Boot Screen in Jaguar



  • Reply 81 of 85
    iq78iq78 Posts: 256member
    [quote]Originally posted by Son of Pismo:

    <strong>Well yes, it is backwards. Notice how the letters are facing the wrong direction. This was taken from behind.

    [ 08-20-2002: Message edited by: Son of Pismo ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Huh? The letters read left-right... how are the letters backwards?
  • Reply 82 of 85
    Surely you jest, Son of Pismo.

  • Reply 83 of 85
    [quote]Originally posted by MarkRulzz:

    <strong>I wonder if it was taken away because these problems have been relatively rare, or perhaps the apple logo changes when there's a serious problem with your hardware.</strong><hr></blockquote>If there is a major problem at boot time, the Apple logo is replaced by a circle with a slash -- like what a non-smoking symbol has.
  • Reply 84 of 85
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I must be seeing things.
  • Reply 85 of 85
    celebi23celebi23 Posts: 23member
    I know I'm reviving a VERY dead thread (and probably deserve a warning for it) but, I was wondering if anyone might have this file anymore? It's the startup video with the happy mac-like image with "hello" underneath it
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