Class action suit claims Apple deceived over iPhone 3G speeds



  • Reply 61 of 211
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    So fuc* all of you people that say this is crap. I have a $300 phone that doesn't do what I paid for it to do.

    I can understand. Apple has likely been tracking down the problems and working on a fix.

    What does a lawsuit do to help the situation?
  • Reply 62 of 211
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Exactamundo. Right on the money.

    I have two other 3G phones. Nokia N82 and Nokia E61. I will concede that the iPhone has a better browser, but if I go to the same web page with the iPhone (BBC, CNN, MSNBC), the Nokia's simply get there first. This is not a scientific test by any means but I bet her suit gets traction because her claims will for the most part be verifiable. The iPhone is not slow but it is not as fast as other 3G phones. Apple better shit a solution and fast.

    How is any of the relevant to the claim or the article. Are the N82 and E61 ONLY 2x faster than the iPhone 1G? Therefore the claim is valid? These types of comments are so out there that they lose credibility instantly. iPhone may, or may not, be worse that other 3G phone right now that is is totally irrelevant to the issue being discussed.
  • Reply 63 of 211
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I can understand. Apple has likely been tracking down the problems and working on a fix.

    What does a lawsuit do to help the situation?

    It would impose a penalty for selling a defective product. I would have thought it was obvious by now.
  • Reply 64 of 211
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    How is any of the relevant to the claim or the article. Are the N82 and E61 ONLY 2x faster than the iPhone 1G? Therefore the claim is valid. These types of comments are so out there that they lose credibility instantly. iPhone may, or may not, be worse that other 3G phone right now that is is totally irrelevant to the issue being discussed.

    The phones I mentioned are 3G phones that perform as advertised. The iPhone is a 3G phone that doesn't. Is this crystal clear now? Game, set, match.
  • Reply 65 of 211
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    It would impose a penalty for selling a defective product. I would have thought it was obvious by now.

    You would have to penalize every computer and electronics manufacturer because at some point they sold a defective product.
  • Reply 66 of 211
    elf03elf03 Posts: 1member
    This has to be the most idiotic claim I've seen in a while. Simply stated, if you're not pleased with the device, RETURN IT. Get your money back and purchase another device - if you want another iPhone, fine.

    I live in Atlanta and I have a iPhone 3G, having switched from Verizon. Believe me, Verizon is NOT all that it's cracked up to be - I constantly had dropped calls and had a one year old Samsung SCH-u740. I do not regret switching to AT&T to get the iPhone and have had limited issues. I accept that cell service is NEVER going to be "perfect." There are too many factors that impact reception. But filing a class-action lawsuit is a little over the top.

    Just be patient - Apple will issue subsequent fixes. Maybe AT&T will upgrade their network to work better, too!
  • Reply 67 of 211
    I'm in Birmingham, AL and love my 3G. It is much faster than the original iPhone and I have not had a dropped call.


    Birmingham, AL
  • Reply 68 of 211
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    It would impose a penalty for selling a defective product. I would have thought it was obvious by now.

    But a class action lawsuit generally doesn't help the consumer. It might get a small coupon to buy another product from the same company. Relatively speaking, it's just a slap on the hand and the company that was sued can go about their business.
  • Reply 69 of 211
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    This woman is a venomous money sucker.

    She's just seeing $$$ in her eyes.

    Yeah, I bet she was one of those bitching about the $200.00 price drop within two month of buying the original iPhone and demanding a refund there too!
  • Reply 70 of 211
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    The phones I mentioned are 3G phones that perform as advertised. The iPhone is a 3G phone that doesn't. Is this crystal clear now? Game, set, match.

    Are you kidding???? You've not even come close to stating anything quantitive which, of course, is the normal course of business on these forums. Whatever is emotionally satisfying goes. How does the 3G iPhone compare to the 1G? Do you have any statistics to compare? Do you have any idea what quantitative means?

    Apple's claims weren't relative to Nokia they were relative to the 1G iPhone? I don't know if they're right or wrong. I do know that with the 10 3G iPhone's we've purchased they are easily more that 2x faster than the 1G where there is 3G service. Every FACT I have at my disposal support Apple's claims but I'm the first to admit I don't have statistics EITHER way. Swish!!!
  • Reply 71 of 211
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Let's see Smith rely on my Internet report.

    The iPhone 3G has worked very well for me. It's been reasonably reliable--more reliable than my HTC 8525 and Treo 650--and it's more than twice as fast as my original iPhone. Furthermore, when Apple advertises twice as fast, it doesn't say twice as fast all the time or everywhere. Nor does Apple say how they measure the speed. Such is the nature of advertising!

    Jessica Smith: are you unhappy with your purchase? RETURN IT.

    Actually, what she should do is call Apple and say I'll drop my lawsuit if Apple puts me in one of those iPhone commercials, while standing in front of a black curtain backdrop, showing a ordinary iPhone user talking about their experience with the iPhone and showing off its features as they apply in their world and not as it performs on a stage at the Moscone Center!

    Of course, all this will be mute some time in September, according to Steve.
  • Reply 72 of 211
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    how is the truth 'negative'..??

    Uh, gee, I don't know... perhaps when it is YOUR version of the "truth".

    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    there is no doubt that in a real world scenario the 3g iPhone is vastly inferior with actual 3g performance to comparison models from other companies.

    Based on what facts or study? Using what test format? What was determined to be the baseline for all similar devices tested?

    I could go on and on, but I think (or at least hope) that you get my point.

    Better yet, show me one post in this forum where you have had so much as one complete post that was positive in nature with regards to any Apple product or service? And please, don't just post a series of links to Fox News or MSNBC. If you have some tests that were conducted in a controlled environment, then bring it on. Say, a technical journal?
  • Reply 73 of 211
    Originally Posted by city View Post

    I think that I have a valid legal claim too because my new iPhone is more then twice as fast as my old one-not exactly "twice as fast"


    That's actually possible. In countries where the data allowance is 80MB and then $1/MB... you don't want things to go too fast!

    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    So fuc* all of you people that say this is crap. I have a $300 phone that doesn't do what I paid for it to do.

    I want my iPhone to work fully too. And am waiting for Apple to make it happen (bad reception at the office - either make it work, or make it drop reliably to 2G, I don't care which).

    However, I think this lawsuit is crap. It's not about not getting "double data speed" as advertised, it's about a stable working device.
  • Reply 74 of 211
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    The lawsuit is suing because Apple said the iPhone 3G is twice as fast as the original iPhone. There's no lawsuit about it being faster or slower than Nokia etc.

    Can you hear me now? NO!, Can you hear me now? NO! Can you hear me...

    We all know, I hope, that ANY carrier cannot guarantee 100% of the time, 100% coverage, 100% no dropped calls, 100% 3G, 100% receiving calls in buildings, 100% no carrier downtime for maintenance, etc. But if the product maker, Apple, says that their product is a 3G phone with "twice the speed" and yet the customer who purchased the phone due to its 3G advertisement about faster speeds for browsing, etc. could never take advantage because they never received a reliable, steady 3G signal, even when the carrier, AT&T, says your on top of our cell tower (being literal there) and especially when other 3G products are doing fine there, well, then I guess according to those who think she doesn't have a leg to stand on, I guess that Apple can do away with future software/firmware updates, they are not needed, because 2.0.2 is just fine, thank you very much!

    Seriously, I have even read posts where AT&T is refunding $30.00 to some subscribers because one is paying for a service that they are not receiving.

    And before statutory law, the buyer had no warranty of the quality of goods. In many jurisdictions, the law now requires that goods must be of "merchantable quality".
  • Reply 75 of 211
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Can you hear me now? NO!, Can you hear me now? NO! Can you hear me...


    I guess according to those who think she doesn't have a leg to stand on, I guess that Apple can do away with future software/firmware updates, they are not needed, because 2.0.2 is just fine, thank you very much!

    Don't yell at me.

    Are you even talking to me? You're not addressing what I said in the slightest. Or are you just quoting me before you say what you want to say?


    I remember in primary school the principle was fixing the microphone and said "Joe Bloggs - can you hear me up the back?". Joe answered "Pardon Sir?" - and got detention.

    If the person asks "Can you hear me?" and gets no response, that means "No". And in this case No means yes, of course... :-)
  • Reply 76 of 211
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Well you know what? I'm with her.

    I've had my iPhone 3G for a month. I live in the DFW are[a] where anyone I know with a 3G phone has all their bars. 90% of the time, I have 1 bar or it drops down to EDGE. I did not buy a 3G iPhone so it could run on EDGE most of the time.

    Where are you located 90% of the time? Indoors I'll bet. Are you comparing performance between the different 3G phones when they are in the exact same location? AT&T EDGE communicates at 850 MHz, which penetrates walls better than the 1900 MHz that its 3G service runs on. Depending on where the cell towers are located and the density of your building, your cellular service might just have to be EDGE when you're inside there.


    Because the 3G signal is so low, it takes forever to load a web page, or use GPS. Version 2.0.2 didn't solve the problem, so something has to be done.

    Your story just doesn't have the ring of truth, because 3G is pretty damn fast even with 1 bar--certainly faster than EDGE--and the iPhone Locator facility is largely independent of cell phone service unless you're indoors where GPS signals can't be received. Furthermore, if you've got Wi-Fi turned off, you're so far buried in a building that the cellular signals can't reach you, and GPS satellites certainly can't be received, then the iPhone Locator facility just isn't going to work for you.

    Is this your first smart phone? Your first cell phone?


    So fuc* all of you people that say this is crap. I have a $300 phone that doesn't do what I paid for it to do.

    Too bad you didn't return the device within the 30-day evaluation period. Considering its price, you must have been satisfied to a good degree to keep it... or maybe you work for Verizon.
  • Reply 77 of 211
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    However, I think this lawsuit is crap. It's not about not getting "double data speed" as advertised, it's about a stable working device.

    I agree that it's all about a stable working device.

    Lets see, we had 2.0 software released with the 3G iPhone that had its share of flaws.

    So, Apple released software 2.0.1 that fixed bugs on some phones and cause other phones that didn't have problems to now have problems.

    So, Apple released software 2.0.2 that fixed bugs on some more phone and yet still caused other phones that didn't have problems to now have problems.

    So, Apple is working on yet another software release...

    Three iPhone software releases for an Apple product since its July 12th release and a fourth on the way... This is what Apple lovers everywhere expect from a MS os release but not from Apple!

    That alone justifies the lawsuit.
  • Reply 78 of 211
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Don't yell at me.

    Are you even talking to me? You're not addressing what I said in the slightest. Or are you just quoting me before you say what you want to say?


    I remember in primary school the principle was fixing the microphone and said "Joe Bloggs - can you hear me up the back?". Joe answered "Pardon Sir?" - and got detention.

    If the person asks "Can you hear me?" and gets no response, that means "No". And in this case No means yes, of course... :-)

    I would never yell at you.


    Seriously, the post of yours and I quote, "The lawsuit is suing because Apple said the iPhone 3G is twice as fast as the original iPhone..."

    But if her experience is such that she never got to enjoy 3G service and thus 3G speeds and thus could not experience twice as fast as the original iPhone, then she never had a "3G" iPhone, did she? And if the 3G iPhone reverts to speeds of the original iPhone, then nothing was gained for her purchase of a less expensive phone but a more expensive rate plan.

    My "Can you hear me now? No!" take on Verizon's commercial is merely satire of someone who cannot for the life of them get reliable 3G to experience that "twice as fast as the original iPhone" no matter where they are, is all I'm saying.
  • Reply 79 of 211
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member

    "3G not available in all areas."
  • Reply 80 of 211
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    That alone justifies the lawsuit.

    Then make the lawsuit about the product not working.

    Then see where things fall.

    And while at it, we better sue for a whole lot of other devices too. In Australia the law is that if the product doesn't work as advertised or is faulty, you get your money back. (Many shops try to palm you off to warranty though).

    Am I missing something - the lawsuit sounds like it's about false advertising.
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