Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1861 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Heh... I followed the previous thread and this thread the whole time. It's still the same thing since day one. Yes it is vs. no it isn't... with no hard evidence supporting anything. Why hasn't there been any hard sales numbers yet? Maybe because "they" don't want to release horrible numbers? I'd say it's not out of the realm of possibility.

    I still have the same argument. HDTV is expensive. More than the average person wants to spend. Until HDTVs are widely purchased, sales on both HD-DVD and Blu-ray will suck. I'll still take a DVD over the HD versions, why???

    A) I can make backups

    B) They are cheaper

    C) It isn't a night vs day enough difference in the quality for me to care

    D) The war is far from over

    E) I'm still banking they both with co-exist no matter what... ALMOST like DVD+R and DVD-R†

    F) I'm waiting to see where these digital download services go

    †: For a while DVD+R and DVD-R were difficult to run together. My $500 Pioneer DVD 3 disc carousel at the time hated DVD+R. Supposedly all production movies were -R. It would read anything but +R movies. Now that all the dvds are dual layer (dual is -R and double is +R), you can say that -R ultimately won. But +R seems to coexist.

    I can still see you guys are name calling and name dropping. Let me tell you as someone who is on the fence and loves to read these threads, it's a huge turn off. Please stop it. Just make your point without casting stones.
  • Reply 1862 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Harry Knowles of Aint It Cool News chooses HD DVD

    Originally Posted by Harry KNowles

    I also have a habit of picking the winning formats. I could be wrong this time, but most of my filmmaker friends, in fact all of them that I have had a conversation regarding this with... have told me... HD DVD is the format to go with.

  • Reply 1863 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Damn, I am selling my PS3 tomorrow and picking up an HD-DVD player after reading that. I HAVE to get the Adventures of Robin Hood, that is what Hi-Def was made for! Harry Knowles is the be all and end all. /sarcasm
  • Reply 1864 of 4650
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    All of your arguments are stupid. Put your money where your mouth is. I'll bet anyone $2,000 right now that blu-ray will win.

    I work in the studio systems, this means every single day I'm at Paramount, Warner, NBC Universal. Everyone is leaning towards blu-ray now INCLUDING UNIVERSAL which will be switching to blu-ray by the end of the year for everything.

    Yup you might have heard it hear first. Universal is DUMPING all HD-DVDs by the end of the year.
  • Reply 1865 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by webmail View Post

    All of your arguments are stupid. Put your money where your mouth is. I'll bet anyone $2,000 right now that blu-ray will win.

    I work in the studio systems, this means every single day I'm at Paramount, Warner, NBC Universal. Everyone is leaning towards blu-ray now INCLUDING UNIVERSAL which will be switching to blu-ray by the end of the year for everything.

    Yup you might have heard it hear first. Universal is DUMPING all HD-DVDs by the end of the year.

    Oh you mean like the bang up job Fox is doing with Blu-ray...who'd have thunk they'd be so overwhelming with their title lanches <sarcasm>

    Warner's leaning toward Blu-ray? Where's Batman Begins and V for Vendetta amongst other titles that still haven't hit the blu side? Why does Happy Feet have lossless sound and the blu-ray doesn't?

    My arguments are far more sound than your pleas to "believe in my sources"
  • Reply 1866 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Webmail's "timely" prognostications of nigh 2yrs ago

    Originally Posted by webmail

    Do you work at any studios? Because I do. I mentioned over 3 months ago that paramount would drop support for HD-DVD and switch to blu-ray. Warner Bros, and Universal plan to announce the same thing at the time. What you fail to realize is that Sony hasn't released pricing on their media and players, because no matter what (and this is the part you have to understand, they will always offer their media and players cheepier than any HD-DVD solution. They have made it quiet clear to the studios I work with (yes I pick technologies for studios!) That they will do whatever it takes, including taking a huge loss to win this war.

    Blu-Ray is in. I'll bet any amount of money, with anyone here.

    Paramount is still shipping HD DVD and so is Universal. Sony is indeed taking huge losses yet they are "barely" eeking out anything resembling a path toward a win. Well at least you're consistent....a broken clock is right twice a'll have your moment eventually
  • Reply 1867 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Webmail's so-called 'sources' are clearly in error. While it is always possible that Universal could go for simultaneous releases on both platforms, what would they gain by 'dumping HD-DVD entirely' by the end of 2007?
  • Reply 1868 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Need more proof?


    Why HD DVD is more technically advanced than Blu-ray

    Since forever it seems that there is this idea that Blu-ray is "more technically advanced" than HD DVD. This was based on Sony's PR as far as I can tell, so now I feel it is necessary to call out the gaping holes in Blu-ray to prove how much more technically advanced HD DVD is in fact. [Note I am talking about Blu-ray Movies here, not the older, incompatible data-only format].

    There is of course one way where BD is more advanced: disc capacity. 50G BD discs can now be made, and a few movies are using these (though for no good reason: the extra capacity isn't being used for anything terribly useful, its just wasted with uncompressed audio, or two copies of the movie, or huge bitrate MPEG2 video. Ug).

    BD Missing Features

    What many folks don't realize is that there are different Levels for BD, and all of today's BD players only support the lowest level (1.0). This means that these players do not support these features:

    Advanced audio codecs (Dolby Digital Plus, DTS Master Audio, DD TrueHD) [a few players offering a smattering of support here but it isn't mandatory]

    Network hardware

    Secondary video decoder

    Persistant storage

    Reliable interactivity

    Why are these good features?

    Advanced audio codecs get you kick-ass sound, but without wasting all your disc space doing it (like PCM does). I mean you could in theory rip your CDs to uncompressed WAV files, but who does? You use a lossless format if you have the space or demand maximum audio quality, or a lossy format to save space. BD doesn't have those choices: audio is either DVD-quality DTS/DD or WAV-equivalent files.

    Network hardware is very handy for firmware updates. However very soon the first network-aware HD DVD titles will be released (starting with Blood Diamond), and we'll start to see the potential this adds to the high definition experience.

    A secondary video decoder allows for two simultanous video streams, i.e. Picture in Picture. This has been often used on HD DVD titles for Directors Commentaries that you can actually watch the director (and how scenes were shot etc) at the same time as the movie itself. Elephants Dream uses it to show the difference between HD and SD side-by-side.

    Persistant storage allows titles to save information in the player, and the most common usage right now is Bookmarks. I find this great for recording those classic demo scenes to show off the format (e.g. King Kong meeting the Dinos). It can also be used to remember user preferences (e.g. language choice). With networking, a whole lot more use can be made of it in the near future.

    Reliable interactivity means a lot: it means nice menus; it means PIP; it means games; Blu-ray's interactivity is Java-based (BD-J) and is simply not up to the task: try running the Disney title Gauntlet on the Samsung player for example: there is a great video on YouTube of how embarassingly bad BD-J is. "Chicken Little" is another deeply inconsistent and flaky BD-J title, though it appears to work on the PS3 at least. As it should: the PS3 has way more horsepower than any stand-alone player, and is probably the only current player that stands a chance of being software upgradable to Level 1.1 and maybe beyond.

    All of these features are mandatory for HD DVD players. As every player has them, title authors can confidently use them on their discs and know they will work for everyone.

    The BD folks have often talked about "Level 1.1" and "Level 2 Players" which have these features, and that they would be coming in July 2007. However that date recently got moved back to October 2007, and note that this is the date for new players to be released: titles that use these new features will be later still, plus the old players will still be available for sale. This also assumes that title creators will be willing to put in the time to add Level 1.1 or 2 features, despite the fact that most of the user base won't be able to use them for an unknown amount of time. BD-Live, which is BD's networking support, remains an optional feature even on the October-timeframe players.

    The PS3 Factor

    It is my personal opinion that without the PS3, Blu-ray would have died by now. With almost every BD player costing over a grand and selling in low volumes, BD support would have collapsed had the PS3 not come along at a low-ish price point and offering the best BD performance. If the PS3 remains the only mass-market BD player, is that enough to keep BD going? (UMD anyone?)

    Player Support

    Ah but the BD folks say, there's all those BD player manufacturers. Samsung, Pioneer and Panasonic are it right now (the other players are ODMed versions of those). BD players are still strangely expensive (considering they have less hardware in them than HD DVD players: no ethernet, no storage, no secondary video decoder etc). Pioneer just proudly announced a "next generation BD player" which is exactly the same as the original one, except it has TrueHD and DTS-HD audio support and a cheaper price: features HD DVD has had from the get-go. Still no networking, PIP, Level 1.1 etc.

    Studio Support

    Here BD does have a theoretical advantage right now. However Fox don't seem terribly interested in actually releasing very much, and Disney who have a great back catalog don't seem to be doing as much as you might expect: Cars and Pirates of the Caribbean are coming soon, but still no classic Disney movies on the horizon. Why not? Also some studios who support both formats choose not to release some titles at all on Blu-ray as it cannot handle them (e.g. Batman Begins, Matrix Trilogy, Constantine) or they release the Blu-ray version with dumbed down features compared to HD DVD (e.g. Blood Diamond, V for Vendetta). For the titles that are ostensibly the same on both formats, the HD DVD version still offers features Blu-ray can't, like bookmarks, zoom, TrueHD audio and Tivo-style time bar. Despite the theoretical studio difference, the total number of available titles on both formats worldwide is almost identical.


    HD DVD is clearly the more technically advanced format. It has had features for over a year now that BD still doesn't have, and isn't likely to have anytime soon. Time to call FUD on BD's "technical advantages". As the old adage says, size is not everything...

    Thanks Andy!
  • Reply 1869 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Here we are six months after the launch of Blu-Ray and this supposed "will change the HD landscape" moment....and...well, I'm waiting.

    The HD landscape has not changed one iota since the launch of either of these formats. The sales of titles is embarrassing.

    All the chest thumping by the Blu-Ray fanboys is hilarious. Sony can take their proprietary formats and shove them.

    And whoever was responsible for marketing HD-DVD to consumers should be fired and never hired again by another company. How could someone take TWO hugely embedded brand identities like DVD and HD and NOT successfuly sell a product that marries the two. It was a no-brainer. And they failed.
  • Reply 1870 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Once again Warner lets the HD DVD version of a movie pwn the Blu-ray verison.


    Today, we have the specs for these fearless, sword-wielding discs in search of a beautiful death on DVD, HD-DVD and Blu-ray.

    HD DVD

    The HD DVD COMBO features the following special features:

    BLUESCREEN PICTURE-IN-PICTURE VERSION: Director Zack Snyder Compares the Pre-CGI-Enhanced Version to the Finished Film

    ADDITIONAL SCENES of the Traitorous Hunchback and Never-Before-Seen Giant Warriors [in High Definition]

    FRANK MILLER's Vision Realized on Film [in High Definition]

    300 SPARTANS - FACT OR FICTION?: The Shocking Life of a Spartan Revealed [in High Definition]

    WHO WERE THE SPARTANS?: How the Actors Built Their Characters Based on Spartan Customs [in High Definition]

    WEBISODES: Go on Set with the Cast and Crew

    Exclusive to HD DVD Game Vengeance and Valor: Lead More Spartan Warriors into Battle Against Xerxes' Forces and Test Your Combat-Hardened Knowledge of Tactics and Strategy

    PICK YOUR FAVORITE SCENES: Assemble Your Favorite Clips and Create Your Own Montage

    WEB-ENABLED FEATURES: Cool Mobile Downloads


    The Blu-ray disc features the following special features:

    ADDITIONAL SCENES of the Traitorous Hunchback and Never-Before-Seen Giant Warriors [in High Definition]

    FRANK MILLER's Vision Realized on Film [in High Definition]

    300 SPARTANS - FACT OR FICTION?: The Shocking Life of a Spartan Revealed [in High Definition]

    WHO WERE THE SPARTANS?: How the Actors Built Their Characters Based on Spartan Customs [in High Definition]

    WEBISODES: Go on Set with the Cast and Crew

    COMMENTARY by Director Zack Snyder - and MORE!

    Note these HD DVD advantages

    Exclusive to HD DVD Game Vengeance and Valor: Lead More Spartan Warriors into Battle Against Xerxes' Forces and Test Your Combat-Hardened Knowledge of Tactics and Strategy

    PICK YOUR FAVORITE SCENES: Assemble Your Favorite Clips and Create Your Own Montage

    WEB-ENABLED FEATURES: Cool Mobile Downloads

    Ouch...I guarantee you that 300 will sell more HD DVD copies.
  • Reply 1871 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    You think these extra features would being the tipping point to 300 selling better on HD-DVD? I could give two shits about a random "game" and picking my favourite scenes. Why the hell would I want to watch one scene? I'll play a real game on my PS3, after the movie. I plan on buying 300 on blu-ray and probably won't pay attention to anything else on the disc.
  • Reply 1872 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    SDW, that name might not mean much to you, but it does to a lot of other people.

    Surely you can discuss plastic disc video players without referencing it.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    To further point out how pointless all this is check

    According to that zune and ipod are more or less neck and neck like THATS the truth

    Exactly. If you make this about two other of which hmurch is not defending ala Khan in Star Trek II ("From hell's hot...I thee"!)...then the absurdity of the argument mode would be demonstrated for all to see.
  • Reply 1873 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    Here we are six months after the launch of Blu-Ray and this supposed "will change the HD landscape" moment....and...well, I'm waiting.

    The HD landscape has not changed one iota since the launch of either of these formats. The sales of titles is embarrassing.

    All the chest thumping by the Blu-Ray fanboys is hilarious. Sony can take their proprietary formats and shove them.

    And whoever was responsible for marketing HD-DVD to consumers should be fired and never hired again by another company. How could someone take TWO hugely embedded brand identities like DVD and HD and NOT successfuly sell a product that marries the two. It was a no-brainer. And they failed.

    That's not true. Sales are going up, and Blu-ray is selling far more. Granted, it hasn't become the defacto standard, but it has altered the in "it was losing bigtime" and now "it's winning." That's how it's been altered.

    Totally agree with point 2 though. HD-DVD had enough advantages...chief among them being the name, so that it should have won easily. It also had and has price of players...but's it's not working.
  • Reply 1874 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Once again Warner lets the HD DVD version of a movie pwn the Blu-ray verison.

    Note these HD DVD advantages

    Exclusive to HD DVD Game Vengeance and Valor: Lead More Spartan Warriors into Battle Against Xerxes' Forces and Test Your Combat-Hardened Knowledge of Tactics and Strategy

    PICK YOUR FAVORITE SCENES: Assemble Your Favorite Clips and Create Your Own Montage

    WEB-ENABLED FEATURES: Cool Mobile Downloads

    Ouch...I guarantee you that 300 will sell more HD DVD copies.

    Its like talking to a wall. Obviously, none of the above matters. Not even if 300 sells 10X more copies than its BRD equivalent.
  • Reply 1875 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    You think these extra features would being the tipping point to 300 selling better on HD-DVD? I could give two shits about a random "game" and picking my favourite scenes. Why the hell would I want to watch one scene? I'll play a real game on my PS3, after the movie. I plan on buying 300 on blu-ray and probably won't pay attention to anything else on the disc.

    Ummmm don't have an HD DVD player so the choice is easy to make. At AVS the neutral guys are already getting ready to queue up for the HD DVD version. Again...look for the HD DVD version to sell better. Just because you can't see the value in something doesn't mean someone else won't.

    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Its like talking to a wall. Obviously, none of the above matters. Not even if 300 sells 10X more copies than its BRD equivalent.

    Well if you were actually coming with some sledgehammer arguments then my wall would crumble but instead you come with wet noodles that cut up easy and stirfry to a nice crispy texture.

    When your argument is based around studio support you are hanging on by the most tenuous of advantages.
  • Reply 1876 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Note these HD DVD advantages

    Exclusive to HD DVD Game Vengeance and Valor: Lead More Spartan Warriors into Battle Against Xerxes' Forces and Test Your Combat-Hardened Knowledge of Tactics and Strategy

    I've always found these kinds of "games" on DVD to be ridiculously dull and slow-paced filler that does nothing more than waste battery power on my remote.


    PICK YOUR FAVORITE SCENES: Assemble Your Favorite Clips and Create Your Own Montage

    Wow, that sounds like quite possibly the most useless extra I've ever heard of. Like I really want to have the player automatically skipping through a bunch of disconnected scenes.


    WEB-ENABLED FEATURES: Cool Mobile Downloads

    Uh, what? What do mobile devices have to do with HD DVD? In fact, where are all the IMEs that you keep saying are exclusive to HD DVD? None of these are in-movie, nothing that would require BD-J. They could just as easily be on any Blu-ray or even DVD disc, and it's only Warner's half-assed approach to Blu-ray that's keeping them off. There is absolutely nothing here that I desperately or even vaguely want on an HD release.
  • Reply 1877 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Need more proof?

    What proof? Someone on an MS blog concluding that "their" format is the best?

  • Reply 1878 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Exactly. If you make this about two other of which hmurch is not defending ala Khan in Star Trek II ("From hell's hot...I thee"!)...then the absurdity of the argument mode would be demonstrated for all to see.

    I don't think you understood my post.

    I was politely asking you to refrain from using J.C.'s name as a swear word.
  • Reply 1879 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    James Cameron?
  • Reply 1880 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Need more proof?

    Thanks Andy!

    /sarcasm Proof from an employee's Microsoft damning and quaint. /sarcasm
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