Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3901 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    This just in!...Local gas station is now HD DVD exclusive!

    Okay, a little humor for the morning, and yet again another lie of HD DVD exposed...

    Kmart: We're Purple


    Despite reports to the contrary, Kmart says it has no plans to choose to sides in the high-def format war.

    In a statement released late Thursday, Kmart VP Jonathan Magasanik said the following:

    There have been numerous statements in the media today, attributed to Toshiba, indicating exclusive support for the HD DVD format in Kmart stores. These statements are false. Kmart intends to support both the HD DVD and Blu-ray platforms, and has no plans to support either platform exclusively.

    Kmart's dual-format pledge comes on the heels of widespread reports that it had chosen to stock its HD-A2 HD DVD player as its only stand-alone high-def disc player this holiday season.

    It wasn't immediately clear whether the retailer's statement meant it planned to stock stand-alone Blu-ray players alongside the Toshiba deck, but as we've previously reported, the chain already sells the Blu-ray enabled PlayStation 3 in its gaming department.

  • Reply 3902 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    And another week goes too............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......................................


    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending October 28th

    WE: BD-55% HDD-45% YTD: BD-64% HDD-36% SI: BD-60% HDD-40%

    The numbers for HD DVD are simply going to get worse and worse from here on out with the huge blockbusters on Blu-ray's slate. I sure hope so, as more domination from Blu-ray means a quicker resolution to the format war, and high-def adoption by the masses gone Blu. Look for Spidey to rule the roost next week.
  • Reply 3903 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Will Warner Bros. Endorse Blu-ray?

    Studio executive hints that dual-format policy may be changing.

    Also Debunked:


    Speculation started when Warner Bros.' VP of HD Media, Dan Silverberg, hinted that the studio was evaluating its stand on being HD neutral in the format war. It led many to believe that the studio would choose sides.

    However, WB spokesman Jim Noogan talked with Video Business Online yesterday and confirmed that they would stay neutral.

    He said that the company always evaluated its business models and also did this with HD support, and that he believed the fourth quarter would be important for both sides. The result will be another piece of information on where things are going, but for now the studio will support both HD DVD and Blu-ray.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    And another week goes too....

    Am I going to have to remind you every week that the format with 45% sales doesn't go home a loser? If Apple's 3% userbase is worthy of being supported by software developers, then even if HD DVD had a 20% userbase, it'd pay to release films in both formats.
  • Reply 3904 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    His article seems pretty well written and reasoned out to me. You have used the "he is an idiot, so ignore what he says" argument before, I think you do it for everybody that has a different view.

    Of course he does. Meanwhile, as he writes something like this:

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    The guy is steaming nerd trash. He writes like a Jr High dropout.

    ...he conveniently ignores such posts like:

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post


    that's called bitter out burst. The guy needs to blame Sony for not being able to win the war within the 1st 6 months of PS3 launch, as clamored by Sony's guarantee.

    Wait....... but Sony has claimed at multiples times of their victory over the format. According to Sony, the HDM format war ended long time ago, Q2 of 2007?

    Wow. If Bill Hunt writes like a JHS dropout, then what does bitemymac write like? Kindergarten dropout? If I were his English teacher, I'd shoot myself. The only reason Murch doesn't say anything about that abysmal writing is because they're on the same side.

    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Am I going to have to remind you every week that the format with 45% sales doesn't go home a loser? If Apple's 3% userbase is worthy of being supported by software developers, then even if HD DVD had a 20% userbase, it'd pay to release films in both formats.

    So everything available for PCs has also been ported to Macs? (Boot Camp, Parallels and VMWare notwithstanding.) Maybe the Mac Gamers should stop complaining about the lack of games. Maybe Microsoft should update Internet Explorer for Mac.
  • Reply 3905 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    So everything available for PCs has also been ported to Macs? (Boot Camp, Parallels and VMWare notwithstanding.) Maybe the Mac Gamers should stop complaining about the lack of games. Maybe Microsoft should update Internet Explorer for Mac.

    Poor point... nice try there bud. What about the software out there only for mac os x? Toast? Disco? Motion? Final Cut Pro? XCode, Transmit, Aperture, Unison, Stuffit... honestly too many to list. And we're talking about a 3-5% market share compared to a 92%+ market share. Not a 2/3 vs 1/3 marketshare.

    The point here is, there will be movies hd-dvd only and blu-ray only... unless some how miraculously blu-ray pulls ahead by outselling hd-dvd 10:1 in the holiday season and the studios change their mind... and go pure blu-ray. HD-DVD has been on the market for a long time. Has established followers. Has cheaper players (i'm sure the poor consumers will appreciate that), and has exclusive movies as well.
  • Reply 3906 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    So everything available for PCs has also been ported to Macs? (Boot Camp, Parallels and VMWare notwithstanding.) Maybe the Mac Gamers should stop complaining about the lack of games. Maybe Microsoft should update Internet Explorer for Mac.

    Dual-format players are the Boot Camp of disc formats

    If one format's going to go the way of the laserdisc, it's most likely going to be HD DVD. However, you'd have to be crazy to think any company in the business of making money is going to abandon a consumer base that accounts for 35% - 45% (depending on the week) of the market. Unless HD DVD's install base starts dropping like a rock, it doesn't matter if Blu-ray sells 10-20% more discs every week. Will one side end up having more titles? Probably. But in a world where consumers will buy both a Nintendo Wii and a PS3 or xBox, I dont' think they'll have a difficult time grasping the notion of owning two players (each with it's own exclusive titles) or a combo player that handles both seamlessly.
  • Reply 3907 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Dual-format players are the Boot Camp of disc formats

    If one format's going to go the way of the laserdisc, it's most likely going to be HD DVD. However, you'd have to be crazy to think any company in the business of making money is going to abandon a consumer base that accounts for 35% - 45% (depending on the week) of the market. Unless HD DVD's install base starts dropping like a rock, it doesn't matter if Blu-ray sells 10-20% more discs every week. Will one side end up having more titles? Probably. But in a world where consumers will buy both a Nintendo Wii and a PS3 or xBox, I dont' think they'll have a difficult time grasping the notion of owning two players (each with it's own exclusive titles) or a combo player that handles both seamlessly.

    Cory, one of the problems is that the HDM market is almost microscopic in size, so a third of the market isn't that large. If percentages continue at that level then studios may decide that profits derived from that market don't justify the costs.

    I'm not a gamer and wonder about your comment about consumers owning three different game systems. I realize dedicated gamers do but J6P consumers? I wonder?

    Anyway, the 45% HD figure looks good for that format considering that it was running 2 - 1 against before. It'll be interesting to see if this was a one time title related blip or more long lasting. I'd still like to see figures for BD/HD sales for the Kubrick films. That would be an interesting comparison.

    Netflix is shipping Spidy 3 today. From what I've read it's supposed to be an excellent transfer. About the best I can say for Spidy 1 and 2 is that they were watchable so this one should be similar. I guess Spiderman came along after I stopped reading comic books.

    I'm definitely planning on buying Ratatouille next week. I've heard nothing but good things about the movie, once you get past a rat in the kitchen,

    I have a question for those people who are format exclusive. What do you do when a must have disc comes out format exclusive in the one you don't support? That hasn't happened to me yet, I think Bourne 3 will be the first one and I'll probably end up buying it on SD.
  • Reply 3908 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    I have a question for those people who are format exclusive. What do you do when a must have disc comes out format exclusive in the one you don't support? That hasn't happened to me yet, I think Bourne 3 will be the first one and I'll probably end up buying it on SD.

    I rent($1) for immediate viewing, but I'll wait for cheaper deals to grab the SD-DVD. If I can add the Blu-Ray drive to my HTPC under $99 or if PS3 become available for $149 for black Friday Special, I would become format neutral. I do have few Blu-Ray exclusive titles I want in HiDef and would like to take advantage of the B1G1 deals we've keep seeing for about a month.
  • Reply 3909 of 4650
    Do you guys know if V for Vendetta has been released on Blu-Ray yet? They were going to, but I don't know if they have yet.
  • Reply 3910 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    V for Vendetta hasn't been released for Blu-ray yet.
  • Reply 3911 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Do you guys know if V for Vendetta has been released on Blu-Ray yet? They were going to, but I don't know if they have yet.

    Looks like it is still HD-DVD exclusive. Does not show up on the immediate release schedule for Blu-Ray.
  • Reply 3912 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    I have a question for those people who are format exclusive. What do you do when a must have disc comes out format exclusive in the one you don't support? That hasn't happened to me yet, I think Bourne 3 will be the first one and I'll probably end up buying it on SD.

    There hasn't been a must have movie released exclusively on HD DVD so far. Bourne 3 will be the first one for me too, and I'll probably just rent it on SD.
  • Reply 3913 of 4650
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    two more page to 100! go go...
  • Reply 3914 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Dual-format players are the Boot Camp of disc formats

    If one format's going to go the way of the laserdisc, it's most likely going to be HD DVD. However, you'd have to be crazy to think any company in the business of making money is going to abandon a consumer base that accounts for 35% - 45% (depending on the week) of the market. Unless HD DVD's install base starts dropping like a rock, it doesn't matter if Blu-ray sells 10-20% more discs every week. Will one side end up having more titles? Probably. But in a world where consumers will buy both a Nintendo Wii and a PS3 or xBox, I dont' think they'll have a difficult time grasping the notion of owning two players (each with it's own exclusive titles) or a combo player that handles both seamlessly.

    And your notion here flies in the face of history for the movie watching market. Ask yourself this...isn't there a reason that ONE format has risen from previous format wars? Therein lies your answer, and your notion regarding dual formats simply doesn't coincide with what history has presented thus far. Could it change? Possibly. Is it likely, no not really.

    Also, HD DVD has around 40% marketshare, this is simply noticed when you look at the SI numbers I've posted. So, any type of warm, fuzzy feeling you get in trying to take a high week number for HD DVD of 45% isn't really accurate, especially this and last week are the highest HD DVD has ever gotten all year.

    If I were a bettin' man, I'd say if Blu-ray holds the shutout in weekly sales vs. HD DVD all year, Warner will be making a Blu-exclusive announement at CES 2008. Remember, it is also in their best interest to make replication facilities uniform to save on cost to themselves.
  • Reply 3915 of 4650
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Does that mean the PS3 is not sold in states with anti-dumping laws?

    I doubt that the PS3 costs $399 to manufacture. It's okay to not make a profit on something and even lose money. There is a big difference between manufacturing cost and what a product must sell for to make a profit. Companies have something called "indirect expenses," which usually far exceed production cost.

  • Reply 3916 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Surely you jest. "Reason" and Bill Hunt posts are diametrically opposed.

    often thought the same about alot of the stuff you posted here early this year and almost all of last. opinions i guess

    he helped promote DVD did he? what did you do? oh yeah, I remember now, take money from Toshiba - figures
  • Reply 3917 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I would say that $99 HD-A2 deal is fire sale done right at the right time and right price.

    My word! you admited it was a fire sale, but as usual you add the spin.

    When Toshiba do it, its at the right time, but you imply with your other posts that when BD do it, its just plain BAD.

    did you work in a revolving door factory?
  • Reply 3918 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    My word! you admited it was a fire sale, but as usual you add the spin.

    When Toshiba do it, its at the right time, but you imply with your other posts that when BD do it, its just plain BAD.

    did you work in a revolving door factory?

    What's with you and fire sale?... Please do refresh my memory and pull out my prior quotes that claim fire sale is bad for blu-ray but good for HD-DVD.

    I actually love taking advantage of fire sale and would love to get my hands on 60GB PS3 at a fire sale price at $149 or lower.

    As I said before, I would love to take advantage of the B1G1 blu-ray HDM deals.
  • Reply 3919 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    I personally know of 3 people who took advantage of this deal. Firesale or not the numbers for HD DVD should see a significant boost.

    Well done Toshiba.
  • Reply 3920 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Looks like it is still HD-DVD exclusive. Does not show up on the immediate release schedule for Blu-Ray.

    Oh yeah??

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