iPhone 3G clarifications: battery life, GPS, office apps



  • Reply 101 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Considering you have probably (my guess) that you have never been here, your knowledge of what Finns do and do not know is severely limited. However, if you have lived here or even stepped foot in country, by all means explain how the fact that Finns did not fall over themselves standing in lines for days like idiots makes them any less sophisticated in realizing that for the most part the iPhone remains unchanged over its technologically challenged predecessor. It has nothing to do with Nokia because most FInns have several phones regardless. Sooooooooo...... It would appear on the surface that you do not know what you are talking about in regards to Finland, Finns, their national pride interest, but hey.... I am sure being wrong has never stopped anyone before, soooo.... please shed light on your knowledge of Finland and Finns.

    You don't have to live in a place to know about it. I notice that it doesn't prevent you from making comments about other places you know little about. And visiting a place means nothing. You don't learn much from a visit.
  • Reply 102 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Maybe he went to fast for you. Who know?

    Or too fast for you to catch his mistake.
  • Reply 103 of 145
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Considering you have probably (my guess) that you have never been here, your knowledge of what Finns do and do not know is severely limited. However, if you have lived here or even stepped foot in country, by all means explain how the fact that Finns did not fall over themselves standing in lines for days like idiots makes them any less sophisticated in realizing that for the most part the iPhone remains unchanged over its technologically challenged predecessor. It has nothing to do with Nokia because most FInns have several phones regardless. Sooooooooo...... It would appear on the surface that you do not know what you are talking about in regards to Finland, Finns, their national pride interest, but hey.... I am sure being wrong has never stopped anyone before, soooo.... please shed light on your knowledge of Finland and Finns.

    On the surface from your depiction of the Finns, it seems they carry more than one phone. Why?
  • Reply 104 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You don't have to live in a place to know about it. I notice that it doesn't prevent you from making comments about other places you know little about. And visiting a place means nothing. You don't learn much from a visit.

    Really. Well elaborate what you "know" about the South Pole, or maybe Porto Fino, Italy. That has to be the craziest and most illogical thing I have heard to date. That is like saying, "I know it all because I say I do". Baseless.

    Please point out where I have spoken about places where I know little about. Take your time. Make it easy on yourself. Pick just one. From your, "you don't learn much from a visit statement", it would appear that in your purview abroad consists of Canada or Mexico. Do you even have a passport? If you want, we can pretend we are playing golf and you can take a Mulligan and come up with an answer that makes sense. We'll pretend you previous answer doesn't exist.
  • Reply 105 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Or too fast for you to catch his mistake.

    Point out his mistake. He described UMTS perfectly. You seem to have hard time understanding it. As president Bush said, "use The Google. It's on the Internets".
  • Reply 106 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    On the surface from your depiction of the Finns, it seems they carry more than one phone. Why?

    Many carry more than one as the rates for basic service here is very cheap. I can get a normal subscription if I want for less than $4 a month. Many use them for personal calls, or some use them only for data.
  • Reply 107 of 145
    sam damonsam damon Posts: 129member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    None of us can say what Apple engineers could or could not do. We are not in the lab with them with the everyday work of building the OS it's easy to sit on the outside and imagine what could or could not be done, that is entirely different from doing it.

    Okay, fine -- but we speculate about everything else on this forum!


    You are comparing a desktop web browser to mobile operating system. The development of each has nothing in common.

    Except when the developer bills their mobile operating system as "being based on Mac OS X."

    Furthermore, AFAICR, "Services" has been part of the desktop OS since it was first released. Perhaps someone else might be able to narrow it down with more precision, as I don't have a computer around to load the Mac OS X Beta I've got floating around.

    One would have thought someone on the Mac OS X Mobile dev team would have thought to keep such handy things in the OS when developing it for a mobile platform. OTOH, how many of us actually use the "Services" menu on our desktops?
  • Reply 108 of 145
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Sam Damon View Post

    Except when the developer bills their mobile operating system as "being based on Mac OS X."

    Furthermore, AFAICR, "Services" has been part of the desktop OS since it was first released. Perhaps someone else might be able to narrow it down with more precision, as I don't have a computer around to load the Mac OS X Beta I've got floating around.

    One would have thought someone on the Mac OS X Mobile dev team would have thought to keep such handy things in the OS when developing it for a mobile platform. OTOH, how many of us actually use the "Services" menu on our desktops?

    Services has nothing to do with the way the OS completes cut and paste tasks. Furthermore, being based on an OS does not mean that it's same OS. the kernel is the exact same kernel used across macs, AppleTV, iPhone, but you can't use the same input code when the input method is different.

    My idea is to use the Home button as a "right-click/option-key" modifier and then you tap once on the beginning of the text to create the cut/copy start position. while still holding the Home button down you then tap once on your end position, scrolling if needed. Now you get a layover with your text highlighted and some sort of bullet at the either end. You can now drag the bullet around to include more of less lines of text. Once complete, you let go of the Home button and a popup asks you if you want to copy or cut this text. Pasting would be done by holding down the Home button and double tapping the screen after you place the cursor in your correct position. This makes copies more involved (as one would expect) but makes repetitive pasting easy to do.

    One problem with my idea is that there is absolutely no code in OS X Mac or OS X iPhone that any part of what is needed outside of the clipboard. Services is pointless here.
  • Reply 109 of 145
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Sam Damon View Post

    Okay, fine -- but we speculate about everything else on this forum!

    Attempting to contradict Apple on what they say they have the time and resources to accomplish. To say they should have enough engineers to move copy and paste up the priority list is beyond speculation. You are making an assumption you really don't have sufficient information to make.


    Except when the developer bills their mobile operating system as "being based on Mac OS X."

    How is that any different? Development of Mac OS X and Camino have next to nothing in common.
  • Reply 110 of 145
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    One problem with my idea is that there is absolutely no code in OS X Mac or OS X iPhone that any part of what is needed outside of the clipboard. Services is pointless here.

    Another problem is this would require two hands. I cannot think of an iPhone function that absolutely requires two hands.
  • Reply 111 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Wrong post.
  • Reply 112 of 145
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Another problem is this would require two hands. I cannot think of an iPhone function that absolutely requires two hands.

    Screen shots require depressing the Home button while hitting the Sleep button.

    Using two hands is the easiest solution I can think of. The only way to make it a single hand function is to add that page curl like you see with Google Maps and have buttons for X/C/V underneath, but I think would be too many steps to complete and would require even more requiring of the UI.

    I don't any of us have come up with a great solution (though mine is best ) for achieving this on the iPhone so to think Apple can it make it happen without effort is a but presumptuous
  • Reply 113 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Really. Well elaborate what you "know" about the South Pole, or maybe Porto Fino, Italy. That has to be the craziest and most illogical thing I have heard to date. That is like saying, "I know it all because I say I do". Baseless.

    Please point out where I have spoken about places where I know little about. Take your time. Make it easy on yourself. Pick just one. From your, "you don't learn much from a visit statement", it would appear that in your purview abroad consists of Canada or Mexico. Do you even have a passport? If you want, we can pretend we are playing golf and you can take a Mulligan and come up with an answer that makes sense. We'll pretend you previous answer doesn't exist.

    You are a real wiseass. No need to act so offended.

    I've been to a fair number of places over the decades. Anyone who thinks they can learn much about the character of a people just by going on vacation for a week ot two is crazy. I've always found it better to find out as much as possible BEFORE going.

    Besides, you're making things up, as you know very well. I never called the Finns unsophisticated. You're doing that. But, while I expect you be have some nationalist sentiment, as we all do for where we come from, that doesn't mean that you can call yourselves MORE sophisticated than everywhere else where the phone has sold well. Which is what you did.

    Are you saying that Nokia isn't the most popular phone in Finland? If not, which is, and why?

    What is this nonsense about the North Pole, etc supposed to mean?

    I have nothing but respect for the Finns, esp. for the way they stood up to the Soviets. You? I'm not so sure, from they way you've been responding here.
  • Reply 114 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Point out his mistake. He described UMTS perfectly. You seem to have hard time understanding it. As president Bush said, "use The Google. It's on the Internets".


    I can see that most of you don't understand anything about 3G as used in the iPhone. It is not just a data connection. The 3G is used for both voice and data. So if you turn off 3G you have no voice connection either.

    This is incorrect, as has been pointed out before.

    We all know it's incorrect, so why are you bothering to deny it?

    If he said that if you were using 3G at the time, and while using it, went and turned it off, you would lose your connection, then that would have been correct.

    But what he said is incorrect. Again, we ALL know that. He obviously misspoke.
  • Reply 115 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This is incorrect, as has been pointed out before.

    We all know it's incorrect, so why are you bothering to deny it?

    If he said that if you were using 3G at the time, and while using it, went and turned it off, you would lose your connection, then that would have been correct.

    But what he said is incorrect. Again, we ALL know that. He obviously misspoke.

    He is correct in that in the UMTS layer, if you turn it off, you lose this capability. He was correct but did not explain it correctly. If you turn off UMTS, the phone will of course default to good old GSM/GPRS/EDGE. Everyone knows this, he just did not explain this because it appears he made the incorrect assumption in assuming that everyone knows this.
  • Reply 116 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Besides, you're making things up, as you know very well. I never called the Finns unsophisticated. You're doing that. But, while I expect you be have some nationalist sentiment, as we all do for where we come from, that doesn't mean that you can call yourselves MORE sophisticated than everywhere else where the phone has sold well. Which is what you did.

    DOH!!!!!!!!! Another false assumption. You assumed I said I was Finnish and being nationalist. News flash. I am not Finnish. Considering you said that you have seen me post things wrong about other places, you should have also seen where I posted where I am from. I never said I was more sophisticated than anyone here. You made that leap all by yourself and in the end fell pretty hard because you can not support your argument.


    Are you saying that Nokia isn't the most popular phone in Finland? If not, which is, and why?

    Where did Nokia come into this? I was not talking about Nokia. I was talking about the iPhone not selling well, and Sonera having inventory on hand. If you get Nokia from this, uhhhh..... Ok.


    What is this nonsense about the North Pole, etc supposed to mean?

    It was the South Pole but whatever. It was to point out your nebulous statement ("You don't have to live in a place to know about it. I notice that it doesn't prevent you from making comments about other places you know little about. And visiting a place means nothing. You don't learn much from a visit.") I was asking you to talk about a place I assumed you never visited but I guess know about. I am still waiting for you to mention these places I spoke about but know nothing about by the way. Will you post these places today so I can have a look?


    I have nothing but respect for the Finns, esp. for the way they stood up to the Soviets. You? I'm not so sure, from they way you've been responding here.

    No idea what you are talking about here. Soviets, war...... You really went down the rabbit hole this time huh....
  • Reply 117 of 145
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    No idea what you are talking about here. Soviets, war...... You really went down the rabbit hole this time huh....

    Then go pull out a history book and learn something
  • Reply 118 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member


    Everyone knows this, he just did not explain this because it appears he made the incorrect assumption in assuming that everyone knows this.

  • Reply 119 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    DOH!!!!!!!!! Another false assumption. You assumed I said I was Finnish and being nationalist. News flash. I am not Finnish. Considering you said that you have seen me post things wrong about other places, you should have also seen where I posted where I am from. I never said I was more sophisticated than anyone here. You made that leap all by yourself and in the end fell pretty hard because you can not support your argument.

    Fine, so you live there. I didn't say that you said you were more sophisticated, but that Finns were.


    Where did Nokia come into this? I was not talking about Nokia. I was talking about the iPhone not selling well, and Sonera having inventory on hand. If you get Nokia from this, uhhhh..... Ok.

    You should know that Nokia is a Finnish company. It is their pride and joy, as it should be for such a small country.


    It was the South Pole but whatever. It was to point out your nebulous statement ("You don't have to live in a place to know about it. I notice that it doesn't prevent you from making comments about other places you know little about. And visiting a place means nothing. You don't learn much from a visit.") I was asking you to talk about a place I assumed you never visited but I guess know about. I am still waiting for you to mention these places I spoke about but know nothing about by the way. Will you post these places today so I can have a look?

    Am I supposed to look through all your posts now? You've made comments even here, about how people were lining up around the world, and how foolish that is. That's a pretty big statement about people everywhere, to their detriment. Do you know people from all of those other countries whom you despise for buying the iPhone? That's been comment enough for these purposes.


    No idea what you are talking about here. Soviets, war...... You really went down the rabbit hole this time huh....

    So after talking the big talk about knowing something, you know nothing.
  • Reply 120 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Then go pull out a history book and learn something

    Welcome to the party.

    Where in this "discussion" did the Soviets come up from other than Melgross? As for the history book, I can pop down to the local library here and read all about it or go get a few Finnish friends to explain it to me. Can you do the same? No? Really? Then I guess you should just bow out gracefully unless of course you have something constructive to add to this diatribe. What's that you say? You don't? Oh, okay. Thanks for stopping by.
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