAN be honest and open when you try.

    {I await your bile}
  • Reply 3923 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    From ye olde Apple dictionary, available to any Mac user via Dashboard widget:


    fire sale: (n) A sale of goods or assets at a very low price, typically when the seller is facing bankruptcy.

    Give bitemymac a break. English doesn't appear to be his first language. Japlish or Engrish, perhaps.
  • Reply 3924 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    From ye olde Apple dictionary, available to any Mac user via Dashboard widget:

    Give bitemymac a break. English doesn't appear to be his first language. Japlish or Engrish, perhaps.

    Flied lice you plick.

    You made laugh out loud with the above. Good one.
  • Reply 3925 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Wow, this is pathetic. We have reached the lowest moment of this thread and we have you three clowns to thank for.

    I sincerely hope your behaviors online do not reflect the real world behavior. In the case of such, I believe the symptoms of social misfits can be cured by medicine.
  • Reply 3926 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Wow, this is pathetic. We have reached the lowest moment of this thread and we have you three clowns to thank for.

    I sincerely hope your behaviors online do not reflect the real world behavior. In the case of such, I believe the symptoms of social misfits can be cured by medicine.

    Well I can't speak for anyone else, but we arrive at this point with you as the genus.
  • Reply 3927 of 4650
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    ah, its insane that this thread is still alive and well. i guess its cuz the subject is alive and well.

    i still say HD-DVD.
  • Reply 3928 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Wow, this is pathetic. We have reached the lowest moment of this thread and we have you three clowns to thank for.

    I sincerely hope your behaviors online do not reflect the real world behavior. In the case of such, I believe the symptoms of social misfits can be cured by medicine.

    Yes there are a few excellent casestudy individuals for a DSM-TR4 mental illness classification roaming in this thread.
  • Reply 3929 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Wow, this is pathetic. We have reached the lowest moment of this thread and we have you three clowns to thank for.


    Hey bite, there's almost two months left in the year so I'm pretty sure can we sink lower in that amount of time, especially when sales figures come out in the post Thanksgiving to right before Christmas time period.

    Right now the big question should be who's going to be first to sneak in the 2008 thread.
  • Reply 3930 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Haha... I guess you're right about this thread pointing further south for rest of 2007.

    On the positive note, the HDM release list looks very fruitful(unlike this thread, fortunately) for rest of the year and it will be a great holiday season for all HDM supporters.

    Actually, my ultimate question is whether Warner's decision to go exclusive toward one optical disc format will soon end this war?
  • Reply 3931 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Wow, this is pathetic. We have reached the lowest moment of this thread and we have you three clowns to thank for.

    Hey, don't be so modest. Your contributions were invaluable in getting to this point. In any event, the Japlish/Engrish joke was only half in jest. Your writing does heavily resemble the badly translated English that caused the creation of those derogatory terms. It also resembles a school principal from way back (maybe Joe Clark?) who achieved some fame by turning around an inner city school, but who tried be pretentious in television interviews and often misused big words he didn't really know the meanings of.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yes there are a few excellent casestudy individuals for a DSM-TR4 mental illness classification roaming in this thread.

    Case in point of one trying to be pretentious and bandying about the wrong words and phrases. There's no such thing as a "casestudy" (it's a case study) and it's DSM-IV-TR. "Physician," heal thyself.
  • Reply 3932 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Case in point of one trying to be pretentious and bandying about the wrong words and phrases. There's no such thing as a "casestudy" (it's a case study) and it's DSM-IV-TR. "Physician," heal thyself.

    It's hilarity like that, that keeps me coming back.
  • Reply 3933 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    With the $100 HDDVD fire sale going on I've got a few questions for Murch about the HD A2. I was astounded to find them at my local Wal Mart, which so far has stocked no stand-alone players. I could use an HDDVD player at my office to show HD content created by us. However, the only thing capable of displaying higher than standard-def in my office is an older multimedia projector. Is it possible to get a VGA signal out of an HDMI or out of component out? Since I'll be creating the content myself there won't be any protected content issues.

    What do you suggest?
  • Reply 3934 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Well, to counter your points...I think Bill Hunt says it best...

    I've been away for a few days, but had to comment on how silly this Bill Hunt article is.

    That you would even cite it weakens Blu-Ray's case.

    He starts off wondering how Toshiba will ever make money if they sell their hardware at a loss.

    That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard from a Blu-Ray backer. Selling hardware at a loss has always been Sony's plan to win this war. They've even been quite upfront about it.

    Both Sony and Toshiba plan to make money off the billions of dollars of royalties that will start coming in once a winner is declared. Nobody with a brain would think that Sony and Toshiba are fighting like this just to reap profits off their own players. They could make the same profits now supporting the other guy's standard.
  • Reply 3935 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Haha... I guess you're right about this thread pointing further south for rest of 2007.

    On the positive note, the HDM release list looks very fruitful(unlike this thread, fortunately) for rest of the year and it will be a great holiday season for all HDM supporters.

    Actually, my ultimate question is whether Warner's decision to go exclusive toward one optical disc format will soon end this war?

    I agree, I'm looking forward to the Novemeber-December releases. I'll be buying Ratatouille, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Ocean's 13, Live Free and Die Hard, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Blade Runner. I'll Netflix Independence Day and Pirates 3.

    There's a lot of rumors floating around about Warner going one way or the other or even remaining neutral. I guess we'll have to wait and see which camp slings enough money their way. If it goes exclusive it'd be a set back for the other format but not fatally as it looks like we're going to be stuck with a dual format niche market until a superior replacement comes along in five or six years, one that will gain consumer acceptance.

    bite, in an earlier post you mentioned you might buy a PS3 40GB if the price dropped to $199. I doubt that's going to happen, but who knows, given the format war silliness anything might happen. I'm guessing there might be a modest price drop but IMO the most likely thing will be the $399 price with a 5-disc free offer. But again, who knows.
  • Reply 3936 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I've been away for a few days, but had to comment on how silly this Bill Hunt article is.

    That you would even cite it weakens Blu-Ray's case.

    He starts off wondering how Toshiba will ever make money if they sell their hardware at a loss.

    That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard from a Blu-Ray backer. Selling hardware at a loss has always been Sony's plan to win this war. They've even been quite upfront about it.

    Both Sony and Toshiba plan to make money off the billions of dollars of royalties that will start coming in once a winner is declared. Nobody with a brain would think that Sony and Toshiba are fighting like this just to reap profits off their own players. They could make the same profits now supporting the other guy's standard.

    Good point Frank777 and people always tend to forget that there's gotta be some backend funds coming to Toshiba when the burgeoning "web connect" features that are going to play a significant part of HD DVD. Eventually there will be paid features and Toshiba is going to reap some rewards. People often forget that the specifications for HD DVD allow for some intriquing potential regarding commerce.
  • Reply 3937 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Well, I went ahead and bought the A2 and Transformers on HDDVD. I don't even own an HDTV, but I took it out to my Dad's house and enjoyed a few minutes. I rationalized it to myself that if HDDVD does die, it's still a great upscaling DVD player. In the mean time I'll see if I can't tinker out a way for it to play nice with my projector.
  • Reply 3938 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Well, I went ahead and bought the A2 and Transformers on HDDVD. I don't even own an HDTV, but I took it out to my Dad's house and enjoyed a few minutes. I rationalized it to myself that if HDDVD does die, it's still a great upscaling DVD player. In the mean time I'll see if I can't tinker out a way for it to play nice with my projector.

    I bought my player before getting a HDTV as well and it made everything look like a really good DVD (the HD stuff that is) so you can still get enjoyment out of the player. I like the fact that menus don't pause the movie so even if you're not hooked to HD you're going to like the navigation of HD DVDs better.
  • Reply 3939 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Well, I went ahead and bought the A2 and Transformers on HDDVD. I don't even own an HDTV, but I took it out to my Dad's house and enjoyed a few minutes. I rationalized it to myself that if HDDVD does die, it's still a great upscaling DVD player. In the mean time I'll see if I can't tinker out a way for it to play nice with my projector.


    I agree, $98 is well worth it as mere upconverting SD-DVD, HD-DVD playerback is a bonus feature.

    In regards to the interconnect question above. The HDMI is all digital, unlike DVI-A/I, the analog video signal will not be available without having an external converter.

    Also, your second solution of converting component to VGA may also be tricky. I've not looked into this in details, but I did try to use 20" Dell LCD with VGA port from a progressive DVD player in my kid's playroom, but the cable adapter does not seem to be fully compatible since only the red was available when using component to VGA adapter cable. I didn't want to mess with it too much, so I just ended up using S-Video instead. I was successful in using the VGA to component from a VGA port of video card to component on the display using the same VGA to component cable adapter.

    In any rate, the analog (component) output on HD-A2 does output 480p/720p/1080i from HDM source. However, content protected SD-DVD upconversion is only allowed via HDMI to HDCP compliant display.

    Hope this helps.
  • Reply 3940 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    I agree, I'm looking forward to the Novemeber-December releases. I'll be buying Ratatouille, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Ocean's 13, Live Free and Die Hard, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Blade Runner. I'll Netflix Independence Day and Pirates 3.

    There's a lot of rumors floating around about Warner going one way or the other or even remaining neutral. I guess we'll have to wait and see which camp slings enough money their way. If it goes exclusive it'd be a set back for the other format but not fatally as it looks like we're going to be stuck with a dual format niche market until a superior replacement comes along in five or six years, one that will gain consumer acceptance.

    bite, in an earlier post you mentioned you might buy a PS3 40GB if the price dropped to $199. I doubt that's going to happen, but who knows, given the format war silliness anything might happen. I'm guessing there might be a modest price drop but IMO the most likely thing will be the $399 price with a 5-disc free offer. But again, who knows.

    The HDM optical disc format war seems to be heating up more fiercely than I had imagined. I just can't see how much more beating both sides can take. At least, the competition is giving back something in return to many early adopters with lower pricing of both hardware and software. It's now a lot cheaper to join either of the HDM side than it was even 3 months ago. Most retails offer free 2-3 HDM movies on top of 5 MIR offers with all players on both sides. It's amazing how much of the entry price have been slashed in just few weeks. Anyway, there's rumor going around that the HDM sales and momentum swings of both formats will be monitored closely by Warner and will decide their immediate plans for 2008. All the fire sale/promotions will place a huge impact in supporting Q4, which will impact on Warner's decision to commit to an exclusive HDM format support from being neutral. Perhaps the rumor is true. This does explain why all the aggressive deals are available this early prior to the holidays.

    In regards to purchasing a blu-ray player, I've decide to wait and get the Blu-Ray/combo drive for my HTPC. If I do go with a standalone/PS3 route, I will eventually need to get at least two units. But if I just get the drive for my pc, I should be able to eventually backup all the HDM's to a media server. I currently have Media PC set up at multiple locations and I can just stream HDM's from the server. I just need to find a drive with faster read speed, because it took about an hour to backup 30GB DL HD-DVD to a hard drive.
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