Apple unveils near final version of Mac OS X Leopard



  • Reply 21 of 150
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    On what basis did you come to that conclusion?

    I got it from the live feed. They explicitly said no developers outside the conference would be getting Leopard...
  • Reply 22 of 150
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by TitoC View Post

    Is it me or was I tripping at the MacWorld Keynote address in January?

    You weren't tripping, it was said. And I read it somewhere today that you could do this, but maybe I was tripping reading about something else.
  • Reply 23 of 150
    Originally Posted by curtegg View Post

    No ZFS mention. That alone would make me upgrade to leopard. Guess, I'll hold off till next year on the OS and hardware (stick with my 6yr old g4).

    That should teach you not to listing to the mad ravings of a Sun executive. Or the random web sites trying to make a mountain out of a small quote.
  • Reply 24 of 150
    hypoluxahypoluxa Posts: 699member
    Originally Posted by TitoC View Post

    Do you really think that Apple is copying Vista or is it the the other way around? C'mon, there are so many things in Vista that I know were copied from OS X - Spotlight, Widgets, Expose - do I need to go on? After all the things that Vista has stolen from OS X, do you REALLY think then that Apple would even think about stealing something from Vista and incorporating into Leopard? I think not. I think this is one of those things that Apple had in the works WAY before Vista came out.

    Your right and I agree that MS did copy stuff from Apple, but its just that particular aspect is over used thesedays! Apple should keep themselves somewhat differentiated from MS in some sort of way in regards with UI design, that just hits a little to close to home in my book as copying since Vista came out with it prior is all Im saying.
  • Reply 25 of 150
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    But I am disappointed the beta is not being made available to more developers. It is quite elitist. Not everyone can affort $5000 for a trip to SF, but we need to test our software too...

    So that's definitely true then? I saw it on the live MacRumours Chat thing but haven't seen it anywhere else yet.

    Does it just mean devs not at the conference won't get it today/soon or simply won't get it at all?! If not getting it at all, then there's going to be a lot of furious developers who have paid for an ADC account specifically for Leopard builds (myself included). Not only that, but it would completely go against what's been up on for a few months: "Leopard beta available FIRST at WWDC" - note that it doesn't say "available ONLY at WWDC".
  • Reply 26 of 150
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    I think that Apple's primary motive for Leopard is to tempt switchers.

    I don't really see anything that moves the Mac forward?
  • Reply 27 of 150
    titoctitoc Posts: 58member
    Originally Posted by thedillydotcom View Post

    I also remember that feature.

    I was rather underwhelmed at the desktop innovations in comparison to some of the features available from linux with their 3D beryl demos.

    It seems like from what I can tell, with every instance of beryl i've watched, that linux is making leaps and bounds over what MS and Apple are offering in terms of 3D desktops. I have no idea how usable they are, what hardware it takes to run them, or how easy they are to setup, but they sure are wowing me to the point that i'd consider installing linux on one of my machines.

    Whew! Glad I wasn't dreaming. Thanks for making me realize that I wasn't the only one. Yeah, I too have been seeing the things that Linux has been up to with Beryl. I do say though, I really do like the features of "Quick Look." Especially the part where you can view the contents of a file without even opening it. That and the "Cover Flow" apsect of it. I like that there are nice asthetic aspects of Leopard (maybe not as cool as Beryl) but also convenient features that make work flow easier and faster.
  • Reply 28 of 150
    titoctitoc Posts: 58member
    Originally Posted by thedillydotcom View Post

    I also remember that feature.

    I was rather underwhelmed at the desktop innovations in comparison to some of the features available from linux with their 3D beryl demos.

    It seems like from what I can tell, with every instance of beryl i've watched, that linux is making leaps and bounds over what MS and Apple are offering in terms of 3D desktops. I have no idea how usable they are, what hardware it takes to run them, or how easy they are to setup, but they sure are wowing me to the point that i'd consider installing linux on one of my machines.

    Whew! Glad I wasn't dreaming. Thanks for making me realize that I wasn't the only one. Yeah, I too have been seeing the things that Linux has been up to with Beryl. I do say though, I really do like the features of "Quick Look." Especially the part where you can view the contents of a file without even opening it. That and the "Cover Flow" apsect of it. I like that there are nice asthetic aspects of Leopard (maybe not as cool as Beryl) but also convenient features that make work flow easier and faster.
  • Reply 29 of 150
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    I can't believe it's still Aqua. There's a safe bet it'll be removed by October. After all, they have removed all traces of blue from the site and the greys rule instead. And grey/black combo looks so much better and calmer than the candy blue. Not that Aqua is ugly, it's great, but that one would be better.
  • Reply 30 of 150
    mitchlamitchla Posts: 8member
    Why did they take the Apple Store down? No new products were offered.
  • Reply 31 of 150
    Originally Posted by MarkAllan View Post

    Does it just mean devs not at the conference won't get it today/soon or simply won't get it at all?!

    I think it just means that the particular build they're handing out at the conference is not going to be widely distributed. That is, it's basically just a demo build -- I somehow got the impression during the keynote presentation that the WWDC build is at least two weeks old (basically the time they had to prepare the presentation). So Apple's internal builds must be further along. I'll bet the usual (main) channels get a more current build within a week.
  • Reply 32 of 150
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by MarkAllan View Post

    So that's definitely true then? I saw it on the live MacRumours Chat thing but haven't seen it anywhere else yet.

    That's where I saw it too. Don't have any independent confirmation yet.
  • Reply 33 of 150
    hypoluxahypoluxa Posts: 699member
    Oh please god let there be an option to make the finder bar opaque as I can't stand this ridiculous transparency eyecandy!!! Argghhh. Trying to make it like Vista hmm? Cmon Appple be original and keep it opaque, it was fine that way!
  • Reply 34 of 150
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by keithw View Post

    The stock is down about $4. I guess Wall Street wanted more. Anyway, where is our BluRay support we were hoping for?

    Keith W.

    Nah. This is typical... buy (pump up the stock) on the rumors, sell on the news. Nothing new here.
  • Reply 35 of 150
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by thedillydotcom View Post

    I also remember that feature.

    I was rather underwhelmed at the desktop innovations in comparison to some of the features available from linux with their 3D beryl demos.

    It seems like from what I can tell, with every instance of beryl i've watched, that linux is making leaps and bounds over what MS and Apple are offering in terms of 3D desktops. I have no idea how usable they are, what hardware it takes to run them, or how easy they are to setup, but they sure are wowing me to the point that i'd consider installing linux on one of my machines.

    Your right. I think I could really use those wavy windows all day. Would increase my productivity 10 fold.
  • Reply 36 of 150
    mrjoec123mrjoec123 Posts: 223member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    And with an office of 8 computers, what if I only want one or two to show up?

    Just turn the feature off for the other six. I'm sure it will be in the Sharing preferences pane.

    It'll be no different from file sharing.
  • Reply 37 of 150
    titoctitoc Posts: 58member
    Do you really think that Apple is copying Vista or is it the the other way around? C'mon, there are so many things in Vista that I know were copied from OS X - Spotlight, Widgets, Expose - do I need to go on? After all the things that Vista has stolen from OS X, do you REALLY think then that Apple would even think about stealing something from Vista and incorporating into Leopard? I think not. I think this is one of those things that Apple had in the works WAY before Vista came out.
  • Reply 38 of 150
    Originally Posted by TitoC View Post

    Is it me or was I tripping at the MacWorld Keynote address in January? I thought I saw an Apple demo of iChat where you could have a feature where you could control a friend's Mac via iChat (ala Remote Desktop). I specifically remember the Apple guy talking saying in the demo "How many of you out there have parents that always need help with their Mac's but have a hard time showing them how to do certain things?" Did anyone else see this demo at MacWorld? Or am I having weird Mac dreams where I envision cool features not yet developed? If this is NOT a dream and someone else CAN verify that this REALLY was shown at MacWorld, then what happened to it? I didn't see anything like this at this Keynote OR on the Apple site. Can someone verify if this feature will be on the Leopard iChat? Thanks!

    I also remember that feature.

    I was rather underwhelmed at the desktop innovations in comparison to some of the features available from linux with their 3D beryl demos.

    It seems like from what I can tell, with every instance of beryl i've watched, that linux is making leaps and bounds over what MS and Apple are offering in terms of 3D desktops. I have no idea how usable they are, what hardware it takes to run them, or how easy they are to setup, but they sure are wowing me to the point that i'd consider installing linux on one of my machines.
  • Reply 39 of 150
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The store has been redesigned. No new hardware surprises.

    Yes. Nothing new but a horribly user unfriendly website redesign. You have to go through five different menus to get to the same info that used to take maybe 2 clicks...and its more like iTunes, come on!
  • Reply 40 of 150
    As a dot mac subscriber I am pretty excited that Steve even mentioned the service. I can't believe how Apple has forgotten about dot mac. Especially when it has such great potential. Maybe this will be the beginning of something... integration with the iphone. It would be nice if you didn't have to pay for the subscription to dot mac if you were an iphone user. Then at least you get something out of signing that two year contract. Oh, and Safari3 is working just fine for me right now... as a matter of fact, it is burning up the pages. Much better than 2.
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