Apple stirs controversy with iMovie's '08 overhaul



  • Reply 61 of 289
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    And allow me to offer an olive branch. Must be cranky this morning. \

    I just get frustrated at the gift-horse-ism I sometimes see. iLife at its worst is miles ahead of anything in the Wintel world, and it seems like a lot of people want professional software for free. iLife is a really nice teaser app that's virtually free (by software cost standards.


    You're missing the point. "A lot of people" want the same level of functionality as the previous iteration of the app.

    All of a sudden, now that Apple has sharply dumbed down iMovie, I was "supposed" to be using FCE all along? Suddenly my expectations for iMovie are arrogantly out of line with what I can rightfully expect from "consumer" software, whereas a few weeks ago my expectations were......what?

    Is that I was being overly pampered by Apple and now that the free ride is over I should be grateful that they were willing to extend the "extra" functionality for free? And now I should STFU because Apple, in its wisdom, has properly moved that functionality $300 up the line, where, apparently, it belonged all along?
  • Reply 62 of 289
    hdasmithhdasmith Posts: 145member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You're missing the point. "A lot of people" want the same level of functionality as the previous iteration of the app.

    All of a sudden, now that Apple has sharply dumbed down iMovie, I was "supposed" to be using FCE all along? Suddenly my expectations for iMovie are arrogantly out of line with what I can rightfully expect from "consumer" software, whereas a few weeks ago my expectations were......what?

    Is that I was being overly pampered by Apple and now that the free ride is over I should be grateful that they were willing to extend the "extra" functionality for free? And now I should STFU because Apple, in its wisdom, has properly moved that functionality $300 up the line, where, apparently, it belonged all along?

    Wasn't iMovie free at one point. I know iPhoto certainly was, as was .Mac (then iTools).

    My only point is that we don't still complain about it anymore (actually I do complain about iTools as it was advertised as coming with my iBook). Stop resisting change, and wait until the product does suit your needs again. Don't buy iLife if you don't like it, if you have, take it back stating that it's not as advertised.
  • Reply 63 of 289
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Everything's a "plot" and a "ripoff." You'd think you were a Windows crowd. There's iMovie HD, and you can still use that. There are some missing features in the new iMovie. We need plugins, stereo, and a better way of making fine cuts. But if you have enough machine, the new program is a dream. I predict that the next version of Final Cut will make heavy use of features like "skimming," especially to make a selection you can drag to the edit window. It's brilliant.
  • Reply 64 of 289
    I welcome the simplification for my extremely basic video editing needs. However, I do not appreciatre that Apple says iMovie 8 will edit mpg2 files, but then won't import them. How the heck am I going to edit them if the program does not accept them. That is bad, 'cause it ain't what the specs say!

    And the guy at Apple (800 number) trying to help me was 1. Unaware of the issue, 2. arrogant, 3. would not help me without knowing the serial number of my iMac at home, and 4. would not let me talk to someone else (e.g. escalate the call). Basic POOR customer service, as far as I am concerned.

    I am getting seriously concerned about the customer service, and as a stock holder that is a concern about MY money that Apple is being irresponsible with...
  • Reply 65 of 289
    What makes me an Apple fan, is that they have most of the time succeeded in combining functionality with ease of use. Now they just want 'ease of use'?

    Why do you want to make a movie quickly?!! If you want something on Youtube you just cut out the bad peaces in Quicktime, no? If I make a movie it's for showing my friends, family and to be kept for future use. I WANT to invest time to MAKE it a great movie to watch... I personally have no use for "quick and dirty" movie editing. I wonder who has...

    PS. Can them Apple employees please stop making sales pitches? (It's too obvious with number posts equalling 1). Innovation is good as long as you keep it real. Thank you.
  • Reply 66 of 289
    Originally Posted by Uh Gillis View Post

    I hate when people defend products that don't have as much functionality as they could by saying they are 'consumer' products. Same for the iMac. The whole revolution of personal computers and the internet has been to blur that distinction. Why should anyone have to pay over $2,000 to run professional applications? All kinds of freelance professionals (one of apple's biggest audiences) just need a capable desktop or laptop to do their work.

    So very true. This new "simplified" iLife reeks of a scheme to squeeze a lot of extra dollars out of those who need only a few more capabilities than the average joe... i.e. the prosumer.

    iMovie '06 was nearly perfect for all my video editing needs.

    Originally Posted by Uh Gillis View Post

    And as far as iMovie goes, it was never complicated in the first place. 10 year old kids know how to use it. If they wanted to make it simpler it should have been a separate mode as was mentioned before.

    I can vouch for that. Okay, well I wasn't 10 at the time, but I used iMovie 1 to make some pretty rockin school projects when I was a Freshman in HS (8 years ago). If an idiot freshman can figure it out, so can a good proportion of grown adults.

    Originally Posted by Mike Eggleston View Post

    I am hoping for a 7.1 release here soon. I just wish Apple would say to everyone, "Yes, we heard you, and yes we are working on those missing features".

    Sometimes a little disclosure goes a long way.

    Though a disclosure as such would be nice, I wouldn't hold my breath. This is Apple we're talking about. Somehow I doubt we'll regain half of the funcunality we lost in iMovie '08. Some, yes, but certainly not all. This is like the OS X migration for iMovie... That being said, remember that Apple "forgot" to add spring-loaded folders for two dot releases.

  • Reply 67 of 289
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by waytogobuddy View Post

    you get

    iMovie 06

    For Free.

    Now I know summer is almost over, but I think some people still need to head on over to camp qwitchyerbitchin pronto!

    Most of us have iMovie 6 already installed. When I buy a new product, I want to use it, not the previous version. What the hell did people pay Apple for then?
  • Reply 68 of 289
    ljocampoljocampo Posts: 657member
    I have the FCP studio, but there are times I use iMovie for its sheer simplicity. If I need the timeline I'll use FCP or FCE, but if I just have a few clips to throw together, iMovie's clip mode was all I needed. That said, I feel most users, those who probably don't post or read threads here at AI, were probably using the easy clip mode of iMovie 6 and never ventured beyond the simple video project. It looks to me, that iMovie 8 is the next generation easy clip mode and probably clip mode was iMovie 8's inspiration. I don't know, but if you asks me, I think Apple did just what most of it's customer base wanted and needed. Timelines are not very intuitive for most users.
  • Reply 69 of 289
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Originally Posted by applestockholder View Post

    I welcome the simplification for my extremely basic video editing needs. However, I do not appreciatre that Apple says iMovie 8 will edit mpg2 files, but then won't import them. How the heck am I going to edit them if the program does not accept them. That is bad, 'cause it ain't what the specs say!

    iMovie Help: "You can import video directly into iMovie from most discs or hard disks if your movie files are in one of the following formats: MPEG-4, DV, or .mov files."

    That's MPEG-4, not 2. It would surprise me very much if the direct editing of MPEG2 was possible at all, because that's what they call a "muxed" format, with the video and audio multiplexed together. Nothing can edit that. You'll have to a) have the MPEG2 codec for Quicktime installed in your system, and use something like ffmpegX or VideoHub or something to convert it -- to a .mov or an .mp4 file. Then you can import it.

    Or you can use Handbrake or a program like that to decrypt the files from a DVD and convert that to MPEG 4. And that can be imported.
  • Reply 70 of 289
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    So very true. This new "simplified" iLife reeks of a scheme to squeeze a lot of extra dollars out of those who need only a few more capabilities than the average joe... i.e. the prosumer.

    iMovie '06 was nearly perfect for all my video editing needs.

    I can vouch for that. Okay, well I wasn't 10 at the time, but I used iMovie 1 to make some pretty rockin school projects when I was a Freshman in HS (8 years ago). If an idiot freshman can figure it out, so can a good proportion of grown adults.

    Though a disclosure as such would be nice, I wouldn't hold my breath. This is Apple we're talking about. Somehow I doubt we'll regain half of the funcunality we lost in iMovie '08. Some, yes, but certainly not all. This is like the OS X migration for iMovie... That being said, remember that Apple "forgot" to add spring-loaded folders for two dot releases.


    Really not sure what the big deal is at this point. All new Macs will come with iLife 08 installed and iMovie HD 6 is a free download so you can have both applications on your system and use whichever you like based on needs.

    Just downloaded HD 6 now and it puts it in a seperate folder called (pevious versions).

    Not exactly rocket science here.
  • Reply 71 of 289
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    G4 compatibility is not a serious issue, or can I complain that my G3 iBook and Mac SE can't run it?! Why should Apple shunt software programme, for a few people (alright, maybe not that few in the case of G4's) running legacy hardware? Want to use old hardware, make do with old software.

    Let me make it perfectly clear that I have, not once, complained about G4 incompatibility. I will, however, sympathize with other G4 owners. If the G4 is the father of the G5, and the Core is the step-cousin of the G5, the G4 is the step-uncle of the Core chips. Translation: We're not related at all anymore. The G4 is just that old guy that hangs around and everyone pretends doesn't. We'd all be bretheren in a happy field of rosetta bliss if it weren't for the G4. My iMac barely runs Tiger, and I'm confident it won't run Leopard. It sucks because all the new software is basically being written for the new hardware... and my hardware is not even all that old! My Mac is only 5.5 years old and should typically be able to run the latest software, if nothing else, at a slightly slower pace. Hell, I used a Performa 630CD for 8 years before I finally broke down and got an iMac DV SE.

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You're missing the point. "A lot of people" want the same level of functionality as the previous iteration of the app.

    All of a sudden, now that Apple has sharply dumbed down iMovie, I was "supposed" to be using FCE all along? Suddenly my expectations for iMovie are arrogantly out of line with what I can rightfully expect from "consumer" software, whereas a few weeks ago my expectations were......what?

    Is that I was being overly pampered by Apple and now that the free ride is over I should be grateful that they were willing to extend the "extra" functionality for free? And now I should STFU because Apple, in its wisdom, has properly moved that functionality $300 up the line, where, apparently, it belonged all along?


  • Reply 72 of 289
    hdasmithhdasmith Posts: 145member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    My iMac barely runs Tiger, and I'm confident it won't run Leopard. It sucks because all the new software is basically being written for the new hardware... and my hardware is not even all that old! My Mac is only 5.5 years old and should typically be able to run the latest software, if nothing else, at a slightly slower pace. Hell, I used a Performa 630CD for 8 years before I finally broke down and got an iMac DV SE.

    Why should it? 5.5 years is a very long time in computer terms. The new processors are getting to the stage where they will wear themselves out after 2 years. Mac SE, slow, still works. iBook considerably faster, dying a slow and painful death. Faster hardware doesn't last as long.

    Why should programmers support the old hardware when what they want to do with their programme can't be done on the hardware. I'm not making excuses for the lazy programming going on at the moment, mind.

    Originally Posted by Dave K.

    Most of us have iMovie 6 already installed. When I buy a new product, I want to use it, not the previous version. What the hell did people pay Apple for then?

    Don't buy it then! Personally, I don't have a camcorder, nor am I particularly gifted with music. I don't buy iLife for iMovie, garageband or iDVD. I do take a lot of photos, and that's why I spend £35 for iLife. I also like sharing my photos with friends, hence iWeb and .Mac.
  • Reply 73 of 289
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Uh Gillis View Post

    I hate when people defend products that don't have as much functionality as they could by saying they are 'consumer' products. Same for the iMac. The whole revolution of personal computers and the internet has been to blur that distinction. Why should anyone have to pay over $2,000 to run professional applications? All kinds of freelance professionals (one of apple's biggest audiences) just need a capable desktop or laptop to do their work.

    You have to look at the Target Market. Are more consumers going to enjoy a feature rich iMovie 06 or will more consumers enjoy an scaled back iMovie 08. I tend to think consumers skew towards the easier to use application.

    Originally Posted by suhail View Post

    These are very serious issues, especially the lack of compatibility with G4's.

    Only Jobs has the balls to pull such stunts on his users, I wonder where he's going with this.

    There are few surprises here. Jobs demoed iMovie 08 taking HD (AVCHD to be exact) content and transcoding to iMovie for editing. That takes grunt. It's not always a conspiracy's likely common knowledge to those who look a bit deeper.

    Originally Posted by applestockholder View Post

    I am getting seriously concerned about the customer service, and as a stock holder that is a concern about MY money that Apple is being irresponsible with...

    Yes YOUR money that Apple has provided a handsome profit to you. Don't think that owning stock makes you understand how a company like Apple runs. Cutting Customer Service is one key way to improve profits so your post is a bit of a paradox. Would you trade a healthy portion of your profti for better Customer Service?
  • Reply 74 of 289
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    Okay, honestly? Why would anyone be happy about paying for an upgrade to a product that does less than its predecessor? I know AI forum members are over-complaining weiners, but this time I think they're onto something... except for that lawsuit guy. Get a grip, yo.


    Considering that iMovie '06 is still available as a free download for iLife '08 buyers, it is physically impossible for the new suite to do less. So your argument is completely BS. You have the exact same features as you did before, with the addition of a new method that lets you prepare videos really quickly.

    These guys are onto nothing, except their own whiney fat asses. Agreed, if Apple had not made iMovie '06 available my reaction would have been different. But they did make it available.
  • Reply 75 of 289
    For us PPC G4 users that already have iMovie 06, there seem to be no price break. We are paying the full price, yet we can not run the new iMovie. Sounds like we are getting ripped. Like others we want access to the entire suite or a reduced price for most of the suite. Fair is Fair.

    I would prefer to be able to use the new iMovie instead of a discount, but the discount would not be bad and speak of fairness.
  • Reply 76 of 289
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    You have to look at the Target Market. Are more consumers going to enjoy a feature rich iMovie 06 or will more consumers enjoy an scaled back iMovie 08. I tend to think consumers skew towards the easier to use application.

    What is my Target Market then? Who's making elegant and simple, yes feature-rich software aimed at me? Not Apple, anymore.

    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    Why should it? 5.5 years is a very long time in computer terms. The new processors are getting to the stage where they will wear themselves out after 2 years. Mac SE, slow, still works. iBook considerably faster, dying a slow and painful death. Faster hardware doesn't last as long.

    Woah, so not true. Whatever the computer industry trained you to believe, this is the worst. Yes, equipment degrades over time, but two years? You are getting your chain yanked, sir. Just because I use an old Mac doesn't mean I use new hardware. I built a PC just two years ago and it's still quite zippy... plus easier to upgrade than any Mac you'll ever use. That's a different argument, however.

    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    Why should programmers support the old hardware when what they want to do with their programme can't be done on the hardware. I'm not making excuses for the lazy programming going on at the moment, mind.

    It's not a matter of supporting the hardware when it comes to typical software. If the Mac hadn't been through so many loops in the last 10 years (OS X transition, Intel Transition) our software would still be compatible. Hell, anything written in Carbon can still be run on an intel computer, provided it's not *too* CPU intensive.

    If you want to see things another way, consider it like this: Most programs are written to be as powerful as possible without taking up too much CPU power. The point is to allow multitasking and application switching and whatnot. Even an old computer should be able to run an OS and multitask a couple of apps. When I said earlier that my computer struggles with Tiger, I didn't by any means imply that monotasking the OS was killing the computer. I can monotask my OS with the best of them. It's when I start multi-tasking when I start running into problems.

    Anyway, I'm not even upset about iMovie '08 not working on a G4. I'm concerned about getting the shaft regarding the feature set.

  • Reply 77 of 289
    Originally Posted by Swift View Post

    Everything's a "plot" and a "ripoff." You'd think you were a Windows crowd. There's iMovie HD, and you can still use that. There are some missing features in the new iMovie. We need plugins, stereo, and a better way of making fine cuts. But if you have enough machine, the new program is a dream. I predict that the next version of Final Cut will make heavy use of features like "skimming," especially to make a selection you can drag to the edit window. It's brilliant.

    I already payed for iLife 06 and as such iMovie 06, as such Intel users get more functional modules than PPC users, yet we pay the same price. I am sorry but that is a rip.

    Giving me a second copy of iMovie 06 is no bargain.
  • Reply 78 of 289
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Considering that iMovie '06 is still available as a free download for iLife '08 buyers, it is physically impossible for the new suite to do less. So your argument is completely BS. You have the exact same features as you did before, with the addition of a new method that lets you prepare videos really quickly.

    These guys are onto nothing, except their own whiney fat asses. Agreed, if Apple had not made iMovie '06 available my reaction would have been different. But they did make it available.

    Ohhhhh, noob, you didn't...

    Obviously you don't understand. Do you think Apple is going to continue to support and upgrade iMovie 06? If you do, you're dreaming. The free download is an attempt at passifying the angry users who ACTUALLY MAKE USE OF THE CAPABILITIES APPLE CUT FROM THE SOFTWARE.

    All this being said, yes I can download and run '06, but how long do you think I can use it before it no longer runs on my hardware... or before camera technology surpasses what the software is capable of? You cannot deny that at some point in time, iMovie '06 will cease to run on new hardware. Nor can you guarantee that newer versions of iMovie will regain the fuctionality that was cut in '08.

    Apple may be able to pull the wool over your eyes, and for that, I feel sorry for you. Have fun in your gumdrop and candy cane world. I, on the other hand, refuse to let Apple [take unconsented-to advantage of me via ye ol' corn-hole].

    And how old are you? "Whiney fat asses?"

    AI, can we "citizen's ban" idiots?

  • Reply 79 of 289
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    imovie should just have 2 views or modes. One would provide a timline based view, with the same bottom stuff, as well as audio control like the one found in old imovie.

    The other would provide this new view for people who want to make a really quick movie.
  • Reply 80 of 289
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    The G4 is just that old guy that hangs around and everyone pretends doesn't.

    and @hdasmith

    Intel portables have only been sold since the first half of 2006. While a G4 desktop has been out for a decent while my Albook is only ~2yrs old. I'm not sure how obsolete a machine should be considered when it's still covered by Applecare and one is dealing with a 'consumer' app.

    But anyway... I don't so much care about iMovie '08 as I do about the G4 being considered so backward . As a student I have a portable machine and only a portable machine. There's only been a G4 option for portable until a year and a half ago. That's not too long ago even in tech realms.
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