Steve Jobs vows iPhone app crash fix for September



  • Reply 61 of 92
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Ensign Pulver View Post

    For f**k's sake, it's "Jobs's".

    Why has the entire world lost the ability to properly use the apostrophe? Did none of you people get out of the third grade? It's bad enough when some teenage leet-speaker does it, but to have it misused in published articles is simply inexcusable.

    Your grammar is correct. However, your use of profanity is contrary to the conditions for posting here. Suggest you clean up your act.
  • Reply 62 of 92
    jawportajawporta Posts: 140member
    Yeah, my Tetris stopped working. Between Mobile Me and the iPhone I'm getting sick of Apple.
  • Reply 63 of 92
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by dvillus View Post

    Well you're right and wrong on this. has this entry.

    NOTE: Although names ending in s or an s sound are not required to have the second s added in possessive form, it is preferred.

    Mr. Jones's golf clubs

    Texas's weather

    Ms. Straus's daughter

    Jose Sanchez's artwork

    Dr. Hastings's appointment (name is Hastings)

    Mrs. Lees's books (name is Lees)

    However AP Style Book is the standard guide in the news business state that Singular Proper Names ending in S do not use the apostrophe. They even go on to use Jesus' Life as an example of how it is to be used. There are examples of exceptions such as St. James's Place. As great as Steve Jobs is, I don't think he deserves and exemption if Jesus doesn?t.

    Both Grammar Book and AP Style

    have quite lengthy entries on apostrophe usage. There is quite a bit more than what a 3rd grader would go over in class. Quite possibly more than their teachers know about as well. So while I'm sure that you got out of the third grade, I'll put money that the author has a bit of experience in writing and, because they actually used the correct rule for the venue, has definitely gotten out of the 3rd grade.

    As for the iPhone I look forward to these fixes. I've been fortunate and haven't had to much trouble with my apple devices. Well except for the whole laptop hard drive dying on me in Iraq. My G4 PowerBook got a "Purple MotherBoard" during the Surge.

    You know what i like about your post?.. it put the original poster, who is a jerk, in his place. I hate nerds who feel they need to come into forums and instead of criticizing an article, does spelling and grammar check. Why the hell don't they just email the publisher instead of going into a forum to demonstrate how smart they are?. Geekiness is not sexy. Besides, how many people care that Jobs name does not have an apostrophe (i don't).
  • Reply 64 of 92
    trrlltrrll Posts: 18member
    I've had this happen once, after updating an app over wifi. A restore solved the problem.
  • Reply 65 of 92
    Originally Posted by dvillus View Post

    Well you're right and wrong on this. has this entry.

    NOTE: Although names ending in s or an s sound are not required to have the second s added in possessive form, it is preferred.

    Mr. Jones's golf clubs

    Texas's weather

    Ms. Straus's daughter

    Jose Sanchez's artwork

    Dr. Hastings's appointment (name is Hastings)

    Mrs. Lees's books (name is Lees)

    However AP Style Book is the standard guide in the news business state that Singular Proper Names ending in S do not use the apostrophe. They even go on to use Jesus' Life as an example of how it is to be used. There are examples of exceptions such as St. James's Place. As great as Steve Jobs is, I don't think he deserves and exemption if Jesus doesn’t.

    Both Grammar Book and AP Style

    have quite lengthy entries on apostrophe usage. There is quite a bit more than what a 3rd grader would go over in class. Quite possibly more than their teachers know about as well. So while I'm sure that you got out of the third grade, I'll put money that the author has a bit of experience in writing and, because they actually used the correct rule for the venue, has definitely gotten out of the 3rd grade.

    As for the iPhone I look forward to these fixes. I've been fortunate and haven't had to much trouble with my apple devices. Well except for the whole laptop hard drive dying on me in Iraq. My G4 PowerBook got a "Purple MotherBoard" during the Surge.

    Never used the AP Style Book. My bible for such is The Chicago Manual of Style, or for short, The Chicago Manual.

    The Chicago Manual, published by the University of Chicago press, is regarded as the reference source for authors, editors and copywriters, particularly in publishing and advertising. Twice as big and nearly double the cost of the AP Style Handbooks, has probably allowed a lessor style guide as the AP handbooks to become as attractive as it is.

    However, I digress.

    I would take The Chicago Manual's as my definitive reference guide. In it, the possessive ending for proper names ending in sibilants such as Jobs, is 's and would, therefore, be written as Jobs's. Using it, as such, is not in question.
  • Reply 66 of 92
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Well, after yesterday game crash my iPhone took 6 hours to back up last night!! It used to take less than 5 min before.
  • Reply 67 of 92
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    You know what i like about your post?.. it put the original poster, who is a jerk, in his place. I hate nerds who feel they need to come into forums and instead of criticizing an article, does spelling and grammar check. Why the hell don't they just email the publisher instead of going into a forum to demonstrate how smart they are?. Geekiness is not sexy. Besides, how many people care that Jobs name does not have an apostrophe (i don't).

    Yeah, what I think is ironic is that those correcting other's grammar usually have some typographical error in their post.
  • Reply 68 of 92
    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    I'm guessing the iPhone suffers from some of the same problems Mac OS X at large does: needing to repair permissions every now and then. In fact, I'm backing up some stuff on my MBP right now so that I can reinstall Mac OS on it because Disk Utility can't even repair permissions anymore (and I can't install anything because the permissions are messed up so bad).

    I think Apple seriously needs to look into having a proper install management system. I've run various flavors of UNIX for years and never had to repair permissions on a regular basis. Obviously and whatever the Software Update mechanism uses aren't cutting it. Same goes for whatever is managing software installs on the iPhone.

    If permissions can be repaired with an app, why can't an automated process be made to repair permissions on a regular basis by Apple? The whole permissions thing in OSX is absurd and un-Apple-ish.
  • Reply 69 of 92
    Originally Posted by fossiloflife View Post

    It is selling for about $715 for the 8GB version and for about $830 for the 16GB version

    Holy cow!
  • Reply 70 of 92
    "Though i were writing novel I and used that term I would not use apostrophe..." Try proof reading your lessons... "If I were writing a novel, and I used that term, I would not use an apostrophe..."
  • Reply 71 of 92
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Holy cow!

    Is that an India joke?

    Some people are sensitive about mocking religion.
  • Reply 72 of 92
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Is that an India joke?

    Some people are sensitive about mocking religion.

    I would call it a bigoted, insensitive, feeble, another failed attempt at being funny.
  • Reply 73 of 92
    landylandy Posts: 12member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    I would call it a bigoted, insensitive, feeble, another failed attempt at being funny.

    I mock, belittle, and berate religion - as it deserves - any chance I get. Not that the stupidity of it all needs any help protecting religion for the silly reasons we do today are in my view bigoted, insensitive, feeble attempts to smack logic in the face. alas, I digress.

    No problems for me on 2.0.2 although I dont run any intensive apps, mainly just facebook for the occasional IM and apple remote. i've got a few things on the burner.. I have the SDK but not part of the program so I can't run anything natively on my phone at this point. My hope is that over the coming months when my stuff is ready these kinks will be ironed out.
  • Reply 74 of 92
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by landy View Post

    I mock, belittle, and berate religion - as it deserves - any chance I get. Not that the stupidity of it all needs any help protecting religion for the silly reasons we do today are in my view bigoted, insensitive, feeble attempts to smack logic in the face. alas, I digress.

    Have you ever persuaded anyone to give up their religion by mocking, belittling, or

    berating (or by using logic, for that matter)? Your weapons are useless in this endeavor.

    I would be willing to bet that you have not, and rather that you have only

    succeeded in increasing the amount of anger and separation people feel. This is not

    productive on the level of individuals, groups, or nations. Try to think of a way

    to help people become enlightened without the potential for violence.

    I only pointed out the offensive attempt at humor, because I think it

    detracts from the purpose of these forums to have religion dragged into the

  • Reply 75 of 92
    landylandy Posts: 12member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Have you ever persuaded anyone to give up their religion by mocking, belittling, or

    berating (or by using logic, for that matter)? Your weapons are useless in this endeavor.

    I would be willing to bet that you have not, and rather that you have only

    succeeded in increasing the amount of anger and separation people feel. This is not

    productive on the level of individuals, groups, or nations. Try to think of a way

    to help people become enlightened without the potential for violence.

    I only pointed out the offensive attempt at humor, because I think it

    detracts from the purpose of these forums to have religion dragged into the


    With your second and last sentence I agree. For the rest, I only offer a quote that I agree with from the great Ron White, "You can't fix stupid." But to use a food metaphore, the topic of this thread is much like a Callifornia buriito. It has it's essential delicious ingredients such as carne asada, cheese, french fries, sour cream, quacamole and pico all wrapped up in a fresh tortilla... but it's much more enjoyable with hot sauce to augment the experience.

    You will notice however after my slight dig at the crazies, there was some mildy on-topic discussion. Now you've gone and broken my wonderful track record.
  • Reply 76 of 92
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by landy View Post

    I mock, belittle, and berate religion - as it deserves - any chance I get. Not that the stupidity of it all needs any help protecting religion for the silly reasons we do today are in my view bigoted, insensitive, feeble attempts to smack logic in the face. alas, I digress.

    I have no problem with your views on religion. Differences of opinion are needed and in many cases sorely missed, however I see no reason to take a shot at someone just because the opportunity was there. It illustrates a sophomoric and myopic world view that has us hip deep in shit right now globally.

    Back to digressing. I too have not had any of the problems (knocking on my forehead at the moment) that so many are having. I might just be one of the lucky few.
  • Reply 77 of 92
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    I am having the same problem with my iPod touch, specifically Monkey ball and CroMag crash most times when they get to the splash screen. I hope the iPod users get an update as well, stop treating us like second class citizens!!
  • Reply 78 of 92
    My third-party apps seem to be working fine. Lately, however, I have noticed a bug in forums which causes random attacks on grammar and religion, instead of typical discussions on AppleInsider articles. Hope to see a fix soon!
  • Reply 79 of 92
    fairlyfairly Posts: 102member
    It just works - sometimes.
  • Reply 80 of 92
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member
    Originally Posted by Ensign Pulver View Post

    For fuck's sake, it's "Jobs's".

    Why has the entire world lost the ability to properly use the apostrophe? Did none of you people get out of the third grade? It's bad enough when some teenage leet-speaker does it, but to have it misused in published articles is simply inexcusable.

    You're wrong. It's acceptable, according to most style guides, to use "Jobs'". This is true for words that end with sibilant sounds.

    Why you would write "For fuck's sake" is beyond me.
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