Apple allegedly sanctioning Rogers for iPhone rates



  • Reply 21 of 129
    aestivalaestival Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    when an iphone isn't sold who hurts the most apple, rogers or consumers. apple is trying to make a platform tie ins are critical to apple ok so rogers loses a 3 year contract, but maybe they did it for nationalism, maybe rim made them a better deal to blunt iphone sales. geeee that sounds more like it, see who is on rim's board and roger's board, the iphone is hot, but not that hot in canada, for every non iphone sold that customer may be a 2year contract for rim.....hmmmm

    maybe apple sees this as an afront anticompetitive and went to the canadian agency. rim is the target, rim got to roger's first.

    it's a rim ploy against that makes more sense to me.

    I think we can fairly assume that while Rogers may operate that way, neither Apple nor RIM are anywhere near that dirty a competitor, since both actually value their public image (Rogers' public image varies from very bad to something on par with the antichrist, depending on which Canadian you happen to ask -- they used to be primarily a monopolistic cable TV provider... enough said?)
  • Reply 22 of 129
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    While readers should take caution in accepting the rumor at face value, at least one other carrier has been forced to loosen its Internet access restrictions after facing similar criticism: TeliaSonera has been pushed into extending its Swedish iPhone plans with an unlimited data option after previously giving even its highest-end iPhone plan just 1GB of data per month.

    I hope this happens to Vodafone in New Zealand. We're charged $49.95(NZ) for 1Gb traffic on a plan.

    Also it pretty much looks certain that we won't get the iPhone on PrePay either or apparently visual voicemail but then that requires a reworking of the backend so I'll forgive that.

    Vodafone NZ are awesome but their dataplan is a complete and utter joke.
  • Reply 23 of 129
    macfandavemacfandave Posts: 603member
    As Canadian Alanis Morissette might say, "Isn't it ironic?"

    Rogers went from rogering their Canadian customers to getting rogered by Apple!

    Thanks to all my British mates who tipped me off to some of their great slang!
  • Reply 24 of 129
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by spiritkid View Post

    Joy of Tech SLAMS Ted Rogers

    Canucks deserve to be treated like iHumans

  • Reply 25 of 129
    Most of our current plans end at 1Gb and many of them will cost you about $129 or so + your phone repayment.

    Telstra has a pay as you go data option for $2 per MB yes thats right $2000 per GB. My home internet plan includes 15GB so the equivalent in telstra mobile pay as you go would cost $30 000.

    I suppose they are just trying to make up the cost of not having to lay all of those cables and not having to come to your home to connect the phone but you come to them :P

    Apparently they must have switched their copper network for gold

    or maybe they now build their exchanges from diamonds and unicorn horns

    or maybe their call centers are now employing the entire Indian population. So they can now have 1.1 billion people saying yes to every question you ask regardless of whether they can or will do what your asking or not.

    Who knows?? but what ever you do dont use the PAYG browser package to email them and find out or you might need to extend your home loan

    I wonder if this is the most expensive in the world/universe, I’m really curious to know

    Oh… PS That’s sent and received….. even worse

    Most affordable or included data plans will have just enough to able for me to view at least 4 or 5 erectile disfunction emails


    Oh and get this.... OPTUS sells the iPhone on a network where in the majority of places you CANT access 3G!!!! but you have to read some very small print in their plans to find that out.

    Looks to me with aussie telco's sucking so much all they are going to do is sell a lot more wifi routers so you wont have to access thru the mobile network.

    Looking forward to an article on how to set up a wifi mesh network using your iphone
  • Reply 26 of 129
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by aestival View Post

    What really must be bugging Apple is that they have now completely and utterly failed to transform the Canadian market in any way -- Canadian users looking for unlimited data plans will be buying Samsung and RIM/Blackberry devices, because not only has Rogers dropped the ball, they have managed to deftly drop-kick it into a giant cesspool of their own making.

    It is amazing how Rogers have turned this huge opportunity into a massive own goal. They could have scored big against their competitors and instead they have pissed off their customers and potential customers no end. Somebody should get fired, indeed. Canadian customers are just beginning to vent their anger and I hope it continues and ripples through the industry. In Canada, no matter who you sign up with, you need to pay what's called a 'system access fee'. Sounds like a tax, no? A government imposed fee? It is not. Instead it is a fictional tax, or fee, that is just that, fictional. It is just a way of pretending that part of the fee they are charging is "beyond their control" So a 30 dollar package is actually a 37 dollar package as every subscriber must pay the made up "access fee". Underhanded or what? There is a big class action lawsuit happening and I hope all the companies get nailed for it. Bunch of crooks.
  • Reply 27 of 129
    wow paxman - thats like a supermarket saying there is a $5 entry fee if you want to come in and spend money here. I can't believe they get away with it.
  • Reply 28 of 129
    constable odoconstable odo Posts: 1,041member
    Why couldn't it just be due to iPhone 3G shortages? This story is just pure speculation. Anyway if the Canadians are whining about paying too much in carrier fees, they might as well pass up on buying an iPhone and get something else with lower carrier fees. Bless them if they think that complaining is going to do anything to reduce the rates. Maybe I should just stand in front of some gas stations and start screaming that gasoline costs too much so they'll take pity on me and reduce the price. Yeh, fat chance.
  • Reply 29 of 129
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    market pressure works for some products in this case you don't really need this iphone so chose something else, less iphone sales apple hurts then they put pressure on roger maybe not

    time will tell imagine no one buys a rogers iphone for two weeks while other countries have 5 day waiting lines who does that reflect on rogers or apple. i'd wait with the protest list. i may wait a while any way . i want to look at the apps store first then see what AI forums say
  • Reply 30 of 129
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    As much as I would like to believe this rumour (since it's what canadians have hoped for), it sounds pretty unlikely to me. This is just not the way business works AFAIK.

    If Apple made a contract with Rogers to sell the iPhone and unlimited data was important to Apple, then they would have put it in the contract. If that was true, then Rogers would be in violation of contract, and the "punishment" would be a lot more than this. Lawyers would already be involved because Rogers would have essentially already broken the contract.

    If Apple didn't make a contract with Rogers that forced them to offer unlimited data (the most likely case), then Apple's "punishment" of Rogers for following standard business procedures and executing a valid, legal contract, is not only childish, but likely to get Apple into hot water for failing to hold up *it's* end of the contract.

    This whole thing sounds like a fantasy to me.

    But your argument would only matter if Apple had agreed to ship a minimum number of phones. If the contract between Apple and Rogers had neither a requirement for an unlimited data plan or a required minimum shipment of iPhones, then this IS the way business works. Just look at the iTunes Store as an example. They have contracts with most of the studios and yet they still only have a limited selection of movie rentals. Think maybe the studios are dragging their feet making movies available as a way to "control' Apple's sales of movies??

    Originally Posted by funkylovebunny View Post

    wow paxman - thats like a supermarket saying there is a $5 entry fee if you want to come in and spend money here. I can't believe they get away with it.

    Do you think all of the "fees" listed on your local phone and mobile bills in the US are government mandated? Nope.
  • Reply 31 of 129
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    Why couldn't it just be due to iPhone 3G shortages? This story is just pure speculation. Anyway if the Canadians are whining about paying too much in carrier fees, they might as well pass up on buying an iPhone and get something else with lower carrier fees. Bless them if they think that complaining is going to do anything to reduce the rates. Maybe I should just stand in front of some gas stations and start screaming that gasoline costs too much so they'll take pity on me and reduce the price. Yeh, fat chance.

    What a pinhead response. Yes there is whining. It could also be called protest. And nothing works like withholding money. Also, Rogers, the carrier, is getting some terrible press in main stream media. At the moment some 48 000 Canadians have signed a petition against the ridiculous charges. I hope Canadians don't buy the iPhone. I know I wont much as I would love to own one. As I mentioned, there is also a large scale class action against the carriers in regards to the obligatory 'made up' tax.

    Your juvenile cynicism, ignorant arrogance and hostile tone makes you seem immature. Why don't you head over to cnet and comment there. More your style, I think.
  • Reply 32 of 129
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by smithereensblog View Post

    @ct - lol That word is part of the exclusive club of English words which have synonyms that are antonyms of each other.

    Other prestigious members include original (new and unique... or same old standard), and dust (to apply a dust to crops...or remove it from the mantle)

    Who invented this darn language anyway?

    There are plenty of words like that. I'd say most of these stem from using different english roots that eventually converge into the same spelled word. The list below has many more than I though there were; I I can't contend for it's accuracy as I haven't had time to look it over. I didn't even know contronym/contranym was word. I'm curious when that was coined.
  • Reply 33 of 129
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ct77 View Post

    I think the iPhone sells itself -- no advertising necessary, at least at this point.

    I wonder if it's because Apple Japan doesn't know what they are doing? Apple almost doesn't need to do advertising in the US anymore because of the coverage in the press and web sites, but Japan probably isn't like that, they need to push the word out, even if it means paying for advertising.

    Of all the developed countries, the iPod's presence is among the weakest in Japan.

    If you ask, forum members Bergermeister or Umijin will explain their in-country views on why Apple does so poorly in Japan.
  • Reply 34 of 129
    I hope this is true.

    Rogers has clusterfckd itself quite nicely.

    It's one thing to fork out $400 dollars for a new piece of hardware - but another entirely to fork out 500 every quarter to be able to even use it!, and be locked in for 3 years!!!

    From what I've seen, I think demand for Canadian iPhone is dying, so its not so much a sanction on Apple's part but a business case on demand (as in Apple's sending phones to where they will actually sell: ROGERS, FYI, this magical place is called UNLIMITED DATA at a valid price world....)

    I went into a Rogers store yesterday for about 10 min on something unrelated to iPHone (aghast!), and two 'customers' approached the desk soley to tell the guy simply that they would't be getting an iPhone as the the rates were too hi...

    I couldn't help but play dumb and ask the rep for clarification...he was basically apologetic showing me 400MB for $60 and dowright sheepish for 2GB @ $115, calling them "sub-par". I asked him what was I going to do with 13MB of data a day for $60, he replied that Rogers figured if people would spend hundreds on the phone, they'd spend upwards of a hundred on their plan. There's no way enough Canadians are going to spend $150+ after tax and call display on cell phone bills every month.

    Rogers will be remembered as the one which flopped the iPhone. 'waytogobuddy' indeed.
  • Reply 35 of 129
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by spiritkid View Post

    Joy of Tech SLAMS Ted Rogers

    Canucks deserve to be treated like iHumans

  • Reply 36 of 129
    noah93noah93 Posts: 168member
    Originally Posted by funkylovebunny View Post

    Telstra has a pay as you go data option for $2 per MB yes thats right $2000 per GB.

    You think you have it bad? If you don't have a data plan with Rogers, it costs ¢5 per KB, that's $51.20 per MB, or $52 428.80 per GB. How they can get away with those prices is beyond me.
  • Reply 37 of 129
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    If you think the iPhone doesn't need advertising in Japan you are out of your iMind.

    It will BOMB. 10 days till D-Day.
  • Reply 38 of 129
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    As Canadian Alanis Morissette might say, "Isn't it ironic?"

    Rogers went from rogering their Canadian customers to getting rogered by Apple!

    Thanks to all my British mates who tipped me off to some of their great slang!

    The written equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard.
  • Reply 39 of 129
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    The written equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard.

    To pick up on the Morisette reference... she did indeed use those words but she completely mis-used (mis-understood) the meaning of the word ironic. There are no ironies in her song, just a series of unfortunate incidents. Ironic, huh?
  • Reply 40 of 129
    drizzxdrizzx Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    To pick up on the Morisette reference... she did indeed use those words but she completely mis-used (mis-understood) the meaning of the word ironic. There are no ironies in her song, just a series of unfortunate incidents. Ironic, huh?

    Ironic: coincidental; unexpected: It was ironic that I was seated next to my ex-husband at the dinner.

    While I agree that a few of her lyrics are a stretch on the definition, most of them are accurate to the definition.
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