Everyone wants to be an expert, and many tout themselves as an expert. It does go long before someone wants to tear you down to make themselves feel better . That does make them right. History tells you whether or not you are right. AAPL might take a dip but you don't know the situation if you think it won't be up by end of year in September and by the reporting earnings in October.AAPL is just starting to get back on it's feet and soon it will show it's true size. Apple doesn't know it yet but it didn't buy Next computing. Next really bought apple,,,., lol.
I thought you posted for me. I have done the same thing but do not own nearly as much as you. I bought back from 35 and continued to buy. I held out during the last down turn and had to sell given a margin call. Bought back soon after and keep buying almost on a daily basis. On monday I will buy about 60 more shares. I took out a 2nd two years ago and put about 20K in aapl. My original 26K investment is now worth $150K.
I think aapl will hit $2500 a share by 2020. I will retire young when my investment will be worth several million.
I would love to see the smile on your face then ,,..
bubbles occur when an overpriced stock gets way ahead of earnings . It will take a dip. But no one will tell u when and when it happens there will be plenty of people to tell you i told you so. And the guy who bought and held will be smiling ear to ear just like me . lol lol
I would love to see the smile on your face then ,,..
Oh! I am smiling right now.
This stock is cheap right now and it will be cheap when it hits 205. Most don't realize that when the iPod came out Apple sold 500K in one quarter back in 01. By 1st Quarter 07 it was selling 21 million iPods in 3 months. If Apple sells 3 million iPhones in the first 2 months, I think they can sell 30 million iPhones in 1st quarter 2014 alone. The Halo affect from this product will be huge in the next 3 years. Go check out foot traffic in any Apple Stores. Apple is getting a ton of free press.
People will buy Apple computers before they even buy iPhones. Three years from now the Halo affect will kick in high gear and we will see 30+ million macs by the end of 2013.
What is the reasoning for this fluctuation? I plan to put my bulk into Apple on Monday afternoon and then wait out several weeks to see if any new products/updates are released that will help the value. After that, I plan to buy back into Clearwire again. Hopefully right before the the next partnership is announced.
I'm holding onto CLWR. WiMax deals are finally getting interest and I think we'll see a lot more activity over the next several years.
Everyone wants to be an expert, and many tout themselves as an expert. It does go long before someone wants to tear you down to make themselves feel better . That does make them right. History tells you whether or not you are right. AAPL might take a dip but you don't know the situation if you think it won't be up by end of year in September and by the reporting earnings in October.AAPL is just starting to get back on it's feet and soon it will show it's true size. Apple doesn't know it yet but it didn't buy Next computing. Next really bought apple,,,., lol.
I may be tough on people sometimes. No doubt.
But, I have no interest in tearing you down. I/m merely pointing out that your strategy, while it can work very well, as you have stated it has for you, carries known risks. It is one of the risker policies to buy on margin, as I'm sure you must know.
As long as you have enough to cover any calls that may come about, then you should be fine. I do know people who had a problem with it when it dropped from 86. These people were experienced. But, the drop from 86 to 51, while long term, was unexpected by most. I just bought a bit more on the way down.
If you can consistently do well with this strategy, then I admire your gumption. But, I mention caution, because it is not for everybody.
bubbles occur when an overpriced stock gets way ahead of earnings . It will take a dip. But no one will tell u when and when it happens there will be plenty of people to tell you i told you so. And the guy who bought and held will be smiling ear to ear just like me . lol lol
I agree with that!
But I was talking about the market in general. There have been warnings of an impending bubble.
This stock is cheap right now and it will be cheap when it hits 205. Most don't realize that when the iPod came out Apple sold 500K in one quarter back in 01. By 1st Quarter 07 it was selling 21 million iPods in 3 months. If Apple sells 3 million iPhones in the first 2 months, I think they can sell 30 million iPhones in 1st quarter 2014 alone. The Halo affect from this product will be huge in the next 3 years. Go check out foot traffic in any Apple Stores. Apple is getting a ton of free press.
People will buy Apple computers before they even buy iPhones. Three years from now the Halo affect will kick in high gear and we will see 30+ million macs by the end of 2013.
A P/E in the 40's is not exactly cheap!
I'm hoping that the numbers will bring that back to the high 30's.
But, I have no interest in tearing you down. I/m merely pointing out that your strategy, while it can work very well, as you have stated it has for you, carries known risks. It is one of the risker policies to buy on margin, as I'm sure you must know.
As long as you have enough to cover any calls that may come about, then you should be fine. I do know people who had a problem with it when it dropped from 86. These people were experienced. But, the drop from 86 to 51, while long term, was unexpected by most. I just bought a bit more on the way down.
If you can consistently do well with this strategy, then I admire your gumption. But, I mention caution, because it is not for everybody.
That's all.
No problem.. i understand your caution as it is very dangerous. I also can handle quite a lot of downside and have for many years and learned alot the hard way. Apple has to change before I will lose my faith in them. I trust Steve Jobs when he says it's not about the money and I'm sure he GETS IT . Better design always wins out.. even when the opponents cheat, and then boy do you have fun then when you win AND play fair . Your comments are great melgross and others and glad to see you are helping people out that need and want guidance . thanks.
How do you figure that? Did you say you held it, earlier?
I bought 5,000 shares in 2004 for $16.97 a share.
I then bought another thousand for $72.51 a share in 2006, after it started dropping.
My Apple is now worth about $1,6 million.
That doesn't reconcile. But, I know my numbers.
You should have made far more if you bought in 2004. The high was less than $40.
You accumulated over time? That's what I gather from your earlier posts. Is that correct??
I first bought AAPL around 63 and it spit 2 for one. At that time I had around $200,000 in apple in 2 roth ira's. As it did well i sold other stock that didfn't do as well to buy more. I bought more later as i started to use money that came available as i sold a business. Only used margin starting at 107 or 110 in price . Also got offers to borrow money at 3 percent and thought ,,,..might as well.. paid no capital gains last year and will sell enough this year around Halloween to make a net gain. Some net losses last few years will balance gain . Carryover from 2001 bubble in a big AOL loss i had that I sold for a loss in 2005 will make it even for huge gain on apple. But i wont sell more than i need to lose exactly 3000 dollars. i can take that off my other income for tax purposes. I held most of the apple since october of 2004.,,a somewhat smaller amount since july or so of 2004 . I manage 7 different accounts ,..3 roth iras,3 tradional iras,.and one cash account.. so yes the accounts were managed differently and yes it was accumulted over time.
if i had kept what i had in november of 2006,,,i would have 2,700,000..but 2,200,000 is still great .
I first bought AAPL around 63 and it spit 2 for one. At that time I had around $200,000 in apple in 2 roth ira's. As it did well i sold other stock that didfn't do as well to buy more. I bought more later as i started to use money that came available as i sold a business. Only used margin starting at 107 or 110 in price . Also got offers to borrow money at 3 percent and thought ,,,..might as well.. paid no capital gains last year and will sell enough this year around Halloween to make a net gain. Some net losses last few years will balance gain . Carryover from 2001 bubble in a big AOL loss i had that I sold for a loss in 2005 will make it even for huge gain on apple. But i wont sell more than i need to lose exactly 3000 dollars. i can take that off my other income for tax purposes. I held most of the apple since october of 2004.,,a somewhat smaller amount since july or so of 2004 . I manage 7 different accounts ,..3 roth iras,3 tradional iras,.and one cash account.. so yes the accounts were managed differently and yes it was accumulted over time.
if i had kept what i had in november of 2006,,,i would have 2,700,000..but 2,200,000 is still great .
Interesting. I try to keep my life simpler than that, but not by too much.
I only have four accounts, other than some private placement, which I can't name at this time.
Two are standard IRAs, and two are brokerage accounts that are taxable. My wife also has her own Keogh and stock in her company, but she handles that.
I think I'm a bit older than you. I started investing when I was a kid, at 13, back in 1963.
I did well through the other "crashes", but ended up losing about 20% in the late 1999-2000 debacle. If I listened to my broker, and friend, I would have lost 80%. He just didn't want to sell.
But, the accounts went up so much in the mid to late '90's, that I didn't care about the losses.
I stayed out until late 2002.
I'm just sorry that I didn't buy several times as much Apple, and damn the rest.
[QUOTE=melgross;1115419]Interesting. I try to keep my life simpler than that, but not by too much.
I only have four accounts, other than some private placement, which I can't name at this time.
Two are standard IRAs, and two are brokerage accounts that are taxable. My wife also has her own Keogh and stock in her company, but she handles that.
I think I'm a bit older than you. I started investing when I was a kid, at 13, back in 1963.
I did well through the other "crashes", but ended up losing about 20% in the late 1999-2000 debacle. If I listened to my broker, and friend, I would have lost 80%. He just didn't want to sell.
But, the accounts went up so much in the mid to late '90's, that I didn't care about the losses.
I stayed out until late 2002.
I'm just sorry that I didn't buy several times as much Apple, and damn the rest.
Born in May of 1948-- I'm 59 .... I went from 1.2 million in jan of 2000 with yahoo gain to 230,000 in 2 years . Big loss. I sold the YHOO and "DIVERSIFIED" .OOPS. Then through several stocks till summer of 2004 when i started with the tax free roth iras and fully in apple by christmas or so,, in all the accounts.. But i was still working at the time and not dependent on the accounts. Bought it at 142 this morning. Didn't get it at 139 like i hoped,, but not willing to wait so i went to 142. It almost always goes down after i buy it anyway. i am used to it. I'll be happy i did it soon. Today, Friday , or next month,,,Ill be glad i did it soon..
Interesting. I try to keep my life simpler than that, but not by too much.
I only have four accounts, other than some private placement, which I can't name at this time.
Two are standard IRAs, and two are brokerage accounts that are taxable. My wife also has her own Keogh and stock in her company, but she handles that.
I think I'm a bit older than you. I started investing when I was a kid, at 13, back in 1963.
I did well through the other "crashes", but ended up losing about 20% in the late 1999-2000 debacle. If I listened to my broker, and friend, I would have lost 80%. He just didn't want to sell.
But, the accounts went up so much in the mid to late '90's, that I didn't care about the losses.
I stayed out until late 2002.
I'm just sorry that I didn't buy several times as much Apple, and damn the rest.
Born in May of 1948-- I'm 59 .... I went from 1.2 million in jan of 2000 with yahoo gain to 230,000 in 2 years . Big loss. I sold the YHOO and "DIVERSIFIED" .OOPS. Then through several stocks till summer of 2004 when i started with the tax free roth iras and fully in apple by christmas or so,, in all the accounts.. But i was still working at the time and not dependent on the accounts. Bought it at 142 this morning. Didn't get it at 139 like i hoped,, but not willing to wait so i went to 142. It almost always goes down after i buy it anyway. i am used to it. I'll be happy i did it soon. Today, Friday , or next month,,,Ill be glad i did it soon..
Glad already,, or at least temporarily lol. Up to 143 already .. keep on climbing
It's also an indication of a bubble.
I thought you posted for me. I have done the same thing but do not own nearly as much as you. I bought back from 35 and continued to buy. I held out during the last down turn and had to sell given a margin call. Bought back soon after and keep buying almost on a daily basis. On monday I will buy about 60 more shares. I took out a 2nd two years ago and put about 20K in aapl. My original 26K investment is now worth $150K.
I think aapl will hit $2500 a share by 2020. I will retire young when my investment will be worth several million.
I would love to see the smile on your face then ,,..
I would love to see the smile on your face then ,,..
Oh! I am smiling right now.
This stock is cheap right now and it will be cheap when it hits 205. Most don't realize that when the iPod came out Apple sold 500K in one quarter back in 01. By 1st Quarter 07 it was selling 21 million iPods in 3 months. If Apple sells 3 million iPhones in the first 2 months, I think they can sell 30 million iPhones in 1st quarter 2014 alone. The Halo affect from this product will be huge in the next 3 years. Go check out foot traffic in any Apple Stores. Apple is getting a ton of free press.
People will buy Apple computers before they even buy iPhones. Three years from now the Halo affect will kick in high gear and we will see 30+ million macs by the end of 2013.
What is the reasoning for this fluctuation? I plan to put my bulk into Apple on Monday afternoon and then wait out several weeks to see if any new products/updates are released that will help the value. After that, I plan to buy back into Clearwire again. Hopefully right before the the next partnership is announced.
I'm holding onto CLWR. WiMax deals are finally getting interest and I think we'll see a lot more activity over the next several years.
<---selling short!
Uh, I wouldn't go that far!
Everyone wants to be an expert, and many tout themselves as an expert. It does go long before someone wants to tear you down to make themselves feel better . That does make them right. History tells you whether or not you are right. AAPL might take a dip but you don't know the situation if you think it won't be up by end of year in September and by the reporting earnings in October.AAPL is just starting to get back on it's feet and soon it will show it's true size. Apple doesn't know it yet but it didn't buy Next computing. Next really bought apple,,,., lol.
I may be tough on people sometimes. No doubt.
But, I have no interest in tearing you down. I/m merely pointing out that your strategy, while it can work very well, as you have stated it has for you, carries known risks. It is one of the risker policies to buy on margin, as I'm sure you must know.
As long as you have enough to cover any calls that may come about, then you should be fine. I do know people who had a problem with it when it dropped from 86. These people were experienced. But, the drop from 86 to 51, while long term, was unexpected by most. I just bought a bit more on the way down.
If you can consistently do well with this strategy, then I admire your gumption. But, I mention caution, because it is not for everybody.
That's all.
bubbles occur when an overpriced stock gets way ahead of earnings . It will take a dip. But no one will tell u when and when it happens there will be plenty of people to tell you i told you so. And the guy who bought and held will be smiling ear to ear just like me . lol lol
I agree with that!
But I was talking about the market in general. There have been warnings of an impending bubble.
Oh! I am smiling right now.
This stock is cheap right now and it will be cheap when it hits 205. Most don't realize that when the iPod came out Apple sold 500K in one quarter back in 01. By 1st Quarter 07 it was selling 21 million iPods in 3 months. If Apple sells 3 million iPhones in the first 2 months, I think they can sell 30 million iPhones in 1st quarter 2014 alone. The Halo affect from this product will be huge in the next 3 years. Go check out foot traffic in any Apple Stores. Apple is getting a ton of free press.
People will buy Apple computers before they even buy iPhones. Three years from now the Halo affect will kick in high gear and we will see 30+ million macs by the end of 2013.
A P/E in the 40's is not exactly cheap!
I'm hoping that the numbers will bring that back to the high 30's.
I'm holding onto CLWR. WiMax deals are finally getting interest and I think we'll see a lot more activity over the next several years.
We're seeing WiMax coming into being on a large scale in Japan, and other countries are looking into it as well.
I do think it is a medium term investment. But, like anything such as this, some risk is carried.
If the stock makes a jump shortly to the high 30's though, I would consider bailing out. That high, that soon, could indicate a pullback.
I may be tough on people sometimes. No doubt.
But, I have no interest in tearing you down. I/m merely pointing out that your strategy, while it can work very well, as you have stated it has for you, carries known risks. It is one of the risker policies to buy on margin, as I'm sure you must know.
As long as you have enough to cover any calls that may come about, then you should be fine. I do know people who had a problem with it when it dropped from 86. These people were experienced. But, the drop from 86 to 51, while long term, was unexpected by most. I just bought a bit more on the way down.
If you can consistently do well with this strategy, then I admire your gumption. But, I mention caution, because it is not for everybody.
That's all.
No problem.. i understand your caution as it is very dangerous. I also can handle quite a lot of downside and have for many years and learned alot the hard way. Apple has to change before I will lose my faith in them. I trust Steve Jobs when he says it's not about the money and I'm sure he GETS IT . Better design always wins out.. even when the opponents cheat, and then boy do you have fun then when you win AND play fair . Your comments are great melgross and others and glad to see you are helping people out that need and want guidance . thanks.
you figured i went from 400,000 in 2004 to 2.2 million in 2007,,.. i'm smilin too
How do you figure that? Did you say you held it, earlier?
I bought 5,000 shares in 2004 for $16.97 a share.
I then bought another thousand for $72.51 a share in 2006, after it started dropping.
My Apple is now worth about $1,6 million.
That doesn't reconcile. But, I know my numbers.
You should have made far more if you bought in 2004. The high was less than $40.
You accumulated over time? That's what I gather from your earlier posts. Is that correct??
How do you figure that? Did you say you held it, earlier?
I bought 5,000 shares in 2004 for $16.97 a share.
I then bought another thousand for $72.51 a share in 2006, after it started dropping.
My Apple is now worth about $1,6 million.
That doesn't reconcile. But, I know my numbers.
You should have made far more if you bought in 2004. The high was less than $40.
You accumulated over time? That's what I gather from your earlier posts. Is that correct??
I first bought AAPL around 63 and it spit 2 for one. At that time I had around $200,000 in apple in 2 roth ira's. As it did well i sold other stock that didfn't do as well to buy more. I bought more later as i started to use money that came available as i sold a business. Only used margin starting at 107 or 110 in price . Also got offers to borrow money at 3 percent and thought ,,,..might as well.. paid no capital gains last year and will sell enough this year around Halloween to make a net gain. Some net losses last few years will balance gain . Carryover from 2001 bubble in a big AOL loss i had that I sold for a loss in 2005 will make it even for huge gain on apple. But i wont sell more than i need to lose exactly 3000 dollars. i can take that off my other income for tax purposes. I held most of the apple since october of 2004.,,a somewhat smaller amount since july or so of 2004 . I manage 7 different accounts ,..3 roth iras,3 tradional iras,.and one cash account.. so yes the accounts were managed differently and yes it was accumulted over time.
if i had kept what i had in november of 2006,,,i would have 2,700,000..but 2,200,000 is still great .
I first bought AAPL around 63 and it spit 2 for one. At that time I had around $200,000 in apple in 2 roth ira's. As it did well i sold other stock that didfn't do as well to buy more. I bought more later as i started to use money that came available as i sold a business. Only used margin starting at 107 or 110 in price . Also got offers to borrow money at 3 percent and thought ,,,..might as well.. paid no capital gains last year and will sell enough this year around Halloween to make a net gain. Some net losses last few years will balance gain . Carryover from 2001 bubble in a big AOL loss i had that I sold for a loss in 2005 will make it even for huge gain on apple. But i wont sell more than i need to lose exactly 3000 dollars. i can take that off my other income for tax purposes. I held most of the apple since october of 2004.,,a somewhat smaller amount since july or so of 2004 . I manage 7 different accounts ,..3 roth iras,3 tradional iras,.and one cash account.. so yes the accounts were managed differently and yes it was accumulted over time.
if i had kept what i had in november of 2006,,,i would have 2,700,000..but 2,200,000 is still great .
Interesting. I try to keep my life simpler than that, but not by too much.
I only have four accounts, other than some private placement, which I can't name at this time.
Two are standard IRAs, and two are brokerage accounts that are taxable. My wife also has her own Keogh and stock in her company, but she handles that.
I think I'm a bit older than you. I started investing when I was a kid, at 13, back in 1963.
I did well through the other "crashes", but ended up losing about 20% in the late 1999-2000 debacle. If I listened to my broker, and friend, I would have lost 80%. He just didn't want to sell.
But, the accounts went up so much in the mid to late '90's, that I didn't care about the losses.
I stayed out until late 2002.
I'm just sorry that I didn't buy several times as much Apple, and damn the rest.
But, you know...
I only have four accounts, other than some private placement, which I can't name at this time.
Two are standard IRAs, and two are brokerage accounts that are taxable. My wife also has her own Keogh and stock in her company, but she handles that.
I think I'm a bit older than you. I started investing when I was a kid, at 13, back in 1963.
I did well through the other "crashes", but ended up losing about 20% in the late 1999-2000 debacle. If I listened to my broker, and friend, I would have lost 80%. He just didn't want to sell.
But, the accounts went up so much in the mid to late '90's, that I didn't care about the losses.
I stayed out until late 2002.
I'm just sorry that I didn't buy several times as much Apple, and damn the rest.
Born in May of 1948-- I'm 59 .... I went from 1.2 million in jan of 2000 with yahoo gain to 230,000 in 2 years . Big loss. I sold the YHOO and "DIVERSIFIED" .OOPS. Then through several stocks till summer of 2004 when i started with the tax free roth iras and fully in apple by christmas or so,, in all the accounts.. But i was still working at the time and not dependent on the accounts. Bought it at 142 this morning. Didn't get it at 139 like i hoped,, but not willing to wait so i went to 142. It almost always goes down after i buy it anyway. i am used to it. I'll be happy i did it soon. Today, Friday , or next month,,,Ill be glad i did it soon..
Interesting. I try to keep my life simpler than that, but not by too much.
I only have four accounts, other than some private placement, which I can't name at this time.
Two are standard IRAs, and two are brokerage accounts that are taxable. My wife also has her own Keogh and stock in her company, but she handles that.
I think I'm a bit older than you. I started investing when I was a kid, at 13, back in 1963.
I did well through the other "crashes", but ended up losing about 20% in the late 1999-2000 debacle. If I listened to my broker, and friend, I would have lost 80%. He just didn't want to sell.
But, the accounts went up so much in the mid to late '90's, that I didn't care about the losses.
I stayed out until late 2002.
I'm just sorry that I didn't buy several times as much Apple, and damn the rest.
Born in May of 1948-- I'm 59 .... I went from 1.2 million in jan of 2000 with yahoo gain to 230,000 in 2 years . Big loss. I sold the YHOO and "DIVERSIFIED" .OOPS. Then through several stocks till summer of 2004 when i started with the tax free roth iras and fully in apple by christmas or so,, in all the accounts.. But i was still working at the time and not dependent on the accounts. Bought it at 142 this morning. Didn't get it at 139 like i hoped,, but not willing to wait so i went to 142. It almost always goes down after i buy it anyway. i am used to it. I'll be happy i did it soon. Today, Friday , or next month,,,Ill be glad i did it soon..
Glad already,, or at least temporarily lol. Up to 143 already .. keep on climbing
Glad already,, or at least temporarily lol. Up to 143 already .. keep on climbing
Ho ho! You're actually a bit older than me. I was born Nov. 2, 1949.