I have redesigned the Macbook Air



  • Reply 41 of 122
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Very funny. That door is so cool the way it stops my peripherals from plugging in, genius.

    What the hell are tou talking about? have you ever even seen an MBA in person? USB and DVI cables fit in perfectly!

    Whats kind of monstrosity of a cable are you trying to plug in?

    Are you trying to plug in a Firewire cable into a USB port?

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The big question now is... if the thing is called the "MacBook Air", then why didn't they explore using wireless power to recharge the battery. They fell short on their concept.

    Actually your wrong, they have a patent for inductive charging. So, its comming.
  • Reply 42 of 122
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    Actually your wrong, they have a patent for inductive charging. So, its comming.

    Yeah, I've been waiting for that and Tesla "through the air" charging all my life. The technology is just starting to get there. That will be the coolest.
  • Reply 43 of 122
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    Yeah, I've been waiting for that and Tesla "through the air" charging all my life. The technology is just starting to get there. That will be the coolest.

    I saw a demo in my Physics class the other day and we were actually discussing that patent, it was cool!
  • Reply 44 of 122
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I normally respect your opinion, but that has to be the weakest defense for a product I have ever heard, ever!

    The human angle eh?

    It's like the one about the man who beats up his son, and the wife keeps telling the son "..but nobody's perfect". I'm sorry but the correct thing to say is "I'll talk to him, the man needs to get help". The Air is similar, it needs help. They thought of this "door" idea, but unfortunately it didn't work out. Like way they thought of this [so-called] cool idea "what about we add a ball to the top of the Mighty Mouse? Yeah cool idea!!" No no no, shit idea.

    Uh, OK.?!? Trying hard to mis-interpret my point, are we?

    What I was suggesting was there is no perfect beast for everyone. The MBA is not your beast; that's fine. I own an MBA, a MBP, a MB and have owned various other notebooks in the past decade. I am a pro user. I think the Air's design is fantastic and have put it to very good use and look forward to using it more; it is a joy to hold and use. I knew well about its strengths and weaknesses before I bought it and thus can utilize its capabilities fully, as well as integrate it with my other systems. For a piece of equipment in this price range, you have to consider things carefully before buying; the Apple Store lets you use a variety of apps on all the Macs to see how they perform. They would also probably attach various devices if you asked. If the machine is not well built on arrival, or has a problem, complain away, but if it lacks features you think it should have then you should not have bought it (using a general "you").
  • Reply 45 of 122
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    Again, your bitchy response, expected. Get over yourself.

    Have you read your own posts? Do you even realize how arrogant they are? Then you act shocked and hurt when people respond in kind?!

    Also, please provide a reference for your 'designed by Ives intern' information.

    I'll came down if you will
  • Reply 46 of 122
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Nicely thin, good screen and keyboard, I think Apple could have done better though. The door is as flawed a design as the Mighty Mouse in my opinion. There's no reason why they couldn't have scrapped the door idea and made a flat area for the ports, they could have done it in a slick [not sharp or sudden] way. They dropped the ball. They made a mistake. From what I hear the ethernet dongle is recommenced to, and in some cases necessary for migration [Jason O'Grady had to buy one] and you'll likely have to buy a USB hub too. This is not cool. The lack of an optical drive I couldn't care about, but that useless single USB port and lack of a built-in ethernet port is inexcusable. Inexcusable.
  • Reply 47 of 122
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    I can't use the MBA, but it is a beautiful design. I wouldn't want to change it's outward appearance.

    Instead of Ireland's flat design and another on the other side, how about a door on the other side to match the existing one?

    I always thought that would be a more 'Apple' approach. You gain symmetry and 3 more ports (ethernet, firewire, usb). Maybe a MacBook Air Pro?
  • Reply 48 of 122
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Two useless doors?

    No thanks.
  • Reply 49 of 122
    So because you have a couple devices that won't fit into that port, it's suddenly a horrible design? My fat-ass flash drive fits into it, and if that thing can fit, it's big enough for me.

    If the recessed USB port bothers you... don't buy one. And if you get one, get a USB extension cable. Problem solved. But actively telling people not to buy the Air because you have some personal grudge against it is just being an ass. You know as well as I do that if those people have a gripe about the door, they can make the decision of whether to buy or not completely on their own.

    As for the lack of ethernet ports... I can count the number of times on one hand that I have used the ethernet on my four-year-old PowerBook. That's about once a year. And that's not even an ultra-portable. Honestly, the ethernet is nearly obsolete on notebooks.

    And FireWire... sure, it'd be nice, but something tells me Apple ran survey after survey on how much the prospective ultra-portable customers used their FireWire... and another something tells me it's a number close to the ethernet port. I've got customers that haven't used the FireWire port on their MacBook Pros... well, ever.
  • Reply 50 of 122
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    for those few peripherals that may be off issue, why not use a short usb extension cable?

    also ireland, you don't seem to comprehend that external changes - adding ports - has an impact on the internals, both design and volume...

    it's not for you, nor it seems, your friend. get over it.

    bergermeister's posts encapsulate pretty well everything that needs to be said.
  • Reply 51 of 122
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    it's not for you, nor it seems, your friend. get over it.

    Unfortunately, Ireland never did explain what his friend got the MBA for (though I asked): what his expectations were; what he was going to use it for; or exactly why he was disappointed in the port door.

    I had a buddy who wanted to get a Mac Pro (because he wanted "the best") but, though he could afford it, couldn't understand why it had to cost $8,000 (he'd "added" a few extras). When I finally asked him what he needed it for, turned out to be basic stuff: word processing, a little Photoshop, a little music recording. I laughed by ass off. I finally got him to get a tricked out top-of-the-line iMac (much cheaper), and he's happy as a clam. Loves it to death.

    Right tool for the right job. Until we know what Ireland's friend got the MBA for, we have no idea if it was the computer he really needed. Who knows, maybe the guy really needed an $8,000 Mac Pro.
  • Reply 52 of 122
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    i hear you, mzaslove. i saw and used one in person the other day for the first time and love it. but mostly working with HD video, it's not for me (even though for many other uses it would be handy to have in my crumpler bag). it has short-comings, for sure, but they are things that are for the most part easy to work around - if you need to.
  • Reply 53 of 122
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    i hear you, mzaslove. i saw and used one in person the other day for the first time and love it. but mostly working with HD video, it's not for me (even though for many other uses it would be handy to have in my crumpler bag). it has short-comings, for sure, but they are things that are for the most part easy to work around - if you need to.

    Yeah, I'm hanging onto my MBP because I need to do rough cuts for what was shot in the day (my editor just hands me a FireWire or eSATA drive and I plug in), but still need a laptop's portability for on the set or location.

    But... after the next two films I'm gonna take a year or so off to bum around the world and write two features and a novel. For that, an MBA will be perfect. That and a Time Capsule to back up to and use as a wireless router if necessary, and I'm set to go pretty much anywhere.
  • Reply 54 of 122
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    ^^ sounds like a good plan!
  • Reply 55 of 122
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I change my mind, I love the MacBook Air. Yay!!
  • Reply 56 of 122
    I'm still waiting for 'Ives intern' confirmation.
  • Reply 57 of 122
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I change my mind, I love the MacBook Air. Yay!!

    Have you ever considered that we're defending Apple not for the sake of defending Apple, but because we disagree with your negative points?

    It's like like saying that all Mac users are fanboys. Just because Mac fanboys use Macs, doesn't mean that anyone using a Mac is automatically a fanboy. The same applies here. We're defending Apple not because we're fanboys, but because we think they're right.
  • Reply 58 of 122
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The big question now is... if the thing is called the "MacBook Air", then why didn't they explore using wireless power to recharge the battery.

    yeah!! yeah!!!! What about pumping gas without the giant pump and pipes, yeah you could just press a button from home and it would magically fill up!! [/sarcasm]

    I'm afraid that's not possible, lol
  • Reply 59 of 122
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    I saw a demo in my Physics class the other day and we were actually discussing that patent, it was cool!

    that was cool!
  • Reply 60 of 122
    Originally Posted by bobertoq View Post

    yeah!! yeah!!!! What about pumping gas without the giant pump and pipes, yeah you could just press a button from home and it would magically fill up!! [/sarcasm]

    I'm afraid that's not possible, lol

    If I remember correctly... you were banned.

    *checks* Yep. Nice try though. My bet is that you are flagged within twelve hours.
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