Apple to fire up Penryn-based Mac Pros



  • Reply 261 of 398

    Sorry, ain't going to happen. The eating, that is. If you bothered to read my series of replies you would see that I talking about why Apple hasn't released one, not predicting what they will do. All sorts of things could happen that change the picture and cause Apple to drop a machine into this market space that everyone seems to be craving. If I were to speculate, I'd expect that such a machine would have a unique Apple spin to it, or it would be BTO-only (i.e. the Dell model, as I've mentioned twice before). Hardly going out on a predictive limb.

    What a crock of flip-floppin'.

    It aint going to happen. But if it will be different. Ya don't say? (Yer...because Apple 'Thinks Different' TM. Right. Have you ever known them to release a 'normal' product in the last ten years? But the fact that you're saying why they aint going to release said model aint a prediction. *Nods head slow-ly.

    Me? Read your replies? I thought I was arguing with myself...

    And check the prices for yourself. The face that they're selling the iMac with a screen included tells you they're making profits in the very same 'mid-tower' price range you say they can't make a profit in if they made a mid-tower. (As a 'fantasy' Apple CEO, of course, you have no idea You're guessing. But I'm guessing they can.)

    Going by your logic, Apple would never have released the iMac.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 262 of 398

    All sorts of things could happen that change the picture and cause Apple to drop a machine into this market space

    No, Programmer. Apple have left PPC behind. Remember? Now, in theory, we can have product differentiation...

    We have laptop cpus in the iMac and server CPUs in the Tower. I'm sure you can explain that one...

    What happened to Conroe that would allow much cheaper cpu prices for a Mid-tower range? Go and look at the suspicious pricing on Conroe. Good value for money, eh? And plenty of suspiciously priced GTs...I don't know which shops you go to. But the ones I look at seem reasonable.

    I conclude we can have a reasonably priced Mid-Tower market. A very snug fitting

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 263 of 398
    I'm not one for predictions. I know what I'd like to see, though...

    Still, don't shoot me for this one.

    On the Leopard opening night...I was told by a developer who had Leopard for over half a year before release.

    He says, if you're in the market for a Mac Tower, wait. He said that Apple are working on a stunning mid-tower design.

    His words: 'Wait'. Whether that is true or if it is a shrunken Mac Pro?

    Who knows. Only Steve. And Johnny, I guess.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 264 of 398
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Have you ever known them to release a 'normal' product in the last ten years?

    Right, exactly my point.


    But the fact that you're saying why they aint going to release said model aint a prediction.

    There is a difference between haven't and going to. Things change, new opportunities arise, new technologies become feasible.


    Going by your logic, Apple would never have released the iMac.

    Not true at all, and by saying that you're not understanding what I've said. The iMac is a good machine for Apple because it is different. By being different it doesn't have to compete on a level playing field with the rest of the PC makers. You can't just stand there with a feature list and do a quick scorecard tally and say "this one is better" because there is this wildcard factor of the iMac's form factor that throws off the tally. To a lot of Apple's customers that factor alone makes all the other features irrelevant.


    No, Programmer. Apple have left PPC behind. Remember? Now, in theory, we can have product differentiation...

    Ah, there... see that? You do get it: "in theory". All I've been saying is that if Apple were to simply and blindly apply this theory (by coming out with just another mini-tower like every other PC in the market), then they would compromise their position. Doing that would mean a level playing field and pricing pressure on this machine, causing "industry standard" margins in order to compete. And such a machine would cannibalize iMac and MacPro sales.

    Because of this level playing field these machines would also continually price/feature compared to other PC vendors, and be expected to continually upgrade to the absolutely latest components. These things aren't good for a company that has inventory in stores. Dell pulls it off because they've traditionally been online a BTO online store with absolutely minimal inventory, and once you're on their website they try to convert the bargain hunters into buying what Dell wants them to buy. This model has been working reasonably well for Dell for years, which is why I mention it might work for Apple... although I expect that Apple will instead try to put a machine into this market space that somehow un-levels the playing field. How they do that is anybody's guess. Perhaps they'll just bank on the cachet of it being a Mac and leverage their current rosy market position, and just suffer the whiners here complaining that it doesn't have the precise CPU and GPU models they want, or that it costs 10% more than Dell's equivalent, or whatever. But as you said, Apple hasn't done anything "normal" in about ten years.
  • Reply 265 of 398
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    . . . All I've been saying is that if Apple were to simply and blindly apply this theory (by coming out with just another mini-tower like every other PC in the market), then they would compromise their position. Doing that would mean a level playing field and pricing pressure on this machine, causing "industry standard" margins in order to compete. And such a machine would cannibalize iMac and MacPro sales.

    I have been debating this hypothesis for several years, and have several hundred pages of TextEdit drafts on the topic. I could start doing cut and paste in this thread.

    The essential question is whether Apple would be forced to compete with very low margins for a Mid Range tower. You appear to say yes; I say no. This is the essences of the whole discussion. Because, if Apple must cut profits on a Mid Tower, any loss of iMac or Mac Pro sales to the Mid Tower would hurt. Yet if Apple makes a good profit on the Mid Tower, who would care which Mac the customer buys?

    I've come to the conclusion that a certain Apple executive doesn't want to diminish sales of the iMac, so no Mac product will ever compete with it.

  • Reply 266 of 398
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    What a crock of flip-floppin'.

    Lemon, I don't think Programmer is flip-flopping. Even if he were, the highest distinction in that regard goes to Flip Flop Dick:

  • Reply 267 of 398
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,445moderator
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Still, don't shoot me for this one.

    On the Leopard opening night...I was told by a developer who had Leopard for over half a year before release.

    He says, if you're in the market for a Mac Tower, wait. He said that Apple are working on a stunning mid-tower design.

    You didn't feel it might have been interesting to mention this before? Did he actually say about a smaller size and was there a distinction between it as a separate product or did he mean that the Mac Pro lineup as a whole would get smaller?

    Also half a year before the Leopard release was before the 8 core update - didn't he mention that? If he didn't then it might suggest he knows less about what's being designed than he says and what he did say could have been his own speculation.

    If what he said was true then the redesign has to come at MW.
  • Reply 268 of 398
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    I have been debating this hypothesis for several years, and have several hundred pages of TextEdit drafts on the topic. I could start doing cut and paste in this thread.

    Yeah, its hardly a new topic.


    The essential question is whether Apple would be forced to compete with very low margins for a Mid Range tower. You appear to say yes; I say no. This is the essences of the whole discussion.

    Certainly its the core issue alright. My reason for saying yes is that the majority of the people looking for a machine in this market segment are highly features-per-dollar oriented. Specs rule. Apple (for the past 10 years) hasn't been focused on delivering the best spec sheet per dollar, instead they deliver on qualities that are harder to quantify.


    Because, if Apple must cut profits on a Mid Tower, any loss of iMac or Mac Pro sales to the Mid Tower would hurt. Yet if Apple makes a good profit on the Mid Tower, who would care which Mac the customer buys? I've come to the conclusion that a certain Apple executive doesn't want to diminish sales of the iMac, so no Mac product will ever compete with it.

    I don't think SJ is hung up on selling iMacs, I think he is hung up on selling product that embody things he places great value in. I happen to like his sense of value, at least most of the time... and so do a lot of other people, it seems. When Apple figures out what this looks like in the mini-tower market so that they can sell something into that space with their usual decent margins, I think they will do so.

    And Lemon, sometimes I flip-flop on things but I haven't done so in this thread thus far. Any variability in my position must therefore be in the perception of the reader.
  • Reply 269 of 398

    Just a thought. Hear comes a GPU for a laptop that embarrasses the Mac Pro gpus...



    You didn't feel it might have been interesting to mention this before?

    Weeeeellll. Given the reputation for pitch forks and angry mobs on this board?

    But hey, that's what he said. Mid-Tower. Stunning. Wait. That's what he told me. A separate line.

    Given that Apple is on 30% growth and sales at 2.16 million? Er...and product expansion (no, not Performa Amelio level breadth...just another desktop worthy of the name...and maybe a sub note book...let's not get crazy and suggest another 20 lines...afterall...we don't Apple accused of giving us choice...)

    Is it that much of a leap? The Cube was a mid-tower.

    Except, Apple sales weren't that hot when it was released. And it was ill conceived in crucial ways. Well, in the ways that effect buyers and not Steve Jobs.

    Except Apple couldn't figure that pricing it against a more expandable and powerful 'Workstation/Tower' range was bound to fail? And the bits that could be expanded came with trademarked difficulty... It's not such a leap (for me) that Apple does a mid-tower.

    And 'Apple will do one if they can figure out how to do one...' and 'if they can make a profit on it' are trademark flip flops of a flip flop wearer. TM.

    Yeah. So I'll agree with that one. Yes. I agree that Apple 'if' it can make a it 'could'. And...knowing that Apple likes to make obscene profits on hardware that it sells...(eh...yeah. I can agree on that bit too...) will make a profit on it. I suppose they 'could' make a profit on anything they release...including iPod socks...don't think they'd sell socks at a loss. Guess they just had to figure out how to enter the market and make a profit. Hey, they can design a Cube...but it took them years to figure out how to sell, design/profit from selling socks for an MP3 player... Hey, will be done in the Apple style...because socks aint for feet, right? They're just for iPods. Hey, we know Apple 'Thinks Different'. Because the 'Bee' TM, told me so.

    Going by how long Apple took to enter the sock market, I guess we can wait even longer for them to enter the mid-tower market. Who knows, maybe they'll sell a re-born Cube with tea cosy cover. In five fruity flavours. Sure, the rest of the PC market have figured out how to make profitable mid-towers...yes...and that includes non-big vendors in their hundreds. Thousands even. All of them running at a loss? I guess Apple will 'figure' it out one day... It must be a tough one...

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 270 of 398

    I flip-flop



    I think they will do so.

    Clear example of a prediction.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 271 of 398

    the highest distinction in that regard goes to Flip Flop Dick:

    Heh. With Programmer running him a close second...

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 272 of 398

    Also half a year before the Leopard release was before the 8 core update - didn't he mention that?

    Erm. This was '1st Contact'. I didn't get chance to get his inside leg measurement... :I

    Never met him before. But he seemed sane enough. He noted that he and his army of Mac friends at his company have been screaming for a mid-tower solution for years. He was highly bemused Apple hadn't done one yet. That makes two of us.

    Again, of note, was the request for a 2 HD/GPU upgradable slotted quad-mini-tower that many (to put it bluntly...) on these boards are calling for. So, I guess it's not just me. Heh. He just said it would be the answer to a long wished prayers. A mid-tower. A stunning Ives special. And without the Mac Pro overkill. Jan-March timeframe. Jan'? That could mean a Mac Pro. March? Possibly an expansion of the desktop line if sales keep going higher. This could equally mean a redesigned Mac Pro. But, *Shrugs. I'll believe it when I see it.

    I'll take it with a pinch of salt. But if it comes to light? I'll smile inwardly that I got a rare crumb of insider info'. Generally, I'd say I'd have more chance of being hit by a meteor. (No jokes, please...)

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 273 of 398

    The essential question is whether Apple would be forced to compete with very low margins for a Mid Range tower. You appear to say yes; I say no. This is the essences of the whole discussion.

    Yes. No. Ok. That's fairly distilled. But if they can make a profit on something they sell at £399-£1395 the 'desktop tower' price range...using the same other PC vendors...and, I may add, on the iMac...they're STILL making a profit using laptop priced components in a 'desktop'...then how does anyone (mentioning no flipflopper in particular...) figure they can't make a profit using 'normal' heh, heh, desktop Conroe? Quad cpu. GPUs..?

    Basically, folks. Here's the Apple mid-tower: Apple finally caves in. Gives us a Conroe Cube-esque tower or slim line Pro sawn in half. So you get a fancy box...and...can finally pick from a choice of, erm...let's push the boat out...two gpus...a GTS/GT and some Ati catch up card. And a conroe choice of 2.4 or 2.6 Gig...and....scratches head...* That's won't be complete without an astronomical price to go with it. Oh, and an 18 month contract that leave you without food, warmth and light for the next...well, 18 months...

    ...and if they do? I'll have to buy the extreme 3 gig quad edition with side dish of cranberry sauce...

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 274 of 398
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,445moderator
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Weeeeellll. Given the reputation for pitch forks and angry mobs on this board?

    Sure but the people who want a small tower far outweigh the 2 or 3 people who don't want those people to get one. Plus they are only taking that stance because there's little evidence Apple will actually do it not because there's no reason for them to do it. Rumors of it actually coming to pass ease the pain that it hasn't already.

    Originally Posted by Lemon Bob Bon

    Erm. This was '1st Contact'. I didn't get chance to get his inside leg measurement... :I

    That's where all the secrets are kept. That's the first thing you should do.

    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    Jan-March timeframe.

    I think that's about as long as I'm willing to wait. If the quad mobile computers are cheap enough maybe or if I can find a used/refurb Mac Pro with a warranty then I'll be able to upgrade my home computer. Otherwise I'll just have to try and make do with whatever sub-£1000 quad core desktop I can find.

    Also if Phenomenon turns out to be a piece of crap, I'm done with Apple. That will just be one step too far. Hopefully that will be around the same timeframe.

    Have there been any Penryn desktops released on the PC side already? If so what price ranges/spec are they coming in at?

    Just found this:

    Penryn seems to handle over-clocking pretty well.
  • Reply 275 of 398
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Sure but the people who want a small tower far outweigh the 2 or 3 people who don't want those people to get one.

    He probably means that ANYONE who says he "heard" something from Apple will get jumped on by a bunch of AI members who'll come down on him like a pack of wolves, call him a liar and shove his face in the mud. That happened to me when I was a newbie.

    You can believe I'll never tell what I hear again. I've been around Apple reps and have heard stuff I'll never repeat. You guys have cured me of that.
  • Reply 276 of 398
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Clear example of a prediction.

    If I selectively choose words out of your messages without context, I can make you say whatever I want too. In the meantime, I've got better things to do.
  • Reply 277 of 398
    I wonder if Vista will lag on the highest specced MacPro? Haha, here is a convo I made.

    XPS User : "Hey, is your Vista laggy?"

    MacPro User : "Erm no? why would it be?"

    XPS : "Well, my Vista sucks to the max, it eats my whole memory and I cant run many applications due to Vista

    use too much of memory"

    MacPro : "Oh I see, how much memory are you running on your XPS?"

    XPS : "Well im running 2GB of RAM, how bout u?"

    MacPro : "16GB"

    XPS : "Wut, how is that possible, I dont know any PC that can run that much RAM, r u bs me?"

    MacPro : "Erm no, Im using a MacPro"

    XPS : "Interesting, how much did it costs?"

    Mac Pro : "13k USD"

    XPS : " .........No comments"

    Mac Pro : "Well I will be using it for 5 years plus, and Im sure by that time, you would have upgraded or bought a new XPS

    and it will still wont outperform my MacPro, so I guess its a well spend money"

    I hope you guys enjoyed it although it might not make any sense. Anyway image how great a game will look with the highest specced MacPro although it would be nicer if Apple would allow users to upgrade to 8 series instead of 7. Guess this proves that the MacPro is getting a update next year
  • Reply 278 of 398
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by wheelhot View Post

    I wonder if Vista will lag on the highest specced MacPro? Haha, here is a convo I made.

    XPS User : "Hey, is your Vista laggy?"

    MacPro User : "Erm no? why would it be?"

    XPS : "Well, my Vista sucks to the max, it eats my whole memory and I cant run many applications due to Vista

    use too much of memory"

    MacPro : "Oh I see, how much memory are you running on your XPS?"

    XPS : "Well im running 2GB of RAM, how bout u?"

    MacPro : "16GB"

    XPS : "Wut, how is that possible, I dont know any PC that can run that much RAM, r u bs me?"

    MacPro : "Erm no, Im using a MacPro"

    XPS : "Interesting, how much did it costs?"

    Mac Pro : "13k USD"

    XPS : " .........No comments"

    Mac Pro : "Well I will be using it for 5 years plus, and Im sure by that time, you would have upgraded or bought a new XPS

    and it will still wont outperform my MacPro, so I guess its a well spend money"

    I hope you guys enjoyed it although it might not make any sense. Anyway image how great a game will look with the highest specced MacPro although it would be nicer if Apple would allow users to upgrade to 8 series instead of 7. Guess this proves that the MacPro is getting a update next year

    It seems to be pretty muddled, I don't know what that price tag covers, maybe it's a very old price now. Also, it's now possible to put 16GB in a Mac Pro for under $750. If you're looking to max it out at all costs, 32GB can be had for $3200.

    This seller is pretty reputable.
  • Reply 279 of 398
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I don't know what that clown is on paying 13k for a computer. Is this the mac Pro that Jack bought with the money he got from his beanstalk beans?
  • Reply 280 of 398
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm just guessing but I think 13k was a fictitious price point dusted with some exaggeration to get the point across.
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