Last minute iMac and Mac mini rumors

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
With less than 24 hours to go before Apple is scheduled to host a Mac-related media event on its campus, several small tidbits regarding new iMac pricing and the fate of the Mac mini have surfaced.

New iMacs

According to one source, Apple has issued to suppliers three new iMac price points for models that are expected to be immediately available following their introduction on Tuesday.

Apple currently offers two 17-inch iMac configurations (for $999 and $1199, respectively), a 20-inch configuration for $1499, and a high-end 24-inch configuration for $1999. However, the new pricing information suggest Apple will drop one configuration and sell just three models at $1199, $1499 and $1799.

Mac mini rumors

Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed last minute reports that Apple may extend the life of the Mac mini by squeezing another slight revision from the petite desktop's existing architecture.

According to those reports, such a move would be accompanied by significant price drops that would allow the forgotten Mac to linger for several more months as an extremely low cost, low performance offering.


Finally, there are also rumblings that a new version of iLife will indeed see some attention on Tuesday (possibly encompassing a new version of iWork to form a more compelling solution).

As with all last-minute rumors, AppleInsider recommends taking this information with a grain of salt and waiting out the last few hours to hear the official word from Apple.


  • Reply 1 of 133
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Mac mini rumors

    Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed last minute reports that Apple may extend the life of the Mac mini by squeezing another slight revision from the petite desktop's existing architecture.

    According to those reports, such a move would be accompanied by significant price drops that would allow the forgotten Mac to linger for several more months as an extremely low cost, low performance offering.

    If true I say hooray! I've been waiting since December.
  • Reply 2 of 133
    k.c.k.c. Posts: 60member
    The Mini is anything but forgotten and would be sorely missed should they drop it. I have a dozen web sites running on each of several that are collocated next to 122 others and another 21 of them doing a fine job as OS X mail servers.
  • Reply 3 of 133
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Aww no minitower, gah I guess I'll have to buy a mac pro...
  • Reply 4 of 133
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Damn useful the Mac Mini. Might have to buy a bunch of 'em if they drop far enough. Perfect web server, signage server, dev mechine etc.
  • Reply 5 of 133


    2.0 (edit)
















    what do you guys think?
  • Reply 6 of 133
    ncbillncbill Posts: 17member
    Low end ($1199) will have a combo drive, NOT a Superdrive.

    And it will have integrated graphics (better than the current)

    Mid-priced model will have a 250GB hard drive, but still be a 20" screen.

    Top-end will hopefully ship with 2GB RAM.
  • Reply 7 of 133
    stukdogstukdog Posts: 53member
    I'm just excited to know that there may be a different look to the iMac. It's been the same looking for a long, long time. (Though I don't think Apple gets enough credit for the incredibly "behind-the-scenes" changeover to Intel.)
  • Reply 8 of 133
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by waytogobuddy

    What do you guys think?

    I think I'm gonna wait until tomorrow.
  • Reply 9 of 133
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple may extend the life of the Mac mini by squeezing another slight revision from the petite desktop's existing architecture.


    Is it just me, or does that sound like the a lead for some sick computer fetish fanticy from the Penthouse forums?

    Too much caffeen and a little booze and things read oooo so differantly
  • Reply 10 of 133
    What do they think they are doing? The mini is dead. I heard it here
  • Reply 11 of 133
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    Finally, there are also rumblings that a new version of iLife will indeed see some attention on Tuesday (possibly encompassing a new version of iWork to form a more compelling solution).

    and lets not forget the latest iApp: iRumormill

    add 3 nouns, 4 verbs, an adjective, and 4 adverbs and you can generate Apple PR copy for some new fangled app that you can post on sites like this so the legit press will run it as real news from anonymous inside sources

    OK Someone write this up...I wanna see an analyst predict iRumormill on Market watch tomorrow morning!
  • Reply 12 of 133

    I was gonna buy a shamrock and just route it to my facebook page as a joke, but its a bit too much for a shenanigans like that though. A novel idea however, I will be checking into it in the future.

    Mac: But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun!

    Thorny: (referring to Farva) Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic.

    Foster: (after a pause) Which... makes them not really shenanigans at all.

    Mac: (in a silly voice) Evil shenanigans!
  • Reply 13 of 133
    fletchfletch Posts: 74member
    Originally Posted by waytogobuddy View Post







    what do you guys think?

    I think I'd be extremely happy with that....especially the $200 price cut. However, adding an additional GB of memory would probably bump it right back up to $1999. \
  • Reply 14 of 133
    I'd bet all new models have specs similar to current price points, with upgraded display. NO WAY the 1199 model has a combo - simply not an option. It will be same as current with slight processor bump - 2.16. Same deal with the 1499 price point - bigger display, slight speed bump. Price drop on current 24, throw in 2gb of ram or some other trinket?
  • Reply 15 of 133
    Originally Posted by ncbill View Post

    Low end ($1199) will have a combo drive, NOT a Superdrive.

    And it will have integrated graphics (better than the current)

    Mid-priced model will have a 250GB hard drive, but still be a 20" screen.

    Top-end will hopefully ship with 2GB RAM.

    You are nucking futs if you think that a 1200 dollar computer will have integrated graphics and a combo drive.

    So by your logic, they will take the specs of the 999 imac, add a 20" screen that has dropped significantly in price since the last revision, and add $200 to the price. Good call man, good call...
  • Reply 16 of 133
    ncbillncbill Posts: 17member
    Low-end will have the combo drive and integrated graphics.

    Combo drive is Apple standard for the low-end model.

    Plus the low-end model will be the one sold to education - even $50 makes a difference to those buyers

    Edu buyers will be upset enough that there is no longer a $999 model for them.
  • Reply 17 of 133
    OMG, no way ANYBODY pays 1199 for a computer that can't burn a DVD. I've been waiting for the 20" revision for a long time. Running a pathetically slow mini right now (used to be ultra-poor, now just mostly-poor). I'd go buy a dell before I'd pay 1199 for a computer that can't burn a DVD.
  • Reply 18 of 133
    Top end will have 2 GB

    22 inch monitor isn't gonna happen - no res change over 20 incher, and splits the bulk-order for apple. It'll either be 20 or 22, not both.

    For GPUs, I'd guess x2300s in the lower ones, and 8400s in the top end, with the option to go to 8600.
  • Reply 19 of 133
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    A lower cost mini with a speed bump would be just what I'm looking for. Hope this rumor is true!!! I doubt Apple would make much of a deal out of such a small change though.
  • Reply 20 of 133
    Originally Posted by Fletch View Post

    I think I'd be extremely happy with that....especially the $200 price cut. However, adding an additional GB of memory would probably bump it right back up to $1999. \

    AAPL' gotta rob your bank account somehow
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