Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 1141 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    Hillary was hardly innocent in Bill's lies and abuse either. I've heard several woman come forth in interviews testifying that Bill sexually molested them and Hillary knew about it and actually threatened them if they said anything about it. Which means Hillary is complicit in his abuse and lies.

    The only reason Hillary stayed with Bill is because she knew he was a womanizer and even helped him to cover up his tracks all to extend her own chances at attaining power and the presidential position.

    Bill was never tried or convicted of sexually molesting anyone. To say someone heard it from their cousins friends uncle is only hearsay.

    Unless you really enjoy catty old woman soap opera drama, why do you care?
  • Reply 1142 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You don't live in the real world, you can't even admit that you lost this gay marriage issue. You can't see that Clinton was a womanizer, and adulterer, a liar, he was impeached, and had his law license suspended for committing perjury. Yep, a wonderful guy!

    Look over at my name underneath it says Brooklyn NY. I don't live in California.

    I care less about Bill Clinton's sexual proclivities and care more about the fact that he balanced the budget and left us with a federal surplus. Financially he governed our country well. Unlike our current fiasco.
  • Reply 1143 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Bill was never tried or convicted of sexually molesting anyone. To say someone heard it from their cousins friends uncle is only hearsay.

    Unless you really enjoy catty old woman soap opera drama, why do you care?

    He WAS convicted of perjury in the Paula Jones case. I know he was a saint, and all of those women that accused him were lying. Right!
  • Reply 1144 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Bill was never tried or convicted of sexually molesting anyone. To say someone heard it from their cousins friends uncle is only hearsay.

    Unless you really enjoy catty old woman soap opera drama, why do you care?

    I've seen two interviews of woman claiming they were molested by him and Hillary threatened them. People wouldn't make that up, it is traumatic. I believe both accounts and there are more than that. The evidence and accounts stack up, and the one admission he couldn't deny (monica) showed he had the capacity. The evidence of his lies and cheating is there.
  • Reply 1145 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    I've seen two interviews of woman claiming they were molested by him and Hillary threatened them. People wouldn't make that up, it is traumatic. I believe both accounts and there are more than that. The evidence and accounts stack up, and the one admission he couldn't deny (monica) showed he had the capacity. The evidence of his lies and cheating is there.

    Hillary threatened them with what? What could she do to those women?

    If that story were irrefutably true they would have charged Bill and taken him to trial. At the time the Republicans were trying to find anything they could use. Monica Lewinsky was the best they could get.
  • Reply 1146 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Look over at my name underneath it says Brooklyn NY. I don't live in California.

    I care less about Bill Clinton's sexual proclivities and care more about the fact that he balanced the budget and left us with a federal surplus. Financially he governed our country well. Unlike our current fiasco.

    You don't seem to care that anyone has any morals, and you resent the fact that most of the country absolutely does care. Florida Congressman just failed to get re-elected because his extra-marital affairs were discovered just prior to election day. And you still think that folks don't care. You must live in LaLa Land.
  • Reply 1147 of 1351
    I am glad the most liberal state in the US still has a majority of people who recognize marriage for what it is. An ordained union for intercourse between a man and a woman as a foundation for family and procreation. Florida and Arizona also backed it so at least the majority of people in these states have some moral grounding still.

    Interesting I read in the LAT that gays have been protesting a mormon church, causing unrest and required extra policing, simply because the mormon church wants to uphold its faith that Marriage is a Holy union between man and a woman under God for procreation primarily.

    This goes to what I was saying in my other thread, before it was closed down by inflammatory gay remarks. If apple or any other tech company had come out and said they were giving $100,000 dollars to support proposition 8, there would have been gay riots, protests and the destruction of the technology. There is more violence and hate behind this agenda to legitimize sodomy relationships as right and normal and moral, than there is in disagreement with it.

    I will simply stop buying apple products, I will not start protesting apple stores, shouting in the face of Mr Jobs and his employees or become violent.

    The cases where the gay community dress up in drag and go into churches to provoke reaction and conflict shows there is much less respect and decency behind their campaign and agenda, than those who want to uphold the sanctity of Marriage in it's true context and purpose.
  • Reply 1148 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Hillary threatened them with what? What could she do to those women?

    If that story were irrefutably true they would have charged Bill and taken him to trial. At the time the Republicans were trying to find anything they could use. Monica Lewinsky was the best they could get.

    The women get trashed in the media, wake up! Hillary claims that they were all sluts picking on poor Bill. She ruins their reputations.
  • Reply 1149 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    If I have to choose between a president with loose morals but can leave country in better shape than he found it. Or a president with Christian morals who runs the country down into the toilet. Of the two choices I'll go with the former.

    Of course during election time its fine to scrutinize the candidate. My problem with Clinton/Lewinsky scandal was that the event was exploited to drive an opposing political agenda.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You don't seem to care that anyone has any morals, and you resent the fact that most of the country absolutely does care. Florida Congressman just failed to get re-elected because his extra-marital affairs were discovered just prior to election day. And you still think that folks don't care. You must live in LaLa Land.

  • Reply 1150 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    The women get trashed in the media, wake up! Hillary claims that they were all sluts picking on poor Bill. She ruins their reputations.

    Where is the threat in that, it sounds like Hilary did what she was going to do.

    Why did the women not file charges?
  • Reply 1151 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Where is the threat in that, it sounds like Hilary did what she was going to do.

    Why did the women not file charges?

    Do we live on the same planet? Have you avoided the news for the last 20 years?

    I'm not your personal resource, go learn a few things for yourself. You're incredibly uninformed.
  • Reply 1152 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post


    Your opinion this time is the same as mine, though I doubt whether you know the facts any better than me. I'll say however that one of the contributing factors that Europeans prefered Obama 4:1 over McCain is because of the lunacy of the Republican (well known for there closet gay and SM endulgencies) outrage all those years ago. I lived in the UK at that time and only a very few considered it more than political maneuvaring.

    Don't get too excited though, even a stopped watch is right two times a day, and that's typically twice as often as you!
  • Reply 1153 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    BTW, while you were celebrating, did you remember that Obama does NOT support gay marriage?

    Obama came out on the record firmly against prop 8.
  • Reply 1154 of 1351
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Obama came out on the record firmly against prop 8.

    He also said that he does not support gay marriage, which proves that he talks out of both sides of his mouth.
  • Reply 1155 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Obama came out on the record firmly against prop 8.

    He did, but he did it the typical politico-speak that would not alienate the Christian demographic as all politicians currently have to pretend to believe in if they want to get elected in the US. I look forward to a day when politicians don't feel a need to publicly back some foolish idea that some guy with magic powers is behind everything that happens in the universe.
  • Reply 1156 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    He also said that he does not support gay marriage, which proves that he talks out of both sides of his mouth.

    You take what he's said out of context. I corrected you before.

    He does not support federal mandated gay marraige. He will leave it up to the states to decide for themselves.
  • Reply 1157 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You take what he's said out of context.

    That's so he can post on these forums.
  • Reply 1158 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    He also said that he does not support gay marriage, which proves that he talks out of both sides of his mouth.

    You see that's the reality of really stupid people.

    They don't understand that you can be strongly against abortion, but strongly pro-choice, and that it's not a contradiction.

    They don't understand that you can be against gay marriage, but strongly pro-state in the matter, and that it's not a contradiction.

    It's a simpleton mindset that rules the day for these people.
  • Reply 1159 of 1351
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    You see that's the reality of really stupid people.

    They don't understand that you can be strongly against abortion, but strongly pro-choice, and that it's not a contradiction.

    They don't understand that you can be against gay marriage, but strongly pro-state in the matter, and that it's not a contradiction.

    It's a simpleton mindset that rules the day for these people.

    BS! PURE BS.
  • Reply 1160 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    You see that's the reality of really stupid people.

    They don't understand that you can be strongly against abortion, but strongly pro-choice, and that it's not a contradiction.

    They don't understand that you can be against gay marriage, but strongly pro-state in the matter, and that it's not a contradiction.

    It's a simpleton mindset that rules the day for these people.

    Right, pro choice does not mean you want people to have abortions. It means you support the right to the choice.

    As an aside.

    The millions of dollars Bush has spent on abstinence education. The results have been an increase in unwanted teen pregnancy and an increase in teen abortions. You never fix a problem from with holding proper education that empowers people.
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