Firm sets whopping $205 price target on Apple shares



  • Reply 41 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by gooddog View Post

    For gawd's sake ! The man is named after a cheese.

    A very POPULAR cheese.
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  • Reply 42 of 107
    ajhillajhill Posts: 81member
    Looking at this statement it appears to be basing everything on the success of the iPhone. But isn't there a new operating system Leopard coming? Isn't there rumor of a new iMac coming? How about AppleTV, there will undoubtedly going to be HD rentals available soon. Not to mention 50% growth per year in online digital music downloads. These are the reasons that Apple Inc. stock more than doubles every year (up 1,000% in five years).

    Wednesday will be interesting...
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  • Reply 43 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by ajhill View Post

    Looking at this statement it appears to be basing everything on the success of the iPhone. But isn't there a new operating system Leopard coming? Isn't there rumor of a new iMac coming? How about AppleTV, there will undoubtedly going to be HD rentals available soon. Not to mention 50% growth per year in online digital music downloads. These are the reasons that Apple Inc. stock more than doubles every year (up 1,000% in five years).

    Wednesday will be interesting...

    It doesn't say it's all based on the iPhone. But, the iPhone is a new catagory, and as such, it's thought that it will ramp up quickly. Plus the givebacks from ATT.

    He also mentions the other lines from Apple, and how the other sales will be positively affected by a successful iPhone product line (except for the iPods, which will likely see a loss of momentum.
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  • Reply 44 of 107
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Sure. It's moving now. I has some vague feelings about a Sprint deal, but couldn't pin it down.

    Too bad the market dropped so far today, or it could have ended at $34.

    Mel, have you looked at ? It's a nice way to pick up some ideas on new investment opps.

    Also, do you have any opinions about RRI (Reliant Energy), GSF (GlobalSantaFe), GRMN (Garmin) or any other stocks that look interesting at this point?

    Thanks again, mel!
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  • Reply 45 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Mel, have you looked at ? It's a nice way to pick up some ideas on new investment opps.

    Also, do you have any opinions about RRI (Reliant Energy), GSF (GlobalSantaFe), GRMN (Garmin) or any other stocks that look interesting at this point?

    Thanks again, mel!

    I'm a member of the Fool's site. Interesting arguments we get into there as well.

    The reason why I've done so well over the years is that I stick to what I know well.

    That is, computers, electronics, and communications. Mostly involving computers.

    I don't have the same familiarity with other industries.

    I'm always wary of others advice, including that of my own friend and broker.
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  • Reply 46 of 107
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    A very POPULAR cheese.

    Isn't it a misspelled cheese too?
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  • Reply 47 of 107
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    I cant believe how short sighted some of you are. Apple have just opened up a whole new area of business. Mobile phones. Do you realize how big the industry is? Apple have an opportunity to be the next Nokia Mkt Cap 120 bil, not only could sell as many mobiles phones out as nokia, they will be able to capitalize and make money from services better than any of the mobile manufacturers currenly out there can.

    Why the hell does 205 sound outlandish?

    Oh well, I'm not selling my AAPL thats for sure
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  • Reply 48 of 107
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    Not to mention all the other things up their sleeve. Apple are poised to become VERY big indeed. Infact I honestly think they will overtake MSFT, as I have aid for many years, because in the future what can be given away for free WILL be given away for free.

    And apple are one the few companies to take advantage.
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  • Reply 49 of 107
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Not to mention all the other things up their sleeve. Apple are poised to become VERY big indeed. Infact I honestly think they will overtake MSFT....

    Hmm... not in our lifetimes. Microsoft could bleed money for decades and not even feel it.

    A combination Google+Apple could possibly do the trick.
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  • Reply 50 of 107
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I'm a member of the Fool's site. Interesting arguments we get into there as well.

    The reason why I've done so well over the years is that I stick to what I know well.

    That is, computers, electronics, and communications. Mostly involving computers.

    I don't have the same familiarity with other industries.

    I'd like to know how (and if) you rate on the Best Stock Pickers rankings...


    I'm always wary of others advice, including that of my own friend and broker.

    That has proven true for me as well, numerous times.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 51 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Isn't it a misspelled cheese too?

    I wouldn't know. I can't spell.
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  • Reply 52 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member

    I'd like to know how (and if) you rate on the Best Stock Pickers rankings...

    I don't get involved with it. I don't even like to look at it. I don't want it to unconsciously influence my own decisions.


    That has proven true for me as well, numerous times.

    That's why I said the above.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 53 of 107
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I don't get involved with it. I don't even like to look at it. I don't want it to unconsciously influence my own decisions.

    That's why I said the above.

    Are there any stocks you're looking at now?
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  • Reply 54 of 107
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Hmm... not in our lifetimes. Microsoft could bleed money for decades and not even feel it.

    A combination Google+Apple could possibly do the trick.

    At the rate of AAPL growth, if sustained (and I see no reason for it to not continue, infact I would guess on accelerating even more) , 3 or 4 years should do it. I then expect them to have...

    Very large slice of a more mature (and profitable) music & movie downloads and rentals business.

    Massively increased Mac userbase (knocking on the 10% mark).

    Wildly successful mobile phone business (This alone will push them over MSFT Market Value).

    Apple will eventualy move into gaming.

    High resolution OLED iBooks for reading virtual books sold through itunes (hence the name change to Macbook recently)!

    OK I'm starting to speculate now, but I will be surprised if im wrong.
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  • Reply 55 of 107
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    I also dont see Apple in the long run working with google, short term yes, but I see Apple putting together a net strategy of their own. Starting a social networking mechanism of sorts wouldnt be a bad idea, they could use data from Address book, not to mention the bazillion ipods and iphones that already do the rounds as starting blocks with peoples info already on them.

    I then expect the mobile will eventually become your wallet, and Apple to be at the forefront of that movement with their local network technologies...

    Anyway, thats my prediction, and the way I would go if I was Jobs.

    Must not forget Apple brand TV's, HiFis.

    So much room to grow its silly, and no-one is positioned better than Apple to take advantage of the world of the future, I see them being a VERY dominent player. But they need to get a grip on the web before a company like facebook appears out the blue and snaches it away from them.
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  • Reply 56 of 107
    gregoriusmgregoriusm Posts: 518member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It doesn't say it's all based on the iPhone. But, the iPhone is a new catagory, and as such, it's thought that it will ramp up quickly. Plus the givebacks from ATT.

    He also mentions the other lines from Apple, and how the other sales will be positively affected by a successful iPhone product line (except for the iPods, which will likely see a loss of momentum.

    Will the iPod actually see a loss of momentum? If it has a screen like the iPhone and is based on OS X, I only see that as an upside and the numbers will increase.

    I think that the iPod will be a strong runner for Apple for years to come. Think of it, along with AppleTV, the iPhone, and the Mac along with the word convergence, and I think the iPod is around for a long, long time.
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  • Reply 57 of 107
    Apple is doing well, and $205 isn't that far from where we are, assuming the rest of the market remains reasonable. In fact, it could be at $300 within two or three years.

    But a market meltdown is far from impossible.

    The other risk is that this is a one-man show. Jobs seems healthy and with no plans to retire or do an exit to philanthropy. But recall that in his interview with bill, he said at one point that there is more history behind them than in front of them. What is he thinking?

    Even with Jobs sticking around forever, over the longer haul I'd like to see Apple stronger internationally, especially in Asia. Apple is weak outside the US/Canada and Europe, and too expensive for Latin America. Right now they are too US-centric and that shows in the product line in some ways. There is disregard for the low Mac end, for instance, or ultraportable executive notebooks (though supposedly this is coming). In Japan space is scarce, and there should be something besides the large Mac Pro's in the high end.

    And all this growth makes Apple a different beast to manage. Growth has been organic and product lines are intelligently compact and manageable, but additions will continue and eventually this adds layers and can slow things down. How much can Apple scale and still be Apple?

    Anyway, for those holding stock who don't need cash, the best bet is to keep it. But I'm not sure I'd buy. Not because I think it won't go up, but because percentage wise it has to go up a lot to match recent performance. If you bought at 19 or 30 or 40, you were buying an undervalued company. Today this is no longer so.
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  • Reply 58 of 107
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Alonso Perez View Post

    Even with Jobs sticking around forever, over the longer haul I'd like to see Apple stronger internationally, especially in Asia. Apple is weak outside the US/Canada and Europe, and too expensive for Latin America. Right now they are too US-centric and that shows in the product line in some ways. There is disregard for the low Mac end, for instance, or ultraportable executive notebooks (though supposedly this is coming). In Japan space is scarce, and there should be something besides the large Mac Pro's in the high end.

    I'm not that concerned if Apple can't find a foothold in Japan (perhaps they will with the iPhone), but getting in on China's growth will be essential for the long-long-term health and survivability of Apple. China's lower class will move toward their middle class, and the middle and upper class are exploding right now.
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  • Reply 59 of 107
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) Welcome to AI forums.

    2) MS got lucky and they wre smart enough to know that a well-known company liek IBM would be a smart move.

    From Wikipedia about Gary Kildall's CP/M. IBM's first choice for an OS.
    "IBM approached Digital Research in 1980, at Bill Gates's suggestion, to license a version of CP/M called CP/M-86 for its upcoming IBM PC. ... Before explaining the purpose of their visit they insisted that DRI accept a standard non-disclosure agreement that required it not to reveal anything about the meeting and allowed IBM unfettered use of any information that DRI might disclose. On the advice of DRI attorney Gerry Davis, Dorothy refused to sign the agreement without Gary's approval."
    DOS was based on CP/M and MS didn't own it or had ever used it before agreeing to sell it to IBM. A bold move, IMO. They certainly seized the moment.

    Keep in mind that IBM had projected that there would be a maximum lifetime market for the PC at 275,000 units over 5 years. They had orders for almost that many the first week the PC was available for ordering. They just didn't see it as a longterm nor a large investment in relation to their main focus which was the mainframe data center. Also the only reason IBM even considered microsoft was because gate's aunt worked for IBM. Even so IBM's lawyers were idiots to give microsoft the rights to all future OEM sales. You have to give gate's credit for having the vision to see that there was a market for personal computers, when IBM saw no real future in it.

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  • Reply 60 of 107
    205 $ is a no brainer with the available information to date. But every lil' bit of new crumbs they throw at us birds will just raise that figure higher and higher. The most important overlooked center of Apple is 'innovation', that your money maker. Everything else is really meaningless in the equation. Ipods, imacs, iphones, icars, ihomes, itv sets, ibanks, ivacations, ikitchens and appliances,iremote controls ,idollar,etc,......One day they will be ten times MSFT's market cap. Everyone speaks of the 'Halo effect', well what about the 'goldenfinger' effect. With their aesthetically pleasing & minimalist, but high tech approach to any new market out there (and there are plenty new games we can enter & soon dominate out there), the sky is the limit. Today there is too much new technology drowning us in confusion, Apple is our savior sent to us from tech heaven, here to turn the many into ONE. Simple devices. With lots of horsepower and behind the scenes tech. Planet Apple!!! Apple's got the golden touch. The Apple is the mark of the new beast, anything that stands in its way will get slaughtered. Steve and his creative DaVinci team just have to sit down and look at an old market and think of how to recreate its new future.

    Think about it. Do you really think they aren't working on things we haven't even fathomed yet. An icar for instance, for all we know its been in the works for 2 years now. Chances are if you can think it, they've already thought about it. I really believe Apple is choosing the right passages in this complex maze. Steve can smell the cheese. Its almost magical to watch. You are watching history in the making. A national treasure that will probably never be repeated again.

    -Maybe Man did eat from the forbiden fruit of knowledge, but AAPL is certainly going forward, by simply throwing out the useless old trash & marrying what's left. Wash the World. Less is MUCH MORE.

    even though we're not number one in pc sales we will one day soon. Its probably best for now to be behind in these times....after all... IT'S THE 2nd MOUSE THAT GETS THE CHEESE!
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