Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3881 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    What sub-$200 Pioneer player are you refering too?

    Ha Ha. It's corrected now. I mean to type Toshiba and must have seen my Pioneer superdrive in my field of vision.
  • Reply 3882 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    K-Mart goes HD-DVD exclusive and having fire sale on Blu-Ray HDM?...

    The blu-ray Spidy3 is $6.99 at K-mart. I don't thing the supply will last too long. This is better than renting at $6.99... I would assume whatever bu-ray HDM left in K-mart would soon be on sale, too.

    Hey, this is win win for both format supporters...
  • Reply 3883 of 4650
    I am going to assume you are joking. Btw, the price of 6.99 was for the first two movies on DVD, not Spiderman 3 on Blu-Ray.
  • Reply 3884 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member

    go to the link and click on "see Friday Specials"

    This Friday, many will bring home sub $99 HD-DVD player.

    $14.96 HDM & $98.96 HD-A2........ Toshiba will easily sell 2 million HD-DVD players by the year end....... If Toshiba can unleash more at sub $99.

    Anyone going neutral in 2007?

    Well, looks like Toshiba is done with Blu-Ray and going after SD-DVD market now.
  • Reply 3885 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    That's nothing but a doorbuster. Or didn't you notice the "while quantities last"? I suspect there won't be many of them in each store. I notice you're not addressing Cam'ron's point that you misread the K-mart ad. Typical. I fully expect I will never see you write, "I was wrong."
  • Reply 3886 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Disney's Bob Chapek: "Blu-ray will Prevail" - Full Transcript


    "Thank you very much.

    We are extremely proud to unveil for you tonight the amazing Blu-ray editions of Cars and Ratatouille as they come at an important moment in the young life of the Blu-ray technology. The marriage of this amazing creative content with the revolutionary Blu-ray technology begins to fulfill the promise of what is possible when Disney Magic is paired with the ultimate next-generation technology. All across the world, almost every single day, we see more and more confirmation that Blu-ray will inevitably prevail as the high definition technology of choice, giving us the technological ?palette? to create and recreate some of the greatest Disney movie experiences in an all new medium.

    The choice I'm referring to is the choice of many. Let's start with the choice of consumers, where we've seen first hand that they are voting with their dollars amounting to an average ration of 2-1 in software sales in the US? and an even greater margin internationally. The margin is sure to grow as time moves on. Now let's examine retail where the choice is growing increasingly clear as earlier this year major retailers such as Blockbuster, Target, BJ's Clubs, Meijer and CompUSA have all signaled in one way or another? public announcements? shelf space allocation, etc? that Blu-ray is their preferred high definition choice. On an international stage, retailers like Carrefour and Auchon in Spain, Blockbuster in the UK, and Anttila in Finland, are all independently coming to the same conclusion as well. And if that's not enough, the Home Theater Specialists of America, the largest organization of home theater installers, have also named Blu-ray their ?exclusive, next generation high definition format of choice.? Lastly, rather than supplying a list of the myriad of impressive film-makers in support of Blu-ray, let me just quote the words of Michael Bay himself, ?As a director, my critical eye is that Blu-ray is where my money is??

    Blu-ray's dominance is becoming inevitable for one simple reason: The Blu-ray technology, and therefore the home entertainment experience, is superior. The most innovative and visionary companies in technology and entertainment understood Blu-ray's superiority from the outset. That's why our partners, which number over 170 companies worldwide, have been so committed to Blu-ray, and that is why Blu-ray has attracted such broad-based support throughout the entertainment and technology worlds. The Blu-ray technology is, quite simply, superior to any other high-def alternative because it is a ?revolutionary,? not and ?evolutionary? technology.

    In short, Blu-ray will inevitably prevail because Blu-ray delivers what consumers want: True high definition picture without compromise, the best sound quality, the best choice in content, the most special features, and of course the most disc storage capacity. No tradeoffs. No compromises. No smoke and mirrors.

    Finally, Blu-ray will prevail because the people of The Walt Disney Studios ? along with our Blu-ray partners will not stand by idly with this revolutionary format, but will instead trumpet Blu-ray's technological superiority to the widest possible audience. Earlier this year, we, along with our good partners at Panasonic, launched the Disney Blu-ray mall tour. Together, we set out to educate consumers across the country to the realities of the world of high definition and I'm proud to point out that we have completed our 11th stop and that we are averaging 10,000 consumer visits per market. These consumers are becoming educated as to what true high definition really is and many are telling us that Blu-ray will be their choice. We are not going to be shy about extolling the advantages of Blu-ray, for we have the facts and consumer preference on our side.

    In the end, Blu-ray's competition's attempts to sell less than the best will inevitably be trumped by what we stated from the very beginning: That the Blu-ray disc technology is not a half-step format that will sell consumers short ? but rather, it is a revolutionary technology that will change the way we view movies for the long term. And we firmly believe that revolutionary technology, my friends, is indisputably, undeniably and inevitably Blu-ray.

    The time is now upon us as an industry to do the right thing for the consumer. That right thing is to stop artificially prolonging this counter-production format war. The consumers are speaking loud and clear all over the world; and their choice in inevitable. It's inevitable that this industry's future, the preferred consumer future, the preferred film-maker future, and the preferred retail future is Blu-ray.

    All of us at The Walt Disney Studios thank you again for celebrating the release of two outstanding films -- Cars and Ratatouille -- on Blu-ray; and we hope you enjoy a great evening! Thank you."

    Damn straight! Very well thought out and logical. So much for HD DUDster's hopes of Disney going neutral!

    Care to recant your previous statement bitemymac about Chapek's statements being a "bitter outburst?" It appears his words were carefully chosen in this speech.
  • Reply 3887 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Disney's Bob Chapek: "Blu-ray will Prevail" - Full Transcript

    Damn straight! Very well thought out and logical. So much for HD DUDster's hopes of Disney going neutral!

    Care to recant your previous statement bitemymac about Chapek's statements being a "bitter outburst?" It appears his words were carefully chosen in this speech.

    haha.... the guy is quoting Michael Bay. I'm sure this was carefully chosen in this speech. As you can see, all he said was everything you can read about on a Sony/Blu-Ray brochure. "Blu-Ray will win because it's better"......"why... because it's blu-ray technology".

    Wonder how Bob will have to eat his words when he is forced to support HD-DVD next year. Do you think Bob will quote Morpheus next year?... "take the red pill and welcome to the real world".
  • Reply 3888 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    I fully expect I will never see you write, "I was wrong."

    So its not just me that thinks that \
  • Reply 3889 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So its not just me that thinks that \

    you guys really want to go off topic now....

    I can say that I was wrong to get myself involved in spinful debates with both of you. I should know better than that. You guys are free souls, and you can go about your marry ways.

    BTW, looks like BesBuy is also offering $99 HD-A2 with two free movies of your choice and this is going on right now. What's more intesting is that Circuity City and Sears will do a 110% price match on BB deal w/out free movies.

    I'm sure this deal is good while suppplies last, as the WM deal is for the Friday Specials...
  • Reply 3890 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    you guys really want to go off topic now....

    I can say that I was wrong to get myself involved in spinful debates with both of you. I should know better than that. You guys are free souls, and you can go about your marry ways.

    BTW, looks like BesBuy is also offering $99 HD-A2 with two free movies of your choice and this is going on right now. What's more intesting is that Circuity City and Sears will do a 110% price match on BB deal w/out free movies.

    I'm sure this deal is good while suppplies last, as the WM deal is for the Friday Specials...

    Indeed all 10,000 HD-A2 players left.
  • Reply 3891 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So its not just me that thinks that \

    Nope, you're not the only one.
  • Reply 3892 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    you guys really want to go off topic now....

    I can say that I was wrong to get myself involved in spinful debates with both of you. I should know better than that. You guys are free souls, and you can go about your marry ways.

    BTW, looks like BesBuy is also offering $99 HD-A2 with two free movies of your choice and this is going on right now. What's more intesting is that Circuity City and Sears will do a 110% price match on BB deal w/out free movies.

    I'm sure this deal is good while suppplies last, as the WM deal is for the Friday Specials...

    Well, to counter your points...I think Bill Hunt says it best...


    How in the world does Toshiba think it's ever going to make any money from the HD-DVD format? I mean, seriously.

    You may have heard by now that Toshiba has made pre-Black Friday arrangements with Wal-Mart to effectively dump its HD-A2 HD-DVD player starting this Friday (this weekend only) for just $98.87. You may also have heard that Best Buy has followed suit. Supplies are limited, of course, and the offer is apparently not valid in some parts of the country that have state anti-dumping laws.

    Wikipedia defines dumping as "the act of a manufacturer in one country exporting a product to another country at a price which is either below the price it charges in its home market or is below its costs of production." Toshiba's move isn't really anti-competitive, because there are no U.S. manufacturers making HD-DVD players. But it's that "below its costs of production" part that applies in this case. The HD-A2 arrived in the States with an original MSRP of $499.99. Now, Toshiba is letting it go for just $99. There's no way the player cost less than $100 to manufacturer. Just. No. Way.

    You might wonder: How can Toshiba possibly have enough HD-A2s left to sell at just $99 at large, nationwide retailers? Simple. It's because they didn't sell originally, so plenty of stores still have them sitting on shelves, gathering dust. Toshiba is eager to clear them all out at this point, and Wal-Mart and Best Buy are happy to help.

    Forget for a moment that the HD-A2 isn't capable of delivering full 1080p video - that doesn't matter. Why? Because anyone who is so price sensitive that they wait until a high-def player price hits $99 to buy one isn't likely to have an HDTV set yet. Being super bargain shoppers, they aren't likely to want to pay $30 for an HD-DVD movie either. I'd bet many of the people who jump on this sale will either be using them primarily as upconverting DVD players, or they're already diehard HD-DVD supporters and are buying them as second players.

    Clearly, the HD-DVD camp understands that low price is really the only card they have left to play in this format war. Porn hasn't won the war for them, nor has online bells and whistles, or combo discs/players. The obvious question would be: Why in the world would any other hardware manufacturer want to join Toshiba's foolhardy strategy of driving player prices down to next to nothing? It's no accident that not a single other major manufacturer has released a stand-alone HD-DVD player (and no, the Venturer doesn't count). Given how dramatically Toshiba has slashed prices on HD-DVD players over the last year, you have to wonder how long they can keep losing money.

    A couple weeks ago, when Disney and Sony launched a successful strategy of counter-selling their Blu-ray software titles 2 for 1 the same week Paramount and DreamWorks released Transformers on HD-DVD, we got a few e-mails from HD-DVD fans telling us how lame that was. Well, consider this: Is it any accident that Toshiba didn't wait for Black Friday to sell their $99 HD-DVD player, instead carefully planning the 3-day sale for the weekend before Disney and Pixar release Cars, Ratatouille and Pixar Short Films Collection on Blu-ray? Not a chance, folks. So Toshiba is slashing HD-DVD hardware prices to counteract the release of blockbuster Blu-ray software. What does that tell you about the viability of HD-DVD going into a fourth quarter that, by all accounts, is make or break for the format. Especially with Warner Home Video now hinting that they're looking at the fourth quarter to "reevaluate" their dual format support?

    Hey - there's no doubt that thousands of eager consumers will get a deal on cheap hardware this weekend. But it still isn't going to be the format war winner for HD-DVD that some would like to believe. On the contrary, it means that Toshiba is getting desperate... and is going even more deeply into the red with this format. Given the strength of their rhetoric this week, it's a safe bet that the Blu-ray camp will continue to press their advantage in the fourth quarter, and start really turning up the heat on HD-DVD in the weeks and months ahead.

    It boggles the mind to think that any reasonable person can still believe at this point that the HD-DVD format represents a viable long-term business for Hollywood. Toshiba is effectively paying studios to support them, and now they're practically giving their hardware and software away. Do you suppose we'll see free HD-DVD player offers in Cracker Jacks and breakfast cereal next? $50 players? $25 players?

    Experienced fighter pilots will tell you that when you dive your aircraft at the deck, you very quickly run out of maneuvering room. Seems like the ground's coming up awfully fast for HD-DVD.

    Back with more on Blu-ray Fest later this afternoon. Stay tuned...

  • Reply 3893 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Nope, you're not the only one.

    get a HDM player and I won't ignore you.
  • Reply 3894 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Well, to counter your points...I think Bill Hunt says it best...

    Another bitter outburst and this time by Billy.... lol...

    Do you not know Billy?.....
  • Reply 3895 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    BTW, looks like BesBuy is also offering $99 HD-A2 with two free movies of your choice and this is going on right now. What's more intesting is that Circuity City and Sears will do a 110% price match on BB deal w/out free movies.

    I'm sure this deal is good while suppplies last, as the WM deal is for the Friday Specials...

    So is THAT a fire sale or not? I get confused with your spin and FUD
  • Reply 3896 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Well, to counter your points...I think Bill Hunt says it best...

    Thanks! I have to agree with Bill, a well reasoned piece and OH so quotable

    Just had my first look at 300 on BD (finding time hasn't been easy recently) and its STUNNING! I also have the lend of the SD-DVD so I can get a look at that for comparison. The clear advantage of having ALL the extras (most in Hi-def) on the one disc is very cool indeed!

    I have one large TV show DVD boxset planned for xmas, but I think that might be the end of my DVD purchases BD from here on in!

    300 was Amazing in the cinema and astounding tonight, it's a really good story despite the films comic book origins.
  • Reply 3897 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Thanks for linking the post from Bill "the moron" Hunt. Now I don't have to give his site a "hit" since I deleted his bookmark months ago.

    The guy is steaming nerd trash. He writes like a Jr High dropout. I'm certainly glad his 15 minutes of fame ("I helped promote DVD" .. so fucking what Bill) are over.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Thanks! I have to agree with Bill, a well reasoned piece and OH so quotable


    Surely you jest. "Reason" and Bill Hunt posts are diametrically opposed.
  • Reply 3898 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So is THAT a fire sale or not?

    I would say that $99 HD-A2 deal is fire sale done right at the right time and right price.
  • Reply 3899 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Well, to counter your points...I think Bill Hunt says it best...


    Wikipedia defines dumping as "the act of a manufacturer in one country exporting a product to another country at a price which is either below the price it charges in its home market or is below its costs of production." Toshiba's move isn't really anti-competitive, because there are no U.S. manufacturers making HD-DVD players. But it's that "below its costs of production" part that applies in this case.

    Does that mean the PS3 is not sold in states with anti-dumping laws?
  • Reply 3900 of 4650
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Thanks for linking the post from Bill "the moron" Hunt. Now I don't have to give his site a "hit" since I deleted his bookmark months ago.

    The guy is steaming nerd trash. He writes like a Jr High dropout. I'm certainly glad his 15 minutes of fame ("I helped promote DVD" .. so fucking what Bill) are over.

    Surely you jest. "Reason" and Bill Hunt posts are diametrically opposed.

    His article seems pretty well written and reasoned out to me. You have used the "he is an idiot, so ignore what he says" argument before, I think you do it for everybody that has a different view.
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