Apple to host Mac event next Tuesday



  • Reply 481 of 564
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    I do to. I dont like to wait for all my Mac announcments at different times throughout the year. Just dump a bunch of them on me at once.

    May his Steveness spend seven hours on stage!

  • Reply 482 of 564
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not a new size, considering the existing 24" model is $1,999.

    $1,199 = Basic 20" Superdrive model (160GB HD etc.)

    $1,499 = Supped-up 20" Superdrive model (250GB HD + faster proc. etc.)

    $1,799 = 24" Superdrive model (250GB HD + faster proc. + NVIDIA GeForce etc.)

    Good call. Could be!

    Also could be:

    $1,199 = 20"

    $1,499 = 22"

    $1,799 = 24"


    $1,199 = 20"

    $1,499 = 24" SuperDrive

    $1,799 = 24" w/BluRay

    *cough* no fucking way *cough* scratch that I just wrote that!

    We'll see soon enough!
  • Reply 483 of 564
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    Good call. Could be!

    Also could be:

    $1,199 = 20"

    $1,499 = 22"

    $1,799 = 24"


    $1,199 = 20"

    $1,499 = 24" SuperDrive

    $1,799 = 24" w/BluRay

    *cough* no fucking way *cough* scratch that I just wrote that!

    We'll see soon enough!

    I'm hoping we'll se Blu-Ray.
  • Reply 484 of 564
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I'm hoping we'll se Blu-Ray.

    blu-ray for $1799, that is unapple no way!

    i love $1199, hope they do not put combo drive or Integrated Graphics in there.

    i am looking for 22", Keyboard, mouse, Leopard for my mac book, i shall wait for a while and get a 20" iMac!
  • Reply 485 of 564
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    Rumored pricing-




    Interesting way of looking at the rumors...

    $1,199 - 20" model

    $1,499 - 24" model

    $1,799 - New size?

    So I think tomorrow's going to be:

    .Mac enhancements/feature upgrades

    New, Redesigned iMacs

    iLife '08

    iWork '08

    That's it!

    (of course I hope that I am wrong and there's more)

    my take

    Cinema Display - no design change, perhaps iSight

    MacBook with Santa Rosa - no design change

    and of course iMac

    well round products available for back to school and forth coming holiday season.
  • Reply 486 of 564
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    I would guess the $1199 would be a fairly low spec 20" model.

    THe $1499 model would be a highend spec 20".

    The $1799 would be a 24" spec'd basically the same as the $1499 20" model.

    These machines may not be as radical as some say at these fairly low prices.
  • Reply 487 of 564
    24 incher will have something over the $1499 model, and it'll probably be a 2nd gig of RAM.

    There's no point in a 22 inch model, because it'd still have a 1680x1050 resolution, and it'd raise costs for Apple.
  • Reply 488 of 564
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Er... What???

    What crap. Apple make the best laptops on the market at their respective price points. (With the proviso that the MacBook needs a minor update to deliver X3100 graphics, hopefully that'll happen tomorrow).

    There are some frustrating gaps in their line-up, but that's a different matter.

    Apple in many cases has had major heat issue with their systems. The first dating all the way back to the Apple II back in 1977 when Steve Jobs thought it would be a good idea not to have any fans in the system because the metal case would act as a large heatsink. Yep that was a good move.

    G4 ibooks you could fry an egg on them. Even the G5 iMacs before going to Intel chips ran hot.

    There are very few that would disagree that Apple often holds back on performance for the sake of looks. I'm not sure thats the best route.

    I do agree a video upgrade to the MacBook would be nice and if the rumors are true hopefully the iMac lineup will turn out nice.
  • Reply 489 of 564
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    G4 ibooks you could fry an egg on them.

    I just want to say that my G4 iBook, which I'm using right now, is not all that hot. It could obviously be cooler, but I've used way hotter notebooks.
  • Reply 490 of 564
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Actually they aren't. HP and Dell are Tier 1. Acer, Toshiba, Gateway and Lenovo are arguably Tier 2.

    Fine genius. You find me a credible source that says that Tier 1 compter category is limited ONLY to those companies that ONLY make computers as a primary business.

    Which means very little when it comes to talking about successful computer makers. Saying that Toshiba is not a successful computer manufacturer is nutty.

    Repeated assertion doesn't make it true.

    From news articles the Tier 1 vendors today are Dell and HP. Every one else in the top 5 list is arguably Tier 2. That means Acer, Gateway, Apple, Lenovo, Toshiba. Some folks consider everyone in the top 5 Tier 1. Sometimes they'll drop Toshiba since Acer and Lenovo both have twice its share.

    Gateway sure as hell doesn't qualify as Tier 1 anymore if you aren't counting Toshiba Tier 1. Another couple qtrs at this rate and Apple, Toshiba and Acer will push it out of Top 5 in the US.

    If Toshiba magically captured 25% market share it would be Tier 1 regardless of its other business. Heck, if it broke double digits folks would consider it Tier 1 as the very clear #3 maker.

    So if Toshiba isn't Tier what? Neither is Apple and Toshiba remains bigger.

    So far behind the curve that it's gaining share...starting to piss them off so much they've stopped buying or buying more than ever? How odd for unhappy people to start buying MORE stuff.

    The market disagrees. That's both stock market and computer market.

    Apple is a systems company that realizes most of its profits from hardware. Slapping OSX on a whitebox doesn't translate into the same user experience.

    If that's all you want get Ubuntu.


    First of all you keep coming back to Toshiba, no one has said Toshiba has been unsucessful making notebooks, what has been said is you can not compare Toshiba to Apple because unlike Toshiba, Apple could not survive without computing. Also in spite of what you might think the iMac is not a throw away system Apple would suffer greatly if they decided to discontinue the iMac.

    The world is not going moble ive been hearing that for 20 years and I work at one of the largest IT companies in the world.

    Desktop replacesments just aren't going to happen because heat and size are always going to be a factor not to mention cost. A MBP can not replace a Mac Pro the specs aren't even close. There isn't a notebook out there that can replace my Windows system running raid 5 with two nvidia cards running sli, just not there. Not to mention 24" monitors are soon going to be common place, 22" already is.

    Also the stock market is not always a true indicator on how a company is doing. If Steve Jobs kicked the bucket tomorrow Apple stock wouldn't be worth the paper its printed on.
  • Reply 491 of 564
    Originally Posted by ZachPruckowski View Post

    I just want to say that my G4 iBook, which I'm using right now, is not all that hot. It could obviously be cooler, but I've used way hotter notebooks.

    The point I was trying to make to the othe poster is like all companies Apple has had its share of hardware issues. People always act like Apple has never had any hardware problems and that just isn't true.
  • Reply 492 of 564
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The point I was trying to make to the othe poster is like all companies Apple has had its share of hardware issues. People always act like Apple has never had any hardware problems and that just isn't true.

    That'd be why I didn't argue with the rest of your post. I'm just saying my G4 iBook isn't all that hot. I agree that Apple has hardware issues, but either that one was fixed in a later revision, or was overblown, or I'm just lucky.
  • Reply 493 of 564
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Well we are on the eve of August 7, 2007 The Day of Decision, according to a lot of people in the thread . Everyone except Bikerdude above is hoping for something wonderful tomorrow. He seems to simply wish he could go off into the corner and play with his Vista instead of having to deal with all these Apple People and his iPhone. I don't know about you folks, but I've never had a crash with Safari...

    On more important matters, I really do hope to see a fine new iMac tomorrow, though for me the mini-Tower would probably be best. My wife's iMac 15" flat panel gave out last week and we had to get in an emergency iMac, opting for the 20" over the 17 or 24. The later simply scared her off. It would be great for my home set up if the Mac Mini were upgraded rather than killed, since that would work perfectly with all my peripherals; I could just up from one to the other. Every month or so I look at the Mac Pro, sigh, think of ALL THAT SPACE, and move on. My 23" display works fantastic with either a MacBook Pro or the Mini, but who wouldn't lust after unlimited space for internal hard drives and more memory that I could install.

    On the morrow I hope to be pleased.
  • Reply 494 of 564
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    G4 ibooks you could fry an egg on them.

    How hot would that be?

    My MBP has gotten up to 175°F (cpu temp) with the case well above 130.
  • Reply 495 of 564
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Cubit View Post

    Well we are on the eve of August 7, 2007 The Day of Decision, according to a lot of people in the thread . Everyone except Bikerdude above is hoping for something wonderful tomorrow. He seems to simply wish he could go off into the corner and play with his Vista instead of having to deal with all these Apple People and his iPhone. I don't know about you folks, but I've never had a crash with Safari...

    On more important matters, I really do hope to see a fine new iMac tomorrow, though for me the mini-Tower would probably be best. My wife's iMac 15" flat panel gave out last week and we had to get in an emergency iMac, opting for the 20" over the 17 or 24. The later simply scared her off. It would be great for my home set up if the Mac Mini were upgraded rather than killed, since that would work perfectly with all my peripherals; I could just up from one to the other. Every month or so I look at the Mac Pro, sigh, think of ALL THAT SPACE, and move on. My 23" display works fantastic with either a MacBook Pro or the Mini, but who wouldn't lust after unlimited space for internal hard drives and more memory that I could install.

    On the morrow I hope to be pleased.

    This is like Christmas eve was when I was a kid. It would seem that Mac fans are like kids excited and barely able to wait for morning to see what's under the tree. I've never seen Window people that excited. Mac people ARE different.
  • Reply 496 of 564
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    This is like Christmas eve was when I was a kid.

    Visions of sugar plums dance in our heads.
  • Reply 497 of 564
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    blu-ray for $1799, that is unapple no way!

    Don't say that. When I bought my Digital Audio model back when, it cost the same as the previous model. But, Apple included the Pioneer DVD recorder, which, as a separate unit, was retailing at the time for $1,000.

    If Apple decides that they want to push a technology, they will include it, no matter what. My DA model cost $3,000, or $3,500, I think it was.

    I also didn't set the price on that post. I just said that I hoped they would include it. Retail for a Blu-Ray burner is now $500. If they charge $2,000, it would be reasonable.
  • Reply 498 of 564
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Apple's going to blow our minds this Tuesday.

    1) .Mac upgrade and cheaper annual rate.

    2) New iMacs

    3) Upgraded Mac minis

    4) New mid-Mac mini-towers

    5) New Mac Pros in a new enclosure

    6) Santa Rosa MacBooks

    7) New Cinema Displays at higher 130 ppi resolution

    It's all about the Mac, right? All this could fit into two hours, right?

    I'm going to bed now to sleep on that.
  • Reply 499 of 564
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    First of all you keep coming back to Toshiba, no one has said Toshiba has been unsucessful making notebooks, what has been said is you can not compare Toshiba to Apple because unlike Toshiba, Apple could not survive without computing.

    What has been said is that only companies depend on computer sales can be Tier 1 and I didn't know what I was talking about when it comes to the definition of Tier 1 (which I claim is soley based on volume of sales).

    So, you can cite a source that supports your definition or you can change the topic like you just did.

    The fact that Toshiba can or cannot exist without computer sales has ZERO bearing on the fact they sell more units than Apple. Therefore if Apple only sold notebook and did so at the same volume as Toshiba they would be MORE successful than they are today. NOT less.


    Also in spite of what you might think the iMac is not a throw away system Apple would suffer greatly if they decided to discontinue the iMac.

    Suffer perhaps but not go out of business. Which was Melgoss' assertion.


    The world is not going moble ive been hearing that for 20 years and I work at one of the largest IT companies in the world.

    So the massive increase in mobile sales is imaginary.


    Desktop replacesments just aren't going to happen because heat and size are always going to be a factor not to mention cost. A MBP can not replace a Mac Pro the specs aren't even close.

    I never said the MBP could replace the Mac Pro. It CAN replace the iMac.


    There isn't a notebook out there that can replace my Windows system running raid 5 with two nvidia cards running sli, just not there. Not to mention 24" monitors are soon going to be common place, 22" already is.

    There isn't a notebook out there than can replace my fully populated bladeserver either. So?

    Other than the SLI everything else can be done. I run a 30" ACD from my MBP and can connect it to a raid box via eSATA.


    Also the stock market is not always a true indicator on how a company is doing. If Steve Jobs kicked the bucket tomorrow Apple stock wouldn't be worth the paper its printed on.

    So you're saying that Apple is doing poorly because Steve might die tomorrow?

  • Reply 500 of 564
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    This is like Christmas eve was when I was a kid. It would seem that Mac fans are like kids excited and barely able to wait for morning to see what's under the tree. I've never seen Window people that excited. Mac people ARE different.

    I want an updated mini under the tree.
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