Rumor: possible Apple event brewing for late February

in General Discussion edited January 2014
For the second time in three years, Apple Inc. may use the latter end of February to hold a special gathering where it will show off its latest innovations to analysts and members of the media, according to multiple reports.

TUAW bravely states that high end video production firm MIRA Mobile is rumored to be soliciting staffers for a yet-announced Apple production to take place some time near the end of the month.

The blog site warns, however, that readers should treat the tip as a highly unconfirmed rumor, as it has not been able to corroborate its source's tip with any further evidence.

Separately, AppleInsider has also heard rumblings that the Cupertino-based firm is prepping an unusual number of visual resources for some form of display to take place on or after February 21st, yielding the 26th as the most likely date should those resources indeed pertain to a special event.

Since neither tip can be corroborated with any degree of certainty, readers should take these rumblings with a grain of salt. Neverthless, it should be noted that Penryn-based MacBook Pros with mutli-touch trackpads and an official iPhone SDK are both expected in the coming weeks, whether Apple ultimately holds an event or not.

Meanwhile, MacRumors has dug up this YouTube video (below) filmed outside San Francisco's Moscone West convention center during Macworld 2007, confirming that Apple has indeed used MIRA Mobile to produce live event coverage in the past.

Back in February of 2006, the company held what will forever go down as its most underwhelming media event ever, rolling out leather iPod cases, the iPod Hi-Fi and the first Intel-based Mac minis. The iPod Hi-Fi has since met its fate, with the Mac mini believed to on its way down the same path.


  • Reply 1 of 117
    eduardoeduardo Posts: 181member
    Alright! Leather cases for the iPhone and iPod Touch!
  • Reply 2 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Back in February of 2006, the company held what will forever go down as its most underwhelming media event ever, rolling out leather iPod cases, the iPod Hi-Fi and speed bumped Mac minis. The iPod Hi-Fi has since met its fate, with the Mac mini believed to on its way down the same path.

    "It started badly, it tailed off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better, but apart from that it was excellent."
  • Reply 3 of 117
    And I was all set to buy a 16Gig iPhone this weeekend when I picked my MBP up from getting repaired.

    Should I wait?

    How can I not?

    The stock price is getting so pinched they might was well anounce everything for the rest of the year.
  • Reply 4 of 117
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    An iPhone Air with no dock connector or headphone jack?

    A Mac Pro Air with one connector, Firewire 800?

    An iMac Air with no base and really floats in the air?

    A MacBook Air with both SSD and HDD hard drives so everyone can post their own comparisons?

    What could it be?
  • Reply 5 of 117
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    New iPod socks at last!
  • Reply 6 of 117
    eaieai Posts: 417member
    My bets are on it being a developer-focuses event launching the iPhone/Touch SDK.

    On the side note, I don't see Apple killing the Mac Mini yet - perhaps they're waiting till they considering the Apple TV to be a worthy replacement for it. That said, I'm not even sure I see them killing it off at all - perhaps a redesign though?
  • Reply 7 of 117
    I think the HiFi and Mini were significant - ultimately not garnering the sales that they had hoped for - but significant in that they represented steps toward expanding the companies focus. If this is a repeat of that move, we can expect to see something more than a MB, MBP speed bump. I would like to see them use this opportunity to expand into the small business sector. The consumer focus seems like a tough place to be given declining retail - if they would really follow through a put a small business package together they made be able to replicate the success they had with desk top publishing back in the late 80's early 90's - that got them to a 10% ms.
  • Reply 8 of 117
    mimicmimic Posts: 72member
    I would love to see an iMac with SSD + HDD!
  • Reply 9 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MiMiC View Post

    I would love to see an iMac with SSD + HDD!

    I don't see what benefit benefit iMac users. It would bring up the cost without adding anything. I haven't read any reviews of Turbo Memory from Intel being worthwhile.
  • Reply 10 of 117
    AI's been remarking about the Mac mini's short life for how long now? 1 year? 2?

    Sorry - it just made me chuckle seeing you guys sneak that one in one more time. I think it would be freaking hilarious if they showed us another updated Mac mini just like after the first time you kept rambling on about its death...

    BTW, look for something that probably should have made it to MWSF but got pushed back due to Apple's continuing challenge getting product out the door on time. Not very profound, but certainly not worse than hearing the mini's going away.
  • Reply 11 of 117
    Originally Posted by ColeSQ View Post

    AI's been remarking about the Mac mini's short life for how long now? 1 year? 2?

    Sorry - it just made me chuckle seeing you guys sneak that one in one more time. I think it would be freaking hilarious if they showed us another updated Mac mini just like after the first time you kept rambling on about its death...

    BTW, look for something that probably should have made it to MWSF but got pushed back due to Apple's continuing challenge getting product out the door on time. Not very profound, but certainly not worse than hearing the mini's going away.

    Viva La Mac Mini! FTW
  • Reply 12 of 117

    The iPod Hi-Fi has since met its fate, with the Mac mini believed to on its way down the same path.

    Wow... AppleInsider just won't give up predicting the impending death of the Mac Mini. Will you just keep making that prediction until it finally does go away? I'm sure you will be right eventually.

    You support this idea by linking to your own speculative articles that are full of conjecture and don't really support anything.

    Apple has updated the mini five times since introduction three and a half years ago. That's on par with the their other machines.

    And of course, there is the fact that they don't have any other machine like it. It's a sub-$1000 desktop. Niche product? Hardly... that niche describes the vast majority of PC sales. Sure, Apple focuses on different parts of the market, but that doesn't mean they're going to abandon that huge market.
  • Reply 13 of 117
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    event brewing

    It's official people... iBeer
  • Reply 14 of 117
    stubeckstubeck Posts: 140member
    A finished version of Leopard?
  • Reply 15 of 117
    Originally Posted by eAi View Post

    My bets are on it being a developer-focuses event launching the iPhone/Touch SDK.

    On the side note, I don't see Apple killing the Mac Mini yet - perhaps they're waiting till they considering the Apple TV to be a worthy replacement for it. That said, I'm not even sure I see them killing it off at all - perhaps a redesign though?

    I agree.
  • Reply 16 of 117
    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    A finished version of Leopard?

    A finished version of Leopard in the new MBP!!!!

    I bet I get hammered for this, but, what does SDK stand for? as in iPhone SDK
  • Reply 17 of 117
    Originally Posted by ColeSQ View Post

    BTW, look for something that probably should have made it to MWSF but got pushed back due to Apple's continuing challenge getting product out the door on time. Not very profound, but certainly not worse than hearing the mini's going away.

    I would not be surprised if Jobs said "Well, that is our developer kit...oh and we made a new larger tablet device that this works with too, its the greatest thing ever so go buy it...BOOM!"
  • Reply 18 of 117
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    I vote for iPhone/touch SDK (software developers kit) and maybe a new MacBook Pro redesigned along the lines of the new MBA. The SDK should be accompanied by some new apps.
  • Reply 19 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MatthewGavin View Post

    A finished version of Leopard in the new MBP!!!!

    I bet I get hammered for this, but, what does SDK stand for? as in iPhone SDK

    I would never come down on someone for not knowing, but I would for not even attempting the simplest of Google searches.
  • Reply 20 of 117
    Originally Posted by ColeSQ View Post

    Sorry - it just made me chuckle seeing you guys sneak that one in one more time. I think it would be freaking hilarious if they showed us another updated Mac mini just like after the first time you kept rambling on about its death...

    Indeed, why would Apple kill the mini? I said it on the original article, and I can't see what's changed: the Mac mini is an important part of their lineup.

    Apple has a very robust enterprise offering right now. With Leopard Server, the Xserve, and the Xserve RAID, they have a tremendous back-room lineup. What they don't have is a computer that corporations would want to deploy on the desktop. The best they have is the mini.

    I say if they discontinue the mini it would only be in order to replace it with a different desktop.

    For the enterprise, the desktop Apple would need to produce would be a mini-tower. Same as the Mac mini, but with some PCI slots, and maybe without so many wireless options.
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