205 $ is a no brainer with the available information to date. But every lil' bit of new crumbs they throw at us birds will just raise that figure higher and higher. The most important overlooked center of Apple is 'innovation', that comrades.....is your money maker. Everything else is really meaningless in the equation. Ipods, imacs, iphones, icars, ihomes, itv sets, ibanks, ivacations, ikitchens and appliances,iremote controls ,idollar,etc,......One day they will be ten times MSFT's market cap. Everyone speaks of the 'Halo effect', well what about the 'goldenfinger' effect. With their aesthetically pleasing & minimalist, but high tech approach to any new market out there (and there are plenty new games we can enter & soon dominate out there), the sky is the limit. Today there is too much new technology drowning us in confusion, Apple is our savior sent to us from tech heaven, here to turn the many into ONE. Simple devices. With lots of horsepower and behind the scenes tech. Planet Apple!!! Apple's got the golden touch. The Apple is the mark of the new beast, anything that stands in its way will get slaughtered. Steve and his creative DaVinci team just have to sit down and look at an old market and think of how to recreate its new future.
Think about it. Do you really think they aren't working on things we haven't even fathomed yet. An icar for instance, for all we know its been in the works for 2 years now. Chances are if you can think it, they've already thought about it. I really believe Apple is choosing the right passages in this complex maze. Steve can smell the cheese. Its almost magical to watch. You are watching history in the making. A national treasure that will probably never be repeated again.
-Maybe Man did eat from the forbiden fruit of knowledge, but AAPL is certainly going forward, by simply throwing out the useless old trash & marrying what's left. Wash the World. Less is MUCH MORE.
even though we're not number one in pc sales we will one day soon. Its probably best for now to be behind in these times....after all... IT'S THE 2nd MOUSE THAT GETS THE CHEESE!
This is how your post turned out after you edited it?
Nothing I would buy at this time. The market is about to bounce around. Things are too unpredictable when that happens.
What is the reasoning for this fluctuation? I plan to put my bulk into Apple on Monday afternoon and then wait out several weeks to see if any new products/updates are released that will help the value. After that, I plan to buy back into Clearwire again. Hopefully right before the the next partnership is announced.
Will the iPod actually see a loss of momentum? If it has a screen like the iPhone and is based on OS X, I only see that as an upside and the numbers will increase.
I think that the iPod will be a strong runner for Apple for years to come. Think of it, along with AppleTV, the iPhone, and the Mac along with the word convergence, and I think the iPod is around for a long, long time.
We can only go by what we know. The analysts are in the same boat. If they make wild guesses, they can be stuck, unless they are lucky. We don't have millions riding on what we say, so we can be freer.
I'm a bit conservative, so sometimes I get into trouble here with those who only want to think majorly good thoughts.
If, and when we see an iPod based on OS X, with a large hi-rez screen, coverflow, WiFi, etc, then things will be different. But, until we do see them we can't say.
Right now, the 5G's are eclipsed by the iPhone. Yes, I know the argument that there isn't enough storage. But, few people who buy a 5G use much of it. I can see a large number wanting to buy the next bragging rights device instead—the iPhone.
Jobs has acknowledged this, so it's not an odd thought.
You can bet that a large part of the thinking at Apple was just how much the phones would cannibalize the iPods, not whether.
But, if you can get 100 thousand people buying a 5 or 6 hundred dollar device instead of a $350 device, then you're in manufacturers heaven. If the tales about the kickbacks, er, fees, are true, then you can bet Apple wants people to buy phones instead of iPods!
Keep in mind that IBM had projected that there would be a maximum lifetime market for the PC at 275,000 units over 5 years. They had orders for almost that many the first week the PC was available for ordering. They just didn't see it as a longterm nor a large investment in relation to their main focus which was the mainframe data center. Also the only reason IBM even considered microsoft was because gate's aunt worked for IBM. Even so IBM's lawyers were idiots to give microsoft the rights to all future OEM sales. You have to give gate's credit for having the vision to see that there was a market for personal computers, when IBM saw no real future in it.
It wasn't IBM's lawyers that gave MS that. The president of IBM small systems division which was doing the PC was the person responsible for that. He said, in a book about it, that they never saw where MS could sell the OS. IBM had the BIOS wrapped up tight with copyrights and patents. They didn't patent the bus though, which was a big mistake.
Until Phoenix reverse engineered it, the clone market didn't really take off.
What is the reasoning for this fluctuation? I plan to put my bulk into Apple on Monday afternoon and then wait out several weeks to see if any new products/updates are released that will help the value. After that, I plan to buy back into Clearwire again. Hopefully right before the the next partnership is announced.
Housing sales, interest rates, inflation, the fight over Iraq that's heating up now, the other fight over executive privilege, etc.
How did you manage that? I can't imagine even *perfect* sell high/buy low trading to yield more than a couple hundred percent in that time.
Out of the money option contracts that expire in within the next month. In the middle of last week for example, I sold (closed) my july 120 calls and purchased the AUG 160,165 calls. After earnings if AAPL were to peak toward 150 the value of my contracts would be up about 200%.
I know its risky, but I sort of swing trade as I would actually owning the stock, but use options instead. I never even mess with options unless I'm 100% certain the underlying stock is going up.
Then when it reaches 150 something I'll buy puts, even if AAPL goes down 2%, at least I'll make another 20%. Then back to the calls. It took me weeks to trully understand options. And it is the most important money making lesson I've ever learned. I look back at all the $$$ I've been missing out on in the past. I'm going to buy an iphone this week, I feel like I owe it to AAPL
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined then but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than others for me believe AAPL is going way down . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined, but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than all others before AAPL is going down a lot . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined, but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than all others before AAPL is going down a lot . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
Speaking about nuts! Apple has lot lot going for it and the stock price reflects that. Mr. Jobs is very smart and can market like no one else. Mac OS is the ace in the hole AND HAS BEEN FOR A DECADE, but the inferior Windows OS still dominates. It's time for a reality check.
The best products are sometimes not the most popular. What happened to Beta Max? There are a lot of smart companies making competing product. Sony has a new living room PC that looks like a round mini and and performs like a SonyTV. Apple's edge is the OS, but that doesn't mean it will dominate. With this run up, I think we are getting to the point of "greater fool". Even you seem to need a small drop to buy more. Sometimes you need to know when to walk away from the table or at least pull out your investment.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined then but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than others for me believe AAPL is going way down . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
I hope the stock doesn't dip for you, as it will at some point. Then you will lose more than you made, scrambling to pay all of those margin calls.
Stock has to go to 100 or less as most was bought at 107 and 110. 33 percent is the trigger for the cash account on margin. That is about one fifth of the account leveraged at 50 percent. 2 other ira accounts make up four fifths of the account and the are non leveraged . So not all is leveraged. But back in 1984 I invested in MSFT and in 1998 i invested in YHOO and made quite a little pile. AAPL will grow so quickly it will even surprise Steve Jobs . The house was mortgaged and money was borrowed when AAPL was 30. The credit cards are at 3 percent and mortgage is 6 percent fixed for 30 years payoffable in 3 years .
Stock has to go to 100 or less as most was bought at 107 and 110. 33 percent is the trigger for the cash account on margin. That is about one fifth of the account leveraged at 50 percent. 2 other ira accounts make up four fifths of the account and the are non leveraged . So not all is leveraged. But back in 1984 I invested in MSFT and in 1998 i invested in YHOO and made quite a little pile. AAPL will grow so quickly it will even surprise Steve Jobs . The house was mortgaged and money was borrowed when AAPL was 30. The credit cards are at 3 percent and mortgage is 6 percent fixed for 30 years payoffable in 3 years .
The stock went from $86 to $51 not all that long ago. I'm hoping that you don't have to scramble to get out of your margin calls if that happens again.
I don't like doing all of that work you seem to enjoy. I bought the stock at $16.93, and haven sold since. With all of your costs, including a lot of taxes on non IRA accounts (some of mine is in my wifes', and my IRA's as well), I've probably done better.
The stock went from $86 to $51 not all that long ago. I'm hoping that you don't have to scramble to get out of your margin calls if that happens again.
I don't like doing all of that work you seem to enjoy. I bought the stock at $16.93, and haven sold since. With all of your costs, including a lot of taxes on non IRA accounts (some of mine is in my wifes', and my IRA's as well), I've probably done better.
yes, buy and hold would have made me more. I rode it from 91 to 51 and back to 91 and sold at 91. I had held some other losses and took them against the gain when i sold both. So i paid 8 bucks a trade and no taxes and a 3000 dollar loss against my gains.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined then but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than others for me believe AAPL is going way down . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
When amateur investors get this exuberant, it is a possible indicator of a top for a stock
or a broader market. Be a little cautious. Hedge somehow. Don't plunge all in.
Diversify. Don't fall in love with any stock. You might be cruisin' for a bruisin'.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined, but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than all others before AAPL is going down a lot . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
I thought you posted for me. I have done the same thing but do not own nearly as much as you. I bought back from 35 and continued to buy. I held out during the last down turn and had to sell given a margin call. Bought back soon after and keep buying almost on a daily basis. On monday I will buy about 60 more shares. I took out a 2nd two years ago and put about 20K in aapl. My original 26K investment is now worth $150K.
I think aapl will hit $2500 a share by 2020. I will retire young when my investment will be worth several million.
205 $ is a no brainer with the available information to date. But every lil' bit of new crumbs they throw at us birds will just raise that figure higher and higher. The most important overlooked center of Apple is 'innovation', that comrades.....is your money maker. Everything else is really meaningless in the equation. Ipods, imacs, iphones, icars, ihomes, itv sets, ibanks, ivacations, ikitchens and appliances,iremote controls ,idollar,etc,......One day they will be ten times MSFT's market cap. Everyone speaks of the 'Halo effect', well what about the 'goldenfinger' effect. With their aesthetically pleasing & minimalist, but high tech approach to any new market out there (and there are plenty new games we can enter & soon dominate out there), the sky is the limit. Today there is too much new technology drowning us in confusion, Apple is our savior sent to us from tech heaven, here to turn the many into ONE. Simple devices. With lots of horsepower and behind the scenes tech. Planet Apple!!! Apple's got the golden touch. The Apple is the mark of the new beast, anything that stands in its way will get slaughtered. Steve and his creative DaVinci team just have to sit down and look at an old market and think of how to recreate its new future.
Think about it. Do you really think they aren't working on things we haven't even fathomed yet. An icar for instance, for all we know its been in the works for 2 years now. Chances are if you can think it, they've already thought about it. I really believe Apple is choosing the right passages in this complex maze. Steve can smell the cheese. Its almost magical to watch. You are watching history in the making. A national treasure that will probably never be repeated again.
-Maybe Man did eat from the forbiden fruit of knowledge, but AAPL is certainly going forward, by simply throwing out the useless old trash & marrying what's left. Wash the World. Less is MUCH MORE.
even though we're not number one in pc sales we will one day soon. Its probably best for now to be behind in these times....after all... IT'S THE 2nd MOUSE THAT GETS THE CHEESE!
This is how your post turned out after you edited it?
Are there any stocks you're looking at now?
Nothing I would buy at this time. The market is about to bounce around. Things are too unpredictable when that happens.
If I do decide about something, I'll say so, if it's of interest.
Nothing I would buy at this time. The market is about to bounce around. Things are too unpredictable when that happens.
What is the reasoning for this fluctuation? I plan to put my bulk into Apple on Monday afternoon and then wait out several weeks to see if any new products/updates are released that will help the value. After that, I plan to buy back into Clearwire again. Hopefully right before the the next partnership is announced.
Will the iPod actually see a loss of momentum? If it has a screen like the iPhone and is based on OS X, I only see that as an upside and the numbers will increase.
I think that the iPod will be a strong runner for Apple for years to come. Think of it, along with AppleTV, the iPhone, and the Mac along with the word convergence, and I think the iPod is around for a long, long time.
We can only go by what we know. The analysts are in the same boat. If they make wild guesses, they can be stuck, unless they are lucky. We don't have millions riding on what we say, so we can be freer.
I'm a bit conservative, so sometimes I get into trouble here with those who only want to think majorly good thoughts.
If, and when we see an iPod based on OS X, with a large hi-rez screen, coverflow, WiFi, etc, then things will be different. But, until we do see them we can't say.
Right now, the 5G's are eclipsed by the iPhone. Yes, I know the argument that there isn't enough storage. But, few people who buy a 5G use much of it. I can see a large number wanting to buy the next bragging rights device instead—the iPhone.
Jobs has acknowledged this, so it's not an odd thought.
You can bet that a large part of the thinking at Apple was just how much the phones would cannibalize the iPods, not whether.
But, if you can get 100 thousand people buying a 5 or 6 hundred dollar device instead of a $350 device, then you're in manufacturers heaven. If the tales about the kickbacks, er, fees, are true, then you can bet Apple wants people to buy phones instead of iPods!
Keep in mind that IBM had projected that there would be a maximum lifetime market for the PC at 275,000 units over 5 years. They had orders for almost that many the first week the PC was available for ordering. They just didn't see it as a longterm nor a large investment in relation to their main focus which was the mainframe data center. Also the only reason IBM even considered microsoft was because gate's aunt worked for IBM. Even so IBM's lawyers were idiots to give microsoft the rights to all future OEM sales. You have to give gate's credit for having the vision to see that there was a market for personal computers, when IBM saw no real future in it.
It wasn't IBM's lawyers that gave MS that. The president of IBM small systems division which was doing the PC was the person responsible for that. He said, in a book about it, that they never saw where MS could sell the OS. IBM had the BIOS wrapped up tight with copyrights and patents. They didn't patent the bus though, which was a big mistake.
Until Phoenix reverse engineered it, the clone market didn't really take off.
What is the reasoning for this fluctuation? I plan to put my bulk into Apple on Monday afternoon and then wait out several weeks to see if any new products/updates are released that will help the value. After that, I plan to buy back into Clearwire again. Hopefully right before the the next partnership is announced.
Housing sales, interest rates, inflation, the fight over Iraq that's heating up now, the other fight over executive privilege, etc.
what do you expect? AAPL is the sh**! Plain & simple. I'm up 2000% in three months.
How did you manage that? I can't imagine even *perfect* sell high/buy low trading to yield more than a couple hundred percent in that time.
How did you manage that? I can't imagine even *perfect* sell high/buy low trading to yield more than a couple hundred percent in that time.
Out of the money option contracts that expire in within the next month. In the middle of last week for example, I sold (closed) my july 120 calls and purchased the AUG 160,165 calls. After earnings if AAPL were to peak toward 150 the value of my contracts would be up about 200%.
I know its risky, but I sort of swing trade as I would actually owning the stock, but use options instead. I never even mess with options unless I'm 100% certain the underlying stock is going up.
Then when it reaches 150 something I'll buy puts, even if AAPL goes down 2%, at least I'll make another 20%. Then back to the calls. It took me weeks to trully understand options. And it is the most important money making lesson I've ever learned. I look back at all the $$$ I've been missing out on in the past. I'm going to buy an iphone this week, I feel like I owe it to AAPL
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined, but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than all others before AAPL is going down a lot . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
Speaking about nuts! Apple has lot lot going for it and the stock price reflects that. Mr. Jobs is very smart and can market like no one else. Mac OS is the ace in the hole AND HAS BEEN FOR A DECADE, but the inferior Windows OS still dominates. It's time for a reality check.
The best products are sometimes not the most popular. What happened to Beta Max? There are a lot of smart companies making competing product. Sony has a new living room PC that looks like a round mini and and performs like a SonyTV. Apple's edge is the OS, but that doesn't mean it will dominate. With this run up, I think we are getting to the point of "greater fool". Even you seem to need a small drop to buy more. Sometimes you need to know when to walk away from the table or at least pull out your investment.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined then but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than others for me believe AAPL is going way down . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
I hope the stock doesn't dip for you, as it will at some point. Then you will lose more than you made, scrambling to pay all of those margin calls.
Stock has to go to 100 or less as most was bought at 107 and 110. 33 percent is the trigger for the cash account on margin. That is about one fifth of the account leveraged at 50 percent. 2 other ira accounts make up four fifths of the account and the are non leveraged . So not all is leveraged. But back in 1984 I invested in MSFT and in 1998 i invested in YHOO and made quite a little pile. AAPL will grow so quickly it will even surprise Steve Jobs . The house was mortgaged and money was borrowed when AAPL was 30. The credit cards are at 3 percent and mortgage is 6 percent fixed for 30 years payoffable in 3 years .
The stock went from $86 to $51 not all that long ago. I'm hoping that you don't have to scramble to get out of your margin calls if that happens again.
I don't like doing all of that work you seem to enjoy. I bought the stock at $16.93, and haven sold since. With all of your costs, including a lot of taxes on non IRA accounts (some of mine is in my wifes', and my IRA's as well), I've probably done better.
The stock went from $86 to $51 not all that long ago. I'm hoping that you don't have to scramble to get out of your margin calls if that happens again.
I don't like doing all of that work you seem to enjoy. I bought the stock at $16.93, and haven sold since. With all of your costs, including a lot of taxes on non IRA accounts (some of mine is in my wifes', and my IRA's as well), I've probably done better.
yes, buy and hold would have made me more. I rode it from 91 to 51 and back to 91 and sold at 91. I had held some other losses and took them against the gain when i sold both. So i paid 8 bucks a trade and no taxes and a 3000 dollar loss against my gains.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined then but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than others for me believe AAPL is going way down . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
When amateur investors get this exuberant, it is a possible indicator of a top for a stock
or a broader market. Be a little cautious. Hedge somehow. Don't plunge all in.
Diversify. Don't fall in love with any stock. You might be cruisin' for a bruisin'.
When amateur investors get this exuberant, it is a possible indicator of a top for a stock
or a broader market. Be a little cautious. Hedge somehow. Don't plunge all in.
Diversify. Don't fall in love with any stock. You might be cruisin' for a bruisin'.
It's also an indication of a bubble.
I also bought AAPL at 30 and sold all at 91. Re-bought it at 87 and sold again at 101.Re-bought it at 104,107, then borrowed money to buy at 110,margined all my stock to buy more at 115,and each time my portfolio made money i margined more ,at 117, 125, 133,138 and on monday i'll try to buy more at 139,,so all you non- Steve Jobs believers please sell and bring it down a little.I have watched every video, movie,, interview, conference call etc. that can be found .I have conclude that Steve Jobs is nuts. Thank God for crazy people.He is a great kind of nuts . I took all my retirement funds, mortgaged my house ,,got loans on credit cards and retired last December with 1.3 million that is now 2.2 million. This 143 dollar company will report blow away earnings and be 160 by next week on Friday,, 250 easy by Halloween. Apple decided it was going to lose the war against Microsoft. So it launched a secret program to pretend to become a partner. Then it would it would launch a program to serve the world better designed products that make the whole game change . They will become so big that Microsoft begs them to buy them out once they and RIMM and PALM are one-tenth their present size in 5 years and AAPL is 10,000 a share. I'll probably sell most of the shares at 400 around 12/08 that are margined, but Jobs has to die or lose his magical ability to pick people and ideas that are far better than all others before AAPL is going down a lot . Thank God we lost Bill Gates. He manages a Trust fund for charity from all the hard work he did stealing.
I thought you posted for me. I have done the same thing but do not own nearly as much as you. I bought back from 35 and continued to buy. I held out during the last down turn and had to sell given a margin call. Bought back soon after and keep buying almost on a daily basis. On monday I will buy about 60 more shares. I took out a 2nd two years ago and put about 20K in aapl. My original 26K investment is now worth $150K.
I think aapl will hit $2500 a share by 2020. I will retire young when my investment will be worth several million.