Apple announces iPhone 2.0 software and SDK beta



  • Reply 21 of 184
    mbene12mbene12 Posts: 42member
    All this info is great imo, too bad it didnt stop the stock from getting crushed....again.
  • Reply 22 of 184
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    The N810 is made to write software for

    So buy the Nokia and enjoy it. I would not trade my iPod Touch 32GB for any five Nokia devices. Apple has just raised the usefulness of the iPhone/iPod Touch platform to an almost unimaginable level!
  • Reply 23 of 184
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    I just got slugged for the last update to the iPod touch. I was willing to wear that but this time I have had enough. I am buying a Nokia N810. At least they don't charge you for every software update...

    Every software update? Seems to me that this is only the second charge for a software update. Both charges are for the introduction of significant new features. If you are unhappy with the feature set of your Touch, why did you buy it? And if you aren't unhappy with the Touch's current capabilities, why the bitching? You sound like a spoiled brat who needs to grow up. As modz said, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  • Reply 24 of 184
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Size of iPhone/iPod Touch Applications?

    Did anyone get an idea of how large iPhone/iPod Touch applications will be?

    Multiple Installs

    If I have two iPhones, do I need to purchase multiple licenses?
  • Reply 25 of 184
    whmwhm Posts: 50member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    I just got slugged for the last update to the iPod touch. I was willing to wear that but this time I have had enough. I am buying a Nokia N810. At least they don't charge you for every software update they couldn't be bothered getting ready before the release of the product, and they don't try to charge the developer of software a 30% fee just to have it in the store and they don't charge a $99 fee just to get it up there. Come on. I agree that Apple innovates but seriously this is not innovation. It is gross Capitalism. People might say well you have a choice not to buy Apple and you are right. I don't have to buy into this and so I am not. C U l8r Apple. Maybe when you work out your accounting. Oh and if there are laws in the US that state you have to charge for the update can you please explain how those laws relate to the rest of the world? Australia has no such stupid law. If I was not already burnt by Apple's regluar and intense update plan with their computers and now the iPod touch I would probably be a little happier and just stick with the Jailbroken iPod Touch. But the thing is I don't have to. The N810 is made to write software for and it can link with my phone so that I never have to move the phone but can just use the N810. The more I hear about it the more I want one. Correction. I really wanted an Apple iPod touch thinking that Apple had finally made a product that could do so much. I just didn't realize that they were going to limit it so much.

    At the end of the presentation Steve Jobbs should have said "So anyone that already has an iPod touch, thanks. And anyone that doesn't you would be an idiot to buy one now"

  • Reply 26 of 184
    alpichalpich Posts: 96member
    Originally Posted by SurfRat View Post

    Dude, either you're grossly misinformed, or just completely naive, but iPhone owners are definitely paying for these updates too. It comes right out of our monthly AT&T phone bill. I really can't see what you're griping about here.

    If Apple were charging you a monthly fee to use your iPod touch, then you'd have a shit load to complain about, but really now, Apple is not trying to rip you off. There's a lot of work that goes into these software updates, and the benefits will most definitely be worth the cost. If you disagree, that's fine, you will not be forced to install the update.

    So you have bought into the idea that it is ok to slug everyone at every point. Good on you. Costs you to make your software available to iPhone / Touch users. Cost you to sell it to the users. Cost the users more to access this service (in terms of upgrade fee). And you think that is all OK. If you agree with this that is Fine. Apple loves you. And of course Apple is trying to rip me and you off. They play the best game in the business of walking the line between frustrating people and giving them enough to be happy with being ripped off.
  • Reply 27 of 184
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Size of iPhone/iPod Touch Applications?

    Did anyone get an idea of how large iPhone/iPod Touch applications will be?

    Multiple Installs

    If I have two iPhones, do I need to purchase multiple licenses?

    1) It will depend on the developer and the app. For example, if I want to install a foreign language dictionary, that will surely take up more space than other apps.

    2) Good question. I think the answer lies in how iPod games work. If you can install multiple games on multiple iPod so long as they are tied to the same iTunes account then I think you'll be able to use iPhone/Touch Apps on multiple devices so long as they are synced with the same iTunes account.
  • Reply 28 of 184
    whmwhm Posts: 50member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Size of iPhone/iPod Touch Applications?

    Did anyone get an idea of how large iPhone/iPod Touch applications will be?

    Multiple Installs

    If I have two iPhones, do I need to purchase multiple licenses?

    You download the SDK from Apple site, you buy the licenses to write applications to try and get Apple approval. Me and any other iPhone/iPod touch users simply download the apps for free or maybe have to pay for some!

    The licenses are for the ones who want to write the software, hoping to make money from Apple buy selling thru the App Store.
  • Reply 29 of 184
    surfratsurfrat Posts: 341member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    So you have bought into the idea that it is ok to slug everyone at every point. Good on you. Costs you to make your software available to iPhone / Touch users. Cost you to sell it to the users. Cost the users more to access this service (in terms of upgrade fee). And you think that is all OK. If you agree with this that is Fine. Apple loves you. And of course Apple is trying to rip me and you off. They play the best game in the business of walking the line between frustrating people and giving them enough to be happy with being ripped off.

    Well let's see how many people agree with you.

    If the iPhone and iPod touch are starved of developers and applications, you'll have a point. Give it time though, as I have a feeling many will view this architecture as a very viable and fair one.

    Only time will tell.
  • Reply 30 of 184
    Originally Posted by Denton View Post

    Every software update? Seems to me that this is only the second charge for a software update. Both charges are for the introduction of significant new features.

    And this is required by law. It's part of the GAAP legislation that any new feature requires Apple to charge money for it. They ran into this when they switched on 802.11n hardware that was already inside machines but lying dormant:

    The reason iPhone users don't pay an explicit fee is because it's hidden inside the monthly charges. Anyway, I think the software update fees for iPT were pretty reasonable for the usefulness we got.
  • Reply 31 of 184
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    So you have bought into the idea that it is ok to slug everyone at every point. Good on you. Costs you to make your software available to iPhone / Touch users. Cost you to sell it to the users. Cost the users more to access this service (in terms of upgrade fee). And you think that is all OK. If you agree with this that is Fine. Apple loves you. And of course Apple is trying to rip me and you off. They play the best game in the business of walking the line between frustrating people and giving them enough to be happy with being ripped off.

    You've made it clear that you think you are entitled to things that wren't available or promised to you at the time of your purpose. You've also made it clear that you think Apple's frequent software updates is somehow evil. It's clear that you want stagnating software with no quality control. That is your choice, but your complaining, besides being poorly thought out and written, is falling on deaf ears. You might want to head to a Windows forum.
  • Reply 32 of 184
    How do you figure you are paying for this upgrade through your monthly fee? Did you rate increase? That's just nonsense.

    Originally Posted by SurfRat View Post

    Dude, either you're grossly misinformed, or just completely naive, but iPhone owners are definitely paying for these updates too. It comes right out of our monthly AT&T phone bill. I really can't see what you're griping about here.

    If Apple were charging you a monthly fee to use your iPod touch, then you'd have a shit load to complain about, but really now, Apple is not trying to rip you off. There's a lot of work that goes into these software updates, and the benefits will most definitely be worth the cost. If you disagree, that's fine, you will not be forced to install the update.

  • Reply 33 of 184
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member

    Costs you to make your software available to iPhone / Touch users. Cost you to sell it to the users. Cost the users more to access this service (in terms of upgrade fee).

    No. It costs $99 for a developer to join the program. Publishing software is free. Downloading software is free (for free software). Accessing the service is free if you're running at least version 2.0 of the OS.

    Upgrading the operating system to 2.0 is going to cost a small fee for existing users (but is included in the price of a new device). Since when did major OS upgrades come free to software platforms? The iTouch/iPhone is essentially a mobile computer. And instead of $129, you're getting a major OS update for probably $19 or so, plus access to a bunch of free applications.

    So, according to everything I've seen on Apple's site, to develop software it costs a one-time fee of $99 then everything else is entirely free. I don't understand how you could possibly ask for better than that from Apple.
  • Reply 34 of 184
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    [QUOTE=Mr. H;1225905]?

    It's obvious that the iPod Touch is much more a "palmtop computer" than "iPod", so it really shouldn't be surprising that significant updates in functionality (i.e., an OS upgrade) is going to be charged for, just as a significant OS X upgrade is charged for. QUOTE]

    Weather and note are significant upgrades? Surely you jest! They are widgets! I guess you'd pay for anything Apple offers to charge you for.
  • Reply 35 of 184
    whmwhm Posts: 50member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You've made it clear that you think you are entitled to things that wren't available or promised to you at the time of your purpose. You've also made it clear that you think Apple's frequent software updates is somehow evil. It's clear that you want stagnating software with no quality control. That is your choice, but your complaining, besides being poorly thought out and written, is falling on deaf ears. You might want to head to a Windows forum.

    So long....Bye-Bye...Auf Wiedersehen...Chow
  • Reply 36 of 184
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by mbene12 View Post

    All this info is great imo, too bad it didnt stop the stock from getting crushed....again.

    Time to buy, buy, buy!
  • Reply 37 of 184
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,744member
    Now if only they could keep the developer site working for long enough to allow people in.

    Did they seriously not expect this, or are they going to use it for showmanship during a future keynote to say that: "we had so much reaction to our SDK that it brought our servers down (because we intentionally didn't put any extra hardware in place to handle it)"?
  • Reply 38 of 184
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    How do you figure you are paying for this upgrade through your monthly fee? Did you rate increase? That's just nonsense.

    Apple is getting paid by each of its carriers per month per iPhone. It's not unreasonable to look at this stipend in that light.
  • Reply 39 of 184
    akacakac Posts: 512member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    I just got slugged for the last update to the iPod touch. I was willing to wear that but this time I have had enough. I am buying a Nokia N810. At least they don't charge you for every software update they couldn't be bothered getting ready before the release of the product, and they don't try to charge the developer of software a 30% fee just to have it in the store and they don't charge a $99 fee just to get it up there.

    Are you that ignorant? 30% is very little. I am a mobile developer and every store I use charges me 20-50%. If I use my own, I still pay 3-4% for CC fees from VIsa/MasterCard.

    This is very very good. And $99 is nothing. I pay MS $1500 a year for the same privilege and RIM $2500.
  • Reply 40 of 184
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Akac View Post

    Are you that ignorant? 30% is very little. I am a mobile developer and every store I use charges me 20-50%. If I use my own, I still pay 3-4% for CC fees from VIsa/MasterCard.

    This is very very good. And $99 is nothing. I pay MS $1500 a year for the same privilege and RIM $2500.

    It's good to here from a mobile developer. Can you go into detail about each company and how they work? I think we'd all appreciate seeing how they all compare to each other.

    At only $99 it seems we are going to get a lot of shoddy applications along with the good ones since it'll be so eay to host them.
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