Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1841 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    PlayStation 3, Sony"s Most Valuable Ally To Bring Blu-ray Victory


    The PlayStation 3 is expensive because of the (not so necessary) Blu-ray drive. It was Sony's plan to equip its latest gaming console with such a device in hope that this would lead to an increase in Blu-ray discs sales. It appears that Sony was right and its plan paid off.

    At first, Blu-ray Disc Association stated that releasing the PlayStation 3 in Japan and North America had a "significant" on Blu-ray Disc movies sales in the territories. What's more, it seems that the same thing is also happening in Europe.

    Pocket-lint reports:

    ?Industry data for the period from 1 January until the end of April shows a change in market dynamics in the European HD software market. Up until the PS3?s launch on 23 March, HD DVD was comfortably outselling Blu-ray discs. However, in the week after PS3 was launched in Europe, Blu-ray discs accounted for almost 87% of all HD disc sales.?

    ?In the latest week that the figures report, Blu-ray discs outsold HD DVDs by a factor of more than three to one. This means that despite the PS3 being available for only one month of this four-month period, Blu-ray software sales account for over 64% of the total volume since the start of the year.?

    Should this keep up, Microsoft execs must get more than worried.

    Looks like Europe is following the same path...
  • Reply 1842 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Journalism for the 21st century.

    State the obvious as though it required some investigative reporting.

    Let me guess. PS3 game sales improved after the launch too right?
  • Reply 1843 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member


    You're failing to see the point. Blu-ray fans love to spout statistics. "Blu-ray" is leading in sales. Well no freaking Duh people. As an HD DVD owners I bought into the format because I like the players better and I fully knew that the content from 4 studios wouldn't be available. However that doesn't mean that I won't take a chance on HD DVD in the hopes that someday I get more studio access without the encumberances of Region Control/BD+

    Well, we'll see how you feel if BD "wins" and you can't buy HD-DVD media anymore. Let me you seen any betamax cassettes for sale? If the format becomes obsolete or just doesn't gain enough traction with movie sales supporting it, those movies won't be made at all. So it doesn't really matter what just you (or me) choose. My position has remained the same, in that one format is likely to "win." By win, I mean "become the standard for delivery."
  • Reply 1844 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Salesrank of Top 10:

    HD DVD- 167.5

    Blu-ray- 191.7

    HD DVD leads

    Salesrank of Top 25:

    HD DVD- 546.76

    Blu-ray- 735.4

    HD DVD leads

    Salesrank of Top 100:

    HD DVD- 3922.22

    Blu-ray- 3781.35

    Blu-ray leads

    That's a joke...all of it. Blu-Ray leads in every category that matters. Every one. Your stats are the equivalent of saying "HD-DVD leads Blu-Ray in top 10 titles on Wednesdays when it's raining outside and there is a solar exclipse predicted within the next 60 days." You sounds like a bizzaro version of John Madden. Are you going to start drawing on the screen soon?
  • Reply 1845 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Journalism for the 21st century.

    State the obvious as though it required some investigative reporting.

    Let me guess. PS3 game sales improved after the launch too right?

    Hold on, champ. The PS3 wasn't the only Blu-Ray player on the market when it came out. You can't compare it to game title sales in the coy way you just is not the same thing.

    Secondly, Blu-Ray sales have STAYED higher since it's launch. It wasn't a blip on the radar.

    You just seem to be saying in every post that Blu-ray via PS3 isn't "real" and should be discounted. What you fail to understand, again, is that it doesn't matter what player is used...the point is that Blu-Ray is being adopted faster than HD-DVD..much faster.

    Honestly, murch, you've got to stop. All signs point to Blu-Ray winning at this point. I'd really just like you to admit that but then say you're sticking with HD-DVD because you like it for you. That's respectable...moreso than clinging deparately to stats that don't really show the whole picture.
  • Reply 1846 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    That's a joke...all of it. Blu-Ray leads in every category that matters. Every one. Your stats are the equivalent of saying "HD-DVD leads Blu-Ray in top 10 titles on Wednesdays when it's raining outside and there is a solar exclipse predicted within the next 60 days." You sounds like a bizzaro version of John Madden. Are you going to start drawing on the screen soon?

    Nope...clearly one should infer that Amazon sales are dynamic which is why they have graphs. I just get a kick out of these twists and turns because you and Marzetta7 are constantly talking about how/when Blu-ray is going to pull away. Now you're trying to sell me wolf tickets about what metrics count and which ones don't. That's an interesting rebuttal.

    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Honestly, murch, you've got to stop. All signs point to Blu-Ray winning at this point. I'd really just like you to admit that but then say you're sticking with HD-DVD because you like it for you. That's respectable...moreso than clinging deparately to stats that don't really show the whole picture.

    Nope. My point was the laughable article posted. If the PS3 shipped then clearly it's going to affect movie sales. They failed to mention the %80 drop the next week in console sales,, which is normal so they are simply giving me/us a "snapshot" of a product launch and the sales and claiming this is somehow worriesome to Microsoft. That's absurd and idiotic.

    You and Marzetta7 can continue to toss about the whole "I see this happening" or "all signs lead to a blu-ray victory" hyperbole and I'll continue to point out when HD DVD surges and captures the lead. Folks employing a bit of common sense will understand that Blu-ray certainly cannot cruise to victory if they cannot increase their margin of sales without these flip flops.

    Amazon Best Sellers in Electronics

    #7 Toshiba HD-A2

    I'd love to list the first Blu-ray player but it's not even in the Top 100 in Electronics.

    Nice try through.
  • Reply 1847 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    You and Marzetta7 can continue to toss about the whole "I see this happening" or "all signs lead to a blu-ray victory" hyperbole and I'll continue to point out when HD DVD surges and captures the lead. Folks employing a bit of common sense will understand that Blu-ray certainly cannot cruise to victory if they cannot increase their margin of sales without these flip flops.

    Amazon Best Sellers in Electronics

    #7 Toshiba HD-A2

    I'd love to list the first Blu-ray player but it's not even in the Top 100 in Electronics.

    Nice try through.

    Ahh, you mean like the Murch-claimed hyperbole we were stating when we said that the PS3, once on sale in November of 2006 in North America, would change the high-def landscape in the US and put Blu-ray in the forefront--which was quickly dismissed and/or downplayed by you and others here, and sadly are still attempting to dismiss, albeit poorly, since this is exactly what is happening given the overall sales data.

    Again, your attempt at refuting overall sales data from an independent source consisting of the majority of the high def market--Nielsen/VideoScan--with sales rankings from one source in Amazon, just shows how desperate and inaccurate HD DVD proponent's arguments are getting.
  • Reply 1848 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    maybe...who knows but I'm not cheerleading to the point where my weekly statements of "this war is about over" are met with the market following the very antithesis of my statement.

    You and SDW2001 have been claiming for weeks that we're supposed to watch and see Blu-ray pull away. SDW is still puking out 3:1 sales ratios that have been invalid for over a month.

    Somehow the rest of the public isn't listening to you guys. The HD-A2 is selling well on Amazon and Sams Clubs in some areas have a nice display. I'm sure retail is doing very well. Things look good from my perspective. It likely takes 3 PS3 sales to equal the movie attach of a single A2.
  • Reply 1849 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Nope...clearly one should infer that Amazon sales are dynamic which is why they have graphs. I just get a kick out of these twists and turns because you and Marzetta7 are constantly talking about how/when Blu-ray is going to pull away.

    HD DVD was ahead in the Top 10 for how long? Two hours? Take a look at the day as a whole. And they are sales ranks - not actual sales. Even if HD DVD has a higher rank for a couple of hours, Amazon could very well have sold more BDs at the end of the day.

    And again: Amazon is one shop out of many. According to Nielsen Videoscan The Fountain on Blu-ray outsold Planet Earth on HD DVD in the week ending May 20 (100-85) even though Planet Earth has been the top seller at Amazon.

    And as long as more than 50% of the actually sold copies are Blu-ray they are pulling away - perhaps not as fast as some would hope, but pulling away.

    A car driving at 30mph doesn't gain on a car driving at 70mph, and would still get further behind even if it accelerates to 40mph and the other car drops to 60mph.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Folks employing a bit of common sense will understand that Blu-ray certainly cannot cruise to victory if they cannot increase their margin of sales without these flip flops.

    What flip flops? You still don't get the idea behind ranks and how DVD Wars collects them?

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Amazon Best Sellers in Electronics

    #7 Toshiba HD-A2

    I'd love to list the first Blu-ray player but it's not even in the Top 100 in Electronics.

    Nice try through.

    There are more BD players to choose from and we don't know how many sales separate #1 from #1,000.

    The HD-A2 even hit #1 briefly and do you really think that it means that Amazon sold more HD DVD players than DVD players?

  • Reply 1850 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    A car driving at 30mph doesn't gain on a car driving at 70mph, and would still get further behind even if it accelerates to 40mph and the other car drops to 60mph.

    Unless of course the car going 30 mph is going in the right direction, and the car going 70 mph isn't.

    <- I move that we make this the official devil's advocate smiley.
  • Reply 1851 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Nope...clearly one should infer that Amazon sales are dynamic which is why they have graphs. I just get a kick out of these twists and turns because you and Marzetta7 are constantly talking about how/when Blu-ray is going to pull away. Now you're trying to sell me wolf tickets about what metrics count and which ones don't. That's an interesting rebuttal.

    Nope. My point was the laughable article posted. If the PS3 shipped then clearly it's going to affect movie sales. They failed to mention the %80 drop the next week in console sales,, which is normal so they are simply giving me/us a "snapshot" of a product launch and the sales and claiming this is somehow worriesome to Microsoft. That's absurd and idiotic.

    You and Marzetta7 can continue to toss about the whole "I see this happening" or "all signs lead to a blu-ray victory" hyperbole and I'll continue to point out when HD DVD surges and captures the lead. Folks employing a bit of common sense will understand that Blu-ray certainly cannot cruise to victory if they cannot increase their margin of sales without these flip flops.

    Amazon Best Sellers in Electronics

    #7 Toshiba HD-A2

    I'd love to list the first Blu-ray player but it's not even in the Top 100 in Electronics.

    Nice try through.

    Jesus Christ! The metrics DON'T matter...that's why I'm saying so. They're too specific. They don't show the whole sales picture. They're selective and tailored to make it look like HD-DVD is holding it's own, when you know full well it's not. Come the hell on!

    You were not talking about M$, you were talking about movie sales. First, you look at the BD sales numbers and how they are impacted at launch. But switch from apples to oranges and start talking about console sales and the 80% drop. Why? The media sales are what matters, because clearly even with the 80% sales drop, the PS3 clearly sold enough units to drastically impact BD title sales.

    Your last point is hysterical. It's not hyperbole to say "all signs point to a Blu-ray victory. It's fact. It's the way it is. Blu-ray is outselling HD-DVD at least 2 to 1 overall, and in some cases more. There are more BRD titles available. There are more stocked. More studios support the format. The HD-DVD camp is slashing prices to try and sell more players. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE that is objective has to look at what's happening and conclude the Blu-ray is in the lead, and is likely to "win" the format war. Even you are hoping not for a victory, but for stalemate so that Universal Players becomes the standard. That's the end of your argument right there.
  • Reply 1852 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    maybe...who knows but I'm not cheerleading to the point where my weekly statements of "this war is about over" are met with the market following the very antithesis of my statement.

    You and SDW2001 have been claiming for weeks that we're supposed to watch and see Blu-ray pull away. SDW is still puking out 3:1 sales ratios that have been invalid for over a month.

    Somehow the rest of the public isn't listening to you guys. The HD-A2 is selling well on Amazon and Sams Clubs in some areas have a nice display. I'm sure retail is doing very well. Things look good from my perspective. It likely takes 3 PS3 sales to equal the movie attach of a single A2.

    Now you're playing the expectations game. If Blu-ray doesn't continue to increase it's rate of HD-DVD ass kicking, you'll claim it's a failure because "afterall, SDW has been predicting..."
  • Reply 1853 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Getting back to Murch's "Blu-ray caters to kids" argument, I notice that both Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima are both higher ranked on Blu-ray than on HD DVD. Somehow, I don't see these period pieces as being that interesting to kids since they're set decades before the kids were even born.
  • Reply 1854 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    SDW, that name might not mean much to you, but it does to a lot of other people.

    Surely you can discuss plastic disc video players without referencing it.
  • Reply 1855 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Blu Ray does not just cater to kids who said that? Sony was smart enough to release some anime titles on Blu Ray though. Although I think there are more adults into anime than kids. At least in the states.
  • Reply 1856 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Why would Blu-ray catering to kids be a gloom and doom thing? Kids are the ones with the disposable incomes. The rest of us have rent or mortgages, etc.

    For example, I haven't bought a single electronic item over $20 or so since I graduated college. My wife got me an iPod for Christmas. I guess that counts. Don't think I don't have a nice long list of toys that I'd like to have.
  • Reply 1857 of 4650
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Blu Ray does not just cater to kids who said that?


    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Why would Blu-ray catering to kids be a gloom and doom thing? Kids are the ones with the disposable incomes. The rest of us have rent or mortgages, etc.

    For example, I haven't bought a single electronic item over $20 or so since I graduated college. My wife got me an iPod for Christmas. I guess that counts. Don't think I don't have a nice long list of toys that I'd like to have.

    That would be hmuchison again.

    From here

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I don't think so. I look back and remember how well Crank did and FF and it was obvious that Blu-ray owners skew to the younger generations. In fact The Departed led on HD DVD for quite some time because it's not necessarily a young persons movie IMO.

    We can agree to disagree here but for those reading this thread I urge you to look for this potential phenomenon with future neutral titles.

    Fair advice, lets look for this "potential phenomenon" but just remeber NOT to be shocked when he outright denys saying it in the first place
  • Reply 1858 of 4650

    I've just been there, and I find it funny that if you go to the "SALES RANK of top ten products" and select the radio button for "the last 30 days" HD-DVD has NEVER went above Blu-ray.

    I wonder if hmurchison could explain away how that might be?
  • Reply 1859 of 4650
    To further point out how pointless all this is check

    According to that zune and ipod are more or less neck and neck like THATS the truth
  • Reply 1860 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Actually, Walter, I would have picked the following message from Murch to highlight his views regarding Blu-ray and youth:

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'll tell you one thing PE is the most phenomenal series I've witness in Documentary form. I'm glad that it's selling like hot cakes. POTC being the top Blu-ray choice points to the younger generation. This paradigm has manifest itself with regularity. Clearly HD DVD owners are a bit older and the programming that does well tends to reflect the interests of those over 30 IMO.

    People that have families or other committments are choosing HD DVD.

    I guess people under 30 don't care about the Matrix box sets, eh?

    BTW, to reply to this:

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'd love to list the first Blu-ray player but it's not even in the Top 100 in Electronics.

    Nice try through.

    I see that eproductwars now lists the hardware as well as the software. Coming in at #19 is the PS3, beating the HD-A2 ranked at 25. More tellingly, coming in at #37 is the PS3 remote, which is used for Blu-ray and DVD viewing, not games. So a lot of people are obviously using the PS3 to watch movies. Also cracking the top 100 at 90 is a $3200 Sony Vaio laptop with a built-in Blu-ray drive.
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