Citigroup: Checks point to 3G iPhone within four months



  • Reply 81 of 206
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    It serves different markets.

    Indeed it does. ActiveSync support is useless to me and most of the small to medium businesses I deal with. A camera isn't.

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I really don't think the iPhone is yet enough to push any company to switch away from Exchange. It would seem like a switch to something Apple supports would mean a complete replacement of all computers, software and conversion of all data used in an organization, and that's not cheap.

    That's the whole point of Apple licencing Microsoft's proprietary ActiveSync. It integrates an iPhone into Exchange directly sharing Exchanges calendars, mail and ActiveDirectory address book. It's about working with Exchange and NOT SWITCHING to the Mac.

    It's in almost direct competition to Apple's CalDav, IMAP Mail and Open Directory facilities on their servers or anyone else's servers that implement the same open protocols. And that's why I'm slightly sad. It's not that they added ActiveSync - that's obviously a good thing for getting iPhones into MS dominated businesses - it's that they've not added support for their own systems and beefed up their own sharing services.
  • Reply 82 of 206
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Sure but I think the enterprise market is going to be a *lot* bigger than the market for 5 megapixel camera phones.

    Where 'enterprise market' = Microsoft Exchange.

    I'd disagree though. The 5mp camera phone market is already way, way, way, way bigger than the Exchange market. Maybe not in the USA but you're weird.
  • Reply 83 of 206
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I'd disagree though. The 5mp camera phone market is already way, way, way, way bigger than the Exchange market. Maybe not in the USA but you're weird.

    There is clear evidence of the Exchange market. I honestly don't know where to find this 5MP camera phone market. Except in your imagination.

    The day I can go to a camera enthusiast website and see them comparing camera phones. Then I will agree with you.
  • Reply 84 of 206
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    There is clear evidence of the Exchange market. I honestly don't know where to find this 5MP camera phone market. Except in your imagination.

    Or 'Europe' as we call it.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The day I can go to a camera enthusiast website and see them comparing camera phones. Then I will agree with you. good enough for you...
  • Reply 85 of 206
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Or 'Europe' as we call it.

    So America isn't the only place that the crazies live? Focusing on the most worthless measurement of a given device has to be a definition of crazy. If someone wants a 5MP phone, then they can buy someone elses's product. If it's any good, it'll be a good-sized brick, like the N95 that people seem to like. N95's camera isn't good because it is 5MP, it's good because it's a relatively large (physical size) camera. iPhone's camera isn't bad because it's 2MP. It's bad because it's got a tiny (physical size) camera. Pixels and quality don't correlate very well to each other, there are too many other factors. I think Apple might include a higher MP camera, but I doubt it would be much better.


    One thread really doesn't cover it. They don't have a forum specifically covering that kind of device, they treat it as a subset of "other cameras".
  • Reply 86 of 206
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Ah I love the smell of kool-aid in the morning.
  • Reply 87 of 206
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Ah I love the smell of kool-aid in the morning.

    So you really don't have much of an argument other than to just insinuate that we're just being vapid fanboys here?
  • Reply 88 of 206
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    So you really don't have much of an argument other than to just insinuate that we're just being vapid fanboys here?

    I really don't think I'm going to change anything. Teno's still the same after multiple attempts to explain that Europe isn't like America at all. I can throw all the graphs and stats at you you want and it's still apparently America & Apple No.1 yippe-kay-ah.
  • Reply 89 of 206
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    How does that help the iPod which account for a much much larger percentage of Apple's revenue and received the larger cut in sales estimates.

    The most effective way to improve the usability of the camera is to use a better lens and improve the analog to digital processing. Which will improve the dynamic range and low light capability. But to improve these aspects requires more electronics and a larger lens. Which means a larger phone and more battery drain.

    The USA is soooo behind in technology it's sicking. People in the US get so excited over OLD! technology. People if apple want to put 5 or more megapixel in a cameraphone, they could do it TODAY! But why? when it make more sense to release it one megapixel at a time. this way your american can do what they do best, (Spend), to always want the latest & the greatest every year. Hence keep buying a new cameraphone every year or so. So Apple is very smart to do it this way in America. But over seas the people are way to smart to fall for that crap and won't buy. So as long as America want to keep dishing out the cash for a new cameraphone because it's NEW. Heck why should Apple give you the best now... So either stop buying, until your demand or heard, or stop crying and buy the iPhone...

    Samsung's SCH-B600 10 megapixel cameraphone.. And it take GREAT PICTURES like a real camera
  • Reply 90 of 206
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Sure but I think the enterprise market is going to be a *lot* bigger than the market for 5 megapixel camera phones.

    Why would a company have to switch to Macs if they adopted iPhones? Sure they may want a few in house if they decide to write apps but I know a lot of people with iPhones that have windows computers. iTunes works ok on pcs.

    5 MP is OLD! Samsung's SCH-B600 10 megapixel cameraphone. US is way behind
  • Reply 91 of 206
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    So America isn't the only place that the crazies live? Focusing on the most worthless measurement of a given device has to be a definition of crazy. If someone wants a 5MP phone, then they can buy someone elses's product. If it's any good, it'll be a good-sized brick, like the N95 that people seem to like. N95's camera isn't good because it is 5MP, it's good because it's a relatively large (physical size) camera. iPhone's camera isn't bad because it's 2MP. It's bad because it's got a tiny (physical size) camera. Pixels and quality don't correlate very well to each other, there are too many other factors. I think Apple might include a higher MP camera, but I doubt it would be much better.

    One thread really doesn't cover it. They don't have a forum specifically covering that kind of device, they treat it as a subset of "other cameras".

    Yes I'm sure Apple will come out with a 2.1 MP in the next version, then a 3 MP, then a 3.1 MP, Then a 4, well you get the idea... SELL Sell Sell
  • Reply 92 of 206
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by phoenixpr View Post

    Samsung's SCH-B600 10 megapixel cameraphone.. And it take GREAT PICTURES like a real camera

    It looks like it has some promise, but the promise isn't in the MPs themselves but the general size and apparent operation of the optics, i.e, it's not a pinhole camera. It probably still doesn't have any actual resolution beyond 5MP, but who knows. I can't find an article that shows pictures taken WITH that device, so how do you know it takes great pictures?

    I can't find the dimensions either.
  • Reply 93 of 206
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by phoenixpr View Post

    5 MP is OLD! Samsung's SCH-B600 10 megapixel cameraphone. US is way behind

    If you need a 10 megapixel image use a DSLR which has a proper image sensor for such a high megapixel resolution.

    You do know what an image sensor is, don't you?
  • Reply 94 of 206
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Ah I love the smell of kool-aid in the morning.

    Thanks a lot, Aegis. You made me spit half the cup of coffee I was drinking.

  • Reply 95 of 206
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by backtomac

    The enterprise features do trump the phone features.

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    It serves different markets.

    I think Jeff's above comment is the most intelligent of the whole phony "enterprise vs camera" debate.

    How is this an "either/or" situation? Why can't I have enterprise software features AND nice camera/video capabilities? Yeesh.

    What's next, a 3G vs exterior color debate?

  • Reply 96 of 206
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    So you [Aegis] really don't have much of an argument other than to just insinuate that we're just being vapid fanboys here?

    I think he does, he just seems to be tremendously tired of how unrelentingly US-centric our views tend to be.

    Europe's a very different market, and prizes different things than we do to some extent. Asia no doubt will be different too, as we'll see when Apple launches there in a few months too.

    Heck, it's not like even the US market is completely homogeneous. As ATT's 3G coverage improves, people in urban areas will go, "Yay, 3G iPhone, finally!!!" while ppl in rural areas will wonder what all the fuss is about. They won't have 3G for a very long time...

  • Reply 97 of 206
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    I really don't think I'm going to change anything. Teno's still the same after multiple attempts to explain that Europe isn't like America at all. I can throw all the graphs and stats at you you want and it's still apparently America & Apple No.1 yippe-kay-ah.

    Even Teno's not completely hopeless. After all, it only took about 300 posts from me and nine months or so of de-programming to make him understand that 3G actually matters.

  • Reply 98 of 206
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    So America isn't the only place that the crazies live? Focusing on the most worthless measurement of a given device has to be a definition of crazy.

    Wow, you'd think we haven't entered the age of multimedia. Regardless, Joe Consumer does seem to look at spec sheets, and, rightly or wrongly, thinks more megapixels equals nicer camera. Even though we all know its more complex than that.


    If someone wants a 5MP phone, then they can buy someone elses's product. If it's any good, it'll be a good-sized brick, like the N95 that people seem to like.

    To be fair, the iPhone is quite a bit taller and wider than the N95. So if the N95 is a "brick", one could argue the iPhone is a "plank".

    But, if the N95 isn't to someone's liking due to the thickness, there's always the N82. Allegedly has a better camera than the N95, and it's 0.68" thick. Still chubby compared to the iPhone, but its hard to argue that it's a brick, when not too long ago plenty of phones were 1" thick or close.

  • Reply 99 of 206
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    I think Jeff's above comment is the most intelligent of the whole phony "enterprise vs camera" debate.

    How is this an "either/or" situation? Why can't I have enterprise software features AND nice camera/video capabilities? Yeesh.


    Many enterprise users don't want any camera function on their cellphone.

    Instead of offering an iPhone with a 10 mp camera Apple ought to offer an iPhone without a camera.
  • Reply 100 of 206
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    If you need a 10 megapixel image use a DSLR which has a proper image sensor for such a high megapixel resolution.

    You do know what an image sensor is, don't you?

    I'm in need of a phone that can take great picture, the cameraphone will never be as GREAT as a DSLR, try fitting that in your shirt pocket. as for "image sensor" look it up if you need to know what it is. My point is why are so many people excited over OLD TECHNOLOGY! We should already be ahead of the game in the cell phone we sell, but we are not...
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