Speculative doodle: New iMac design



  • Reply 101 of 115
    I love the black iPhone-inspired design. I would definitely buy one!

    To those who don't think a touchscreen is next, do you think Apple, in keeping with staying one step ahead of Microsoft, would have touchscreen capability to counter Microsoft Surface, which is due to start find its way in front of consumer in late 2007?
  • Reply 102 of 115
    Originally Posted by harrison View Post

    I love the black iPhone-inspired design. I would definitely buy one!

    To those who don't think a touchscreen is next, do you think Apple, in keeping with staying one step ahead of Microsoft, would have touchscreen capability to counter Microsoft Surface, which is due to start find its way in front of consumer in late 2007?

    I think touch screen will be and is the next thing - for certain things. A desktop computer is not one of those things. How practical is it to reach up on a vertical surface to type a report, for example? Touch screens do make sense in the case of horizontal applications, such as post-PC devices and laptops/tablets, but on a desktop? This won't happen. Don't expect touch-screen in the new iMac.

    Surface isn't slated to be in front of consumers until 2010, with a cost (currently) of $10,000, last I saw... do you have a source for your 2007 date?
  • Reply 103 of 115
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by MusLtngBlue View Post

    Surface isn't slated to be in front of consumers until 2010, with a cost (currently) of $10,000, last I saw... do you have a source for your 2007 date?

    Originally they said some units would appear late this year but a recent interview with a MS VP says a Surface SDK April of 08.

    I suppose a few units will be in Vegas this year or something.

  • Reply 104 of 115
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Looks very interesting and small, except:

    That keyboard would be very painful to use... carpal tunnel syndrome would become a common word and Apple would proably face a class action suit.

    I totally agree! I like the way the keys are flush with the board but it needs to be curved the other way to be ergonomic. What would be nice is have the new keyboard be touch-sensitive so when you change localizations the keyboard changes to match the locale.
  • Reply 105 of 115

    Originally they said some units would appear late this year but a recent interview with a MS VP says a Surface SDK April of 08.

    I suppose a few units will be in Vegas this year or something.


    To MusLtngBlue, Vinea posted what I heard too. I think they pushed back the large-scale distribution, but plan to release some form of it later this year. I thought maybe the future of desktop computing would be a combination of the two. A touchscreen monitor for some tasks, and a keyboard for others. Who knows?

    I don't think Surface will ever be cost-effective for consumers at its present state. It need to be compacted. I'm just curious what Apple's response, if any, will be to it. I admit MS Surface sounds cool, but on an MS platform (note that MS actually built the Surface CPU and not a third-party). Apple certainly has the smarts to do something better with it...
  • Reply 106 of 115

    Only thing missing is a way to charge the iPhone/iPod. I hate having a sleak iMac and then having this external corded base station to plug my nano into....Its almost (big gap here) as retarded as the Sony all in one pc coming with a corded external device so that you can use the remote control...ummmm wtf? Can someone say design flaw!

    I was messing around at work and designed a new mac mouse...I hate the current one! The two buttons sometimes click as the wrong button and the wheel is way too small. Plus why not kill the remote control and put it on the back of a wireless mouse... I have read some rumors about a touch sensitive center "button" which sounds cool but I did this drawing before the iPhone so I wasnt really thinking about that.
  • Reply 107 of 115
    Product RED iMac

    * Black, white and silver variants for higher spec models (iMac Pro)

    * lots of different colour variations (red, blue, green, pink, yellow, purple...) for standard models


    * slimmer profile than current models

    * brushed metal

    * Easy access side ports including USB (for flash drives) and headphone jack.

    * All other ports- ethernet, firewire, power and additional USB etc at the back).

    * Dual CD burner drive with on-the-fly mode (fast cd burn mode that allows you to burn cd copies without having to store anythiing on the hard drive in between).

    * An adjustable stand (yes the mockups dont really show it).
  • Reply 108 of 115
    fishafisha Posts: 126member
    Yes - I can see that sort of form being feasiable and inkeeping with the idea of the new keyboard rumours. Not a fan of the colours myself, but like the medium grey one.

    I think though, that from an aesthetic point of view, it would be worth having a slightly larger bottom edge . . . like a slight chin . .. not much, just slight . . . say 5mm to 10mm larger on the bottom edge. That would just balance it out a little more from a looks point of view to me.
  • Reply 109 of 115
    I have to admit: That glossy black iMac really looks great.

    BUT (there's always a "but"): that's not what it will look like.

    Know why?

    Look at the upcoming product you know best. It's the aluminium keyboard. Would it match to this black iMac? No, it wouldn't! And this is why I think that iMac will look very much like the Cinema Displays.
  • Reply 110 of 115
    coreycorey Posts: 165member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I see where you got your inspiration:

    Now THAT is fugly!
  • Reply 111 of 115
    saikosaiko Posts: 46member
    The touch screen on that HP is pretty responsive for MS Paint, but that's really it. Its completely ridiculous to have touch screen capabilities in a desktop computer in this current place in time, IMHO. Its pretty expensive and looks ugly as well.
  • Reply 112 of 115
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Corey View Post

    Now THAT is fugly!

    Yeah it's not great.
  • Reply 113 of 115
    To tell you the truth, I don't think any of these will be very close to what they look like. Most of them really do look very nice, but if you look at the different generations of iMacs, none of them look anything alike. Apple's going to do this again. They have to to keep that "wow" factor for something new to keep people's attention. For most of these, the average PC user Apple targets with the iMac will say, "hm, that looks like the last iMacs... just a different color... big whoop." This is why I think good ol' Jon Ive has something big up his sleeve for this once again. I guess we'll have to see tomorrow
  • Reply 114 of 115
    dudditsduddits Posts: 260member
    Originally Posted by Joel Fagin View Post

    Just a doodle in Photoshop but it struck me as being a plausible idea with a clear precedent. At any rate, having doodled it, I felt I had to do something with it so here I am. *waves*

    - Joel Fagin

    I have to say, Joel got a lot right on this.
  • Reply 115 of 115
    cato988cato988 Posts: 307member
    ya... pretty damn close. I think its about as close as you could be.

    the only real difference is the widescreen
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