iPhone 3G clarifications: battery life, GPS, office apps



  • Reply 121 of 145
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I merely gave a suggestion. I didn't realize that this somehow required me to offer up a history lesson. I have no clue why you'd get so seemingly bent out of shape over it.
  • Reply 122 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post


    This was the original statement was it not:

    "I can see that most of you don't understand anything about 3G as used in the iPhone. It is not just a data connection. The 3G is used for both voice and data. So if you turn off 3G you have no voice connection either."

    On face value and to someone that had no idea, this would be an incorrect statement but if you read the entire post in context, you would see that he obviously does know what he is talking about, but did not articulate it very well. In this case you were being overly pedantic and nit-picky just for the sake of being so.
  • Reply 123 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    I merely gave a suggestion. I didn't realize that this somehow required me to offer up a history lesson. I have no clue why you'd get so seemingly bent out of shape over it.

    Beep, beep, beep. Backing up. If I came off overly hard. My mistake. I thought you were diving head first in this "discussion" over a statement that someone made that was obviously presented from a position of knowledge but stated incorrectly. Please accept my retraction.
  • Reply 124 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Fine, so you live there. I didn't say that you said you were more sophisticated, but that Finns were.

    Actually I am posted here. Sigh......


    You should know that Nokia is a Finnish company. It is their pride and joy, as it should be for such a small country.

    Really. Tell me about Nokia. Tell me who owns most of the company. Finns or foreigners. Where is the HR located, R&D.... Let me cut to the chase. Save yourself the embarrassment and stop trying to compare your knowledge (lack there of) of Finland with me, as you will come up short.


    Am I supposed to look through all your posts now?

    You made the statement about what I have and have not said. Back it up or well you know the rest.


    You've made comments even here, about how people were lining up around the world, and how foolish that is. That's a pretty big statement about people everywhere, to their detriment. Do you know people from all of those other countries whom you despise for buying the iPhone? That's been comment enough for these purposes.

    Here you are partially correct. I have been watching the news from several places where people were lining up to purchase an iPhone. I made a statement about them being silly or something of this nature. Yup I said this. To their detriment, I do not know but in my opinion, quite silly. As for knowing these people, surely I do not. I know a few that waited. I love how you played the "fanboy" card by saying I despise these people when I never said that. I can say that someone is silly without despising them or is this too subtle for you? How can I despise someone for having an iPhone considering I have one myself or maybe you didn't bother to read that part in this very thread?

    Side note. What is the exit strategy here? How far do you want to take this? I can simply debunk statement after statement of yours if you want or we can continue. Makes no difference to me.


    So after talking the big talk about knowing something, you know nothing.

  • Reply 125 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Welcome to the party.

    Where in this "discussion" did the Soviets come up from other than Melgross? As for the history book, I can pop down to the local library here and read all about it or go get a few Finnish friends to explain it to me. Can you do the same? No? Really? Then I guess you should just bow out gracefully unless of course you have something constructive to add to this diatribe. What's that you say? You don't? Oh, okay. Thanks for stopping by.

    The point, to which he was responding, is that you make it to be that I don't know about the Finns, because I haven't visited them, and the info about the war was part of that. Not true, I know a fair amount about the Finns. I threw that in on the spot, to show I do know a bit of their history (I know a lot more than that of course). As that was the biggest event in modern finnish history, I certainly would have expected you to know about it It defines what they are as a people. Independence, self relience, national pride in their own accomplishments, etc.

    Nokia is their biggest post war accomplishment. A very small country, not known for its industrial might, that stood up to the biggest companies, in the biggest countries, and has dominated them all. A big matter of national pride for them, as it should be.

    You know all of this, of course, because you have visited.
  • Reply 126 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The point, to which he was responding, is that you make it to be that I don't know about the Finns, because I haven't visited them, and the info about the war was part of that. Not true, I know a fair amount about the Finns. I threw that in on the spot, to show I do know a bit of their history (I know a lot more than that of course). As that was the biggest event in modern finnish history, I certainly would have expected you to know about it It defines what they are as a people. Independence, self relience, national pride in their own accomplishments, etc.

    Nokia is their biggest post war accomplishment. A very small country, not known for its industrial might, that stood up to the biggest companies, in the biggest countries, and has dominated them all. A big matter of national pride for them, as it should be.

    You know all of this, of course, because you have visited.

    I know all of this because I actually currently LIVE here. Soooo, your Wikipedia knowledge while maybe impressive to those that do not know is equally less impressive to me, simply because I can go directly to the sources and participants to some of the battles and speak to them first hand. Can you do the same? I can pop right downtown here in Helsinki and see the old Allied Command headquarters building. Can you?

    So, my question once more. What is the end game here. This is now getting boring. You only succeeded in showing that a guy who does know what his talking about in regards to UMTS made an error in presentation but fact did not destroy his argument. You succeeded in showing that you have a cursory knowledge of Finland but yet and still you want to challenge someone that actually lives here. You don't see this yet?
  • Reply 127 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This was the original statement was it not:

    "I can see that most of you don't understand anything about 3G as used in the iPhone. It is not just a data connection. The 3G is used for both voice and data. So if you turn off 3G you have no voice connection either."

    On face value and to someone that had no idea, this would be an incorrect statement but if you read the entire post in context, you would see that he obviously does know what he is talking about, but did not articulate it very well. In this case you were being overly pedantic and nit-picky just for the sake of being so.

    When someone makes an obvious, definitive, incorrect, statement as the very first statement of a post, it can, and should be corrected.

    There is something wrong with that? It certainly isn't being pedantic.

    If some people don't know enough to know that that statement was wrong, how would they know if the rest of what he was saying was right? And if they did know if was wrong, as most everyone here no doubt did, then why should they believe that the rest is right?

    I was hoping that HE would respond, so that we would get his explanation, not yours.

    And I see that you haven't bothered to leave your paradoxical statement, to which my post was actually directed, which is:


    Everyone knows this, he just did not explain this because it appears he made the incorrect assumption in assuming that everyone knows this.

    Would you kindly explain what it is you were trying to say here?
  • Reply 128 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    When someone makes an obvious, definitive, incorrect, statement as the very first statement of a post, it can, and should be corrected.

    There is something wrong with that? It certainly isn't being pedantic.

    If some people don't know enough to know that that statement was wrong, how would they know if the rest of what he was saying was right? And if they did know if was wrong, as most everyone here no doubt did, then why should they believe that the rest is right?

    I was hoping that HE would respond, so that we would get his explanation, not yours.

    And I see that you haven't bothered to leave your paradoxical statement, to which my post was actually directed, which is:

    Would you kindly explain what it is you were trying to say here?

    I think or thought that I had attempted to correct his statement as I too noticed it was slightly off but I knew enough about what he was saying to make the correction.
  • Reply 129 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Actually I am posted here. Sigh......

    Whatever that means.


    Really. Tell me about Nokia. Tell me who owns most of the company. Finns or foreigners. Where is the HR located, R&D.... Let me cut to the chase. Save yourself the embarrassment and stop trying to compare your knowledge (lack there of) of Finland with me, as you will come up short.

    This is easier than writing it myself, and if I did, you wouldn't believe it anyway.


    I'll just quote a couple of things in case you don't want to bother reading the article.


    Nokia plays a very large role in the economy of Finland: it is by far the largest Finnish company, accounting for about a third of the market capitalization of the Helsinki Stock Exchange (OMX Helsinki) as of 2007; a unique situation for an industrialized country


    Finns have ranked Nokia many times as the best Finnish brand and employer.


    You made the statement about what I have and have not said. Back it up or well you know the rest.

    Is something wrong with you thinking? You want me to look through all of your posts? If I have time, maybe I'll do just that.


    Here you are partially correct. I have been watching the news from several places where people were lining up to purchase an iPhone. I made a statement about them being silly or something of this nature. Yup I said this. To their detriment, I do not know but in my opinion, quite silly. As for knowing these people, surely I do not. I know a few that waited. I love how you played the "fanboy" card by saying I despise these people when I never said that. I can say that someone is silly without despising them or is this too subtle for you? How can I despise someone for having an iPhone considering I have one myself or maybe you didn't bother to read that part in this very thread?

    A quote from you:


    standing in lines for days like idiots

    You may not despise people whom you think to be silly, but when you call many of thousands of people "idiots", that's a bit different.

    I said nothing about fanboy. This is something you're now starting. You elevate this argument every time you post, issuing silly challenges.


    Side note. What is the exit strategy here? How far do you want to take this? I can simply debunk statement after statement of yours if you want or we can continue. Makes no difference to me.

    That's up to you. I made a tongue in cheek remark, which you have played out to the extreme, so it's up to you. I don't care either.

    So far, you haven't "debunked" anything other than your own remarks.



  • Reply 130 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    I know all of this because I actually currently LIVE here. Soooo, your Wikipedia knowledge while maybe impressive to those that do not know is equally less impressive to me, simply because I can go directly to the sources and participants to some of the battles and speak to them first hand. Can you do the same? I can pop right downtown here in Helsinki and see the old Allied Command headquarters building. Can you?

    So, my question once more. What is the end game here. This is now getting boring. You only succeeded in showing that a guy who does know what his talking about in regards to UMTS made an error in presentation but fact did not destroy his argument. You succeeded in showing that you have a cursory knowledge of Finland but yet and still you want to challenge someone that actually lives here. You don't see this yet?

    You know something? You don't know anything. It's amazing that you now claim to know something that you didn't know a couple of your posts ago. Or are you going to try to revise that history as well?

    and yes, this is getting tiring. You are boring all of us.
  • Reply 131 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Whatever that means.

    Posted, as in stationed here. Living here by decree of the US government. Do I need to go, perhaps go slower for you? Do you finally get it.


    This is easier than writing it myself, and if I did, you wouldn't believe it anyway.


    I'll just quote a couple of things in case you don't want to bother reading the article.

    I can just pop over to Nokia and talk to some friends there. How about you do the same and then let's compare notes.


    Is something wrong with you thinking? You want me to look through all of your posts? If I have time, maybe I'll do just that.

    Suit yourself and once I decide not to have a life anymore, I may look up yours as well.


    A quote from you:

    You may not despise people whom you think to be silly, but when you call many of thousands of people "idiots", that's a bit different.

    Did I put a disclaimer or caveat behind my "silly" statement? Considering there are people getting blown up daily in Iraq (I have been there too. How about you?), people being evicted their homes, people starving, etc.... Considering all of the above I do find it a bit silly that people are getting hyped over an already obsolete device. That's just the humanitarian side of me I guess.


    I said nothing about fanboy. This is something you're now starting. You elevate this argument every time you post, issuing silly challenges.

    I lumped this in with the despise statement. If it does not apply, I will retract it.


    That's up to you. I made a tongue in cheek remark, which you have played out to the extreme, so it's up to you. I don't care either.

    So far, you haven't "debunked" anything other than your own remarks.

    Really? I do not recall the debunking session, but if you need this, then I want you to be happy.



    True, and appropriate considering.
  • Reply 132 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You know something? You don't know anything. It's amazing that you now claim to know something that you didn't know a couple of your posts ago. Or are you going to try to revise that history as well?

    and yes, this is getting tiring. You are boring all of us.

    Wow. This is a revelation. You thinking I do not know anything. I need to lay down. Just to recap. You brought up Finland defending itself against the Soviets. How this applies to UMTS is beyond me but hey, you said I don't know anything.
  • Reply 133 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Posted, as in stationed here. Living here by decree of the US government. Do I need to go, perhaps go slower for you? Do you finally get it.

    Yeah, I was being facetious. I should have realized...


    I can just pop over to Nokia and talk to some friends there. How about you do the same and then let's compare notes.

    Is that supposed to mean anything useful? All you are saying is that you know nothing about the company, or its importance there, but you'll go and ask a couple of friends what they think. Wow! Impressive, really. just don't make any investments that way.


    Suit yourself and once I decide not to have a life anymore, I may look up yours as well.

    Doesn't sound like you have much of one now.


    Did I put a disclaimer or caveat behind my "silly" statement? Considering there are people getting blown up daily in Iraq (I have been there too. How about you?), people being evicted their homes, people starving, etc.... Considering all of the above I do find it a bit silly that people are getting hyped over an already obsolete device. That's just the humanitarian side of me I guess.

    Sure, you are allowed to backtrack all you want. It's all public here.

    So now you're a humanitarian, are you? I suppose that if you work in government in some capacity, you go where you're told.

    Please don't try to bring up things that are simply not relevant here to cover for your statements. It won't work. If these things were so important to you then you shouldn't have even bothered to get to hot in the first place about such a minor issue. An issue, I remind you, that you are pushing.


    I lumped this in with the despise statement. If it does not apply, I will retract it.

    Thank you.


    Really? I do not recall the debunking session, but if you need this, then I want you to be happy.

    It was YOUR word. Don't you remember what you say? You've done this several times already.
  • Reply 134 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Wow. This is a revelation. You thinking I do not know anything. I need to lay down. Just to recap. You brought up Finland defending itself against the Soviets. How this applies to UMTS is beyond me but hey, you said I don't know anything.

    That's another odd statement. Two things from different posts, responding to different statements you made. You lump them together.
  • Reply 135 of 145
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's another odd statement. Two things from different posts, responding to different statements you made. You lump them together.

    You just validated that my "Zzzzzzzzzzz......." statement was and is appropriate considering your tap dance. Next time bring music.

    Oh, and speaking of boring. Do you now speak for everyone?
  • Reply 136 of 145
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    You just validated that my "Zzzzzzzzzzz......." statement was and is appropriate considering your tap dance. Next time bring music.

    Oh, and speaking of boring. Do you now speak for everyone?

    That's your best response?

    I've had some private comments made to me.

    Look. I've had enough. This is my LAST post on this subject to you, no matter how provocative you try to be after this.

    You can dance in the street, jump up and down, hold your breath until you turn purple, claim that you've won, disparage me further.

    I just don't care.

    Say whatever you want, and be pleased you've had the last word.
  • Reply 137 of 145
    fostyfosty Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Apple is also really missing a huge opportunity by not including a higher-priced version of the iPod touch with GPS. Personally, I would buy two of them today if they had that additional functionality.

    I would agree but I suspect that cannibalization of iPhone sales would be to be blame. I personally would have opted for the iPod Touch with GPS over the iPhone 3G b/c my prior cell carrier, Verizon, has much better coverage. That said, the iPhone 3G was toooooo sexy to pass up.
  • Reply 138 of 145
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by fosty View Post

    I would agree but I suspect that cannibalization of iPhone sales would be to be blame. I personally would have opted for the iPod Touch with GPS over the iPhone 3G b/c my prior cell carrier, Verizon, has much better coverage. That said, the iPhone 3G was toooooo sexy to pass up.

    since the gps only works when there's internet it doesn't make sense to include it with the ipod touch... since it doesn't have always on internet, it only has internet when there's wifi, and then you should have in 95% of the cases a good WPS position available to you, just like the iphone 2G.

    i'm in germany and i get a very accurate WPS location on my iphone 2G 99% of the time!

    WPS is done by skyhookwireless, check coverage map @: http://skyhookwireless.com/howitworks/coverage.php
  • Reply 139 of 145
    fostyfosty Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by smokeonit View Post

    since the gps only works when there's internet it doesn't make sense to include it with the ipod touch... since it doesn't have always on internet, it only has internet when there's wifi, and then you should have in 95% of the cases a good WPS position available to you, just like the iphone 2G.

    I probably should have clarified that the assumption would be that the iPod had all-the-time access to the internet.
  • Reply 140 of 145
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by fosty View Post

    I probably should have clarified that the assumption would be that the iPod had all-the-time access to the internet.

    and how would you do that? carry a wifi router with 3G card and battery with you all the time???
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