Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1801 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    3:1 ??? Not even Marzetta7's Videoscan numbers corroborate this fantasy. It's more like a 60/40 split in favor of Blu-ray which is understandable considering the advantage in playback devices and studio content. Normalize those and HD DVD is doing much better.

    No, it is understandable when one realizes that HD DVD had quite the head start and is being screwed by one studio (Warner), otherwise, I think Blu-ray would be that much more ahead.

    BTW, their not Marzetta7's Videoscan numbers, they are Nielsen/Videoscan numbers, and they represent the best picture of the market given statistical data of high def sales. Moreover, this year it is more like 2.3:1, and so I would say yes, it does appear Blu-ray is dominating...


    LOL you speak as though your some neutral investigative reporter. What's a Blu-ray fanboy going to say? " I fully expect things to stay the same" ?

    POTC isn't a Magic Bullet. In fact

    It's currently ranked #11 as the top Blu-ray title.

    Planet Earth is ranked #9 as the top HD DVD title.

    Note the disparity in price. POTC is $24 PE is $67.

    Reports of HD DVDs death are greatly exagerrated.

    No reports given with Amazon rankings as to some valid means of measure are exaggeration. Take a look at my link again, on page 10...

    You'll notice that your beloved Planet Earth title is only selling 5% more on HD DVD and is ranked 2nd to a Warner Blu-ray release in The Fountain...which I might add sold roughly 40% more on Blu-ray disc than its HD DVD counterpart. Now imagine if Batman Begins, Harry Potter, and V for Vendetta were released by Warner on Blu-ray Disc and if Fox were releasing movies on a timely basis? It is prett clear if one doesn't have their HD DVD goggles on.

    Top 10 hidef sellers

    1 The Fountain BD 100.00

    2 Planet Earth HD 84.89

    3 The Fountain HD 66.64

    4 Planet Earth BD 61.80

    5 Stomp the Yard BD 50.01

    6 Casino Royale BD 41.61

    7 Night at the Museum BD 38.23

    8 Deja Vu BD 34.96

    9 Digital Video Essentials HD 23.70

    10 Batman Begins HD 23.52

    So, in essence, Pirates isn't even in the equation yet, and yet here you are trying to purport HD DVD wellness based off of Amazon rankings. When are you going to learn that Amazon rankings aren't an accurate indicator of the market? Only time will tell I guess.


    I'll tell you one thing PE is the most phenomenal series I've witness in Documentary form. I'm glad that it's selling like hot cakes. POTC being the top Blu-ray choice points to the younger generation. This paradigm has manifest itself with regularity. Clearly HD DVD owners are a bit older and the programming that does well tends to reflect the interests of those over 30 IMO.

    People that have families or other committments are choosing HD DVD.

    I think it is a bit premature to be claiming target market audiences, especially when you consider the actual sales numbers which show both version of PE doing about equally well on both platforms. All I'm suggesting here is that your claim is false.
  • Reply 1802 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    I think it is a bit premature to be claiming target market audiences, especially when you consider the actual sales numbers which show both version of PE doing about equally well on both platforms. All I'm suggesting here is that your claim is false.

    I don't think so. I look back and remember how well Crank did and FF and it was obvious that Blu-ray owners skew to the younger generations. In fact The Departed led on HD DVD for quite some time because it's not necessarily a young persons movie IMO.

    We can agree to disagree here but for those reading this thread I urge you to look for this potential phenomenon with future neutral titles.
  • Reply 1803 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    hmurchison have you ever played a PS3 or do you just post troll audio files? I'm sure a few have BAD FANS, but they are WHISPER QUIET for the most part. That POS 360 I had with HD-DVD hookup was so frustrating to watch a movie with. The PS3 barely makes a sounds and surely doesn't distract me from the movie. I'm lovin the Blu-Ray movies, enjoy your HD-DVD while you can.

    PS. try not to troll with bunk about the PS3 loudness.
  • Reply 1804 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    "POTC isn't a Magic Bullet."

    You do realize that it isn't a new release, why would you expect it to do as good as Casino Royale? If people already own it on DVD (no with upscaling through PS3) there isn't necessarily a rush to upgrade. I am going to get them both, but I am in no rush right now as I have seen them each a couple times. Come back when POTC: At World's End comes to Blu-Ray, that is a TRUE sign.
  • Reply 1805 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    It's amusing to see you BD/PS3 fanboys getting excited as if PS4 just came out. When it's only PS3 now having ability to scale video output that was missing from the start. The $299 model HD-DVD player always had great upscaling performance from the get go. I still don't see what the big deal is.... $699 is still too much for most to afford as a gaming console or as a BD player.
  • Reply 1806 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post


    A better word would have been "parity". Hearing Blu-ray fans crow about a 60/40 sales split is rather daft when you look at a BD player being packed into the PS3 AND a 4 studio advantage. If you had asked me what the percentages would have been 6 months ago (when I thought there'd be a studio defection or two) if I had known what I know today I would have said we'd be looking at 75/25.

    Wishful thinking. There is no reason to "normalize" anything. Mr. Coffee could release a Blu-ray player and as long as it worked and people bought it, it would still count.


    HD DVD is hanging in there amazingly close. Close enough that I think Universal going neutral in early 2008 may not happen. If CES 2008 comes and goes with Universal staying the course the Blu-ray fans holding out and hoping they don't have to get a HD DVD player will crumble. Player pricing will be a couple hundred bucks for a new player and the shift to neutrality will ensue.

    The same thing will happen for many HD DVD owners. Tired of waiting for Disney/Fox/Columbia they'll begin to add low cost Blu-ray players. Eventualy the market will even itself out. If Disney and Fox can hold out and remain exclusive then so can Universal.

    And you're talking about personal perception?

    Re: cheap players = desperation.

    I think that's a matter of personal perception. Why should a player cost $500 today? The ASICS from NEC and Broadcom are highly integrated. The optical drives are coming down in price and HD DVD design is and has been cheaper from day 1. There is no money pot coming for hardware sales. The money is going to be in the services (Managed Copy). Hence you don't see many other companies other than Funai that are looking at jumping into the player mix.

    Casino Royale, BHD and other movies are good but that quality is easy to get on HD DVD as well.

    You have a loud game console that cost 2x what I paid for my HD DVD player. My player and 20 movies cost less than your PS3. I'm going to enjoy The Matrix Trilogy, Heroes and many of the other titles coming. In fact I'll enjoy movies like the The Prestige and other Blu-ray North American titles when they hit the UK. Gotta love Region Free.

    Don't hate me for making the sensible choice.

    No one hates you. I just think you're naive. I also find it interesting that instead of talking about HD-DVD winning now, you're hoping things go Universal. That's telling in itself.
  • Reply 1807 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    It's amusing to see you BD/PS3 fanboys getting excited as if PS4 just came out. When it's only PS3 now having ability to scale video output that was missing from the start. The $299 model HD-DVD player always had great upscaling performance from the get go. I still don't see what the big deal is.... $699 is still too much for most to afford as a gaming console or as a BD player.

    Because it's not either or. It's both. Personally, I find it amusing that the HD-DVD zealots are constantly bashing the PS3, discounting it, implying that if it were taken out of mix, BD would be losing. Hysterical in fact.
  • Reply 1808 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    What was really funny about that link from hmurchison was that, first, it didn't show any visuals and second, all the links to the right were showing how much louder a 360 was compared to a PS3.

    Hey, bitemymac the reason PS3 owners are excited about the firmware upgrade is that there is now upscaling for the PS2 and PSOne games, DVD's were just a bonus.

    I don't really get all the hype about DVD upscaling, it looks no different and I think it is because my tv upscales. I would assume, if that is the case, that most new models would as well.

    Is the $699 too much for a game console, blu-ray player and apple tv aio? Because now I can view photos, listen to music and watch video streamed from my iMac as well. PS3 offers more than any other system out there. I don't mind having paid what I paid for everything that I got.
  • Reply 1809 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Because it's not either or. It's both. Personally, I find it amusing that the HD-DVD zealots are constantly bashing the PS3, discounting it, implying that if it were taken out of mix, BD would be losing. Hysterical in fact.

    Does that mean that you can get it for $299 when you buy PS3 solely to play BD movies or solely for gaming?

    BTW, was I bashing PS3 on my last post?.... I was just stating the fact. Maybe, I'm not the HD-DVD zealot you're warning everyone about?...
  • Reply 1810 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Because it's not either or. It's both. Personally, I find it amusing that the HD-DVD zealots are constantly bashing the PS3, discounting it, implying that if it were taken out of mix, BD would be losing. Hysterical in fact.

    But if the PS3 didn't exist, BD would be losing.
  • Reply 1811 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    whisper quiet?

    Dude, you're totally right. I'll take a YouTube link over personal experience any day. I must own a defective unit.

    I should return it for one that reaches the proper decibel levels.

    The PS3 averages under 55-60db playing Blu-Ray movies. At idle, it's silent. The only time the fans kick into overdrive (as in that YouTube link) is under heavy load during gameplay or Folding@Home, at which point you're unlikely to notice anyhow.

    And by the way, those measurements are taken directly at the vents at the rear of the machine, so the noise is actually directed away from the user.
  • Reply 1812 of 4650
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    But if the PS3 didn't exist, BD would be losing.

    Surely if the PS3 didn't exist, there would just be some other BD device selling like hot cakes?!
  • Reply 1813 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    It's amusing to see you BD/PS3 fanboys getting excited as if PS4 just came out. When it's only PS3 now having ability to scale video output that was missing from the start. The $299 model HD-DVD player always had great upscaling performance from the get go. I still don't see what the big deal is.... $699 is still too much for most to afford as a gaming console or as a BD player.

    Just as it is equally amusing to read toshiba fanboys trying to maintain some sort of "I have won" attitude based on 40% of sales.

    Please PLEASE don't use the term fanboy, it is just shorthand for "I can't think of a counter argument so I will claim you have a childish fixation and therefore "win" biased on little effort"

    Please do tell when the PS3 went up from $599 to $699 I haven't read that anywhere else, seems like news that I would have read about!

    Or do actual FACTS escape you?
  • Reply 1814 of 4650
    From Murch and others beloved eproduct wars

    .................................................B D.........................HD-DVD

    Salesrank of top 10 products: 157.7.......................273.6..... BD WINS

    Salesrank of top 25 products: 697.48.....................959.52.... BD WINS

    Salesrank of top 100 products: 3969.35.................4609.46...BD WINS

    Now for something I find very telling why would any retailer stock a LOT of the same item? because they hope to SHIP a LOT of that item?

    .................................................. ............BD......................HD-DVD

    Total copies in stock at Amazon: ..........77123.................24027

    Another telling figure is the number of TITLES in the top 100 Rankings

    Num in top 100:....................................5......... .................3..........BD WINS

    Number of DVDs that can ship today: 266..........................215......BD WINS

    Number of DVDs that

    can be purchased today:....................308..................... ........276....BD WINS

    Now check back to early on in this thread and see all the crowing and blowing that was done from some posters in regard to how the price for HD-DVD would be cheaper. now look at the reality of today.

    Average price.............$28.20.................$42.20..B D CHEAPER

    Don't forget thats AVERAGE as in "Normalized", "Agrigate", "Parity" etc.

    where does HD-DVD "WIN" then?
  • Reply 1815 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Both sides have shown a willingness to spend and loose big bucks on their format.

    There is a major difference. Toshiba is a much smaller company than Sony and has less money to lose before they have to cry uncle. According to Forbes, their market capitalization is $19 billion, exactly 1/3 of Sony's $58 billion. Indeed, Toshiba isn't even listed on any major exchange anymore. They're traded over the counter as a pinksheet, which frees them from all sorts of SEC reporting regulations.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'll tell you one thing PE is the most phenomenal series I've witness in Documentary form. I'm glad that it's selling like hot cakes. POTC being the top Blu-ray choice points to the younger generation. This paradigm has manifest itself with regularity. Clearly HD DVD owners are a bit older and the programming that does well tends to reflect the interests of those over 30 IMO.

    It's funny, the same people who say "Blu-ray is for young punks" are the same people who say, "Matrix Trilogy on HD DVD! Yeah!" If those aren't youth-oriented movies (especially the progressively more mindless sequels), I don't know what are.
  • Reply 1816 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Just as it is equally amusing to read toshiba fanboys trying to maintain some sort of "I have won" attitude based on 40% of sales.

    Please PLEASE don't use the term fanboy, it is just shorthand for "I can't think of a counter argument so I will claim you have a childish fixation and therefore "win" biased on little effort"

    Please do tell when the PS3 went up from $599 to $699 I haven't read that anywhere else, seems like news that I would have read about!

    Or do actual FACTS escape you?

    oh no... don't report me to the press for my typo.... the corrected price at $599 is still too expensive. So, are you a fanboy or a rare PS3 enthusiast on this forum?
  • Reply 1817 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    hmurchison have you ever played a PS3 or do you just post troll audio files? I'm sure a few have BAD FANS, but they are WHISPER QUIET for the most part. That POS 360 I had with HD-DVD hookup was so frustrating to watch a movie with. The PS3 barely makes a sounds and surely doesn't distract me from the movie. I'm lovin the Blu-Ray movies, enjoy your HD-DVD while you can.

    PS. try not to troll with bunk about the PS3 loudness.

    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    "POTC isn't a Magic Bullet."

    You do realize that it isn't a new release, why would you expect it to do as good as Casino Royale? If people already own it on DVD (no with upscaling through PS3) there isn't necessarily a rush to upgrade. I am going to get them both, but I am in no rush right now as I have seen them each a couple times. Come back when POTC: At World's End comes to Blu-Ray, that is a TRUE sign.

    I never said all PS3 have noise issues but enough have had issues. I could have picked 10 unique results from a cursory Google search that point out some PS3 indeed have noise issues. I'm sure %85 don't have issues. All things being considered I'd rather not have my movie player be a console

    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Wishful thinking. There is no reason to "normalize" anything. Mr. Coffee could release a Blu-ray player and as long as it worked and people bought it, it would still count.

    And you're talking about personal perception?

    No one hates you. I just think you're naive. I also find it interesting that instead of talking about HD-DVD winning now, you're hoping things go Universal. That's telling in itself.

    You're failing to see the point. Blu-ray fans love to spout statistics. "Blu-ray" is leading in sales. Well no freaking Duh people. As an HD DVD owners I bought into the format because I like the players better and I fully knew that the content from 4 studios wouldn't be available. However that doesn't mean that I won't take a chance on HD DVD in the hopes that someday I get more studio access without the encumberances of Region Control/BD+

    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    What was really funny about that link from hmurchison was that, first, it didn't show any visuals and second, all the links to the right were showing how much louder a 360 was compared to a PS3.

    Hey, bitemymac the reason PS3 owners are excited about the firmware upgrade is that there is now upscaling for the PS2 and PSOne games, DVD's were just a bonus.

    I don't really get all the hype about DVD upscaling, it looks no different and I think it is because my tv upscales. I would assume, if that is the case, that most new models would as well.

    Is the $699 too much for a game console, blu-ray player and apple tv aio? Because now I can view photos, listen to music and watch video streamed from my iMac as well. PS3 offers more than any other system out there. I don't mind having paid what I paid for everything that I got.

    It's not that serious. The guy had a bunk PS3 with a loud fan. It happens.

    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Dude, you're totally right. I'll take a YouTube link over personal experience any day. I must own a defective unit.

    I should return it for one that reaches the proper decibel levels.

    The PS3 averages under 55-60db playing Blu-Ray movies. At idle, it's silent. The only time the fans kick into overdrive (as in that YouTube link) is under heavy load during gameplay or Folding@Home, at which point you're unlikely to notice anyhow.

    And by the way, those measurements are taken directly at the vents at the rear of the machine, so the noise is actually directed away from the user.

    Not that serious. You have a quiet PS3...that's great. Not all are as lucky.
  • Reply 1818 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Average price.............$28.20.................$42.20..B D CHEAPER

    Don't forget thats AVERAGE as in "Normalized", "Agrigate", "Parity" etc.

    where does HD-DVD "WIN" then?

    Walter no HD DVD owner is really going to argue with you over the number. How on God's green Earth would HD DVD hope to maintain a lead with a deficit of 4 studios in content? Naturally the price for HD DVD discs will be higher because the 3 out of the Top 10 discs are multi disc packages (Two Matrix bundles and Planet Earth) in addition to the slightly higher combo.

    But if you want to talk about price ....lets take this to anecdotes.

    My HD DVD player cost me $249.99 plust %8.6 tax. I have 5 free movies coming my way.

    What did you PS3 cost you?

    HD DVD for the win.
  • Reply 1819 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    HD DVD is hanging in there amazingly close.

    This line says it with hmuchison's Jan postings about the almost certainty of BD studio defections by summer to the mere expectation (nee hope) that Universal will stay exclusive in 2008.

    This christmas will tell us the probability of a continued strong format war in 2008 vs a lingering holding action by Toshiba to negotiate a reasonable surrender. The PS3 isn't doing so well that Sony wont negotiate even if HD-DVD has only a so-so XMas. A quicker end to the format war only benefits the PS3 vs the other consoles.

  • Reply 1820 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Yeah there have been alot of twists and turns to this battle.

    I never foresaw the copy protection cracks that have come with alarming frequency. I though Disney would be less resolved to staying exclusive but I think the copy protection issues have only hurt HD DVD because Sony is rolling out BD+ later this year which is now a selling point for keeping Disney and Fox in the fold.

    I also didn't expect player to be at $249 at this point. I think the consoles as players will diminish as they are no longer the cheapest way to get into the game.

    I think Wal-Mart will be focused on pushing both platforms and I believe both platforms will have lowcost models ready for the Xmas rush.

    Universal players will more popular in 2008 and cheaper. The War isn't going to end anytime soon. HD DVD fans fully realize the uphill battle but we also realize a win for Blu-ray is a win for heavily DRM'd products.

    Some people are constantly complaining about their lack of control backups or space shifting. I your statement with action. That's what I've done and don't expect everyone to follow.
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