Apple unveils iPod touch and iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store



  • Reply 101 of 311
    I'm just pissed right now. It looks great. Cool features. But come on, only 16gb of space? Give me a hard drive. I have more than 16gb of music now on my computer and then adding on movies. Please, I wanted this with at least 80gbs of space. If it had bluetooth, I'd get it in a second. But now, with BT and only 16gb, I have to seriously think about dropping 400 for this. I'm not in a rush to get this now.
  • Reply 102 of 311
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Not necessarily. Huge (touch)screen + hard drive = not so good battery life. \.

    The battery life on the Classic 160gb is 40hrs. I think the battery life would still have been decent if it had a big touch screen on it. The backlight would be off most of the time while music was playing.
  • Reply 103 of 311
    Originally Posted by rafa View Post

    I think I'll file a lawsuit against Apple now...seeing as how Apple didn't mention that their iPod Touch features a built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery...

    You had to go start it.

    Now I have to do the same because they infringed on my patent on how to download media from an online store via wifi into a portable device. Now they have hurt my pretend business sales and lively hood.
  • Reply 104 of 311
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by macornot View Post

    I'm bummed to see the ipod touch NOT including calendar, notes.

    Other than the phone feature, why does it have much less functionality?

    I believe the iPod touch screenshots I saw had Calendar and Contacts apps. You are correct though, that it does appear to be lacking some other apps (Mail, Notes, Maps, Weather) that are on the iPhone and should work over WiFi. The reasoning is unclear to me.
  • Reply 105 of 311
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    After some thought, I've realized I'm 100% satisified with what the touch has to offer. Now when does "a few weeks" happen?
  • Reply 106 of 311
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    The battery life on the Classic 160gb is 40hrs. I think the battery life would still have been decent if it had a big touch screen on it. The backlight would be off most of the time while music was playing.

    For the iPod Touch, its 22 hrs, and only 5 hrs while playing video.

    Now, throw a hard drive into the mix. What does batt life drop to then?

    I didn't really dig the original 'video iPod', which only had 2-3 hrs video playback time. One movie, and pfft, you're done. \

  • Reply 107 of 311
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I always thought that WiFi at Starbucks was free, that you had to log in only. You can access the net just as anywhere else.

    I looks to me that the difference now is that you don't have to log in if you have iTunes, and you can buy songs through them, as well as from Apple, possibly with one billing from iTunes.

    Has anyone here actually used WiFi at Starbucks, or is everyone just saying what they THINK to be true?

    As far as I know most Starbucks are T-Mobile hotspots meaning you have to pay, even internationally (at least when I was in the UK a year ago Starbucks was also T-Mobile). I suppose some stores that contain a Starbucks might have some other WiFi as part of the surrounding store. Sounds like you only get free access to the iTunes Store, but that part was less clear. I think the Starbucks guy wasn't as good about getting the products across as Jobs is at these events.

    Why anyone goes there is beyond me. It's expensive and low quality. I was dragged in there a few days ago, first time in like a year, and was like "WTF, you only have two blends available, one caffeinated and one decaf???". As a tea drinker, they have the worst teas. All of our local coffee shops have better coffees, teas and fresher pastries; better prices and free WiFi. I don't get it.
  • Reply 108 of 311
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Instead of randomly scattered icons on the screen, can the icons be arranged alphabetically? Can you hide unwanted icons like YouTube? Does it come with any games?
  • Reply 109 of 311
    Originally Posted by daskidude View Post

    I'm just pissed right now. It looks great. Cool features. But come on, only 16gb of space? Give me a hard drive. I have more than 16gb of music now on my computer and then adding on movies. Please, I wanted this with at least 80gbs of space. If it had bluetooth, I'd get it in a second. But now, with BT and only 16gb, I have to seriously think about dropping 400 for this. I'm not in a rush to get this now.

    Yes, I love Apple, but somehow they always seem to leave a person wanting a little more....If they were to include a 160 hard drive on the iPod touch you just know they would charge something like $599 for that anyway....
  • Reply 110 of 311
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    You have hit the nail on the head!

    Some clever dick - and there seem to be plenty of those here today! - will say 'tough', 'you can't always get what you want (make a good song lyric ;-)' or something rude but none of that negates the fact Apple have failed to create a device they could have and which would have had a big market.

    You forgot the other "clever dick" responses:

    "Nobody is putting a gun to your head."

    "Nobody is forcing you to buy it."

    "If you don't like it, then buy a PC."
  • Reply 111 of 311
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    The new iPod touch's dock is looking amazing compared to the iPhone's dock!

    I am also intruiged why Apple has put the iPhone next to the recently announced iPods on their front page ( The iPhone really looks like a dinosaur.

    The fifties pastel colours on the Nano and the Shuffle are still a mystery to me What on earth were they thinking!?
  • Reply 112 of 311
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Do you need an iTunes store account to activate these new iPods, even if you don't intend to purchase anything from iTunes?
  • Reply 113 of 311
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    I'm Asian myself so I can say this:

    Jeez, they had to pick the dorkiest-looking Asian guy in the world to host this?


    That means that you could be from say, the Middle East, or Russia, or India, or China, or Korea, or Japan, or the Philipines, or Papua New Guinea (to give you just a few examples)?

    Could you be a bit more specific?
  • Reply 114 of 311
    Originally Posted by smokeytheperson View Post

    Seeing how so many of us paid $200 too much for our Iphones, how about Apple giving us an update that isn't focused on milking more money?

    I don't think I paid too much, if I had I wouldn't have spent the $599 at the time. However, it would be very nice if Apple sent us early adopters a little thank you. Maybe split the difference, and issue anyone who activated an iPhone through iTunes a $100 gift certificate for the iTMS... Now that would make me feel appreciated, and in reality it wouldn't even cost them the full $100!
  • Reply 115 of 311
    Originally Posted by mortimer View Post

    How can all of you be pissed about this? Sweet products, cheaper prices, whats not to love? So you spent more than you had to on your iphone? You still have one right? Apple is just taking it to every other tech company out there and I'm happy about it.

    Agreed! I felt like a kid at Christmas time when I saw the news. The ipod touch is EXACTLY what I've been waiting for and the wi fi is a GREAT ADDED BONUS . My 4 gb nano(600 songs), still has space so a 16 gb ipod touch is more space then I'll ever need even with the movies I'll be adding. How many songs can you listen to during the day anyway? I have a job
  • Reply 116 of 311
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    Yeah. That's the same thing.

    Actually, no. The versions designed for "push" (Aol, Yahoo, Google, are much faster all around. Also, with the web version, you will have to log in anew each time (since the device will not store passwords and such, for security reasons).
  • Reply 117 of 311
    Originally Posted by machei View Post

    Slippin' rippin' dang fang rotten zarg barga ding-dong!

    Everything I ever wanted in an iPod with the capacity to hold only half of my 5G, and it's already straining. Sorry Steve. 400 bucks for a flashier interface and WiFi is not something I'm getting if the storage isn't there.

    Siiiigh. Well, there's always next year.

    Exactly the same as me!! I was going to get a new one for my wife for Christmas, she has about 15 GB on her iTunes, and roughly the same on my 5G, so the new iPod touch ain't gonna cut it for us, irrespective of the additional functionality. Will wait until the flash drives can be substantially increased, when flash gets cheaper. However, they seem to have done a good job by increasing the battery life on the classic, for audio, by up to 40 hrs. About time.
  • Reply 118 of 311
    Originally Posted by ewmason View Post

    ...and issue anyone who activated an iPhone through iTunes a $100 gift certificate for the iTMS... Now that would make me feel appreciated, and in reality it wouldn't even cost them the full $100!

    They would have to account for it like it does in their financials (although, from a cash flow standpoint, I agree with you).
  • Reply 119 of 311
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    "I'm not buying any of that crap until Apple releases an iPhone with 1TB of storage, 100h of battery life (fuelcell), a 30" foldable screen, UMTS, EDGE, GPRS, GPS navigation system, satellite uplink, DVB-T receiver, Wi-Fi 802.11m, FireWire 800, a solar panel, independent network selection, the ability to boot OS X and Windows and free calls worldwide and all that for 1.99$"
  • Reply 120 of 311
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    duplicate post
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