Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3861 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I think last monthly or weekly hardware sales number in the states showed:

    xbox360: 135K units (8 million total)

    Wii: 120K units (5 million total)

    PS3: 25K units (2 million total)

    If you're interested, I can provide the link when I get home.

    In any rate, US gaming console market shows clear loser in the comptetition.

    BTW, I saw stacks of 60GB PS3 at BestBuy priced at $499 last Saturday, then visited on Sunday again with no units being removed from the stacks. Looks like even the consumers know.

    bite, I saw the same figures. What I find most interesting is the xBox outsold the wii. The article in which I saw the figures went on to say that the big jump in xBox figures was attributed to the release of the new Halo game.

    I think most people feel that the PS3's sales will improve once some killer games come out. In the past, Sony's game department carried the home electronic division. Now profits in Sony's home electronics are booming and it's that department's turn to carry the game division.

    Did you ever find a copy of 2001?

    Did anyone see Spyderman 3 in the theatres? From a story standpoint how does it compare with the first two. I'm trying to decide whether to add it to my Netflix queue.
  • Reply 3862 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    bite, I saw the same figures. What I find most interesting is the xBox outsold the wii. The article in which I saw the figures went on to say that the big jump in xBox figures was attributed to the release of the new Halo game.

    I think most people feel that the PS3's sales will improve once some killer games come out. In the past, Sony's game department carried the home electronic division. Now profits in Sony's home electronics are booming and it's that department's turn to carry the game division.

    Did you ever find a copy of 2001?

    Did anyone see Spyderman 3 in the theatres? From a story standpoint how does it compare with the first two. I'm trying to decide whether to add it to my Netflix queue.

    Yes, I did find a copy of 2001 from Frys for $18.99. I was visiting family in Orange County and I did not have chance to watch it all the way through. I was helping my in-law setting up HTPC with xbox360 HD-DVD AO, and we watch parts of the 2001 and it was by far the best Classic Movie transfer I've even seen to date. I have to find a time to watch it again from begining to end, perhaps tonight.

    BTW, I would rent Spidy3 first before buying. I'd imagine it would have a great PQ due to most CGI shots, but I liked Transformers story better.


    Leopard does not play HDM, yet. When using xbox360 AO drive and insert HD-DVD movies, it does show it on the icon. Just no playback support. This was tested on the most current spec 17" MBP and Leopard.
  • Reply 3863 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    As I have said before, you are the only one on the board who even mentioned the Transformers sales figures in advance. Arguing that one of the disc platforms had a "comeback" because of one single product release is really only something only you would do.

    His point was that Transformers is the biggest release HD DVD has this year. If that can't help them win even one week and stage a comeback, nothing can.

    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    is this the looooongest thread ever?

    Maybe. I think it's now inevitable this thread will break triple digits in page count before the 2008 thread takes over. Maybe I'll jump the gun and go start that thread now.
  • Reply 3864 of 4650
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    is this the looooongest thread ever?

    not yet

    not by a long shot
  • Reply 3865 of 4650
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Did anyone see Spyderman 3 in the theatres? From a story standpoint how does it compare with the first two. I'm trying to decide whether to add it to my Netflix queue.

    Spiderman 1 and 2 were awful I thought, I went to see an action flick and instead sat and watched a long drawn out love story.

    but in for a penny in for a pound I went to see Spidey 3 and, whether its the extra few years mellowing me, or the fact that I knew what I was getting into (from the earlier efforts) I really quite enjoyed it it wouldnt feed the brain, but was entertaining all the same!

    If you liked the first 2 then I think you might just enjoy the 3rd {opinion only}
  • Reply 3866 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Ratatouille...what to do...buying the DVD seems sooooo much a waste but I want a 360 not a PS3.

    Of course if I get the Ratatouille BluRay the Planet Earth is sure to follow. Then of course I need to update the projector again...
  • Reply 3867 of 4650
    If HD DVD maintains it's share or takes the lead this Christmas with sub-$200 players in several stores, then combo players are going to become the wave of the future. If HD DVD loses ground this Christmas, despite it's sub-$200 players, then I imagine a studio or two are going to drop HD DVD after the holiday shopping season.
  • Reply 3868 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Yah I agree with you Cory, I think a lot depends on this holiday seaon. I don't think this battle can last another year and not have some sort of comprimise.
  • Reply 3869 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    If HD DVD maintains it's share or takes the lead this Christmas with sub-$200 players in several stores, then combo players are going to become the wave of the future. If HD DVD loses ground this Christmas, despite it's sub-$200 players, then I imagine a studio or two are going to drop HD DVD after the holiday shopping season.

    I agree that with sub-$200 hardware blitz already starting from HD-DVD side, I think it will stimulate the HiDef HDM market in very positive direction. Way things are going with HD-DVD hardware pricing, perhaps, we can even expect sub $150 HD-DVD players to surface during or right after the holidays. If the pricing war does not ignite the HDM adaption to HDTV owners, I wonder what else will.

    In any rate, even if the current hardware blitz does not win the format war, it would make a significant impact and would definitely increase the standalone installed base for HD-DVD. This should turn more studios to support HD-DVD, but not other war around. I would think that the worst thing possible that can ever happen to HD-DVD now is one of the HD-DVD exclusive studios going neutral at worst, but it will likely to turn BD exclusive studios going neutral in more optimistic event.

    The 2007 holiday season will be the pivotal point for both HiDef format, and whoever can afford to be more aggressive with promoting their products will come out as a victor for the year.

    I just wish there will be more of the B1G1 deals soon on the HDM.
  • Reply 3870 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    In any rate, even if the current hardware blitz does not win the format war, it would make a significant impact and would definitely increase the standalone installed base for HD-DVD. This should turn more studios to support HD-DVD, but not other war around.

    Since the sub-200 players are old models that the shops themselves lowered the price on, what makes you think they won't do the same for old BD players?
  • Reply 3871 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Since the sub-200 players are old models that the shops themselves lowered the price on, what makes you think they won't do the same for old BD players?

    I think he's talking about the new sub-$200 Toshiba and Venturer units we discussed earlier in the thread, not discounted models.
  • Reply 3872 of 4650
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    We're going to have to do better than K-Mart as an exclusive retail supporter to really regain some lost ground

    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Since the sub-200 players are old models that the shops themselves lowered the price on, what makes you think they won't do the same for old BD players?

    Lower their prices they may (see $399 40GB PS3), but below $200 this holiday season Blu-Ray won't be. IMO, a person would be crazy to purchase a discounted Blu-Ray player now (unless it's a PS3), as they may or may not be able to be upgradable to the "bring us up to snuff" 1.1 feature set. Not that Joe Consumer cares about any of that of course.

    I was surprised to read this morning that Panasonic's new "next gen", next-gen Blu-Ray player doesn't have ethernet on it; how are you supposed to use web-enabled features without ethernet? Does it have wi-fi?
  • Reply 3873 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I think he's talking about the new sub-$200 Pioneer and Venturer units we discussed earlier in the thread, not discounted models.

    What sub-$200 Pioneer player are you refering too?
  • Reply 3874 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I agree that with sub-$200 hardware blitz already starting from HD-DVD side, I think it will stimulate the HiDef HDM market in very positive direction. Way things are going with HD-DVD hardware pricing, perhaps, we can even expect sub $150 HD-DVD players to surface during or right after the holidays. If the pricing war does not ignite the HDM adaption to HDTV owners, I wonder what else will.

    In any rate, even if the current hardware blitz does not win the format war, it would make a significant impact and would definitely increase the standalone installed base for HD-DVD. This should turn more studios to support HD-DVD, but not other war around. I would think that the worst thing possible that can ever happen to HD-DVD now is one of the HD-DVD exclusive studios going neutral at worst, but it will likely to turn BD exclusive studios going neutral in more optimistic event.

    The 2007 holiday season will be the pivotal point for both HiDef format, and whoever can afford to be more aggressive with promoting their products will come out as a victor for the year.

    I just wish there will be more of the B1G1 deals soon on the HDM.

    And having Blu-ray players in a variety of name brands that are more trusted by the consumer at a price point close to par of HD DVD players won't increase the standalone installed base for Blu-ray? Or perhaps surpass HD DVD's 9-10% standalone advantage?

    You honestly think more studios are going to support HD DVD, albeit without more $150 million bribes from the HD DVD group? Given that the install base is much bigger for Blu-ray and has more people buying movies for the format as well? I think the presumption of your "significant impact" is more wishfull thinking, especially in light of some of this news...

    Will Warner Bros. Endorse Blu-ray?

    Studio executive hints that dual-format policy may be changing.


    Warner Bros. has been neutral in the Blu-ray-HD DVD disc war, releasing movies in both high-def formats.

    However, that policy may be changing, says a top Warner executive.

    Dan Silverberg, Warner's vice president of High-Definition media, hinted Monday at a Blu-ray briefing for the media that the studio might soon endorse Blu-ray.

    Warner is now the only major studio that releases movies in both formats; two support HD DVD exclusively while four have endorsed Blu-ray.

    Warner films like 300 could soon be Blu-ray exclusives.

    But Home Media Magazine reports that Silverberg believes that Blu-ray may be winning the format war and, consequently, it may be time for the studio to pick one over the other.

    “One thing that may be changing is our strategy,” he said. “When both formats launched and hardware prices were high, we made a decision to support both formats and let the consumer decide. But now that hardware pricing is affordable for both Blu-ray and HD DVD, it appears consumers no longer want to decide — so the notion of staying in two formats for the duration is something we are re-evaluating now that we are in the fourth quarter.”

    The Warner executive noted that Blu-ray sales have topped HD DVD by a 2-1 margin over the last nine months.

    While he didn't come out and endorse Blu-ray, it sounded like the studio had a clear favorite if it decides to endorse one format.

    “We can definitely talk Blu-ray,” he said. “We are committed to the format.”

    Warner's decision to support Blu-ray over HD DVD could have a major impact on the high-def disc format war. Without Warner, HD DVD's catalogue would only include titles from two studios.

    These are some strong hints from Silverberg, and potentially damning ones at that for HD DVD. If this were to occur, I think the format war would all but be over, and I think it would cause a chain reaction in at the very least, Universal going neutral sometime in 2008 if this--Warner going Blu-ray exclusive--were to actually occur.

    However, I think the possibility of this happening is quite plausible, especially considering that Blu-ray is going to dominate yet once again with Transformers (HD DVD's great hope) out of the way and with HUGE Blu-ray blockbusters like Spiderman 3 (already out since yesterday), Cars, Ratatouille, Live Free and Die Hard, The Simpsons Movie, Independence Day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, POTC 3, Superbad, Legend of Zorro, Harry Potter (dual, but will sell more on Blu-ray), etc. that are all exclusive to Blu-ray (except for the one aforementioned).

    Warner will see at the very least another 2 months of a 2:1 ratio in favor of Blu-ray, and if they derive their business decisions on what the consumer is choosing for the majority and what format is making them more money and not be bribed by Toshiba & Microsoft, & Co., they will most assuredly choose Blu IMO, it is simply the smarter business choice, and a choice that could potentially catapult them into being a saviour of the format war, in that it will in all intents and purposes end this retarded fomat war. If they choose HD DVD, they'll be known as the studio that successfully made high-def niche, and a stalemate will forever insue, leading to low consumer adoption for the forseeable future. What choice do you think is better for Warner's image? I think it is pretty clear.
  • Reply 3875 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    And having Blu-ray players in a variety of name brands that are more trusted by the consumer at a price point close to par of HD DVD players won't increase the standalone installed base for Blu-ray? Or perhaps surpass HD DVD's 9-10% standalone advantage?

    You honestly think more studios are going to support HD DVD, albeit without more $150 million bribes from the HD DVD group? Given that the install base is much bigger for Blu-ray and has more people buying movies for the format as well? I think the presumption of your "significant impact" is more wishfull thinking, especially in light of some of this news...

    Will Warner Bros. Endorse Blu-ray?

    Studio executive hints that dual-format policy may be changing.

    These are some strong hints from Silverberg, and potentially damning ones at that for HD DVD. If this were to occur, I think the format war would all but be over, and I think it would cause a chain reaction in at the very least, Universal going neutral sometime in 2008 if this--Warner going Blu-ray exclusive--were to actually occur.

    However, I think the possibility of this happening is quite plausible, especially considering that Blu-ray is going to dominate yet once again with Transformers (HD DVD's great hope) out of the way and with HUGE Blu-ray blockbusters like Spiderman 3 (already out since yesterday), Cars, Ratatouille, Live Free and Die Hard, The Simpsons Movie, Independence Day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, POTC 3, Superbad, Legend of Zorro, Harry Potter (dual, but will sell more on Blu-ray), etc. that are all exclusive to Blu-ray (except for the one aforementioned).

    Warner will see at the very least another 2 months of a 2:1 ratio in favor of Blu-ray, and if they derive their business decisions on what the consumer is choosing for the majority and what format is making them more money and not be bribed by Toshiba & Microsoft, & Co., they will most assuredly choose Blu IMO, it is simply the smarter business choice, and a choice that could potentially catapult them into being a saviour of the format war, in that it will in all intents and purposes end this retarded fomat war. If they choose HD DVD, they'll be known as the studio that successfully made high-def niche, and a stalemate will forever insue, leading to low consumer adoption for the forseeable future. What choice do you think is better for Warner's image? I think it is pretty clear.

    Well..... Warner did learn something from 300 release. Warner no longer supports Combo form of HD-DVD releases. Warner knows lower price speaks louder than a format with SD-DVD playback. I think everyone knows what's happening with PS3 in the game console market as this week sales number ending 27th of Oct. shows :

    Wii: 145k units

    xbox360: 140k units

    PS3: 40k units

    I don't think $399 40GB PS3 will do much for Blu-Ray when it's not even supporting PS2 compatibility. The cheaper PS3 will only compete with Standalone Blu-Ray player, especially now when no current player is profile 1.1 compliant among all those different brands.
  • Reply 3876 of 4650
    Don't underestimate the willingness of large corporations to loose huge bundles of money over an extended time period. Sony is staking its gaming future on the PS3 and BD and has support for BD from many other companies. Toshiba and Microsoft seem willing to bankroll HD-DVD studios. In my mind, the big shakeout will occur at the end of 4Q 2008. Just think, we'll have this debate until at least then.

    Has anyone preordered Ratatouille or seen it in the theatres? It had good reviews when it was playing but I never got around to seeing it.
  • Reply 3877 of 4650
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Has anyone preordered Ratatouille or seen it in the theatres? It had good reviews when it was playing but I never got around to seeing it.

    A friend saw it with the original English voice acting and says it was good.
  • Reply 3878 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Has anyone preordered Ratatouille or seen it in the theatres? It had good reviews when it was playing but I never got around to seeing it.

    My 5 years old didn't like it too much for the first 20 to 30 min, but she really enjoyed watching rest of the movie from the cooking scenes in Paris to end.
  • Reply 3879 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Chapek Praises Blu-ray, Blasts HD DVD


    [In remarks he was scheduled to deliver shortly after the USC Marching Band played its fight song, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment worldwide president Bob Chapek blasted the rival HD DVD camp for prolonging the format war when it is clear Blu-ray Disc is the odds-on favorite.

    “Blu-ray’s competition’s attempts to sell less than the best will inevitably be trumped by what we stated from the very beginning: That the Blu-ray technology is not a half-step format that will sell consumers short, but rather, it is a revolutionary technology that will change the way we view movies for the long term,” Chapek said.

    “And we firmly believe that revolutionary technology, my friends, is indisputably, undeniably and inevitably Blu-ray.”

    Chapek’s fierce rhetoric underscores the growing enmity in Hollywood between the studios supporting Blu-ray Disc and those behind rival next-generation format HD DVD. Disney, along with Sony Pictures, 20th Century Fox and Lionsgate, are solidly and exclusively in the Blu-ray camp. Universal Studios and Paramount/DreamWorks only support HD DVD, while Warner Home Video, at least for the time being, releases titles in both formats.

  • Reply 3880 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    url=]Chapek Praises Blu-ray, Blasts HD DVD



    that's called bitter out burst. The guy needs to blame Sony for not being able to win the war within the 1st 6 months of PS3 launch, as clamored by Sony's guarantee.

    Wait....... but Sony has claimed at multiples times of their victory over the format. According to Sony, the HDM format war ended long time ago, Q2 of 2007?
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