Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1661 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Telomar View Post

    What I've found with BD is far and above the biggest improvement in BD is not the resolution but the colour improvement. Ice Age 2 on DVD looked positively dull in comparison to its BD counterpart.

    I'm not going to go out and repurchase all the movies I have but I think I'd certainly try and pick up most of my new films on BD now.

    The Colour is STUNNINGLY vibrant (and I'm quite sure thats platform independant) I haven't ordered Casino Royal yet, but the trailer download from the playstation store was also very vibrant, as are the hidef offerings from Apple.

    This alone makes a difference and I'm quite shocked to tell the truth, but plesantly so. It is almost like going from VHS to DVD in reguard to the colour (setting aside the sharpness one noticed between VHS to DVD)

    It will be difficult to justify rebuying some films I already have on DVD, however I think that once I make a start it might be difficult to stop assuming the differences in DVD to BD are consistently good. I have heard/read that the transfares in general are better from some studios than from others, Sony and Disney being the best (so I have read, this is not MY opinion) can anyone comment on this from experience?
  • Reply 1662 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Disney CEO Iger Talks Up Blu-ray in Analyst Call


    While Disney has maintained a relatively low profile in the war of words between studios backing one or the other of the high-def disc formats, CEO Robert Iger spoke out in support of Blu-ray this week during the company's quarterly analyst call.

    As the first studio head to successfully embrace the web (and iTunes in particular) as an alternative distribution vehicle for movie and TV-related content, Iger is credited by many in the industry as being the most aggressive among his peers when it comes to digital initiatives, so his comments (while obviously not unbiased) carry some added weight.

    Asked whether he would consider releasing his company's product on HD DVD instead of exclusively on Blu-ray, Iger responded this way:

    "We made our bed with Blu-ray because we believed more in that format for a variety of reasons; some technical in nature, some due to the fact that it simply had broader support from a variety of industries, notably the motion picture studios but also what I’ll call the consumer electronics and the tech industry.

    What we are seeing lately is that sales of Blu-ray discs are outpacing HD discs by at least two to one. As more quality Blu-ray product comes on the market, which is going to happen, notably with Pirates on May 22, we actually believe that the difference or the advantage of Blu-ray is only going to widen.

    What we are also seeing is that the adoption of the platform right now is being held back a bit by a perception among consumers, really, that there is a format war; and that the hardware or the players are too expensive. We see the players coming down in price nicely, particularly by the Christmas season. We also believe that if Blu-ray continues to outpace HD DVD the retailers are ultimately going to weigh in, because they only have a limited amount of shelf space, and they are going to have to choose a format in order to manage their own shelf space. Once that happens, the advantage is going to go even more in Blu-ray’s direction.

    I think the single greatest thing we can do right now is to not waffle, but to be very, very blunt about it, to continue our support of Blu-ray because we sense a real advantage. The best thing that could happen is for the format war to end, which will be very pro-consumer, particularly as hardware comes down.

    The other thing I want to note is, if you look across the globe, the only place there is really a format war is in the United States. In other markets where next-gen DVD is starting to penetrate, Blu-ray is winning, and substantially; so much so there isn’t even a perceived format war.

    So I think we made the right decision, the trends we are seeing seem to validate the decision. We think long-term, this is going to be a nice growth area for the company, because as you know sell-through DVD is a big business for the Walt Disney Company, even though we believe in things like VOD and the rental model. People want to own a Disney DVD, particularly in the next-generation format."

  • Reply 1663 of 4650

    The other thing I want to note is, if you look across the globe, the only place there is really a format war is in the United States. In other markets where next-gen DVD is starting to penetrate, Blu-ray is winning, and substantially; so much so there isn?t even a perceived format war.

    I think this text should also have been highlighted, as it seems to be of particular relevance to some people on this thread.

    A friend of mine was recently talking about his possible and probable upgrade to the next gen format, he is quite well up on tech. and talked only about Blu-ray, when I tried to bring HD-DVD into the conversation he looked as though he had no idea what I was talking about, or perhaps WHY I was bothering to talk about this strange format as "there is ONLY Blu-ray".
  • Reply 1664 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I think this text should also have been highlighted, as it seems to be of particular relevance to some people on this thread.

    A friend of mine was recently talking about his possible and probable upgrade to the next gen format, he is quite well up on tech. and talked only about Blu-ray, when I tried to bring HD-DVD into the conversation he looked as though he had no idea what I was talking about, or perhaps WHY I was bothering to talk about this strange format as "there is ONLY Blu-ray".

    Does your friend also happen to think that Sony and Bose are the best electronic companies on earth?
  • Reply 1665 of 4650
    oldcodger73oldcodger73 Posts: 707member
    "The best thing that could happen is for the format war to end, which will be very pro-consumer, particularly as hardware comes down."

    To me, that sentence is the key. The HD DVD formats are in a battle and not just with each other; their real enemy, so to speak, is SD-DVD and the general consumer attitide that SD-DVD is "good-enough". There's a very real chance that if a clear winner isn't decided by this coming Christmas buying season or 2Q 2008 at the latest, that the HD DVD formats will never achieve the critical mass needed to advance beyond being a niche product.

    I'm staying format neutral by not buying any format until there's a clear winner. Given the pretty paltry HD title offerings, that's an easy decision to stick to.
  • Reply 1666 of 4650
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by Telomar View Post

    What I've found with BD is far and above the biggest improvement in BD is not the resolution but the colour improvement. Ice Age 2 on DVD looked positively dull in comparison to its BD counterpart.

    I'm not going to go out and repurchase all the movies I have but I think I'd certainly try and pick up most of my new films on BD now.

    I saw Ice Age 2 on BD connected to a 50 something inch HD plasma, and it was simply stunning.
  • Reply 1667 of 4650
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    I'm just looking forward to the flash gettting blindingly bright with POTC in about 10 days.

    Well, since you don't even own a BD player, you won't need any eye protection.
  • Reply 1668 of 4650
    tomjtomj Posts: 120member
  • Reply 1669 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Does your friend also happen to think that Sony and Bose are the best electronic companies on earth?

    No, actually I doubt they have a preference.

    It would seem though that they are very fond of Microsoft. He builds computers. I have tried explaining the virtues of Macs in a subtle way, but I think PC gaming is were he is at.

    The point I am trying to make, and perhaps didn't make clear was that this guy wouldn't touch a playstation if you paid him, yet Blu-ray would be his only choice in terms of next gen movies. He also was an early adopter of DVD spending a huge sum of money on the first player, so this time around I think he is being a tad more cautious.

    Are you enjoying your HD movies?
  • Reply 1670 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    Well, since you don't even own a BD player, you won't need any eye protection.

    Typical...and honestly not suprising. When you've reached pubescence, and have something constructive to say in regards to the thread, let us know will ya...thanks there Mr. Troll. Otherwise, your senseless and highly immature comments to individuals on either side of this debate are unwarranted and bring to light your own insecurity and inability to argue certain points at hand.

    I think maybe its time for you to move out of mommy's house, maybe then you won't be so jaded. I'm still waiting for a constructive opinion on this subject from you...[insert chirping crickets]...and I'm afraid we never will...just one liners and statements in order to cause contention. You ought to really put me on your ignore list if you don't like what I have to say. Otherwise, stop behaving like a chonch and begin to debate...most will begin to have respect for you at the very least.
  • Reply 1671 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Does your friend also happen to think that Sony and Bose are the best electronic companies on earth?

    <looks around, cannot believe this thread is still going.>
  • Reply 1672 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Are you enjoying your HD movies?

    yes... all 60+ of them.... I still haven't finished watching all the discs from Planet Earth HD-DVD set....

    For last few days.... I've beens struggling with Dell labtop (new HTPC in progess) and the damn vista. I ended up disabling the "user access control" with many other things and all is well............ "disable or allow" messege is just plain annoying. It wouldn't allow riva tuner to start up w/out manually allowing it every time at start up. If and only macmini had core2duo & designated GPU......... but I'm still waiting.
  • Reply 1673 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    <looks around, cannot believe this thread is still going.>

    LOL.... it's a healthy sign that many folks are seeking more than standard definition video contents. Once you get a taste of good HD source, there's no turning back......
  • Reply 1674 of 4650
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Typical...and honestly not suprising. When you've reached pubescence, and have something constructive to say in regards to the thread, let us know will ya...thanks there Mr. Troll. Otherwise, your senseless and highly immature comments to individuals on either side of this debate are unwarranted and bring to light your own insecurity and inability to argue certain points at hand.

    I think maybe its time for you to move out of mommy's house, maybe then you won't be so jaded. I'm still waiting for a constructive opinion on this subject from you...[insert chirping crickets]...and I'm afraid we never will...just one liners and statements in order to cause contention. You ought to really put me on your ignore list if you don't like what I have to say. Otherwise, stop behaving like a chonch and begin to debate...most will begin to have respect for you at the very least.

    Listen, buddy, 99.9% of your entire posting history here is in the several incarnations of the blu-ray threads, and most of the handful outside of that are because blu-ray came up.

    You may be a die-hard blu ray enthusiast, but you're barely a member of this community. You're just using it as home base to run your patronizing advocacy, a tone you've maintained from day one.

    So how about you go easy on lecturing members on how they should comport themselves? If you took your attitude outside of this thread into general mac enthusiast discussion you would get your ass handed to you, I promise. Why not give it a shot?
  • Reply 1675 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Listen, buddy, 99.9% of your entire posting history here is in the several incarnations of the blu-ray threads, and most of the handful outside of that are because blu-ray came up.

    You may be a die-hard blu ray enthusiast, but you're barely a member of this community. You're just using it as home base to run your patronizing advocacy, a tone you've maintained from day one.

    So how about you go easy on lecturing members on how they should comport themselves? If you took your attitude outside of this thread into general mac enthusiast discussion you would get your ass handed to you, I promise. Why not give it a shot?


    Hardly lecturing, just simply stating a fact. His post history within these threads for the last 3 years have not been constructive or dealt with the subject at hand, but rather have attacked individuals on both sides...I'm just simply calling him out as I'm first and foremost an advocate of intellectual debate. I'll leave the ass handling to you.

    Hardly a member? Hmmm, I see. What will constitute me being a "real member of this community." Do I need to have one line responses in every one of my posts so that I may up my post count? Will that do it for you? What is your gauge as to who is a real member or not? More importantly, does anyone care? Not me.

    I'm sorry you seem to be interpreting my typed text within a forum as patronizing, or having an attitude, or having a specific tone. All I can suggest is you do less time in trying to interpret perceived emotional connotation and focus on the context of the message. Then, I think you'll find the crux of my earlier message--let's debate the subject at hand.

    Moving is some interesting tidbits in regards to BD-J and Blu-ray and Sun's Conference...
  • Reply 1676 of 4650
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Typical...and honestly not suprising. When you've reached pubescence, and have something constructive to say in regards to the thread, let us know will ya...thanks there Mr. Troll. Otherwise, your senseless and highly immature comments to individuals on either side of this debate are unwarranted and bring to light your own insecurity and inability to argue certain points at hand.

    I think maybe its time for you to move out of mommy's house, maybe then you won't be so jaded. I'm still waiting for a constructive opinion on this subject from you...[insert chirping crickets]...and I'm afraid we never will...just one liners and statements in order to cause contention. You ought to really put me on your ignore list if you don't like what I have to say. Otherwise, stop behaving like a chonch and begin to debate...most will begin to have respect for you at the very least.

    I'm not concerned about getting respect from someone who spends god-knows-how-much-time researching, babbling and GLOATING about a product he doesn't even own.

    If you were a car enthusiast, and loved to ramble on about the latest, top of the line BMW, it'd probably be less weird, since such a car would be expensive, and it would be understandable that you didn't own one. But a $400 DVD player? Just buy one already you f***** dead-beat! At least then you'd have some sort credibility in this "debate". Hell, I'll PayPal you $20 to put towards the price if you promise to quit propping up this thread.

    "Move out of mommy's house"? Really? Is that the best you've got?
  • Reply 1677 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    I'm not concerned about getting respect from someone who spends god-knows-how-much-time researching, babbling and GLOATING about a product he doesn't even own.

    If you were a car enthusiast, and loved to ramble on about the latest, top of the line BMW, it'd probably be less weird, since such a car would be expensive, and it would be understandable that you didn't own one. But a $400 DVD player? Just buy one already you f***** dead-beat! At least then you'd have some sort credibility in this "debate". Hell, I'll PayPal you $20 to put towards the price if you promise to quit propping up this thread.

    "Move out of mommy's house"? Really? Is that the best you've got?

    I didn't realize this thread's subject concerned my personal spending habits. Does it? Nah, I don't think that this is what this thread is about. Nor do I think my personal spending habits lend credence to whether or not I have crediblility in this debate. I have seen high def via Blu-ray many times, is that not good enough? Do you own a player? Why would this matter if you did or not? A: it doesn't. If you've witnessed high def and experienced it, then what difference does it make if you own it at this current moment or not? Again, it doesn't, but for some reason you've equated ownership as to some equivalent of credibility...when what is even more plausible is that ownership may make an individual less credible in that they will tend to have a bias in the format the have a monetary investment in.

    Does it make it less weird that I'm about to drop 35 to 40K on a car, and I don't have the luxury of buying toys? (but I do have the luxury of talking about them) In any case, hopefully this little tid bit of information will help you sleep at night considering you are so preoccupied with my personal buying habits. Regardless, as I've stated before, I don't care what people own or don't own, just that they have an opinion on the subject at hand and can reasonably justify their arguments. With the former and the latter, I'm still a matter of fact, we all are...your opinion sir (on the subject at hand)?
  • Reply 1678 of 4650
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post


    Hardly lecturing, just simply stating a fact. His post history within these threads for the last 3 years have not been constructive or dealt with the subject at hand, but rather have attacked individuals on both sides...I'm just simply calling him out as I'm first and foremost an advocate of intellectual debate. I'll leave the ass handling to you.

    Wilco's sort of a dick at times, that doesn't mean you're not.


    Hardly a member? Hmmm, I see. What will constitute me being a "real member of this community." Do I need to have one line responses in every one of my posts so that I may up my post count? Will that do it for you? What is your gauge as to who is a real member or not?

    Having the faintest interest in Apple computers, tech in general beyond Blu-ray, or posting in any thread other than this one?


    More importantly, does anyone care? Not me.

    Of course you don't, since you clearly could give a shit about the larger forum or its members. You're just here to keep smirking about how blu-ray rules and the poor HD-DVD fans must be gnashing their teeth or weeping at your every triumphant link, or some such tiresome nonsense.


    I'm sorry you seem to be interpreting my typed text within a forum as patronizing, or having an attitude, or having a specific tone.

    "Typed text within a forum" is generally known as "writing". Are you contending that "writing" is incapable of conveying an attitude or specific tone, or being "patronizing"? That written English is immune from such failings? That would be, uh, wrong.


    All I can suggest is you do less time in trying to interpret perceived emotional connotation and focus on the context of the message. Then, I think you'll find the crux of my earlier message--let's debate the subject at hand

    Or, you could stop being a dick. Lots of people hereabouts "debate (the various) subjects at hand" without the childish triumphalism and taunting that you bring to this thread-- something you might be aware of if you ever ventured out of this thread. Really not much interpretation involved.


    Moving is some interesting tidbits in regards to BD-J and Blu-ray and Sun's Conference...

  • Reply 1679 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member

    Wilco's sort of a dick at times, that doesn't mean you're not.

    That was so worth getting up for the baby's 3 AM feeding. Thank you.
  • Reply 1680 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    yes... all 60+ of them.... I still haven't finished watching all the discs from Planet Earth HD-DVD set....

    .....If and only macmini had core2duo & designated GPU......... but I'm still waiting.

    Yes I have heard alot of good things about the Planet Earth set, but I feel its not for me. If I am to spend that much money I'd rather have a few films I like. Can you make any recomendations?

    {Yes I know it's HD-DVD you have, but I'm sure there are overlaps and EVENTUALLY all films will be avalible one one or both formats}

    Oh yes the Mac Mini if only, if only
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