Introducing Molly



  • Reply 81 of 135
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    That's not "fetch", that's "dispose of in the trackless wastes so that no one will ever find it."

    Midwinter clearly has big plans for his Mollie.
  • Reply 82 of 135
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    She fetches just fine.

    After a little gnawing on it, first.
  • Reply 83 of 135
    Originally Posted by adda

    That's not "fetch", that's "dispose of in the trackless wastes so that no one will ever find it."

    Originally Posted by midwinter

    After a little gnawing on it, first.

    Love is a dog from hell.

  • Reply 84 of 135
    BTW midwinter, I was pretty impressed with the way you went all alpha male in defence of Molly's fetching abilities. Don't worry. Bob has diffuse cataracts. He struggles to keep track of me in open spaces let alone a small moving target.

    But can Molly build a doona cave?

    Well can she bud?

    Does she know the command "in your bag"? Meaning get into the reusable cloth shopping bag with 2 cushions inside for your traveling comfort so your poor downtrodden human can lug you about and take the weight off your delicate little paws? Bet she doesn't. (Bob learnt this one during his recent illness).

    How's Molly get on with the "perpetual 2 year old"? Is it a sulfur-crested? I could send you a whole crate load of the damn things if you'd like. Throw in a couple of straw necked ibises because you're a mate and all.

    I realize looking at your pics what a challenge it would be to live with Bob in a place where it snowed so much. Not only would he sink, he'd blend in. I guess you have to keep doggies inside or have a heated kennel in winter huh?
  • Reply 85 of 135
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by crazychester View Post

    Does she know the command "in your bag"? Meaning get into the reusable cloth shopping bag with 2 cushions inside for your traveling comfort so your poor downtrodden human can lug you about and take the weight off your delicate little paws? Bet she doesn't.

    You would be completely wrong. Molly actually taught that to herself last week, and even wrote down the command on a 3x5 notecard and placed it on our pillows along with a diagram of what she would do when given the command.


    How's Molly get on with the "perpetual 2 year old"? Is it a sulfur-crested? I could send you a whole crate load of the damn things if you'd like. Throw in a couple of straw necked ibises because you're a mate and all.

    It's an umbrella, and you know, you're the 3rd or 4rd Aussie to suggest that you can't believe we have one and that these are the most annoying birds on earth. I mean, they are the most annoying birds on earth, and I can't imagine FLOCKS of the little bastards.

    In our defense, the bird was not our choice. My wife's first husband insisted on getting it and then, a month after getting it, GHWB insisted on him being shipped out to Saudi Arabia in 1991, and then some commander insisted on him flying a bombing run, and then he flew into the ground returning.

    In short, we have a bird that we would never, ever recommend as a pet.


    I realize looking at your pics what a challenge it would be to live with Bob in a place where it snowed so much. Not only would he sink, he'd blend in. I guess you have to keep doggies inside or have a heated kennel in winter huh?

    I'm not sure I understand. Here's a pic of Henry, Bob and Molly:

    He's right there in the middle.

    And yeah, she's an inside dog, mostly. Although she's perfectly capable of hanging out in the yard for a couple of hours. What's interesting to me is that her coat simply doesn't accumulate snow or ice. We have to be out in DEEP (i.e. to my knees, at least) snow with her breaking trail for any snow to really stick to her.
  • Reply 86 of 135
    No I'm not surprised you've got a cocky. I know there's a big market for them in the States. Every so often somebody gets busted over here for trying to cash in by illegally smuggling them out of the country. But you still didn't say how the bird gets on with Molly.

    But yeah who wants to own a pet that might outlive you. I shudder at the thought of being stuck with finding somebody to bequeath the damn thing to.

    Well, I have to admit your Where's Bob? pic beats mine hands down.

    Strange Bob didn't mention popping over to Utah. I guess even little fluffy dogs have to have their secrets.

    And before you say anything, yes that is the bedroom of the woman who pointed out your dirty cupboards to you, in all its shambolic glory and complete with dirty underwear and a roll of cling wrap on the bed! Hell, I use to be a neat freak like every other Mac user on the planet but I trained myself out of it. Decided it wasn't entirely healthy.
  • Reply 87 of 135
    Awww, there he is!

  • Reply 88 of 135
    Bob seems to not realize that he needs to wash and put away his dirty clothing...

    You ought to do something about that chester...
  • Reply 89 of 135
    No he doesn't realize he needs to wash and put away my clothing.

    I think some of those items are my undies but they look huge. Photos must be like television. They add 10 pounds to your knickers.

    And just so there's no misunderstanding, I think the plastic wrap is there because I was hennaing my hair and not because I'm too cheap to buy condoms. Hell, it's been so long since I've needed a condom I.......I feel like......I feel like billybob (the old version - not the new and improved one. ) Besides, condoms are free in Oz.
  • Reply 90 of 135
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by crazychester View Post

    No he doesn't realize he needs to wash and put away my clothing.

    I think some of those items are my undies but they look huge. Photos must be like television. They add 10 pounds to your knickers.

    And just so there's no misunderstanding, I think the plastic wrap is there because I was hennaing my hair and not because I'm too cheap to buy condoms. Hell, it's been so long since I've needed a condom I.......I feel like......I feel like billybob (the old version - not the new and improved one. ) Besides, condoms are free in Oz.

    Still, that would be quite the trick, if you could get Bob to wash your knickers. Beats the fuck out of fetch, anyway.

    Is Bob still recovering well? Is he all better now and back to his incorrigible self? I laughed when you put up the "there he is" shot, because I had actually stared at the first picture for a while without spotting him.
  • Reply 91 of 135
    Originally Posted by adda

    Still, that would be quite the trick, if you could get Bob to wash your knickers. Beats the fuck out of fetch, anyway.

    Tell me about it. While I'm sure he'd get the hang of the washing machine pretty quickly, I think he'd struggle to lug the laundry basket around. He doesn't show much interest in my undies but he is obsessed with my socks. These are the only thing he chews. I don't think I have a single pair of sucks he hasn't gnawed a hole in.


    Is Bob still recovering well? Is he all better now and back to his incorrigible self? I laughed when you put up the "there he is" shot, because I had actually stared at the first picture for a while without spotting him.

    Yep he's pretty much back to normal. Still not doing his high jumps but can jump up on the bed and the lounge and dance around on his hind legs. As things turned out, he pretty much self-managed his recovery as the vet said he would.

    And yeah, I posted the second shot because it occurred to me that he might be missed unless people knew where to look. The first time he got in the bed like that (completely under the doona) he had me absolutely fucked. I knew there was no way he could have got out of the house but it was only when I called him and he stuck his head out that I finally found him. He's a laugh a minute. I'm working on getting some audio of him in full song for your listening pleasure. While he likes John Hiatt, IMO his best work is warbling to the Pancake Parlour ad on TV.
  • Reply 92 of 135
    Oh and Bob's wardrobe consists of a blue cravat with little yellow dog bones on it and a red and blue turtle neck jumper. There were no black turtle necks presumably because Uncle Steve has bought them all for his doggy.

    I had some woman in town tell me he should have a coat on one morning when it wasn't really all that cold. I look at that pic of Henry and Molly (and Bob) running about stark naked in the depths of a US winter and think sheesh!
  • Reply 93 of 135
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by crazychester View Post

    Tell me about it. While I'm sure he'd get the hang of the washing machine pretty quickly, I think he'd struggle to lug the laundry basket around. He doesn't show much interest in my undies but he is obsessed with my socks. These are the only thing he chews. I don't think I have a single pair of sucks he hasn't gnawed a hole in.

    I think because the flavor drains to the feet?


    Yep he's pretty much back to normal. Still not doing his high jumps but can jump up on the bed and the lounge and dance around on his hind legs. As things turned out, he pretty much self-managed his recovery as the vet said he would.

    Yay Bob!


    And yeah, I posted the second shot because it occurred to me that he might be missed unless people knew where to look. The first time he got in the bed like that (completely under the doona) he had me absolutely fucked. I knew there was no way he could have got out of the house but it was only when I called him and he stuck his head out that I finally found him. He's a laugh a minute. I'm working on getting some audio of him in full song for your listening pleasure. While he likes John Hiatt, IMO his best work is warbling to the Pancake Parlour ad on TV.

    Sounds like a must hear.

    It occurs to me that I'm having simultaneous 'chester chats in two places at once. Doesn't that cause blindness, or something?
  • Reply 94 of 135
    Originally Posted by adda

    I think because the flavor drains to the feet?

    After that comment, I'm so glad he doesn't chew my undies.........
  • Reply 95 of 135
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I think because the flavor drains to the feet?

  • Reply 96 of 135
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by crazychester View Post

    After that comment, I'm so glad he doesn't chew my undies.........

    Jeez, I hope the lads over at Nova don't get ahold of that thought. I think they're still running on an avalanche of free associating dick jokes from a typo that made "wee" out of "see".
  • Reply 97 of 135
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Taken just as the snow started yesterday afternoon. 30 mph winds+icy snow = a short trip to the park. But Molly met Friday, the Golden Doodle.

    10" of snow last night and hopefully good light this afternoon. I'll try to get some more pics later.
  • Reply 98 of 135
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Friday the Golden Doodle! Who is ambulatory upholstered furniture, of some sort! And who, I can't help but think, needs a song like Bob and Molly have!
  • Reply 99 of 135
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    No doubt some variation on that "Dominic the donkey" song.
  • Reply 100 of 135
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by midwinter View Post

    No doubt some variation on that "Dominic the donkey" song.

    Is that the same donkey you helped Jack off? In which case a song maybe isn't such a great idea. Or a much better idea.
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