Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 4041 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 4042 of 4650
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    I guess Toshiba should have ran a "buy one get one" sale on HD DVD's last week to counter Spiderman 3 sales. It'll be interesting to see how Pixar's Blu-Ray-only rat movie fairs against those 90,000 new HD DVD owners in the next round of numbers. Do PS3 owners buy kiddie films? Will those 90,000 new HD DVD owners be out blowing money on movies for their new players? Will marzetta7 upgrade his description of Blu-Ray's lead from "dominate" to "obliterate"? Time will tell
  • Reply 4043 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    This is where I read it:

    Again, it doesn't provide a full quote or interview, just one, isolated word. I can't form an opinion on that.
  • Reply 4044 of 4650
    woot iPhone in UK!!

    sorry, you know its the frikkin IPHONE!

    annnnyway, jus' sayin is all
  • Reply 4045 of 4650
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    What a bizarre thing to say \

    Yeah, he says this the same day we find out that Blu-ray commanded 71% of the previous week's sales.
  • Reply 4046 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    You guy's are all down with this subject so I'll ask you. Where can I find the best neutral reviews of both types of players. A site that no bias to either side of the coin? I was thinking of getting the LG hybrid player for $650 @ circuit city, but I'd like to review all the options first.
  • Reply 4047 of 4650
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    You guy's are all down with this subject so I'll ask you. Where can I find the best neutral reviews of both types of players. A site that no bias to either side of the coin? I was thinking of getting the LG hybrid player for $650 @ circuit city, but I'd like to review all the options first.

    the lg hybrid is not a good player.

    it supports hd 90% and blueray 100% from a test i read..

    The best tip is to wait for a bether comboplayer ore buy one of the format.
  • Reply 4048 of 4650
    ]Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending November 4th

    WE: BD-71% HDD-29% YTD: BD-64% HDD-36% SI: BD-61% HDD-39%

    Hmm, and with Spidey and Cars and Ratatouille, these numbers wont go up? Stalemate?
  • Reply 4049 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Sorry Marz, but if the stalemate quote is true, I've got to believe the CEO of Sony has access to better forecasting numbers than you do.
  • Reply 4050 of 4650
    If those numbers hold up over the next few weeks it would seem that it's must have titles driving those sales numbers, not low price players. And another inference would be that even with low price, HD players are not being bought by J6P consumers in any significant numbers.

    Since neither side seems willing to let their format die, it definitely seems the format war will continue indefinitely.

    The DD/BD boards are back up over at AVS and with a new set of posting rules. One is that there will be no posting of sales figures UNLESS they're Nielsen's. So I guess AVS figures that Nielsen is about as close as we can get to an actual figure.
  • Reply 4051 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm all for this. I just hope HD-DVD gets their 51gb disc out sooner than later. That way quality difference is almost non-existant... and then dual format players will be the wave of the future. And I can just use my ps3 for what it was designed for... gaming. I always hated using my ps2 as a dvd player... I would much rather have a stand alone dvd player than use ps2 / ps3... burn the drive out faster that way.
  • Reply 4052 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    I'm making sure there are multiple HDMI ports on HDTVs I'm considering so that it'll be easy to go format neutral just as soon as I recover from buying the TV enough to buy a Blu-ray player of some kind.
  • Reply 4053 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    I'm making sure there are multiple HDMI ports on HDTVs I'm considering so that it'll be easy to go format neutral just as soon as I recover from buying the TV enough to buy a Blu-ray player of some kind.

    If Samsung, LG or whoever can deliver a $499 Universal player next year I'll hop in. I frankly don't care if the war is a stalemate or what. I'm down with getting the consolidation of both formats in one player. If HD remains a niche I'm somewhat ok with that as well as long as the niche is big enough to bring new content.

    Frankly the market isn't quite ready yet anyways. Intel was yammering about $1000 60" screens a few years back when they were hyping the LCOS chips and then they promptly bagged the idea. As long as solid LCD and Plasma at 42" sizes and above remain in the thousands consumers will stick to DVD and lower cost monitors.

    My goal hopefully is to get

    A. A new AVR next year with 4 HDMI inputs (Preferably 1.3a connections)

    B. A Universal HD player

    C. An HDMI enabled Xbox 360

    D. A second generation Apple TV

    E. A Harmony or equivalent Universal remote.

    D. A 5.1 or 7.1 speaker system. I'm eyeballing ...I want small and easy to install.

    We already have NEC, Broadcom and a couple more companies making integrated chipset that handle the DRM and more for both formats. By CES 2008 I expect to see the nextgen of these integated chipsets hitting even lower pricing. I also expect to see the jump to more Universal optical drives. Intially the lens assembly for Blu-ray was quite beefy but now after a couple of years of development their are slim line drives for laptops. I look for the drives to drop to $199 for bare mechanisms for computers which means $499 Universal players with profitability.
  • Reply 4054 of 4650
    I think HD DVD is an abortive standart, on systems like Mac there is a place only for Bluray...
  • Reply 4055 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by takemura View Post

    I think HD DVD is an abortive standart, on systems like Mac there is a place only for Bluray...

    Depends on the context that you are looking from. I think neither standard is abortive that's a hyperbolic statment and quite irrational.

    If we're talking about backup and data storage then Blu-ray (recordable) is the product superior in data storage capacity.

    If we're talking about watching movies then neither format enjoys a substantial technical advantage. They are really too similar to differentiate themselves.

    Both are laden with DRM (AACS, HDCP and Blu-ray adds ROM Mark and BD+) so adding support to the OS for either is certainly not trivial.

    If Apple is smart they'll simply wait for the right hardware and find a way to affordably deliver support for both.
  • Reply 4056 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    If Samsung, LG or whoever can deliver a $499 Universal player next year I'll hop in. I frankly don't care if the war is a stalemate or what. I'm down with getting the consolidation of both formats in one player. If HD remains a niche I'm somewhat ok with that as well as long as the niche is big enough to bring new content.

    Me too. When the Samsung BD-UP5000 hits $499 I'll go format neutral. Blu-Ray is just too expensive for my blood right now, especially considering they're still advancing their feature set and today's standalone players will be up shit creek when they finally add picture-in-picture and web-enabled features. I wonder how long of a wait it'll be until there's a dual-format player for $500 that includes Wi-fi? That's one of the advantages of the HD DVD add-on I presently own for my xBox 360.
  • Reply 4057 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by todA View Post

    the lg hybrid is not a good player.

    it supports hd 90% and blueray 100% from a test i read..

    The best tip is to wait for a bether comboplayer ore buy one of the format.

    Thanks. If I were to choose a format I would choose Blu-Ray. So if it's 100% on BR I'm probably looking good, but I'm still interested in a site that reviews neutrally both formats.
  • Reply 4058 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    OK, well i'm out of the HD game again. After breaking my TV in for over 100 hours. I played a game for an hour. After an hour of gaming, I noticed the HUD had been burned into the screen. Screw plasma. I basically got the use the TV for a whole 5 hours in 6 days, and it's already burned. I'm sorry guys, but HDTVs have a long way to go before they are ready for prime time. LCDs have slow response times, Plasmas are susceptible to burn-in, DLPs suck in lighted situations. I MIGHT get an LCD, but I doubt it. This has pissed me off to where I want to sell my ps3, take back the HDTV and go back to where i was before. This is pathetic.
  • Reply 4059 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Hrm... Appeared to be just ghosting. I ran my break-in dvd all night and I don't see it any more (I actually stopped seeing it after about 10 min). Maybe I can stick with plasma and I'll hold off on games and static content another 100 hours. However, THIS IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE!!!!
  • Reply 4060 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Hrm... Appeared to be just ghosting. I ran my break-in dvd all night and I don't see it any more (I actually stopped seeing it after about 10 min). Maybe I can stick with plasma and I'll hold off on games and static content another 100 hours. However, THIS IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE!!!!

    Yeah... the burn-in is for the old school models, the newer plasma TV's do have image retention issue like the burn-in, but should go away after awhile. It's still like a burn-in but just not permanent like the older plasma.

    Also, the motion smear/blur on LCD is almost not an issue with the newer models having 12 ms and lower latency.

    I'm in the process of evaluating 120Hz/LED or CCF backlight in 50 to 60" size at the moment.... or the new MBP. It's a tough call. Anyway, the newer LCD TV's with gloss panels actually looked equal/better than the best plasmas, IMO. Only problem is I don't like the gloss due to reflections.

    Anyway, I was at my local BB this weekend and I see that HDM shelves have been expanding. Now there is a full isle, one side HD-DVD and the other side BD. It's seems that BB, CC, Walmart and the online shops like Amazon are the true HDM backers for the HD vs. SD format war. It's just too bad that none of those shops are included in the Nielson stats for more accurate reports to reflect the status.
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