iPhone 3G and 2.0 affected by buggy software, sensors, wireless



  • Reply 41 of 187
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I, too, am looking forward to the Mophie Juice Pack. It took them 10 months to get the first one out for the iPhone, I hope this one is faster. I like it because it acts like a case and keep it on indefinitely as it has a iPod-connector pass through in it.

    If you are just looking for a battery pack and don't care about a seperate charging unit there is one with almost as much mAh as the current Mophie unit and half the price.
    PS: You can edit your previous posts.

    PPS: Welcome to AI.

    thanks .. Yes this was my first post!
  • Reply 42 of 187
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If he says he simply had the phone "on"- why would you think he did all of that?

    Sorry for being unclear.. My point was that with minimal use of the ipod, wifi turned off, Fetch turned off, i only got through 6 hours from a full charge to needing a recharge.. (got the 10% warning)

    Also, as I mentioned, 3g iphone not compatible with 2008 iPod integration kit in the Mercedes, so it won't charge.. I never saw the "yellow triangle" warning before, until now.

    So like one of the other posters.. This was one of the worst Apple experiences ever.. and it just kills me to have to say that..
  • Reply 43 of 187
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    As a few others have mentioned, the contacts have been especially laggy for me... after I press a name it's unresponsive for a few seconds or slow.

    I'm a bit mad at myself...I bought the Fox racing game and Monkey Ball, and they're kinda neat but really I just wanted to try them and now I've wasted $20 on games I won't play very often. Both's controls are overly sensitive, but monkey ball's especially overly sensitive.
  • Reply 44 of 187
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    As a few others have mentioned, the contacts have been especially laggy for me... after I press a name it's unresponsive for a few seconds or slow.

    I'm a bit mad at myself...I bought the Fox racing game and Monkey Ball, and they're kinda neat but really I just wanted to try them and now I've wasted $20 on games I won't play very often. Both's controls are overly sensitive, but monkey ball's especially overly sensitive.

    Since the apps have a way of allowing you to sign in to get access, they need to offer a trial app. There might be apps that I would buy if I could try them, but as of right now I either don't realize I want/need them or I fear they are just too buggy to bother with at this point.
  • Reply 45 of 187
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    ?? Didn't you happen to turn on a TV at all last weekend and see any news that constantly reported the less -than -stellar launch?

    You expect otherwise from the media?
  • Reply 46 of 187
    hankx32hankx32 Posts: 121member
    I agree that AAPL is getting ahead of themselves in terms of releasing products before they're ready for prime time, but I also don't hold them 100% responsible, it's fueled by the people on these very forums who strike up drumbeats of when to expect new product launches, and these things snowball into full-blown rumors and then into Wall Street expectations, and then god forbid if they don't release the iPhone at such-and-such event the damn stock is gonna plummet like an anchor in the sea! I mean AAPL never mentions any sort of time frame for anything, but if they let down the rumor mongers the stock is toast (And the product is shit cause it was rushed)! I hate all of you! B~)
  • Reply 47 of 187
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    0x07) As stated, there are a lot of bad apps. I preferred Apple being the judge, jury and executioner of the App Store (and I still do) but to me that mean they were testing these apps and telling the developer to fix this or that before they will hist it. Like an editor for a book. This does not seem to be the case. With 20% more apps on the App Store since last week and Apple accepting me into the program i think this issue will get worse.

    Don't be so tough on yourself
  • Reply 48 of 187
    iphone91iphone91 Posts: 98member
    I have an original iPhone with the 2.0 software and my problems have been fairly minimal. The two problem apps have been Safari, which crashes more than 1.1.4, especially when I visit TUAW, and the settings app. It is nonfunctional when apps are downoading or installing from the App Store. Other than that and the minor freezes that have always been present, the 2.0 software has not significantly changed the experience on my iPhone. I hope those of you with problems have them resolved soon.

  • Reply 49 of 187
    Sorry to disappoint some of you rumour mongrels and apple disses but i got my 3G on the morning of the launch, had it up and running within an hour, everything works perfect, no crashes or dodgy app experiences, GPS works like a dream, Car Phone Warehouse/O2 service fantastic and great value for money and the battery life seems more than adequate when comparing with other friends and colleagues 3G phones.

    The only minor issue i have seen is if i get a spammy/junky email on my iPhone and pop it into the junk folder, then when i log into my MobileMe account in the cloud the email isn't in my junk folder but still in the inbox.

    I know a lot of Apple users and they do tend to be a fussy lot. Most suffer from OCD and the like, so i'd expect to hear some grumblings as it's the nature of the beast.

    But for any of you out there reading these forums who don't own an iPhone, then i couldn't praise the iPhone 3G high enough. Believe me there's now't better than seeing your colleagues dribbling at the mouth when your sitting beside them during lunch watching a bit of YouTube or surfing the net whilst their trying to fathom out their bricks.
  • Reply 50 of 187
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    True enough it is buggy. I was waiting for a story like this. Apple will issue updates to fix the bugs. This story will pass, it's not that big of a deal.

    I'm right with you tenobell. Apple maybe bit off a bit more than they can chew but as funny as this sounds, I am glad they did it. In this case only Apple would have the guts to make such a colossal leap forward. While I am not overly impressed with the phone, I am impressed with the process. This is what will make me pay for Apple products in the future. The fix is coming within days and hopefully many things will be fixed and new things added. This process, the 3G iPhone, MobileMe, etc.... was bound to have those that will complain over anything, so this is to be expected. What I want to see is how Apple responds.
  • Reply 51 of 187
    winterspanwinterspan Posts: 605member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    This launch, while financially successful for Apple, is an end-user disaster. 3g reception is garbage for a good number of users, slow interface, 3rd party App program crashes. Personally for me, no App store apps have crashed for me. I don't use bluetooth. Very disappointing product from my viewpoint, but I am sticking with Apple to fix them.

    "disaster" ? That's a little rich... These are all very minor problems. For god sakes, we are talking about a major hardware and software update and the first release of it's 3rd party platform. This a *MAJOR* project and you would have to be very naive not to expect many bugs to appear... Anyone who just bought a new iPhone or upgraded their old phone is an "early adopter". If you get very frustrated dealing with the annoyances of new technology, I'd suggest waiting at least 4-5 months to upgrade after ANYTHING is released.

    Give Apple a month or two to get their ducks in a row, and I'm sure everything will be working great. FWIW, My iPod Touch is running firmware 2.0 and many 3rd partys apps flawlessly. I haven't even noticed one bug or error since I've upgraded.
  • Reply 52 of 187
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Me, too. Overall, my phone is working really well. There are a few things, but nothing major. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones (this time).
  • Reply 53 of 187
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Me, too. Overall, my phone is working really well. There are a few things, but nothing major. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones (this time).

    I am with you here as well. I have only one app that is suffering from a personality disorder but for the most part things are going well.
  • Reply 54 of 187
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    The only complaint I have is related to how easy is it to get scratched all other the new iPhone. After one day in my pocket, mine is already showing scratched on the back!! All 3G iPhone cases and screen protectors were sold out when I bought my iPhone

    I really hope someone comes up with a product to remove those scratches (Which I am sure will happen).
  • Reply 55 of 187
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,442moderator
    So one of the main reasons Apple decided to lock down the software distribution was to ensure stable 3rd-party applications. Sure it was.

    I know people with the 3G iphone and also experience the lag. Those with unlocked 2.5G iphones on firmware 1.1.4 seem to be ok and have pretty stable, free 3rd-party apps.

    I'm sure the issues will be resolved but between these things, the carrier signups, the itunes store going down, the whole upgrade experience didn't leave a very good impression.
  • Reply 56 of 187
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    When exactly was this supposed golden age when every product Apple released worked flawlessly and never had a problem? I don't seem to recollect that time the way some people do.
  • Reply 57 of 187
    k squaredk squared Posts: 608member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    When exactly was this supposed golden age when every product Apple released worked flawlessly and never had a problem? I don't seem to recollect that time the way some people do.

    The time was before the Web, before a few people could complain on a message board, which in turn signals the world is collapsing.

    Could Apple have done a better job on the roll out? Sure. But it's over with and really not a big deal anymore.

    So Contacts has a lag in opening...if Apple would have delayed the launch to fix the issues, rather than issuing an update in 2.01, people would be complaining about that too.
  • Reply 58 of 187
    Originally Posted by markymarc View Post

    As a long time avid Mac/Apple fan it saddens me to report that the upgrade to the 3G has been perhaps the most disappointing Apple experience I've had..

    Without going on about the misleading Mobile Me issues (no Mac to MM push, no calendar groups support or address book groups syncing) this is really about the phone itself..

    Here are the initial observations:

    1. Compatibility with Mercedes Benz- my old iphone worked flawlessly. There was even a cool feature that by pressing single digits on the dashboard keypad, it would speed dial my iphone's favorites .. So pressing #1, would speed dial the first favorite, #2 the second, etc. With the new phone that feature no longer works. Calling AWS (Mercedes dedicated wireless support group) actually stated "the new phone is not compatible, so the fact you even get it to work is a positive thing!"

    2. Current model Mercedes also have a built in iPod integration kit. This allowed me to plug in my iphone and have it charge the iphone, use it as an iPod through the on dash system, but didn't allow for phone functioning. So when trying with the 3G, i got a weird yellow warning symbol on my new phone saying that "This device cannot be charged". this is BAD BAD BAD given the battery life on the new phone.

    3. Battery Life- I left the house yesterday at 6:30am with a fully charged iphone. I flew to a meeting in Las Vegas (1 hour flight) and by noon, my phone was already needing a recharge. Keep in mind, this was simply due to checking email (no Fetch was activated), no wifi searching, etc. THIS WAS NOT 5 hours of constant talk time, but simply having the phone "on".

    4. GPS- when I wanted to show off the GPS feature, it took several attempts before it located me. It just was frozen on a map from the previous day.

    5. Signal Strength- I'm not yet clear on the virtue's of 3G network. Not once have I experienced the signal bars exceeding 1 bar. I've tried to get clear information if the singal bars are irrelevent on the 3G system, but i've never had more calls dropped, or just the mind bender of constantly thinking I'm going to drop a call because of not seeing any signal strength bars.

    So what I wind up having to do, is turn off 3G to preserve battery life and then ask WTF? This is WORSE than the first one and can't even use it in daily life.

    I can't tell if the battery or reception issues are due to a bad phone or simply the new "state of the art" of this thing. Any ideas?

    Thanks.. I just HATE to have to be so DISAPPOINTED about something I want to love so much!

    Due to the battery life/signal strength issues you are having, it sounds like something is very wrong with your phone. I would return or exchange it in the 30-day period when they have more stock. I presume you have tried restoring the phone already. Check your mail settings. If you have push on it shouldn't be "checking" your mail too.
  • Reply 59 of 187
    Originally Posted by mgoodman View Post

    This is worse than I've ever seen Apple do. If they don't release a patch soon, and I mean within days, we will see a serious hit to new sales as the grapevine will no longer be supportive. I just can't in good conscience recommend this product.

    If you are having this many issues, there is a problem with the software on your phone. I have the 1G and have been using 2.0 for months with none of these issues.

    Wipe the phone and start again.
  • Reply 60 of 187
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by iPeon View Post

    You expect otherwise from the media?

    Yes I expect them, the liberal media, to stay to the business of helping send this country off to a baseless war, elect more morons like W, and impeach our presidents for lying about oral sex.
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