Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 561 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    But probably not as remarkably annoying as your format going down like the Titanic, eh? Got an HD DVD player?...because I could seriously use some paper weights. Besides, I posted similar articles only twice. The pictures are just icing on the cake in general Blu-ray pwning HD DVD terms. Happy Birthday.

    If you've indeed purchase and HD DVD player, may want to rethink your HD avenue there a bit.

    Actually, no. I honestly don't give a damn which format wins out, so long as one wins out soon. My 60-inch SXRD awaits HD material.

    I just think you're being a bit of a prick.
  • Reply 562 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Okay.... buy PS3 then what?.... How many BD movies will be worth buying when released vs. HD-DVD titles already on the shelves or planned to be released?

    Hmmm...last I read a few days ago BD had a content advantage that was only partially offset by Warner's most recent promises. I don't think content is HD-DVD's advantage but the opposite.

  • Reply 563 of 4650
    bevosbevos Posts: 59member
    but there is a 3rd player FVD (Forward Versatile Disc) a massive 5.4Gb increase of 700Mb over DVD. Uses AACS copy protection like Blu-ray but still uses red laser like DVD. Taiwan must be mad if they think thats a winner. Cheaper they say...Hmmm

    Im for Blu-ray, faster, bigger, & better road map. Apple with go Blu-ray, it makes more sense for computers solution, just hope that they burn Blu-ray.

    We had super drive and combo drive now what extreme drive and flexi drive.

    Any way download might kill both, but it's nice to have a fiscal nicely design package to put on your shelf for all to see.
  • Reply 564 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    EVD and FVD are local formats to avoid royalties. They are certainly improvements to the VCD and SVCD formats common in Asia. Video quality is not the top priority for some markets.
  • Reply 565 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Hmmm...last I read a few days ago BD had a content advantage that was only partially offset by Warner's most recent promises. I don't think content is HD-DVD's advantage but the opposite.


    So, how many BD movies do you plan to own out of the ones being released this year? You're buying every BD movie release?.... and the advantage is?....... When Warners trying to catch up with the HD-DVD released catalog, but can't because the damn BD-J isn't working. Only disadvantage is that many warners titles are being held back on HD-DVD side due to broken BD-J. I'm glad I got my Harry Potter in HD-DVD from UK last year, because it's one of the warner titles being held back in the states. If I really want, I can probably get all the BD titles I would get in HD-DVD version from europe and japan. BTW, have I pointed out that HD-DVD is region free?.... and BD isn't. I still don't see what the advantage is.... owning a beta system supported by Sony.
  • Reply 566 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Senior moment...I meant Universal when I wrote Warner. As for how many BD discs I'll be buying its still zero. Just like HD-DVD. Wake me when LOTR and SW are released.

    Current titles on both formats still suck for the buy in costs. If Apple goes 720p buy Cars along with some other titles and hook my mac up via DVI. Buy in costs = 0.

    The format war sucks and a pox on both their houses.

    I'll get a 360 when Mass Effect ships (or soonish after but not before) and a PS3 when I see a title I gotta have. At that point I'll buy some discs. Maybe. More likely BR since I'll have paid for a BR player and not have to cough up another $200 for a HD-DVD drive.

  • Reply 567 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Actually, no. I honestly don't give a damn which format wins out, so long as one wins out soon. My 60-inch SXRD awaits HD material.

    I just think you're being a bit of a prick.

    Good for you, but name calling isn't necessary. I agree too that the sooner one wins out the better...and all indications right now point to Blu-ray becoming the overwhelming victor, especially with the hardware support, studio support, and software that is to be released in the coming days. So, all in all, if you don't really "give a damn" well then wait a few more months and the picture will most assuredly be clearer, or dare I say, more Blu.

    Say what you like about your thoughts are in regards to my posts, but the reality is is that this type of news for some of the HD DVD zealots on this thread has been a long time coming. For far too long, Blu-ray supporters, such as myself, have been taking their abuse in the form of mockery, name calling, verbal challenges of hunting for heads, accusations of always focusing on the what's in the future with no delivery, etc. But guess what, the tide is turning and Blu-ray is indeed delivering, just as was predicted by many like myself. So, in summation, if your going to dish it out, you best be able to take it as well--one of the main reasons I respect ol Murch so much. He stands by his convictions and choice like some others here, even though the reality of the situation is not in their favor. So, aside from the prick comment, relax a bit, and enjoy the entertainment that the forum provides all in the name of good debate.
  • Reply 568 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    HD DVD zealots [...] Blu-ray supporters [...] name calling

    Um...lets be fair here, you have been throwing terms out, and branding, and name calling almost this entire thread (and the previous 2). Either we are all supporters, or we are all zealots. Those of us in our respective camps are all fanbois to some extent. But don't make it look like the HD DVD guys are rabid crazy zealots, while the Blu-ray camp is full of soft spoken, sane supporters.

    You are by far the most outspoken blu-ray supporter on this forum. There are a few others that are in your camp, but don't post as much. There are a handful of "true" netruals (don't care which format wins). Then there are a couple of outspoken HD DVD guys, and a few lessers (myself included in this camp). The funny thing? I don't know of a single blu-ray guy on this forum having actually bought a blu-ray player (maybe one of the quieter guys, but not you marzetta), but I do know that most of the HD DVD guys (myself included) have purchased into our format.
  • Reply 569 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Okay.... buy PS3 then what?.... How many BD movies will be worth buying when released vs. HD-DVD titles already on the shelves or planned to be released?... In all practicality, what I'm really curious is how many BD movies are you BD/PS3 fanboys planning to buy this year?.... Oh, netfix all?.... Would PS3 owners become BD movie collectors or mass renters?

    Well, if the hard data from VideoScan is any indicator, it seems that PS3 owners are becoming quite the BD movie collectors, just as persons like yourself said wouldn't happen. However, I imagine them becoming avid renters as well.

    In regards to what movies I would like to buy, well, here's a good list...

    Underworld: Evolution

    The Terminator

    Terminator 2: Judgment Day

    50 First Dates


    Total Recall


    Tears of the Sun

    A Knight's Tale


    Monster House

    X-Men: The Last Stand

    The Transporter

    Transporter 2


    Kingdom of Heaven: The Director's Cut

    Fantastic Four

    Black Hawk Down

    Behind Enemy Lines

    The Wild

    Ice Age

    Ice Age: The Meltdown

    Enemy of the State


    Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

    The Devil Wears Prada

    Pearl Harbor

    Open Season


    First Blood

    Young Guns

    Chain Reaction

    Planet of the Apes

    The Sentinel

    The Usual Suspects

    The Prestige

    Vertical Limit

    Casino Royale

    Dances with Wolves



    Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Chicken Little

    Dude, Where's My Car?

    The Fly (1986)

    King Arthur Director's Cut

    Me, Myself & Irene

    The Silence of the Lambs

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl


    Con Air

    Crimson Tide

    The Rock

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

    The Da Vinci Code


    Legends of the Fall

    The Princess Bride

    ...just to name a few EXCLUSIVES (Fox, Disney, Sony, Liongate, and MGM movies listed and this is only up to June). And these are just the ones I like in my opinion. There are many, many more exclusives out there. So, em, yeah, there will be plenty of wants that are exclusive to Blu-ray, and when you couple that with Warner and Paramount releases, it is clear to see that Blu-ray movie purchases have pretty much all of Hollywood at their fingertips, with the exception of Universal.
  • Reply 570 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    The Sentinel? The Wild? The Da Vinci Code? Now I KNOW you're just copying and pasting from the available titles.

    And don't tell me you somehow think a little mild name-calling is any worse than a whole lot of needless nose-rubbing, which is what your niche seems to be.

    Anyway, continue. I'll chuckle at you from the sidelines.
  • Reply 571 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    The Sentinel? The Wild? The Da Vinci Code? Now I KNOW you're just copying and pasting from the available titles.

    And don't tell me you somehow think a little mild name-calling is any worse than a whole lot of needless nose-rubbing, which is what your niche seems to be.

    Anyway, continue. I'll chuckle at you from the sidelines.


    I"m glad I don't care about this convo any more. It's too heated for me. So I'll just laugh at the ones that get worked up over it.
  • Reply 572 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    The funny thing? I don't know of a single blu-ray guy on this forum having actually bought a blu-ray player (maybe one of the quieter guys, but not you marzetta), but I do know that most of the HD DVD guys (myself included) have purchased into our format.

    Heh, is there really more than ONE blu-ray zealot and ONE HD-DVD zealot in this thread?

    In any case, I don't have either because I'm still dithering about which game system I want. That and there are no titles I need right now.

  • Reply 573 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Yah that too. Personally I'd rather get my HD Content from itunes (if they offered it) and stream it to my HDTV than buy a bunch of space consuming media again.
  • Reply 574 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bevos View Post

    We had super drive and combo drive now what extreme drive and flexi drive.

    Hyperdrive! Get ready for Ludicrous Speed! We're going plaid... er, blue!
  • Reply 575 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Well, if the hard data from VideoScan is any indicator, it seems that PS3 owners are becoming quite the BD movie collectors, just as persons like yourself said wouldn't happen. However, I imagine them becoming avid renters as well.

    In regards to what movies I would like to buy, well, here's a good list...

    Underworld: Evolution

    The Terminator

    Terminator 2: Judgment Day

    50 First Dates


    Total Recall


    Tears of the Sun

    A Knight's Tale


    Monster House

    X-Men: The Last Stand

    The Transporter

    Transporter 2


    Kingdom of Heaven: The Director's Cut

    Fantastic Four

    Black Hawk Down

    Behind Enemy Lines

    The Wild

    Ice Age

    Ice Age: The Meltdown

    Enemy of the State


    Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

    The Devil Wears Prada

    Pearl Harbor

    Open Season


    First Blood

    Young Guns

    Chain Reaction

    Planet of the Apes

    The Sentinel

    The Usual Suspects

    The Prestige

    Vertical Limit

    Casino Royale

    Dances with Wolves



    Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Chicken Little

    Dude, Where's My Car?

    The Fly (1986)

    King Arthur Director's Cut

    Me, Myself & Irene

    The Silence of the Lambs

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl


    Con Air

    Crimson Tide

    The Rock

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

    The Da Vinci Code


    Legends of the Fall

    The Princess Bride

    ...just to name a few EXCLUSIVES (Fox, Disney, Sony, Liongate, and MGM movies listed and this is only up to June). And these are just the ones I like in my opinion. There are many, many more exclusives out there. So, em, yeah, there will be plenty of wants that are exclusive to Blu-ray, and when you couple that with Warner and Paramount releases, it is clear to see that Blu-ray movie purchases have pretty much all of Hollywood at their fingertips, with the exception of Universal.

    So, out of the long list, how many BD titles will you buy by the year end?... Everyone likes to buy time, but can't.
  • Reply 576 of 4650
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    The funny thing? I don't know of a single blu-ray guy on this forum having actually bought a blu-ray player (maybe one of the quieter guys, but not you marzetta) . . .

    Well, Blu-Ray has not been out as long as HD-DVD. Speaking for myself, I don't like to buy the first hardware off the production line. Ask the question a couple months from now.

    My personal situation has changed too. I did not have HDTV two weeks ago, but now I do, and a Blu-Ray player is high on my priority list. My son has a PS2 and many games. He's willing to put up part of the cost of a PS3, to get the one with a 60 GB drive. I'll let you know how I like the Blu-Ray movies from Netflix in a couple months, if all goes according to plan. It could be sooner, but that's our deadline.

  • Reply 577 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Have any of the Blu-Ray guy's bought an HD-DVD player? Doubt it. It';s obvious why the majority want blu-ray. It's the capacity, and the durability. I can't figure out why anybody likes HD-DVD at all. It's an inferior product.
  • Reply 578 of 4650
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    . . . I can't figure out why anybody likes HD-DVD at all. It's an inferior product.

    I know several who already own the Xbox have purchased the cheap HD-DVD add-on player. They are not buying HD-DVD discs, however, but just watching HD movies from Netflix. No matter which format wins, for $199 they get to watch some HD movies now, rather than waiting for smoke to clear and can see which format wins.

  • Reply 579 of 4650
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    I'm with Onlooker. I cant understand why people would go for an inferior product...

    Blu Ray beats HD-DVD in... Everything.
  • Reply 580 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Have any of the Blu-Ray guy's bought an HD-DVD player? Doubt it. It';s obvious why the majority want blu-ray. It's the capacity, and the durability. I can't figure out why anybody likes HD-DVD at all. It's an inferior product.

    I have yet to read an article that said blu-ray quality was better than hd-dvd. Every side to side comparison I've seen hd-dvd has a bit sharper quality. They are extremely close... But every single person I HAVE HEARD FROM has concluded hd-dvd quality is a tad higher... lets call it 1-5% better.

    This one comes to mind. Compares many different movies on xbox360 vs ps3.

    While I expect a lot of you to tear that url to shreds. I have seen a side by side comparison of Last Samurai at Fry's... I liked the hd-dvd better. I don't think the end consumer cares about how much a disc can hold as long as the quality is "kick-ass".

    You mentioned durability... something I'm unaware of there?

    Disclaimer: I'm still on the fence. I'm more leaning towards the side of skipping this generation of media all together. I'd much rather have the movie on my computer and stream it, than own the media. I wish AppleTV did 1080i.
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