First iPhone ads published on (Coming June 29)



  • Reply 41 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by King Chung Huang View Post

    Rats. I was hoping the release would be soon enough for me to pick up an iPhone during WWDC. Between that and the 2-year plan requirement, I guess I'll have to wait along with the rest of Canada for the iPhone to get introduced up here.

    Damn! I'll be leaving the States before the 29th and not returning until late October. And here I thought I'd be "ohh"-ing and "awe"-ing the peace-loving pygmies of Mboto Gorge while I stole their fruit.
  • Reply 42 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by WakeCharlie View Post

    Advertising on 60 minutes, looks like Apple is focusing on corporate America to fuel the fire for first generation of the iphone. Company managers are probably the only one's other than Paris Hilton who can afford one.

    First, welcome to Apple Insider.

    Second, many kids work during the summer. Even an $8/hr job is enough to yield an iPhone. Once it's paid there is only the subscription fee to pay.

    Third, the phone doesn't really cost more than other phones when you spilt the hardware cost over 24 months.

    Fourth, I have a strong feeling that the iPhone—which I assume runs Mail 3.0 because it runs Leopard—will fully support Exchange. I'm not sure if it will sync your Exchange contacts and calendars with AddressBook and iCal, but there should be enough support to make it viable for many business users. After all, Safari reads .PDF, Google Docs and Spreadsheets reads .DOC and .XLS and TextEdit reads .RTF.
  • Reply 43 of 133
    patsfan83patsfan83 Posts: 156member
    Anyone have any idea why it requires a "a new 2 year activation plan." New as in a new plan that differs from other plans? Just seems like awkward wording...Normally it would just say "Requires 2 year activation plan."

    To the poster who thinks it looks smaller, just take a look at your ipod(slightly longer):

    iPhone: 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches

    30GB ipod: 4.1 inches x 2.4 inches x 0.43 inch

    Treo: 4.4" x 2.4" x 0.9"
  • Reply 44 of 133
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    "the closest would be" doesn't NECESSARILY have anything to do with gps. if i know my own address, i know what's the closest just by looking at the map... as for the get directions button... same as type in where you are to get directions.

    that hand model does have huge mitts.

    btw, just saw the commercial during the sox yanks game on espn[hd]
  • Reply 45 of 133
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by PatsFan83 View Post

    To the poster who thinks it looks smaller, just take a look at your ipod(slightly longer):

    iPhone: 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches

    30GB ipod: 4.1 inches x 2.4 inches x 0.43 inch

    Treo: 4.4" x 2.4" x 0.9"

    Yeah, people still seem to have the mistaken assumption that the iPhone is HUGE, when it really isn't. It's the same size as most smartphones, and usually much thinner.

    The screen is huge, the iPhone, ain't.

  • Reply 46 of 133
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    To-the-point, but somewhat under-whelming ads. The music is dopey, and the announcer sounds a bit like he is talking down to the customer......
  • Reply 47 of 133
    i saw the "how to" ad on the CW during i hate chris tonight around 5:00 mountain time (7 eastern)

    so it wasn't just on cbs' 60 minutes (not just advertising to business people, although that will be a large share of users)
  • Reply 48 of 133
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Second, many kids work during the summer. Even an $8/hr job is enough to yield an iPhone. Once it's paid there is only the subscription fee to pay.

    Third, the phone doesn't really cost more than other phones when you spilt the hardware cost over 24 months.

    When split over 24 months? Who the hell buys a phone and thinks about its 24 month cost? And since most kids spend $50 on a cell phone now, if that, you really think spending $500 is not a big deal?

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Fourth, I have a strong feeling that the iPhone?which I assume runs Mail 3.0 because it runs Leopard?will fully support Exchange. I'm not sure if it will sync your Exchange contacts and calendars with AddressBook and iCal, but there should be enough support to make it viable for many business users. After all, Safari reads .PDF, Google Docs and Spreadsheets reads .DOC and .XLS and TextEdit reads .RTF.

    Problem here is that what you're saying is just guesswork (and it can't fully support Exchange and not sync you contacts and calendar). And Apple has always said they support Exchange. You just need to get your sysadmins to install SMTP support.

    But I just lover people who bring up Google docs for business use. There's just one problem with that, you need to be online to use them. Guess that's OK if you don't mind spending that $$$ on the data plan, but it is a little hard on a plane, say.

    Originally Posted by PatsFan83 View Post

    Anyone have any idea why it requires a "a new 2 year activation plan." New as in a new plan that differs from other plans? Just seems like awkward wording...Normally it would just say "Requires 2 year activation plan."

    A 'new' agreement means that, if you currently have a 2-year agreement, you need to sign up again from scratch. Not that its some 'new' agreement different from their other plans.

    And bear in mind that all of AT&T's plans aren't going to be available for this thing. You're not going to be able to buy it for $900 without a plan (as someone mentioned), nor is it likely that you'll be able to get it with a pay as you go plan, because there's too much of a likelihood that people would get it and never use the plan, and just use wifi instead.
  • Reply 49 of 133
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by bigpatky View Post

    i saw the "how to" ad on the CW during i hate chris tonight around 5:00 mountain time (7 eastern)

    so it wasn't just on cbs' 60 minutes (not just advertising to business people, although that will be a large share of users)

    Sorry, but the iPhone is not being targeted toward, nor will it have a large share of, business users. Most large businesses provide phones to their people who need the smart-phone, and that's more likely a blackberry (and its push email, which the iphone lacks - except for yahoo of all things). And you think businesses are going to pay extra for those great ipod features? Or the lack of being able to put their own apps on it?

    And if you don't buy any of those arguments, just look at the ads. One compares it to an ipod. Not really a business device there.

    As for GPS, don't all phones have to have GPS installed? Or is it installed for phone use, but may not be hooked to the OS side of things?
  • Reply 50 of 133
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    Although I'm still holding out hope for a GPS chip and real location services, tower triangulation gets them within 300 metres/95% of the time so perhaps they're using that for some early location service type stuff.

    Triangulation can actually be accurate to within 100 meters to locate a cell phone.
  • Reply 51 of 133
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Sorry, but the iPhone is not being targeted toward, nor will it have a large share of, business users. Most large businesses provide phones to their people who need the smart-phone, and that's more likely a blackberry (and its push email, which the iphone lacks - except for yahoo of all things). And you think businesses are going to pay extra for those great ipod features? Or the lack of being able to put their own apps on it?

    And if you don't buy any of those arguments, just look at the ads. One compares it to an ipod. Not really a business device there.

    As for GPS, don't all phones have to have GPS installed? Or is it installed for phone use, but may not be hooked to the OS side of things?

    No. Locations of most cell phones are determined with tower triangulation. This method is getting more and more accurate as the proximity of three towers for any given carrier gets closer and closer. Currently accuracy for cell phone triangulation is up to 100 meters.
  • Reply 52 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    When split over 24 months? Who the hell buys a phone and thinks about its 24 month cost? And since most kids spend $50 on a cell phone now, if that, you really think spending $500 is not a big deal?

    I do. I like to look at the total cost of ownership. If paying a little more now for a better experience or more value at the end of the deal then I'm all for it. It's why i haven't ever leased a car or put less than 20% down on a home.

    Don't you look at your Mac and ever think that you don't have to buy anto-virus software, ad-ware, etc? I do. It one of the selling points I use when people ask me why i prefer Macs. I have 11 switchers punched on my card this year alone; one more and I get a free pat on the back and an "a'ta boy" from a complete stranger.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Problem here is that what you're saying is just guesswork (and it can't fully support Exchange and not sync you contacts and calendar). And Apple has always said they support Exchange. You just need to get your sysadmins to install SMTP support.

    I did some checking. Leopard does have more Exhance support, without using IMAP like in Tiger, and AddressBook supports LDAP and iCal supports some kind of server based calender.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    But I just lover people who bring up Google docs for business use. There's just one problem with that, you need to be online to use them. Guess that's OK if you don't mind spending that $$$ on the data plan, but it is a little hard on a plane, say.

    I didn't make myself clear here. Google already offers Google Maps as a widget, sure it requires and internet connection to gather the info, but you don't need to go to first. Wouldn't Apple know this will be a important aspect to many people and get free versions on the iPhone. Maybe Google Docs is the mysterious icon we can't see in the post I made on the first page?[/QUOTE]
  • Reply 53 of 133
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Some UI enhancements have come to the iPhone:

    1. There's a satisfying click upon unlocking.

    2. The transition to coverflow is now a fade in, not a twirl in (or whatever you'd call it), this would be both more seamless, and easier of the processor and battery.

    3. The phone unlocking to main screen-transition is completely new. Before the home screen just appeared, now the locked slider screen fades to black, the date moves up out of screen, and the icons move in quickly from all sides.

    4. Not a UI enhancement, but when the guy is looking for a restaurant he says "the closest would be?" GPS? Doubtful, but worth pointing out nonetheless.

    5. The notes and calculator icons no longer have brown on them, which I did dislike for the calculator, but never minded for the notes app icon. On a side note I sent the feedback about hating the brown color on the calculator app icon on Jan 10th, just sayin'

    6. The fade to call screen seems more seamless, which is great. Just a demo sure, but it's still cool.

    7. The UI for the mid transition to an incoming call is new too. Before the screen just changed with no real transition, now it happens in a quick small series of smooth, planned, deliberate transitions.

    All Apple's hard work on this iPhone will pay off for them, in the end.. big time.

    On #2 -- this is incorrect. The twirl transition exists on the album view while playing a song and turning the device to the coverflow view. This is not shown in the new ads. The twirl transition also exists in web browsing, which IS shown in the new ads.
  • Reply 54 of 133
    ajhillajhill Posts: 81member
    These new ads are (at the risk of sounding redundant) Genius! The simplicity and SPEED at which they depict the phone operating is perfect. I know they edited it to get it all into 30 seconds, but even the on screen happenings are quite brisk. Chiat/Day has done it again with making a powerful statement with simple, clean presentation.

    Now I want one even more.

    [Although I was still hoping for the first 3/4 of the 1984 commercial with a new ending tagged on where the blonde in the red shorts whips out an iPhone and call Jack Bauer in for backup. Oh, well. These are great anyhow!]
  • Reply 55 of 133
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by ajhill View Post

    These new ads are (at the risk of sounding redundant) Genius! The simplicity and SPEED at which they depict the phone operating is perfect. I know they edited it to get it all into 30 seconds, but even the on screen happenings are quite brisk. Chiat/Day has done it again with making a powerful statement with simple, clean presentation.

    You are 110% correct. The new ads truly nailed it. Props to the parties responsible.

  • Reply 56 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    Triangulation can actually be accurate to within 100 meters to locate a cell phone.

    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    No. Locations of most cell phones are determined with tower triangulation. This method is getting more and more accurate as the proximity of three towers for any given carrier gets closer and closer. Currently accuracy for cell phone triangulation is up to 100 meters.

    We had a huge debate here a few months ago about different GPS capabilites with various CDMA and GMS technologies. I think Melgross may remember it.

    My questions regarding planet-like masses:

    Does GPS only refer only to orbiting satellites triangulating your position on Earth, or can it also refer to land-based triangulation determining your position on Earth? Ae we seeing a word actively broaden it's original definition to include new technologies? Is there life on other planets? Are you happy Rosie O'Donnel left The View?
  • Reply 57 of 133
    mattrebsmattrebs Posts: 74member
    Originally Posted by PatsFan83 View Post

    Anyone have any idea why it requires a "a new 2 year activation plan." New as in a new plan that differs from other plans? Just seems like awkward wording...Normally it would just say "Requires 2 year activation plan."

    To the poster who thinks it looks smaller, just take a look at your ipod(slightly longer):

    iPhone: 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches

    30GB ipod: 4.1 inches x 2.4 inches x 0.43 inch

    Treo: 4.4" x 2.4" x 0.9"

    So at least in terms of size, the iPhone will work with my iPod Hifi?

    I think these ads are perfect. They show you the product, tell you what it does ("the killer-app is making calls"), and show you how to do it. All to the tone of cute, subtle music. Plus, being a PotC fan I thoroughly enjoyed the comparison of the Kraken to Calamari. )
  • Reply 58 of 133
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Some UI enhancements have come to the iPhone:

    1. There's a satisfying click upon unlocking.

    2. The transition to coverflow is now a fade in, not a twirl in (or whatever you'd call it), this would be both more seamless, and easier of the processor and battery.

    3. The phone unlocking to main screen-transition is completely new. Before the home screen just appeared, now the locked slider screen fades to black, the date moves up out of screen, and the icons move in quickly from all sides.

    4. Not a UI enhancement, but when the guy is looking for a restaurant he says "the closest would be?" GPS? Doubtful, but worth pointing out nonetheless.

    5. The notes and calculator icons no longer have brown on them, which I did dislike for the calculator, but never minded for the notes app icon. On a side note I sent the feedback about hating the brown color on the calculator app icon on Jan 10th, just sayin'

    6. The fade to call screen seems more seamless, which is great. Just a demo sure, but it's still cool.

    7. The UI for the mid transition to an incoming call is new too. Before the screen just changed with no real transition, now it happens in a quick small series of smooth, planned, deliberate transitions.

    All Apple's hard work on this iPhone will pay off for them, in the end.. big time.

    I'm pretty much positive that there is A-GPS.
  • Reply 59 of 133
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by badNameErr View Post

    Waaaayyy too much information man!

    Yeah, he's good about that.
  • Reply 60 of 133
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    No. Locations of most cell phones are determined with tower triangulation. This method is getting more and more accurate as the proximity of three towers for any given carrier gets closer and closer. Currently accuracy for cell phone triangulation is up to 100 meters.

    A-GPS nowadays.
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